The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 299: : The end of martial arts

Lin Shiyi's figure rose higher and higher with his voice.

The physical long sword perfectly carried his sword qi, and the icy and sturdy edge was overwhelming, and the whole sky seemed to be dyed with a layer of color darker than the night in the dead sword qi.

Li Tianlan stood there, calmly raised his head, and looked at Lin Shiyi, who was getting taller and taller.

Xuanyuan Feng had already merged with him.

He didn't have a sword, and apart from Xuanyuan Feng, he couldn't find a weapon that could perfectly carry his sword energy.

Not only that, the long sword condensed by the sword energy in his hand completely disappeared.

The splendid rays of light surrounded him, and with the help of ruthless energy, he forcibly obtained the combat power of Tianjiao level, and the unprecedented power made his heart more and more calm.

All power is completely restrained.

Li Tianlan looked like an ordinary person who didn't know the slightest bit of martial arts.

"I don't need a sword, and your sword is meaningless."

Li Tianlan said softly.

"Hehe, hehe, hehe, hehe..."

Lin Shiyi's laughter became more and more nervous, the mecha completely shrouded his body, and his voice carried a madness that had lost all reason.

The violent sword energy spread around him in an instant.

Darkness keeps rendering.

"To be able to kill is the meaning."

In the strange and hideous voice, the mecha was shocked.

The point of the sword is down.

The dark sword energy instantly swallowed all the light, and the space was completely torn apart in an instant. Lin Shiyi held a long sword and stabbed Li Tianlan's head from top to bottom.

The frantic sword qi formed a storm of sword qi the moment Lin Shiyi fell.

The storms in all directions continued to roar towards Li Tianlan, and there were sharp edges in the sky and the ground.

Li Tianlan didn't move.

Just looking up at the surging darkness.

Even he had to admit that the sword energy in Lin Shiyi's body was indeed very strong, and the most important thing was this sword energy.

Only when sword intent and state of mind match each other can the greatest power of sword energy be exerted.

Li Tianlan couldn't imagine what the owner of this sword qi went through to have this sword qi. Such a sword qi can't even be said to be extinct, but nothingness.

Nothingness, the kind of sword qi that has transformed from extreme despair and depression seems to have truly reached the peak of sharpness, which is different from the kendo in Li Tianlan's heart, but there is no doubt that this sword qi contains the Everything was indeed perfectly in line with Li Tianlan's expectation of the end of the martial arts.

Although the understanding is surprising, the height is completely consistent.

It's just that Li Tianlan's idea is just an idea after all.

But the master of the sword qi in Lin Shiyi's body has already turned the concept into practice, so that Lin Shiyi only has his sword qi, but at this time he has a realm higher than Li Tianlan.

He has a mecha that can destroy the sky and the earth, has the sword energy of the peak Tianjiao, has a life link, has a history and purpose that Li Tianlan does not know, and has a stronger strength than Li Tianlan...

But Lin Shiyi didn't have Xuanyuan Feng.

In terms of fit, Li Tianlan and Xuanyuan Feng are 100% true and perfect fit.

Xuanyuan Feng who is full of energy, Li Tianlan in his peak state.

The two sides are integrated into one, and if Xuanyuan Feng's energy consumption is not considered, all of Lin Shiyi's advantages will no longer be advantages.

In this state, Li Tianlan's overall strength is definitely a little stronger than Lin Shiyi's.

Perhaps this intensity is only a little bit.

It's like being infinitely close to peak invincibility and true invincibility.

A little bit of intensity, but completely two kinds of scenery.

So Li Tianlan would say that Lin Shiyi's sword is meaningless.

His sword qi was equally meaningless.

The sword qi rushes in with an endless storm.

Lin Shiyi's figure was accelerating, accelerating.

The surrounding time was buzzing with sword energy.

In the sharp voice, Li Tianlan, who was motionless, clenched his fists.

His voice was obviously not high, but it instantly suppressed all the sounds around him.

"Sword Qi is forbidden."

Calm and indifferent, but an irresistible majesty suddenly erupted.

Infinite storm, extreme darkness, obscure sword light, sharp edge in the sky...

Everything dissipated in an instant.

Like nothing at all happened.

Only Lin Shiyi's figure was still accelerating, accelerating.

After the sword qi was gone, his whole person was like wearing a mecha directly in front of Li Tianlan.

Can Li Tianlan be polite to him?

The clenched fist suddenly waved over.

Stable, precise and ruthless.

The power of the twin winds and thunder veins exploded in the shortest amount of time like boiling magma.

Li Tianlan's figure seemed to move a bit, but it seemed to be completely motionless.

A cloud-like white sound barrier almost exploded in situ.

The fist with pure power slammed into Lin Shiyi's helmet.

Pure, simple, direct, fierce.

There is nothing fancy about this punch. In terms of pure power, one punch is enough to shatter an entire building.

Lin Shiyi's body flew directly into the sky faster than it fell.

The front and back mechas were twisted and deformed in the violent shock of power, and countless liquid metal splashed out, following Lin Shiyi who was knocked out.

There is no overwhelming sword energy.

There is no brilliant sword light.

At this moment, there was only power around Li Tianlan.

Sword Qi is prohibited.

Under the suppression of the real environment, the so-called prohibition represents the most invincible state in martial arts.

In other words, it is the limit state of Tianjiao.

Just like only when you reach the peak of invincibility, you can play a fancy sword qi clone.

Tianjiao's limit state is not a clone.

But the law!

Kendo Law.

Accurately speaking, it is called martial law.

The four realms of martial arts, the so-called sword qi, the so-called domain, and different paths will eventually lead to the same goal at this height.

This is the martial artist's own kingdom, the domain, the breakthrough after the perfect fusion of sword energy and will.

Only by breaking the extreme state can we contact the prohibition.

In martial arts, only after reaching this step can one be called a grand master, and this is also the end point of martial arts—prohibition.

Li Tianlan naturally didn't touch the ban at this time, and he didn't even really break the extreme state, but Xuanyuan Feng, who was full of energy, could completely help him do this. His martial law at this time was far from perfect, but under the law , Lin Shiyi, who couldn't do this, could only be completely suppressed.

Xuanyuan Feng's energy began to consume continuously.

Li Tianlan did not hesitate at all, his body suddenly rose into the sky, and the joints in the body began to vibrate at a special frequency at the same time as the body vacated the air, like a dragon roaring.

The inheritance of the Lin family and the Li family, even if the sword qi is banned, without the sword twenty-four, they still have the dragon fist.

Lin Shiyi was also from the Lin family.

Naturally he can do Dragon Fist, but when most of his strength comes from the sword qi in his body, Li Tianlan forbids the sword qi in his body. Although he can't let the sword qi in his body disappear, it will eventually be affected to a certain extent, and his strength will be further improved. pull down.

Li Tianlan's heart became more and more determined.

He didn't believe that there was anything in the world that was absolutely indestructible.

No matter how strong and mysterious the thread of life is, there will be limits, absolutely limits.

Maybe he hasn't seen it yet.

Then keep fighting, there will always be times when you can see it.


The fierce punch of Dragon Fist directly smashed the air and smashed into Lin Shiyi's mecha chest. The flesh and blood collided fiercely with the metal. Instantly liquefies.

The liquefied mecha's chest spun wildly, getting brighter and brighter, and the extremely high-temperature energy cannon charged directly in front of Li Tianlan in the roar.

Colorful rays of light erupted in front of Li Tianlan, and they were constantly offset by the energy cannon. The figures of the two rushed out of the deep pit and out of the battlefield, advancing and retreating, breaking through in the direction of the nearby city.

Lin Shiyi was full of firepower.

The mecha left by the apostle is obviously more advanced than the one the apostle used himself. The liquid mecha can change its shape at will, adjust its flight speed, defense mode, and attack strength.

Mechas also consume energy, so naturally they are not as powerful as Xuanyuan Feng, but they are much more convenient to supplement than Xuanyuan Feng.

The mecha was constantly changing in front of Li Tianlan, chest, limbs, eyes, forehead, abdomen, knees, elbows...

The mecha is up and down, and there are constantly rotating weapon muzzles. There is no physical ammunition at all. All the energy is compressed in the air. The energy cannon is faster, the damage is more concentrated, and the damage caused is far away. The explosive power of the super-physical ammunition, Lin Shiyi's martial arts and the energy cannons everywhere in the mecha are perfectly matched, just like Li Tianlan and Xuanyuan Feng are combined into one, and the combat effectiveness is even higher.

"No floating!"

Li Tianlan's cold voice sounded again.

Xuanyuan Feng's energy continued to explode, and the bodies of Li Tianlan and Lin Shiyi suddenly froze. The next moment, the two fell directly into the air.


Lin Shiyi's body kept laughing as he fell. When the mecha fell to the ground, his knees bent. Under the kinetic energy of the mecha, the whole person charged directly with unparalleled impact like a cannonball. In front of Li Tianlan.

Dragon Fist!

The same is the Dragon Fist.

It's just that at the moment when the mechanical arm slammed over, the entire arm of the mecha instantly expanded dozens of times, and the crazily compressed force kept moving around the mechanical fist. Lin Shiyi's arm smashed out, and a tenth appeared suddenly in front of Li Tianlan. Like a heavy hammer, the giant steel fist that was several meters in size smashed directly into Li Tianlan's chest.

Li Tianlan only had time to cross his arms, and his body was already smashed and flew out under the tremendous force.

The sound of broken bones resounded clearly.

At the moment when Li Tianlan's arms were completely broken and all his ribs were broken, he was completely healed by the strong heartbeat.

Lin Shiyi raised his legs and swept across.

The violent force blew up the air, and in the sound of the messy air burst, a flame of dozens of meters long suddenly appeared at the bottom of the mecha's soles.

The moment the flames appeared, the space was distorted, and the constantly burning flame was like a long whip slammed towards Li Tianlan.

Several big trees along the way turned into ashes without even burning the moment they touched the flames.

Xuanyuan Feng's energy was continuously released, and while blocking the flames, Lin Shiyi's sweeping leg suddenly enlarged.

Yes, zoom in.

The legs of the mecha seemed to be stretched directly to dozens of meters.

Lin Shiyi was still dozens of meters away, but the moment he lifted his leg, flames flew, and the mechanical leg was like a huge pillar, kicking Li Tianlan's chest again.

One punch and one kick.

Li Tianlan's body flew upside down for nearly 100 meters before landing firmly on the ground.

Blood dripped from his mouth, he raised his hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as if nothing had happened, and looked at Lin Shiyi with narrowed eyes.

Lin Shiyi seems to have changed from neurotic to normal again.

But what he said was more dangerous.

"Not counting the ones you don't remember now, Your Majesty, have you ever felt real despair?"

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