The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 298: : one to one

I didn't want to win, but had to fight hard.

You kill me so I can live.

I don't want to accept my fate, I just want to die.

you are my life...

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes, accepted Lin Shiyi's information, and then deleted them one by one from his mind.

Messy, inconsistent, inexplicable.

At this moment, the content of what Lin Shiyi said with a calm face turned upside down, as if he was muttering to himself in a delirious manner.

Li Tianlan did not regard him as a lunatic or insane.

In fact, even lunatics and lunatics have their own logic.

It was just Lin Shiyi's logic that Li Tianlan couldn't understand.

If you don't understand, then don't listen.

Apart from martial arts, he had never been too curious, nor did he want to hear the other party's story, and he didn't even bother to ask what Lin Shiyi meant.

He only knew that the other party was begging for death, and he still tried his best to resist in the process of begging for death, and even wanted to kill him.

Can't talk today.

All communication is unnecessary.

The important thing is that the link of life exists between the two. After everyone in the alliance, including Li Kuangtu, who has broken through, has already left, he has to spend it here and must share a result with Lin Shiyi.

Or die forever.

Either die together.

This is the real no way out.

He could feel Lin Shiyi's strange state. In this state, Lin Shiyi seemed to be a dead person, with no heartbeat, no breathing, and even the temperature was gradually disappearing.

His consciousness was able to wake up entirely because of the current life sharing.

But the aura on his body has become stronger and stronger, and as he continues to become stronger, he needs more and more vitality. Even if the two of them do nothing here now, the vitality of the second heart will be lost. He was being consumed by Lin Shiyi madly.

Because the current Lin Shiyi can't even be said to be seriously injured, but a dead person.

Life link is to supplement Li Tianlan's vitality to a dead person, a dead person of the top talent level.

This situation made Li Tianlan useless even if he left the station.

The life link will always exist. If Li Tianlan turns around and returns to Tiannan now, regardless of whether Lin Shiyi will agree or not, as long as he goes back, Lin Shiyi will always share his vitality here. One month, two months, all Li Tianlan has Lin Shiyi's life force will be drained away.

His strength will continue to decline, and eventually he doesn't even have the strength to lift his fingers. Then, as time goes by, when the second heart really reaches its limit and can no longer replenish Lin Shiyi's vitality, he and Lin Shiyi also die at the same time.

Leaving the station and taking a step back is simply not realistic.

And facing Lin Shiyi's words here...

Although he didn't want to admit it, Li Tianlan had to admit that the current Lin Shiyi was better than himself.

Lin Shiyi broke through.

In other words, Lin Shiyi completed a deep fit with the sword energy in his body.

Wang Shengxiao and Wang Tianzong have the same source of sword qi, and can use the sword qi coat formed by a sword qi to exert the power beyond the peak invincibility.

The same is true for Lin Shiyi today.

Moreover, in terms of the fit of sword qi, Lin Shiyi's fit with that unfamiliar sword qi was obviously higher than the fit between Wang Shengxiao and Wang Tianzong.

Tianjiao has never been a realm, but when the new realm has not been named, the word Tianjiao has the weight to represent this realm. Li Tianlan doesn't know who the strange sword energy in Lin Shiyi belongs to, but the opponent's strength is obviously not Wang Tianzong. A person like Li Kuangtu who has just broken through a new realm can be compared. Even in this new realm, the opponent can be regarded as the top level. Only in this way can Lin Shiyi break through to this level with a single sword qi. .

This sword energy alone was enough to suppress Li Kuangtu after the breakthrough.

Lin Shiyi's breath reached its peak at the moment just now, then quickly fell back, and then rose again. With the beating of his heartbeat, his breath was completely stabilized in the new realm, and then there was a slight rise again.

If Li Kuangtu wants to reach this height, even if everything goes well, it will take at least several years.

But now that sword qi has done it.

Simply outrageous.

The current situation has become very obvious. With this sword energy, Lin Shiyi has crossed the threshold of the beginning of the new realm, and his combat power has surpassed Li Tianlan who has not yet broken through.

But now Xuanyuan Feng in Li Tianlan's hands is in a state of full energy.

Even though there was a shattered reincarnation, Xuanyuan Feng's energy remained at full capacity.

With Xuanyuan Feng in hand, Li Tianlan was not wrong at all. With his current strength and Xuanyuan Feng's energy, if he put aside his worries, his overall combat power could even slightly exceed Lin Shiyi's.

But this kind of combat power requires Xuanyuan Feng to have enough energy.

In the next battle, every attack by Li Tianlan would have to consume Xuanyuanfeng's energy to suppress Lin Shiyi. Li Tianlan didn't know how long Xuanyuanfeng's energy would last, but what was certain was that as the battle escalated, Xuanyuanfeng's energy would be used up. The energy of the front is continuously consumed, and he will become weaker and weaker.

Eleven Lin...

He stood at the current height with that sword qi, and theoretically speaking, he also relied on foreign objects.

The sword energy of the top genius.

This sword qi is also a consumable item, and there are times when it runs out, but Li Tianlan is not sure which one has more energy, this sword qi or Xuanyuan Feng.

The most important thing is that the life link has always existed and cannot be cut off. He and Lin Shiyi must continue to consume it and consume a result.

This is definitely the most difficult situation Li Tianlan has encountered since he joined the WTO. He has to fight, and there is no hope in the fight, but the opponent is still begging for death.

"It's disgusting..."

Li Tianlan muttered to himself.

Lin Shiyi didn't speak, just bowed silently.

He had no hostility towards Li Tianlan, and everything he did was just to live. It didn't matter whether Li Tianlan understood or not, the most important thing was to live.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes.

He really didn't feel hostility from Lin Shiyi. From another point of view, if Lin Shiyi really wanted to kill him, he didn't have to do anything at all. He turned around and ran away. Li Tianlan really took it. He had no choice but to find a place to hide, Li Tianlan would surely die in a few months.

"How to deal with this thing?"

Li Tianlan pointed to the faint thread between the two and suddenly asked.

"Cut it off."

Lin Shiyi spoke silently, his voice flat without any fluctuations.

An extremely sharp edge flashed in Li Tianlan's eyes.

Lin Shiyi didn't speak.

A lot of things, a lot of content, either can't be said, and even if they say it, Li Tianlan can't remember it, or can't hear it at all.

The real environment has the rules of the real environment.

The real solution can only be found by Li Tianlan.

Personal characteristics will be suppressed in the real environment, but they will not be restricted. Li Tianlan's true imprint has recovered. As long as the pressure on him is strong enough, the ending characteristics will have a considerable probability to be activated.


This is a word with a strong legend in the entire starry sky.

Exclusive to Huang Xi, it is said to be the characteristic closest to authority. For the peak powerhouses of the same camp or different camps, this can be said to be the greatest deterrent, no one.

The vast starry sky, in the initial era, it was precisely because of the end that Huang Xi was qualified to survive in the starry sky. With the end, Huang Xi created his own divine catastrophe. The perfect combination of the two gave rise to the human race. the original foundation.

This is something that is truly imprinted in the depths of Li Tianlan's soul in a desperate situation, and it is also the life gate that helped Lin Shiyi free.

Lin Shiyi believed that he could see that sword, provided that pressure was placed on Li Tianlan, the greatest pressure, when the life link continued to exist, only in the most extreme desperate situation, he and each other could see the hope of life.

The wound healed completely.

Sword Qi began to surge.

The sharp edges of Lin Shiyi's body instantly converged.

He raised his head, took a deep look at Li Tianlan, bowed extremely solemnly, and said softly, "Sorry, Your Majesty, I want to fight for my life."

Put pressure on Li Tianlan, the greatest pressure, and even kill him.

This is fighting for your own life.

"Or, kill me..."

Lin Shiyi's voice became more indifferent: "Or, die with me."

"Do you think you have the qualifications?"

Li Tianlan smiled but not smiled.

Xuanyuan Feng kept trembling in his hands, and the colorful rays of light circulated slightly. The will that belonged to Xuanyuan Feng was always sending a message to Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan looked at Lin Shiyi, and the coldness in his eyes made Lin Shiyi's fighting spirit thicker.

This kind of calm is not what Lin Shiyi needs.

It's like Li Tianlan is fighting with him, but the real enemy is the life link.

He fought against Li Tianlan, and the real enemy was Li Tianlan's spiritual will.

Only by breaking Li Tianlan's mental will and his calmness can he truly feel despair and pressure.

easier said than done?

Not easy at all.

Li Tianlan and Lin Shiyi.

They have to face each other, almost everything they can't shake.

Li Tianlan took a step forward and said softly, "Just play with you..."

Xuanyuan Feng instantly disintegrated and stretched in his hands.

A black cloak appeared on Li Tianlan.

Colorful rays of light were continuously released on the cloak, and countless golden patterns kept flowing.

Li Tianlan's body stretched completely, and in the next second, the black cloak completely disappeared from his body.

An incomparably splendid light began to show through Li Tianlan's body surface, looming, mysterious and dazzling.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Feng and Li Tianlan were completely integrated into one.

The life link still exists, but as Xuanyuan Feng merged into Li Tianlan's body, the life force shared by the life thread suddenly stagnated for a moment, and then the shared level began to decline.

Whether it was Li Tianlan or Lin Shiyi, they all felt this clearly for a while.

The light in Li Tianlan's eyes became more and more dazzling.

"Swap weapons for defense..."

Lin Shiyi said calmly, "Is it worth it?"

"You don't have real weapons either, fair enough."

Li Tianlan said lightly, and a colorful streamer appeared in his hand, converging into a giant sword with the same shape as Xuanyuan Feng.

Lin Shiyi was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Who said I don't have a weapon?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The next second, Lin Shiyi turned around slightly and said calmly, "Leave it to me, teacher, you can return."

Silently, a transparent wave appeared in the air.

Li Tianlan's face began to become blurred.

A piece of transparent liquid continued to gather in the space and began to cover Lin Shiyi.

The illusory rays of light separated from the liquid and turned into data chains. The data flew in the air and gathered into the appearance of an apostle dozens of meters away.

Lin Shiyi didn't move, but an incomparably gorgeous red mecha completely shrouded his body.

The armor seems to be metal, but it exists in an almost liquid form. With Lin Shiyi's adjustment, it constantly changes its shape.

"Your Highness..."

The muscles of the apostle's face kept shaking.

Lin Shiyi looked at him silently and looked at him for a long time before reaching out and waving lightly.

This is most likely the last meeting between the two, and even if they can meet again, it will be a matter of right and wrong after a long time.

Everyone has a choice because there is no other choice.

The apostle took a deep breath and bowed to Li Tianlan again. Under the gazes of the two, the figure of the apostle quickly became illusory, turning into virtual data one after another, rushing towards the night sky.

The apostles return to the stars.

No saints, no apostles, no alliances, no endless island bombs and roaring fighter planes.

Only Lin Shiyi and Li Tianlan.

One on one, live or die.

Li Tianlan silently watched the disappearance of the apostle. This kind of technique was something that he would not be able to replicate even if he reached the peak again after breaking through, and it was also beyond his comprehension.

He glanced at Lin Shiyi again.

Lin Shiyi, who was wearing a mecha, looked at him with no emotion in his eyes.

"Is that a person, or something else?"

Li Tianlan was a little curious for the first time. He pointed to the place where the apostle disappeared, and for a while he couldn't tell whether it was fantasy or science fiction.

"It's human."

Lin Shiyi responded.

"Is it?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

Lin Shiyi didn't say more, and couldn't say anything. Strictly speaking, after reaching a certain height, there is only one concept left for so-called people. From a biological point of view, they are already a new species. The apostles were like this, as were Lin Xuanyuan, Lin Shiyi, and even Huang Xi himself.

It's just that Li Tianlan didn't realize it yet.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Lin Shiyi said softly and laughed.

In the surging sword energy, sparks suddenly appeared in the mecha under his feet.

The incomparably balanced thrust turned into a driving force that drove Lin Shiyi's body to fly high into the sky.

When Li Tianlan integrated Xuanyuan Feng into his body and turned it into defense, Lin Shiyi also put on a mecha for himself.

With the crisp metal crash, Lin Shiyi pulled out a solid long sword from the leg of the mecha.

The fierce sword qi continued to surge above the long sword.

Lin Shiyi's eyes kept changing, from indifferent to plain, crazy, and weird.

He laughed nervously and exaggerated: "Your Majesty, where is your sword?"

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