The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 247: : Closing

Gu Xingyun pushed open the door.

Outside the door was a heavy snowfall.

A tall and burly figure stood in front of the door, his broad back blocked a part of the cold wind and snow, but the colder air flow fell on Gu Xingyun's body along with his eyes that were also not warm.

Gu Xingyun suddenly felt sick in his heart.

It is not accurate to say disgust, it is a kind of indescribable disgust and disgust, similar to an instinctive feeling, this feeling keeps fermenting in my heart and turns into hatred.

Hatred is surging.

But facing the other party's gaze, Gu Xingyun's body trembled involuntarily.

The kind of awe in his heart rushed up and easily suppressed his hatred.

Gu Xingyun stayed for a second.

Somewhat ridiculously, he suddenly forgot the name of the person in front of the door.

This should be the person who left a clear mark in his life, the person he most respects and hates the most, but at this time the other party was in front of him, but Gu Xingyun suddenly forgot his name.

His mouth moved, opened his mouth, and made a hoarse voice: "Uncle."

Yes, although I forgot the name of the other party, Gu Xingyun still remembers the identity of the other party.

This is his uncle.

"you hate me."

The uncle's voice has no emotions, but it is extremely powerful. This kind of power seems to have smashed Gu Xingyun's inner defense line, and all the awe and hatred have turned into fear.

Subconsciously, Gu Xingyun shook his head.

Outside the door was blowing snow.

The smell of alcohol came out of the door.

The uncle frowned, looked at Gu Xingyun's eyes that still seemed to be somewhat muddled, and his voice became more hard and indifferent.

"I don't care how you feel, understand? We have to remember who we are, some things are more important than all, you are my nephew, but I can tell you that even if this happens to my son, I The choice remains the same.”

Gu Xingyun shook his head vigorously.

The wind and snow are cold.

The surrounding world became clearer and clearer, and the drowsiness after being drunk gradually disappeared. Gu Xingyun heard his voice, which was very slight and extremely hoarse: "Uncle, our family has been kneeling for too long, it's too... ."


Before Gu Xingyun finished speaking, his chest suddenly hurt.

A huge sense of dullness rushed to his chest, suffocation followed immediately, his feet left the ground, his body was blasted directly into the room from the door like a cannonball, smashed the table and chairs, and slammed into the wall.

The uncle who kicked Gu Xingyun's chest with his body was like a shadow, and before Gu Xingyun's body slipped off the wall, the uncle stretched out his hand and stuck his neck tightly.

Gu Xingyun's voice that had just started coughing stopped abruptly, tears and snot poured out at the same time, his mouth widened and his face flushed.

The tall and burly uncle in sight turned his back to the white snow outside the door, the room was dark, his face was gloomy and a little blue, like an irresistible demon king.

Subconscious force of the arm.

Gu Xingyun began to struggle violently.

The uncle's eyes finally flashed a touch of feelings belonging to the elders, and he released his palm.

Gu Xingyun fell to the ground, clutching his neck, coughing violently in a big mouthful of gasps, piercing his heart.

The uncle looked at him coldly, his tone was as cold as the wind blowing from hell: "Kneeling for too long? What if you kneel for too long? Huh? Gu Xingyun, what do you think you are? Do you think I am again? What is it? Come and tell me, what is our entire Gu family?"

The uncle bent down, grabbed Gu Xingyun's hair, and pulled him to the door extremely rudely. Under the severe pain, Gu Xingyun gritted his teeth and said nothing.

The uncle pulled him out of the room by pulling his hair and threw him in the snow.

He pointed to the courtyard in front of him.

The courtyard belonging to Gu Xingyun is very large. Although it is covered with flying snow, it is not pure white. It represents the green trees of vitality, and the bright flowers are still in full bloom.

In the center of the courtyard is an exquisite moon gate. The line of sight extends out, it is a winding and elegant surrounding corridor, the frozen lake in the back garden, the wanton stretched eaves, the pavilions, and the red lanterns swaying.

"Where is this?"

The uncle, who was extremely angry, subconsciously suppressed his voice. The tone was like the low roar of a beast, and it was a little scary: "You tell me where this is?"

Gu Xingyun said nothing.

The uncle sneered: "Okay, let me tell you, this is Youzhou. This is the headquarters where our Gu family has lived in peace for hundreds of years. The so-called home refers to here!

This is the residence of the famous prime minister of the previous dynasty. After three expansions and renovations, it is now the top mansion in Youzhou! It is the top wealthy family in Central Continent!

Yes, I know what you are trying to say, and I also know what some outsiders are saying. This is the Gu's headquarters. The Gu's headquarters also has a name in the eyes of outsiders, the dog's kennel, right? They say we're a kennel here, right?

But what about kennels? You hear the word kennel harsh, haven't you noticed, what tone of voice are those people talking about when they talk about the kennel? is envy! is jealous!

What's so bad about being a dog? Do you think dogs are inferior to humans? Ha, as long as you follow the right master, most people are not as good as dogs. Yes, my psychology may be very sick in your opinion. If you think it is wrong, I also don't think it is right. Everyone has the right to despise me like this, but you don't, no one from the Gu family has this qualification!

Isn't this what you want? Gu Xingyun, is this what you want? Tell me, is this what the **** you want? "

Under the heavy snow, the uncle's eyes flickered with a fierce red light, extremely ferocious: "You are less than 20 years old and driving a sports car with tens of millions of dollars, you can easily lose millions in a game of cards with your friends, and you can play a dozen A dozen of banknotes hit the actress who was ten years older than you and took off his clothes and lay down beside you to call your father. The friends around you are all your so-called younger brothers and sisters, daughters of listed companies, and vice-governors. Your son is all around you. The prince of the Wang family in Beihai scolded you as a running dog, and the old man could bring him to apologize to you on the same day. The boss of the electronics company asked you to do something last time, and he could bring him with him. Come to find you with your wife and daughter!

Brocade clothing and jade food, drunk and gold fans, how many troubles have you made since you were a child? But who dares to say a word to you outside? What do you want, what do you think is the reason for this? Because you are my nephew? fart! I tell you, you can have these because your surname is Gu, because people all over the world know that the surnamed Gu is a dog belonging to the Li family! You can have these because you are a dog!

Kneeling too long? To be a dog, kneeling is the right thing to do. All the things you enjoy now, you can get on your knees. Not reconciled? OK, I'll give you this chance. "

The tall and burly uncle rudely tugged at his neckline, his other hand still pointing out the door: "Now get out, get out of Gu, everything you got from here, including your martial arts, I will take back. I didn't give your life, and I don't care about it. I leave it to you. The Gu family will issue an official statement from now on, saying that you will break away from all relations with the ancient family. From now on, you are no longer a dog, but a human being. Put everything down and get out with your so-called dignity, would you like to?"

The uncle's voice trembled a little, but there was still an incomparably hard indifference between the lines: "If you want, you can go now."

Gu Xingyun's eyes were scarlet, and he looked up at him.

The two stared at each other in the snow.

"Maybe I gave you too much."

The uncle took a deep breath, and his anger seemed to stabilize: "People always want to get what they don't get. Your parents left early. I took you with me since I was a child. You are a nephew by blood, but in my heart, There is no difference between you and your son.

I treat you and Qianchuan equally. If he has it, you have it, and if he doesn't have it, you also have it. Maybe it’s because I’m really good to you and gave you everything you want. After you stopped pursuing material things, you started to think about those things that you have and don’t have. In the simplest terms, you are full of. If I didn't fill you up growing up, would you still be thinking this way? "

Gu Xingyun was speechless.

The uncle waved his hand and looked at Gu Xingyun.

This time there is no indifference in his eyes, but also no gentleness in the past, only a steady, lukewarm calm: "Now I give you a choice, either, put away your willfulness, or get out. Goo."

Gu Xingyun trembled all over.

Leaving the Gus?

Give up your current life, give up your own martial arts?

He can't let go!

Funny and ironic.

Leaving this door, he will change from a dog to a man.

But his living environment is also equivalent to falling from heaven to hell.

A dog is in heaven, a man is in hell.

What's wrong with this world?

Without this identity, what can he do if he leaves the Gu family?

The so-called dignity that has nothing, is the real joke, right?

Gu Xingyun clenched his fist tightly, facing the uncle's gaze, and finally lowered his head.

He doesn't like this identity.

But don't dare to let go.

Really dare not.

"A coward."

The uncle's mouth twitched, and his eyes became inexplicably disappointed: "Look at how you look now, if you really choose to leave today, I'd still like to look at you, but now? How did I raise you like this? Stuff! Since you are reluctant to let go of what you have, what are you talking about kneeling and dignity? If you can't let go of these, are you qualified to talk about dignity?"

Gu Xingyun suddenly raised his head, and these words almost drenched his whole body with blood.

He gritted his teeth, his expression twisted, and what he said impulsively was more like a prank: "I can go! But I will also take Lixi with me!"

As soon as these words fell, Gu Xingyun regretted it in his heart, and he lowered his head subconsciously.

If you really dare to go...

An extremely complicated light flashed in the uncle's eyes, looking at Gu Xingyun's series of actions, he seemed to laugh at himself, but his tone still did not fluctuate in the slightest: "I can't judge what your dignity is worth, Because I don't have it."

The mockery in his tone became more intense: "But there is one thing you have to understand, if you are not in the Li family, you will not know Lixi. I don't believe you don't know, when Lixi first came to the Gu family, he wanted to marry him. Qianchuan is my daughter-in-law. Why is the relationship between your two brothers so rigid in the past two years? I really don’t know? You want to leave, I don’t blame you. Qianchuan can’t compete with you. What can I say? Your own position, Lixi belongs to the Gu family, if you leave the Gu family, you can't take anything with you except your life, let alone the people of the Gu family."

This is very clear.

So Gu Xingyun also understood what the uncle didn't say.

He dares to take away the people of the Gu clan, that is the enemy of the Gu clan.

Gu Xingyun was speechless.

"stand up."

The uncle was silent for a while, looking at Gu Xingyun who was still lying in the wind and snow, and slightly slowed down his tone.

Gu Xingyun gritted his teeth, slowly got up from the ground, and his face became a little numb.

The uncle looked at his somewhat empty eyes, the corners of his mouth moved, and finally he reached out his hand in silence and patted the wind and snow on him for Gu Xingyun.

"The young master will come and take away Li Xi today."

The uncle spoke softly.

Gu Xingyun didn't speak, just clenched his teeth, because of too much force, a strand of blood flowed from the corner of his tightly closed mouth and landed on the snow.

"It doesn't matter whether you understand or not."

The uncle said to himself: "I don't want to say that Lixi is a piece of goods. No one cares about the relationship between you except you. From the perspective of the entire Gu clan, the young master can see Shanglixi is an honor of the Gu family. She does not belong to you, so if you are rational enough, you might as well pursue something you are willing to pursue. "

The uncle's tone was somewhat meaningful, but he wasn't sure if his nephew understood his cues.

"Outsiders can look down on us, they all say that our Gu family is the dog around Li family, it doesn't matter, I really don't care about that, because we are dogs, no matter what they say, it can't change the fact that even if we are dogs, we won't be able to. You are much stronger than many people who think they are human, as long as we are willing, those who think they are human will kneel at our feet in large numbers and be born in the Gu family, you should have a deep understanding of this.”

"You think we've been kneeling for too long, you're not reconciled, you want to resist, you even look down on me... Oh, it doesn't matter what outsiders say about me, but in this family, what qualifications do you have to look down on me? You don't have the courage Leaving the Gu Clan, but you are not reconciled to the current situation of the Gu Clan, what do you want to do?

How about Gu Shi, is it your turn to worry about you now?

Outsiders can say that we are dogs, but even if we are dogs, this is what we have exchanged with blood and even life from generation to generation. You think it is humiliation, but in the eyes of too many people, this is glory. What we gained in exchange was not only the qualification to be a dog, but also our current status!

The top giant in Central Continent, this weight is not enough for you to bend over? What are you pretending to be?

For the sake of a woman, you are thinking of rebelling against the Li family? Ridiculous, first of all you have to understand that your resistance now is not against Li, because you are not qualified. Your resistance is just trampling on the meaning of the sacrifice of the Gu family from generation to generation. "

The uncle decided to make it clearer: "No one wants to follow you to betray the Li family, I think this is very good, even the best state, so for the Li family, I am willing to give everything from the Gu family, including my own life. Because as long as the Li family is immortal, no matter how much we lose, sooner or later, we will get back more."

Gu Xingyun still didn't speak.


The uncle slapped Gu Xingyun's face with a slap and roared: "Do you understand? I'm talking about me and you! No matter how much you lose today, you will get back more sooner or later! "

Gu Xingyun finally raised his head and looked at the man in front of him.

"You think you lost Lixi today, but in fact, Lixi never really belonged to you. So in the end, you just lost a woman you liked, but I also built another bridge for you, how? Grasp the relationship between you and Lixi, keep your distance while keeping the affection of today, do you still need me to teach you? Lixi will follow the young master in the future, if you can get the attention of the young master with Lixi, What does this mean? If you do well enough, what if I hand over the Gu family to you in the future? Qianchuan is my son, and so are you. At least that’s what I think in my heart. The key is whether you can carry the Gu family. stand up!"

Gu Xingyun's eyes jumped with dazzling flames, and finally lowered his head slowly.

The uncle squinted at him, and said calmly: "Put away your unwillingness, I have to laugh today, understand? I want to laugh!"


Gu Xingyun suddenly laughed, his laughter was a little distorted, but as the laughter got bigger and bigger, his smile began to become natural.

The uncle gave him a deep look: "I'll leave it to you to talk about Lixi."

He turned to leave, walked out of the Moon Gate, out of the wind and snow, and did not look back.

Many years later, when Gu Xingyun stabbed the blade of the sharp sword into the uncle's heart with his own hands, Gu Xingyun didn't understand whether the uncle who had respected himself for half his life and hated him for half his life was true to the Li family. So loyal.

Is his loyalty out of his sense of belonging to the Li family, or out of the preservation of his own family?

But it doesn't matter.

Because no matter how much meaning behind this loyalty, at least one thing is clear to Gu Xingyun, that is, when someone hurts Li's interests, his uncle will not hesitate to sacrifice everything to maintain Li's position. .

So he must die.

Gu Xingyun killed it himself.

That afternoon, Gu Xingyun, who received a slap in the face from Li Xi, sent Li Xi to Li Kuangtu as his elder brother, looking at Li Xi a little embarrassed, a little embarrassed, a little shy, and a little reluctant to toast Li Kuangtu. At that time, all his emotions were firmly pressed in his heart, and then they were constantly distorted, brewing something darker.

That night, Li Kuangtu did not leave, but dragged Li Xi into her room with some struggle and some hesitation.

The uncle and several elders of the Gu family laughed and joked aside.

Gu Xingyun, who was in charge of leading the way, just watched Li Kuangtu and hugged Li Xiheng when he entered the room.

Above the night is a snowstorm.

Gu Xingyun heard the first soft moan in the room, Li Xi's depressed, aggrieved and extremely shy.

It seemed to know that he was outside, and Lixi's voice was getting sweeter and sweeter, almost like revenge.

All the emotions in Gu Xingyun's heart, including the soul, seemed to collapse completely in the sound of the sound.

until the night fades away.

until the sky clears.

Gu Shi sent Li Kuangtu away.

The maid beside Li Xi had already started to pack Li Xi's luggage because Li Kuangtu wanted her to move into the Li family.

Gu Xingyun walked into Lixi's room.

There seemed to be pink everywhere in the room where there was still a slight ambiguity.

From a girl to a woman, she wore a very conservative moon-white cotton pajamas, with a flushed face, and her cold eyes were full of complex and misty colors.

She sat on the sofa and looked at Gu Xingyun like this, every word like a knife: "Seven times, are you satisfied?"

Gu Xingyun subconsciously rushed over to hug her, but Li Xi picked up the teacup and smashed it in the face, followed by the teapot, fruit plate, and trash can.

Li Xi beat him like crazy, screaming, crying, beating his head and asking him why.

Gu Xingyun was beaten silently, without any answer from beginning to end.

Pack up, say goodbye to the elders of the Gu family, and leave the mansion of the ancient family...

After exiting the gate, Li Xi stood in front of the stone lion at the gate of the mansion, looking back at Gu Xingyun, who had a bandage on his head with red eyes.

She said if you still want me, would you like to take me away? We can leave the Gu family and go out to do some small business.

Gu Xingyun, who had been silent, gave his answer.

He said, "I'll take you to the Li family."

When he said this, he bowed slightly and called out Mrs.

From then on, it seemed like a complete stranger.

For a whole year, Li Xi never returned to the Gu family, nor did he see Gu Xingyun.

end of the second year.

Li Kuangtu brought Li Xi back to the Gu family.

The Gu family held a grand banquet, from the patriarch to the elders, everyone called her young lady with a smile.

Gu Xingyun sat silently, seemingly calm, but lost his soul.

Li Kuangtu drank a lot of wine that night, and then said to Gu Xingyun with a smile, "Lixi has been talking about you a lot lately. I just need an assistant by my side. Would you like to try?"


These two words reverberated in Gu Xingyun's ears like thunder, tearing his heart and lungs apart in an instant.

Gu Xingyun looked at Li Xi.

Today, as the young lady of the Li family, she is a little less childish than when she was in the Gu family, and she is still cold, but she is more charming and more serene and elegant than before.

Her smile was shallow, but she staggered Gu Xingyun's gaze.

Li Kuangtu said that it was recently.

Hehe, recently.

In fact, he would rather leave Xi to ignore him for the rest of his life, because Gu Xingyun really likes her, even loves her.

He gave her to another man with his own hands.

She is very much like him, this is what it should be, and Gu Xingyun also feels that this is what he should bear.

If she really ignores herself all her life, at least it means that she still has hatred in her heart. In any case, Gu Xingyun is sure that he still has a complicated position in her heart.



Hehe, recently.

For about two years, Li Xi mentioned him in front of Li Kuangtu.

what is this?

It seems to be the good things in the past, the promises, the humiliation, anger, hatred, shame that he gave to others like goods...

are no longer important.

Only when she stopped hating him would she mention his name in front of Li Kuangtu.

Hate is gone, so-called love, is there?

Maybe there is.

Li Xi fell in love with Li Kuangtu.

It's just a feeling of being betrayed.

This feeling wasn't there when he gave her to Li Kuangtu, not even when he was outside and heard Li Xi's voice.

Until now, the feeling of being completely betrayed, being overwhelmed, and being unable to turn back overwhelmed Gu Xingyun's consciousness again and again.

It's hard for him to imagine this thing too well.

In his heart, in the past two years, there is no such thing as love or not.

but to conquer.

From psychological to physical, Li Kuangtu completely conquered Li Xi.

Therefore, he who once held an important position in Lixi's heart, at least for a certain period of time, was driven out of his heart by this woman like throwing garbage, and completely discarded.

When she mentioned his name to Li Kuangtu, was it a combination of a little uneasiness and guilt, a little pity for herself?

Gu Xingyun stood up in a trance.

All eyes were on him.

He could not refuse, nor could he refuse.

So he bent down, hidden his eyes, and respectfully thanked Li Kuangtu and Li Xi.

From then on, he became Li Kuangtu's assistant.

Helpers are also running dogs.

But obviously more noble than other lackeys.

He directly pressed Gu Qianchuan inside the Gu clan.

Even the uncle had to consult him on many things.

He quickly pulled up his team within the Gu Clan, using the trust of Li Kuangtu, and even Li Honghe would instruct him on his martial arts. All his emotions seemed to have completely disappeared from him, or in other words, all his Emotions are completely hidden.

Enter invincibility.

He became Li Kuangtu and even Li's true right-hand man.

Uncle is very old.

An old invincible realm and a new invincible realm, people inside the Gu family know how to choose, Gu Xingyun almost controls the entire Gu family.

Hide silently, waiting for the moment.

In the end, the uncle died under his involvement.

That was the perfect fit for his team.

When he stabbed the uncle's heart with the sharp blade in his hand expressionlessly, the hatred that had been twisted for countless years began to erupt completely.

Life will go through one crossroads after another, some lead to heaven, some lead to hell, and some continue to be mediocre.

In life, there will always be a choice, and at the moment of making a decision, the fate of the whole person will go in a different direction.

Gu Xingyun went to the abyss and hell.

Since when?

Probably from that snowy day, when he was sitting next to Li Kuangtu with Li Xi.

Probably that night, when he was standing outside, he heard his clothes being torn to shreds, and heard Li Xi's helpless and somewhat painful voice.

It was probably at that dinner party, when Li Xi was holding a wine glass and avoiding his gaze with a shallow smile.

Or...when he knew Lixi was pregnant.

Gu Xingyun collapsed.

His collapse was because of Lixi, but it was definitely more than Lixi.

It was the purest hatred, the humiliation, anger, loss, regret, loss, sadness and other emotions that had been brewed for many years.

He never thought about what he had gained since he was a child, nor how rare his status would be after his uncle's death, nor how many people supported him today.

He thinks he deserves it all.

But he only remembered what he had endured and lost over the years.

He believes that all this is something that he should not bear and should not lose.

So he wants to overthrow Li.

He was going to kill Li Kuangtu.

Even killed the wild species that had not yet been born.

That bitch! !

She was actually pregnant with Li Kuangtu's child? !

Li's young lady?

Are you really that happy? Really so happy?

bitch. bitch. bitch! !

One day he will drag this **** back from Li Kuangtu, punish her, discipline her, conquer her, and then throw her away like trash!

Just like how she treated herself back then.

Li Kuangtu wanted to attack the Beihai Wang, and the news was leaked to the Beihai Wang by Gu Xingyun.

It was an adventure.

The so-called adventure is that if the Beihai Wang clan is not sensitive enough and believes too much in the friendship between the two families, then Gu Xingyun, the entire Gu clan, will become a villain who sows discord, destined to be shattered, and no one will have a good end. .

But if the Beihai Wang Clan is sensitive enough, he can definitely see the truth in the information he provided and Li Kuangtu's clueless actions.

Li Kuangtu gambled.

Not only did he leak some of Li Kuangtu's plans, he even provided some evidence that could not directly prove anything but could stand up to scrutiny.

At that time, Li Kuangtu had already decided to push Gu Xingyun to the position of the War God of Protecting the Country in Central Continent. He would occupy Beihai Province and become the only king in the dark world, and Gu Clan would also become the center of the Central Continent Special Warfare system. Good service for Lee.

But Gu Xingyun was not reconciled.

Dissatisfied in every way.

He wanted the position of the God of War, but he didn't want to be treated as a dog by Mr. Li in that position.

He wanted to leave Xi, wanted to take revenge, wanted to see that **** regret, to see her crying and kneeling in front of him begging for forgiveness.

He wanted to let Li Kuangtu die, and the entire Li family to die.

He wants to replace Li, he wants too many things.

So he tipped off the Beihai Wang Clan, and in the end what he got was not a disaster, but...

summer solstice.

The young lady of the Beihai Wang family, no, she is the mistress of the Beihai Wang family.

After the death of the old patriarch of the Beihai Wang clan, the only invincible master of the Beihai Wang clan.

In the era when Wang Tianzong did not enter the invincible realm, the Xia Solstice represented the most high-end fighting power of the Beihai Wang clan.

The collaboration between the two parties can be said to be a hit and miss.

In the shortest time, Gu and Wang kept secretly mobilizing resources, hiding from everyone's vision, accumulating strength, finding partners one after another in the dark world, and kept preparing.

Gu Xingyun also prepared a lot, and even found a master in the spiritual realm of the Sanctuary. In a series of preparations, the most important point is that he directly controlled Li Xi's father.

When everything was ready, Gu Xingyun launched the treason case without any hesitation.

Li Kuangtu fell.

Li's collapse.

Leaving is his.

The interior of Central Continent was violently shaken for nearly a year.

Kunlun City appeared in Central Continent and became the new special warfare center in Central Continent.

Gu Xingyun established the headquarters of Kunlun City at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, directly built a small city, and then arranged Li Xi in his room.

New city new house, new clothes and new bed.

But not a newcomer.

It was a body that seemed to have no idea how to live like a corpse after killing Li Kuangtu.

This bitch!

Gu Xingyun directly let Li Xi's father hang from the gate of Kunlun City, and then ravaged Li Xi in his room for nearly a month.

He wants to conquer her.

Just like Li Kuangtu conquered her.

It's just that he saw the tough and rough side of Li Kuangtu, but he didn't learn the side he didn't see.

No one can have only humanity without desire.

Likewise, no one can have only desire without humanity.

So the conquest of Gu Xingyun's fantasy ended up being like ravaging a walking dead.

There is no emotion, no fluctuations, and Lixi becomes even more hollow in his ravages.

Until he threatened her father again and asked Lixi to give him some reaction, Lixi finally gave him a reaction.

Not a coquettish fit.

Li Xi started directly.

It was not until that moment that Gu Xingyun realized again that the other party was not a weak woman at all, but a strong female who was close to the peak of invincibility under the training of the Li family and stood at the peak in the entire dark world!

The white dress fluttered as she got up from the bed.

But standing in front of Gu Xingyun, there are piercing sword lights everywhere.


Thoughts are far away.

Time is short.

Thought spans decades, in reality maybe only a few seconds.

The raging mental storm is still turbulent.

Except for the parties involved, no one knew what the people who were shrouded in the mental storm experienced, but within a few breaths, the originally quiet battlefield situation changed instantly.

Li Kuangtu was still frozen in place, motionless.

Qin Weibai's figure passed Gu Xingyun, Dijiang, Paul...

High heels stepped on a messy battlefield, and the skirt was flying, elegant and lazy.

But in the next second, the three bodies trembled at the same time.


A big mouthful of blood spurted out of Gu Xingyun's mouth. He was standing well for a second and suddenly flew up without warning, as if his body had endured a huge force in an instant, and his body flew out into the air. Nearly twenty meters away, he fell heavily into a piece of gravel.

Di Jiang knelt on the ground as if he was overwhelmed, and was tearing at his own hair. His hair was not long at all. With his tearing, a handful of hair was torn by him with blood. When he came down, blood flowed down his forehead, and his upper body was dyed red in the blink of an eye.

The power of the double thunder veins seemed to be stimulated to the extreme at this moment, and the violent power exploded around him, forming a vortex of power visible to the naked eye.

His physical strength, which can be compared to the peak invincible state, was almost completely consumed by him in just a few seconds. The reckless release of his strength almost exceeded the limit of his body, and his body showed clear signs of collapse. , the blood vessels burst, the muscles are slack, and even the bones have been exposed under the wounds.

Di Jiang seemed to have lost all pain, and seemed to be sensitive to the limit. He roared wildly, hysterically, like a dying beast.

Paul was still standing there.

But unlike Li Kuangtu, who seemed to be staying in place, his body changed from trembling to trembling, his eyes had completely lost focus, and his pupils were filled with incomparably strong fear and despair, and he didn't seem miserable. , but the breath of the whole body, and even the vitality, are constantly declining.

The fear in his eyes became more and more intense, as if it affected the battlefield, and everyone's scalp felt numb the moment they saw his eyes.


Force into the skin.

In the subtle voice, Gu Xingyun, who fell to the ground, struggled constantly, his face was hideous and angry, and in the whispering voice, the sword qi turned into a long sword in his hand.

Gu Xingyun held a long sword and stabbed into his abdomen with a sword.

The front and back are transparent, dripping with blood.

Gu Xingyun's face became more sinister, and he waved his hand desperately. There seemed to be an enemy in front of him that did not exist in reality. His voice was vague and resentful. It burst out at a fast speed, and from time to time, he would stab himself with a sword, like a lunatic who had completely lost his mind.

The first sword, the second sword, the third sword...

Gu Xingyun kept hurting himself, and the blood bloomed like a fountain in his body.

In the more and more intense pain, Gu Xingyun's eyes seemed to regain some clarity, and then he got up and killed directly towards Di Jiang.

Di Jiang jumped up without hesitation and rushed towards Paul.

Paul launched a sneak attack opposite Gu Xingyun.

The three masters who were completely injured and completely exhausted all had red eyes and rushed together in the most savage manner, like three beasts in a desperate situation.

The mental storm is getting more and more turbulent.

The only remaining power of the three of Gu Xingyun broke out at the same time as the spiritual storm.

Wang Shengxiao stared blankly at all this.

Looking at the scene in front of him that almost completely subverted his three views.

Qin Weibai quietly walked across the battlefield and walked towards the rain on the river.

The corners of her rosy mouth were raised slightly, and a cold, unfeeling chuckle resounded throughout the audience with the spreading mental storm.

Wang Shengxiao trembled subconsciously.

He just watched Qin Weibai get closer and closer to Jiang Shangyu.

The gloomy night, the broken battlefield, blurs the boundaries between man and beast, the allies who are constantly fighting, the shining high heels, the flying purple dress, the clean as a perfect woman outside the battlefield, the light and emotionless laughter .

The scene in front of him shocked everyone's mind. Wang Shengxiao finally heard the evaluation of Qin Weibai from the dark world a few years ago, an evaluation that no one dares to mention now.


A real witch.


This is the first time that the transcendental realm of the spiritual realm has intervened in the invincible realm in countless years, and even the peak battlefield above the invincible realm.

Unlike the unfathomable sanctuary emperor hiding behind the scenes.

Qin Weibai took the initiative to participate in the battle, and the mental storm that broke out almost instantly made Gu Xingyun, Di Jiang and Paul completely collapse, and also completely affected Li Kuangtu.

Battlefield division.

What level of containment is this?

In the shortest time, seize the opportunity, Qin Weibai is equivalent to affecting half of the alliance!

This is not martial arts, but an assassination that is entirely on the spiritual level, even a strong kill!

It is impossible to guard against it, even impossible to resist.

A mental storm of this intensity can completely affect anyone in the world.

Including Wang Tianzong of Murmans that night.

Even the current Li Tianlan.

This influence may not be as obvious as it is for Gu Xingyun, but at least it means that Qin Weibai has absolute self-protection ability even if he is standing in front of a Tianjiao-level figure.

This is transcendence.

"His Royal Highness's sensitivity to spiritual power can be said to be innate. This kind of surprise manipulation can even surpass the so-called Holy Emperor of the Sanctuary. If it wasn't for Li Kuangtu's current state, he would be counted. This action doesn't even require His Majesty Li Tianlan to take action, His Highness can kill the four of them by himself."

The saint looked at this scene and spoke softly.

In front of you is an incomparably delicate spiritual labyrinth.

The mental maze shrouded everyone in it, and all their emotions were infinitely amplified, and then they were stimulated to the pictures they least wanted to see.

Everyone at one point or another remembers something they least want to happen.

Maybe it's hearing a story, seeing a paragraph of text, hearing a certain sound, seeing a certain picture, or having a dream...

Those things that you don't want to recall the most, and the things you don't want to happen the most will always pop up at a certain point, bringing inexplicable panic, anger, pain, anxiety...

Those memories may be in the past that happened or in the future that never happened.

And when these thoughts are constantly stimulated, infinitely magnified, and magnified thousands of times...

Then, whether it is the past that has happened or the future that has never happened, it is real to the stimulated person.

The truth makes them completely ignore the present moment, and the whole person is completely immersed in it.

This may be a fantasy or a memory, but in fact, it is a cage, and when these cages are connected together, it becomes a mental labyrinth.

And everyone's cage needs a corresponding reality reference, or a key person.

Because even if you are trapped in a mental maze, although your consciousness cannot feel the outside world, the brain is still receiving signals, so the signals received by the brain, for example, must be combined with some key people and key events they see in the cage. , In this way, under the captivity of the mental storm, their brains will help Qin Weibai to deceive himself.

For example, in the frontier battlefield in Li Kuangtu's cage, the most important references are Gu Xingyun and Xiazhi.

And now Gu Xingyun and Xia Solstice are on the scene.

For example, the humiliation and anger of Gu Xingyun's long life, the most important reference is Li Kuangtu.

And Li Kuangtu was at the scene.

For example, the reference in Dijiang's cage, the people he cares about most, Xiazhi, Wang Shengxiao.

Now they are also there.

Like the most feared man in Paul's cage.

Li Tianlan was also present.

So the cage perfectly replaces reality.

Their injuries come from their own spirits. If they are injured in the mental cage, it is equivalent to the brain sending a signal of injury to the body, then their bodies will suffer the same injuries in reality, or self-harm, or Tendency to self-destruct under bodily self-suggestion.

If they give up in the mental cage and accept death, the brain will also send death instructions to the body.

Spiritual will is instantly exhausted.

Even if the body is still alive, the consciousness will completely disappear.

Play with the spirit, play with the soul, play with the life.

This is an extremely delicate mental labyrinth, but because of Li Kuangtu's current special state, it leaves a huge flaw. If Li Kuangtu is also immersed in the cage, Qin Weibai wants to kill them. With great effort, she can even take the trouble to kill them again and again with great interest, arranging various ways of death for them.

Although Li Kuangtu inadvertently destroyed all this, the situation at the scene was also irreversible.

Gu Xingyun, Di Jiang, and Paul have completely fought together.

At this time, their images in each other's eyes were not teammates in reality at all, but the person who most wanted to kill in the mental cage, the one who would never die.

In the endless mental storm, Qin Weibai left Gu Xingyun and the three who were about to be completely broken by her, and walked to Jiang Shangyu.

Jiang Shangyu's face was ferocious and twisted, and his body stood on the spot, shaking violently.

Qin Weibai looked at him with a light smile, his pupils shining brightly.

The two were less than two meters apart.

In an instant, Jiang Shangyu, who had been pretending for a long time, laughed grimly. He suddenly raised his head, his eyes were gloomy and cold, clear and clear, and he didn't seem to be affected at all.

The double coronation of the Holy Emperor.

Immune to any mental storm!

Jiang Shangyu is waiting and enduring, even if the three of Gu Xingyun are in danger, he is still enduring.

He was just waiting for Qin Weibai to get close.

As long as Qin Weibai dared to approach him, even Li Tianlan couldn't save her within a few meters. If Qin Weibai was killed, the alliance would at least have the possibility of turning over.

So the moment he raised his head, Jiang Shangyu shot directly.

It was Wang Shengxiao who shot at the same time as Jiang Shangyu.

The moment Jiang Shangyu was tense, Wang Shengxiao had already sensed something, so without any hesitation, he seized what he thought was the best opportunity to cooperate with Jiang Shangyu. When Jiang Shangyu shot at Qin Weibai, Wang Shengxiao rushed directly to him. To Li Tianlan.

Too late!

Qin Weibai was too close to the rain on the river.

At this distance, Li Tianlan was too late to save people.

Wang Shengxiao rushed up, even if it was only involved for a second, then this matter was considered a success.

Wang Shengxiao moved very fast.

It's just that his body rushed forward for a distance, and suddenly found that Li Tianlan was no longer in sight.

At the same time, the power of the domain condensed in Jiang Shangyu's hands.

Jiang Shangyu clenched his fist and hit Qin Weibai directly.


In the violent roar, the air around Qin Weibai seemed to be completely materialized, Jiang Shangyu felt as if his stone had suddenly hit an unshakable transparent wall, and all the power was completely dissolved in front of the wall. .

Qin Weibai...

Not moving.


Jiang Shangyu was shocked by his own strength with a stunned face.

When he was in the air, he looked at the mysterious smile at the corner of Qin Weibai's mouth, and reflexively looked in the direction of Li Tianlan.

But what he saw in his sight was Wang Shengxiao.

What about Li Tianlan?

Wang Shengxiao is looking at Qin Weibai.

He did not find Li Tianlan beside Qin Weibai and Jiang Shangyu.

That is to say...

Li Tianlan didn't choose to save Qin Weibai at all.

My heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

Wang Shengxiao looked at the battlefield on the other side where the three were entangled.

On that battlefield, power and sword energy instantly roared!

Gu Xingyun, Di Jiang, and Paul attacked Li Tianlan with their last strength.

Li Tianlan didn't move, and with the huge heartbeat, his breath directly passed the peak.


Di Jiang's figure was directly swept away by the aftermath of the power.

Li Tianlan didn't take care of Di Jiang at all, and he didn't even take care of Gu Xingyun.

When Wang Shengxiao rushed to his original position, Jiang Shangyu was flew out by Qin Weibaizhen, and no one could stop him...

Li Tianlan's goal is to...


Patriarch Rothschild, Paul!

The inner unease rose to the limit, Wang Shengxiao instinctively roared and rushed over.

That's too late.

One punch!

Under the majestic power, Paul's body was almost instantly smashed into pieces of flesh and blood by Li Tianlan.

One of the twelve members of the Alliance.

Rothschild's contemporary patriarch, the pinnacle invincible master Paul.


This is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that with Paul's fall, Li Tianlan grabbed a ring with a dim light in the flesh and blood.

Fierce soldiers are indefinitely shocked! !

Full of energy, Wuding Jinghong was completely absorbed by the ruthlessness on his body.

The black windbreaker suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

The next moment, Li Tianlan took a step forward lightly.

people arrive.

Punch to.

Killing intent came.

In the line of sight is Gu Xingyun's somewhat dull and dazed face.

This enemy who overthrew the Li family with his own hands.

This enemy who occupies Li's position.

This enemy who used to be like a mountain pressing in Li Tianlan's heart.

Gu Xingyun's face was clear and embarrassed.

Then it turned into shattered flesh and blood, and turned into nothingness.

Still a punch.

Gu Xingyun, who surpassed the peak of invincibility, was directly smashed to pieces under this punch.

One of the twelve members of the Alliance.

The Lord of Kunlun City, Gu Xingyun.


Or rather...

It belongs to the history of the ancient clan.



(Tsk, Gu Xingyun is dead, it’s a pity, at least 90% of Gu Xingyun’s scenes have been deleted, what a miserable man, this chapter is considered a gift for him)

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