The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 246: : back pot

What is hypnosis?

The so-called hypnosis refers to the hypnotist providing hints to the hypnotized person to awaken some special experiences and specific behaviors of the other party.

This is the threshold of the spiritual realm, and it can also be said to be the formal hypnosis in the medical field.

The spiritual realm is different from martial arts, but there are also similarities in some aspects. Today, when the four realms of martial arts are still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, martial arts can be divided into small realms one after another. For those who stand at the peak of martial arts, such as Li Tianlan , The martial arts in his eyes are actually only two levels.

Above invincibility.

Under invincibility.

There are no such messy divisions in the spiritual realm, perhaps because there have always been very few talents in this field, so in the spiritual realm, there are only two divisions of strength from beginning to end.


under transcendence.

Simple division, but the difference is vastly different. The seemingly simple word hypnosis actually contains a lot of things.

The degree of hypnosis, the slight trance of the hypnotized person and the falling dream are completely two concepts.

The process of hypnosis.

There is a world of difference between shaking a coin pocket watch and shaking like a fool, even shaking people to sleep, and a mental storm that erupts in an instant.

The effect of hypnosis.

The hypnosis just started is probably a deep relaxation and sleep in a trance.

High-intensity hypnosis can even change people's perception, thinking, memory, and behavior to a certain extent, including temporary paralysis, hallucinations, and forgetting.

Under the high-intensity mental influence, hypnosis can do too many things that martial arts or even technology can't do, and even face-to-face NTR will not make the person feel that there is anything wrong, um... just don't let it write.

In theory, all of these are things that can be done in a transcendent environment, but the degree is different.

When the spiritual power really enters the transcendent state, the so-called ability will not change too much, but it is a leap in all aspects, which is more terrifying and more difficult to guard against.

Qin Weibai's mental storm directly affected Li Kuangtu's thinking and memory.

To be precise, not only Li Kuangtu, but also Gu Xingyun, Paul, and Di Jiang were all influenced by Qin Weibai.

No process, no brewing.

Sudden, unpredictable.

A mighty spiritual storm filled the audience in an instant.

The battlefield seemed to have directly become Qin Weibai's domain.

Time does not stand still, but thoughts are infinitely elongated.

It's like having a long, long dream even though you only slept for a minute.

The mental activity of the brain is stretched or sped up countless times.

The fierce mental storm stimulated the deepest memories in Li Kuangtu's mind.

The memory in reality is not deleted, but it has been completely blocked by Qin Weibai's storm.

This is a very subtle, but extremely simple and crude method.

It can even be said that it is only playable in the transcendent realm, a way of showing off force.

To describe this mental phenomenon on a physical level...

That is, the memories of Li Kuangtu and others are like candy.

A candy in the mouth.

Sugar is sweet.

But Qin Weibai's mental storm was like a knife, or even a chainsaw.

The blade stabbed into Li Kuangtu's body. Under the intense stimulation and tremendous pain, no matter how sweet the sugar was, all they could feel was pain.

The huge mental storm directly stimulated and modified their memory, which was equivalent to a real memory like candy, and was completely covered by intense pain in the shortest time.

This is the only way to play in transcendental realms.

In the mental storm, the time may only be one second, but the time of memory is infinitely extended. Qin Weibai directly used their mental loopholes to turn his mental storm into a mental maze.

How to play next is entirely up to Qin Weibai to decide.

More and more intense mental storms erupted continuously.

It's just that although Qin Weibai built a mental maze, he didn't have any extra actions for a while.

She just walked in front of Li Kuangtu step by step, looking at his dilated pupils, her brows furrowed more and more deeply.

The scene became extremely quiet for a while.

"Tsk tsk..."

The apostle shook his head suddenly.

Threads of silver liquid appeared from his side without warning, covering his whole body little by little, like a liquid film, the film was thickening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally formed a brand new mecha.

Without the confinement of the power of lies, the saint's healing ability is stronger, and the weapons that the apostle can use is more diverse.

Lin Shiyi didn't move, but the breath all over his body became more and more terrifying.

Wang Shengxiao frowned tightly, sometimes looking at the battlefield where Qin Weibai was located, sometimes at Li Tianlan, but couldn't help but look at the summer solstice wrapped in holy light like a cocoon, and suddenly found that everything about this operation was It has completely escaped his control and has become without the slightest rhythm.

The situation suddenly quieted down, strange and deadlocked.

Li Tianlan didn't move, Wang Shengxiao didn't move, Qin Weibai didn't move, and Lin Eleven's trio didn't move either.

What is this waiting for?

The most important thing is Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan, what are you waiting for now?

Wang Shengxiao couldn't help but glance at him.

Li Tianlan's body slowly floated in the air, his face expressionless.

His eyes didn't seem to have the slightest focus, as if he was distracted, and there was no trace of breath all over his body.

Wang Shengxiao had an almost instinctive urge to give Li Tianlan, who seemed to be in a daze, to be ruthless, but his reason kept him in place. Under the agitation in his heart, he seemed a little impetuous.

Li Tianlan, what are you waiting for?

"The situation has come to this point, and any unprudent action you take will have disastrous consequences."

The apostle suddenly glanced at Wang Shengxiao with a smile.

Wang Shengxiao became more and more puzzled, and said solemnly, "What are you waiting for?!"

No one spoke.

Wang Shengxiao became more serious: "What are you waiting for?"

Behind the mecha, the apostle smiled and said nothing.

In fact, what he wanted to say most was that he knew what Qin Weibai was waiting for, what Jiang Shangyu was waiting for, and what Li Tianlan was waiting for, as well as what he was waiting for.

But he just didn't know what Wang Shengxiao was waiting for.

Maybe... Really waiting to die?

The apostle felt that he had spit out a good groove, and had a sense of superiority that crushed the other party in terms of IQ after grasping the truth.

"He's actually a genius."

Lin Shiyi said.

His eyes fell on Li Kuangtu: "Even with us, he can be said to be a genius, the best."

"It's still in stages."

The apostle said softly: "He was indeed a genius in the early stage, but he didn't go far in the later stage. Every step he took, he was getting further and further away from himself, so I felt it was a pity."

"His Royal Highness Qin Weibai seems to have found something."

"But she won't know what that means."

The blue veins on Wang Shengxiao's forehead kept beating. After a long while, he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "Everyone, can you say something that I can understand?"

Lin Shiyi suddenly glanced at him.

His black pupils almost completely occupy the whites of his eyes, which is extremely frightening. At this moment, Wang Shengxiao seems to feel that every pore of the other party is releasing an extremely fierce sword energy.

"Everyone is waiting for an opportunity."

Lin Shiyi calmly said: "No matter what the result is, your operation this time will end."

Wang Shengxiao didn't notice that Lin Shiyi slightly accentuated the word "you".

"I can't hold back."

The apostle looked at Li Kuangtu silently, and suddenly laughed in a low voice: "The next thing is going to be exciting, but I want to say, this is really not His Highness Qin Weibai's fault, even if she didn't take action, what would happen, what would happen? kind of."

"My pot."

The saint said with a blank face, "I carried it."

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