The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 301: : Gamble (medium)

Kill Li Tianlan.

weaken Middle-earth.

Eight words, two things.

This is the most difficult thing for anyone outside of Middle-earth, but it has to be admitted that it is also what they want to do the most.

Especially Star Country.

Zhongzhou has been sitting in the position of overlord for too many years, and the reason why Zhongzhou can ascend is that he stepped on the corpse of Xingguo to the throne.

As the most 'friendly' ally of the Star Kingdom, the No. 1 licking dog in Central Continent, Desac Kingdom can't wait to stare at every move inside the Star Kingdom with a magnifying glass every day. From time to time, there will be some public opinion turmoil to play up the mentality of Xingguo.

It can be seen that, although the gap between the strengths of Central Continent and Xing Nation has grown wider in recent years, Central Continent has never given up its precautions and vigilance towards Xing Nation.

Even if they appear to be very honest and well-behaved on the surface, how unwilling they are in their hearts, not only them, but the whole world probably knows.

It was not that Xingguo struggled without a head iron before, but after several struggles were dealt with miserably, it has become more and more stable in recent years. Every speaker and the elites just think silently, and those who dare to take action are almost no longer exists.

Therefore, when Defense Minister Reinhardt said this decisively to kill Li Tianlan and weaken Central Continent, the shock to the Speaker of the Star Nation was almost unprecedented.

Killing Li Tianlan is acceptable.

However, the words "Weak Central Continent" followed, but the speaker's spirit shook violently, and the hands that took the document trembled.

"What's the meaning?"

Speaker Cade subconsciously asked a question, his tone was hurried, looking at the defense minister in front of him, his eyes were a bit complicated, and even he could not tell whether the eyes contained excitement or fear.

"Your Excellency, what I mean is all in it."

Reinhardt gestured for the document and gave a royal salute.


Speaker Cade answered vaguely. He is already very old. This year is seventy-six years old, and it is also the last year of his term of office. At this time, reason makes him not want to do anything at all. A stable retirement was the best choice, but his ambition made him look forward to doing something.

In the past seven years of his career as Speaker, the deepest impression he has given is his steadiness, and it can even be said that he is a little cowardly. During his tenure in office, nothing major happened in Xingguo, the indicators in all aspects did not go backwards, and the improvement was completely in line with expectations, which can be said to be ineffective. No fault, Xing Nation is not Central Continent after all. In Xing Nation, such a Speaker, if he just retires like this, it is estimated that people will soon be forgotten. It is impossible to be willing. If you can do something, if you have the opportunity if...

Speaker Cade's heart was beating faster than before. He opened the file and said calmly, "My minister, I remember that you are not a hardliner."

"But that doesn't mean I'll ignore any opportunity."

The scorching temperature in Reinhardt's eyes seemed to burn everything.


Speaker Cayde nodded: "I want to take a good look at what you have prepared."

He opened the document, just glanced at the first page roughly, and the whole person couldn't help jumping up from his seat in shock.


He widened his eyes and looked at the extremely calm Reinhardt with a confused look. He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't help but swayed twice. So he fell back again with a slightly exaggerated posture.

Reinhardt remained calm.

Speaker Cayde took a few deep breaths before he couldn't help but say, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy."

Minister Reinhardt's tone was serious.

Cade looked down at the document again, his face was constantly changing, some crying and laughing, but also some anger, and a lot of worries.

What Reinhardt handed him was a complete battle plan.

He applied for the transfer, not only the Michael team, but an entire group of angels!

Michael, Gabriel, Midaron, Uriel, Raphael, Lemuel, Salier.

Seven Angel Squads, each with ten members, are the most mysterious force in the Star Nation to guard their own safety, and they are also the Angel Kings who are famous in the dark world.

In fact, the entire Angel King Corps also has a more special eighth team, named Lucifer, which only has weaving, no constraints, and has the highest degree of freedom. It is only responsible to the Congress and the Speaker, and nothing they do will It will be recognized by Xingguo, and even Xingguo has always denied the existence of the Lucifer team to the outside world.

After the turmoil in the Snow Kingdom, with the demise of the two major organizations, the Fantasy World and the Men in Black, the Star Kingdom's position in the dark world has always been as stable as Mount Tai. The reason why the King of the North Sea and the East Palace did not enter the Star Kingdom domain is the existence of the Angels. Also a crucial reason.

Even the American branch of the Lin Clan deliberately avoided the Angels when they took care of the Hero Club and Jiang Clan under Lin Fengting's acquiescence.

Compared with the fantasy world and the men in black, the Angels are the real trump card in the hands of the Congress. They may not be stronger than the men in black, but they are definitely more loyal than the men in black.

Fantasy World is a pure quasi-superpower in the dark world. Their headquarters is in the Americas, and their stance is only biased towards Star Nation. At the same time, they also have great influence in Hongfeng. They have no loyalty to Star Nation at all.

On the surface, the man in black is the special warfare center of the star country, but more of it is serving the capital and is the loyal dog of the major giants of the star country.

Angel Kings.

Only the Angel Kings are completely loyal to the Star Kingdom and to the Congress.

There is only one name for their existence. At least a very small number of people know who they are and can master their information. Most of the time, they are secretly operating in secret, like a group of ghosts in the dark.

This is the super strength that directly targets the terracotta warriors of Central Continent.

Everyone knows who the Four Spirits of Central Continent are.

But who can know who the super soldier under Siling is?

Nobody knows.

But no one dared to deny the contribution of the Terracotta Army to Central Continent.

A lot of things, most people don't know, because most people don't have the power to know, doesn't mean everything didn't happen.

Such power is absolutely the core of protecting the security of the country.

And now, Defense Minister Reinhardt actually wants to send them out to fight.

Not one squad, not several squads.

But the whole army attacked!

Seven major squads plus one hidden squad, none left.

Naturally, it was impossible for all eight teams to devote themselves to Annan to kill Li Tianlan.

In Reinhardt's plan, the two teams of Raphael and Lemuel would enter the non-continent at the fastest speed, targeted destruction or even looting several core bases in Middle-earth in the non-continent. The Lucifer team cooperated with Michael Midaren to enter Annan, looking for an opportunity to kill Li Tianlan.

As the most hidden team in the Angel Kings, Lucifer is already a master of invincibility, and it is close to the peak of invincibility. With the cooperation of the entire Lucifer team, it is enough to rival the peak of invincibility. This is the most secret trump card of the star country. , and Michael and Midalun, the two most powerful squads of the Angel Kings, this is almost the strongest combination that Star Nation can come up with.

In addition, the rest of the squad entered the North Sea Province.

The Chenxi Legion intervened in the battle between Beihai and Dongdao a few hours ago. Wang Xiaoyao's will in Beihai can be said to be unscrupulous now. The Huangfu family was destroyed by the Chenxi Legion. There were heavy casualties under the slaughtering knife. Several other angel teams entered the North Sea and acted according to opportunity. The only purpose was to destroy the interests of Central Continent. There is no need for too detailed planning here, and the angel team will have their own sense of smell. with judgment.

In addition, Reinhardt also suggested that the Angel Kings should be equipped with Jedi armor, which is the most advanced personal protective clothing currently developed by Star Kingdom. The cost of each piece is as high as nine figures, and the Angel Kings eight Ten people, at present Xingguo can't even let them have one.

What is even more exaggerated is that Reinhardt has also included some other special warfare organizations, planning to attack Xuanyuan City.

The list of some dazzling special warfare agencies, and the materials that these people need to use, every one of them is eyelids jumping, and these are only the first page.

Although Reinhardt's battle plan is not many, it is obviously not summed up in one page, so that Speaker Cayde doesn't even look at the contents of the next page.

"Do you know what these mean?"

Speaker Cayde looked at Reinhardt and couldn't help but ask.

"Means victory!"

Reinhardt said solemnly, his eyes fiery and determined.

Speaker Cayde was almost laughed at, he slapped the battle plan in front of him and said loudly: "Yes, I do not deny that your plan has the possibility of success, but I am more afraid of failure, we have invested such power, For your great plan, but once the plan fails, all the high-end combat power of our entire star country will be wiped out, and we will become the next Dongdao. No, we are not even as good as Dongdao.

At that time, Xingguo can only be a man with his tail between his tail in the dark world. In the face of provocation and conflict, we can't come up with any contingency plans, and we can't come up with any masters who can deal with the enemy. We can only give in and compromise. Back and forth, have you thought about this? With this in mind, tell me, my minister, are you still going to carry out this great plan of yours? "

"It's worth the investment relative to what we're about to achieve."

Reinhardt said calmly.

"You're crazy."

Speaker Cade felt more and more absurd: "Do you think it's still hundreds of years ago? You don't even know how terrifying Middle-earth is, let alone how terrifying it is as an enemy of Middle-earth. You don't know, I'm really disappointed."

"I know."

Reinhardt said: "But I want to remind your Excellency that Middle-earth must not know how terrible it is to be our enemy."


Speaker Cayde couldn't bear it, and taunted: "Is it just you and me? It's just Xingguo?"

"Do not."

Reinhardt shook his head slowly, his voice resolute: "It's the whole world."

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