The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 148: : Broken Heart

The military division went out to call.

Both for him and for the State Administration of Film and Television, today can be said to be flattering on the legs.

Filming TV dramas based on Li Honghe is something that the entire assembly is very concerned about. No matter how the assembly views Li Tianlan, the kindness that should be expressed must be expressed.

Li Tianlan’s appearance in front of the people of the whole country was just the beginning. Unlike the previous eight directors who paid a New Year’s greetings to the whole country, his appearance was extremely abrupt and he did not introduce any positions. This has caused a lot of speculation and even doubts in Zhongzhou. Time is the time set aside by the parliament to allow public opinion to ferment. In fact, it is not only the video of this New Year's greetings. In future large conferences, Li Tianlan will come forward and sit in a more conspicuous position. It is also the easiest for the camera to take care of. s position.

A little bit of advancement, through different things, made the entire Central Continent realize that there has been a young man in the parliament who is somewhat exaggerated but whose status is no less than that of a director, but who has not disclosed any positions.

To put it bluntly, it's just to lose your appetite.

After the public’s emotions are almost mobilized, the parliament will be more convenient to guide public opinion. When the TV series are broadcast, the public will realize that there is another in Zhongzhou that is not inferior to the military department in terms of authority, but it is more hidden. Even more unknown combat sequence.

The military department is the shield of the guard.

The special warfare system, on the other hand, is the sword of conquest, symbolizing the deepest but absolutely sharp edge hidden in a country.

Li Honghe in the TV series also started to control the sword of the country in his youth and became the **** of war in Central Continent. As he grows older, he is also conscientiously training his heirs, and continues to guard Central Continent after him.

The sword of the nation can be a wise, steady and unfathomable old man, or it can be a young, sharp, invincible young man.

In this position, the most important thing is strength.

When the concept of age and position is replaced with the concept of strength and position, Zhongzhou will begin to officially announce part of Li's information. The shadow of the treason case will be completely dissipated. When public opinion is in control, after the general election, Li Tianlan's official position will also be Will appear completely in front of the public.

Everyone will know that although Li Tianlan is young, his position has nothing to do with age, but with strength.

As long as his strength is invincible, then other public opinion can't make a big storm.

And all of this, after Li Tianlan's New Year's greetings video was broadcast, it all started with this TV series about Li.

Li Honghe’s youth, youth, middle-aged, and old age, the State Administration of Film and Television collected a large number of top stars in Zhongzhou and handed them to the Shengshi Fund to select them.

The middle-aged and old-age Li Honghe actor is fortunate to say that these two candidates can appear on the desk of Han Donglou. They are basically highly respected artists in the film and television circle, and their temperament and acting skills are very deadly.

Although there are not many candidates for young actors, if you really want to find it, it is not impossible to show it. The stars are all younger, and there is no problem with Li Honghe, who is in his 30s and 20s.

But the key is Li Honghe in his youth.

This is the beginning of the TV series and the key to how much viewership it can attract.

And such a candidate is really hard to find. This group of people seems to have gone in a very strange direction, not pursuing the so-called handsome and chic, but pursuing beauty and enchanting.

In the words of fans, it's feminine.

God's femininity.

So when the photos of these people were sent to the desk in Han Donglou, they had been selected many times by the State Administration of Film and Television, and the ones that were sent were barely pleasing to the eye. adapt.

But they are indeed relatively suitable.

Because whether these people can perform Li Honghe's youthful charm is not important at all.

No one expects this group of people to have such things as acting. They really don’t have any words. They don’t expect them to be more accurate. If you have time, apply foundation and draw eyeliner. Isn't it fragrant?

But these people have traffic.

The large number of fans behind these people are enough to support the attention of the show in the early stage, and with the replacement of later actors, the actors' acting skills will grow from scratch to the top.

Attention, heat.

This is the most needed thing in this show.

To be honest, the General Administration of Film and Television and the military division are quite satisfied with these actors. Such satisfaction can confirm that the cast can attract enough heat after the broadcast. As long as the script is not bad, it is enough to cause a huge craze.

But while considering the heat, they all ignored Li Tianlan's feelings.

Li Tianlan was not polite to the military divisions, and he was even more polite to the State Administration of Film and Television, and asked them if they wanted to die.

Then the military division called over and directly relayed the original words to Li Tianlan.

Qin Weibai snuggled next to Li Tianlan. Hearing the question from the military commander, he laughed softly: "If you don't know, you think that the State Film and Television Administration was run by our house."

"I'm not interested in this thing, but this TV series must

We have the final say. "

Li Tianlan adjusted his mood and pointed to the grapes in the fruit plate in front of him: "Eat this."

Qin Weibai reached out and picked a grape, peeled it, handed it to Li Tianlan, and blinked.

"It's too cold."

Li Tianlan looked at Qin Weibai with a calm voice.

Qin Weibai blushed and looked around subconsciously. The military division was still on the phone outside, and the office was quiet.

"Are you disgusting?"

She whispered.

Li Tianlan did not speak, but hooked his finger at Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai hesitated, put the grape in his mouth, got up with a blushing face, bent over and printed his small mouth on Li Tianlan's mouth.

The two sides held a stalemate for a few seconds. Before Li Tianlan's arms came, Qin Weibai had already sat back in his original position, and said charmingly: "It's getting too much."

Li Tianlan ate the grapes in his mouth, very sweet.

Li Tianlan continued to point his finger at the fruit plate: "Eat this..."


The door of the office rang, and the strategist walked in with the phone.

Li Tianlan put his hand back.

Qin Weibai chuckled, and stretched out his hand to pinch Li Tianlan's leg.

"Passed the ditch over there."

The strategist nodded and said with a smile: "The part of Mr. Li in his youth will be deleted. As for the actors that your Majesty does not like, all these actors will be blocked to ensure that they will not appear in front of your Majesty in the future."

Li Tianlan gave a hum. He naturally didn't know how much a sensation in the film and television industry this decision of the State Administration of Film and Television to express his apologies would cause, and he didn't say anything unnecessary. He did see that those things were not pleasing to the eye. , The huge film and television circle, without those people, really nothing will change.

The strategist continued: "I just called Minister Dongcheng. I told him you were here. He said he would come over for dinner at noon."

The 32nd and 33rd floors of Shengshi Building are staff restaurants.

The thirty-fourth floor is the kitchen.

The thirty-fifth floor is a small restaurant. There are eight large boxes built in accordance with the specifications of the star-rated restaurant. The chefs who cook are all transferred from the star-rated hotels under the Shengshi Fund. The level is very high. Here to entertain the guests.

"Dad likes to eat Central Plains cuisine and Youzhou cuisine."

Qin Weibai reminded softly.

Li Tianlan glanced at her and said to the military teacher: "You can arrange it."

The strategist nodded and continued: "Does President Zhuang Huayang want to invite? This two-house exercise is very important to the Eastern Palace, and it is foreseeable that as long as we can guarantee the current development momentum, it will not only be this one, but the next one. The two colleges, the next two college students, will regard the Eastern Palace as their first choice after graduation.

In this case, just setting up an office is not enough. I plan to build a base belonging to the East Palace in Huating, which is near Sky Academy. Well, you will also build one near Youzhou Deep Sea Academy. Take these two bases as Center, in the future we can extend our own tentacles more conveniently and form a whole in terms of intelligence and resources. The other two bases are very close to the two hospitals. We can always pay attention to the internal developments of the two hospitals. For future outstanding students, we can send invitation letters in advance to invite them to the base for trial training and internships, so that they can join the Eastern Palace in advance.

In addition, if we have a close enough relationship with the two houses, we can also arrange for our people to enter the two houses for further study on a regular basis.

The two institutes have been able to stand in Central Continent for so many years, and they have been sending a large number of talents to the Central Continent military and special operations system. It makes sense. At least their teachers have real skills in one aspect. "

"Are you trying to monopolize all the outstanding talents of the two houses in the future?"

Li Tianlan smiled.

"It should be difficult to monopolize, but good birds choose wood and live there. As long as we can guarantee the current momentum, the East Palace will become the first choice for these talents in the future. As long as the base is built, I am sure to capture most of the talents. inside."


Li Tianlan nodded: "It's best to settle this matter today. If there are any problems with the procedures, the Minister can help to approve it. Call President Zhuang and Dean Chen of the Deep Sea College."

"Dean Chen has been transferred, and now the Dean of Deep Sea College has the surname Qi."

The military teacher reminded him that if the two deans came at noon, Zhuang Huayang would needless to say that he and Li Tianlan are familiar after all, but if Li Tianlan calls Dean Qi as Dean Chen, it would be embarrassing. Does Deep Sea Academy take it seriously?

"I haven't paid much attention to it..."

Li Tianlan smiled and said, but his voice was only halfway through and it instantly solidified.

In the next second, he, who was originally sitting on the sofa, appeared abruptly in front of the huge French windows of the president's office.

The height of the sixty-eighth floor in Huating is impossible to overlook the entire city, but it is enough to have a panoramic view of everything nearby.

There are many high-rise buildings, people are like weaving, and the morning sun is graciously scattered on the streets and lanes of Huating.

Li Tianlan's body leaned forward.

He was going to rush out sixty-eight

The body of the building is stiff in front of the French windows.

The surging sword energy rushed out from a high altitude with the Shengshi Building as the center.

Li Tianlan's eyes were filled with excitement and surprise.

Sword Qi was like a tide, covering an area within 10,000 meters nearby in an instant.

There was a silver light in his sight.

The spot of light is approaching crazily at an unimaginable speed.

Li Tianlan was dazed.

His sword energy searched the nearby area again and again, but there was no change.

The military teacher and Qin Wei white looked at each other, both a little confused.

The silver light spot in Li Tianlan's sight has gradually become clear.

The silver light leaped over the crowd and traffic, and suddenly pulled out an extremely dazzling upward arc on the street.

The heavy floor-to-ceiling windows in the president's office that could withstand sniper gun bullets shattered.

Li Tianlan stretched out his hand.

The silver light with unparalleled impact fell into his hand docilely and docilely.

Li Tianlan lowered his head, looked at the palm of his hand, and was silent for a long time.

The wind over the sixty-eighth floor brought a strong air current into the office.

Hot and cold.


Huating West Station.

In the dense crowd, He Yishui hugged his pale-faced companion tightly, and said in shock: "What was that just now? Tongtong, that thing seems to have flown from among us... Your face is so terrible, isn't it scary? It's here... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you here..."

The pedestrians around them were in chaos, and shock and confusion remained on everyone's face.

Everyone saw the light just now.

The silver light rushed into the sky, like a silver sparkle, flying directly over everyone's head with a huge air current.

Li Mutong quietly leaned against his girlfriend, his face was pale and his eyes were a little hollow.

An indescribable sense of tearing spread quietly in the deepest part of her heart, deep into her bone marrow, deep into her soul, with the ultimate emptiness and coldness.

One of her hands tightly grasped her neckline, and under the cover of her clothes, the only thing on her chest that could prove her past, had disappeared, and suddenly she didn't have the time to prepare. .

That moment was too fast.

Even He Yishui, the nearest to Li Mutong, didn't find it. The silver streamer that passed through the sky initially flew out of his girlfriend's clothes.

It is a delicate sword like a work of art.

The name of the sword is broken heart.

Ruthless had seen it in Qingzhou, but in the end it was left with her Broken Heart Sword.

The broken heart sword that the man gave her under the synagogue stage.

This is the purpose of her coming to Huating.

She didn't know what Donghuangdian had done recently.

But she saw Li Tianlan with her own eyes on TV.

Realized that he is now no less than a director.

Behind such a position probably means that he is already at a height where he can overwhelm his former family.

Perhaps in everyone's eyes, that New Year's greeting video is just the beginning.

But in Li Mutong's eyes, that was the last straw that crushed all the patience of his brother.

Therefore, she determined that Li Tianlan was very likely to be targeted in the near future, and might even fall.

Li Mutong didn't know whether he should remind him.

Remind Donghuangdian that it was a betrayal of his former family.

But if you didn't see it, and when nothing happened, it would be tantamount to betraying the man he used to be, and betraying Xiao Chao Shi's father.

She didn't assume that she hadn't seen anything, but she didn't deliberately remind her.

She just suddenly thought of the existence of the sword of Broken Heart.

She also felt the energy that Broken Heart Sword had accumulated over the past two years.

This is Li Tianlan's sword.

When he is about to encounter danger, return this sword to him to add some confidence to him.

This is the only thing she can do.

Li Mutong originally planned to come to Huating, Yi Rong entered the Shengshi Fund, handed the Broken Heart Sword to a senior of the Shengshi Fund, and the other party gave it to Han Donglou, and then returned the Broken Heart Sword to Li Tianlan's hands.

But what she didn't expect was that when she and He Yishui had just arrived at Huating, they were heartbroken and flew away by themselves.

This can only show one thing.

That man is in Huating now.

Li Mutong's figure moved, pulled away from his girlfriend's arm, and barely stood up straight.

She looked at the direction where Broken Heart was flying away, her eyes in a daze, with a huge sense of sorrow.

"Tongtong, are you okay?"

He Yishui stood beside her and asked cautiously.

Li Mutong, whose face was pale, shook his head and smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, Yishui, my business is done."

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