The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 147: :star

The choice of Tao...

It is difficult for a military division to empathize with this statement. His strength is not low. As a top half-step invincible master, anyone who can be stronger than him in this realm can be called an invincible level of combat power, which can be compared to his own. Strength, he recognizes himself as a businessman, martial arts may be important in his heart, but to put it bluntly, even without this strength, the military division will not feel that it has much influence.

As the boss of the Shengshi Fund, the current Chief Executive Officer of the Eastern Palace, there are twelve personal bodyguards for the military divisions, divided into two teams, two and a half-step invincible as the captains, and the rest are all thunderous, and the reincarnation palace The master also personally designed a set of sword formations for the two bodyguard teams, with one of the twenty-four swords as the core, enough to fight against the invincible masters in a short period of time. In most cases, military divisions simply don’t have it. For the opportunity to shoot, he only needs to make tactics from the rear.

However, although there is no way to empathize, it does not mean that he does not understand Li Tianlan's words.

The choice of Tao...

In the mind of the warrior, this will always be a serious and sacred topic.

Two of the twelve heavenly kings of the former Samsara Palace joined the Samsara Palace because of Dao's choice.

The first is Burning Fire.

When Burning Huo first joined the Reincarnation Palace, she was already at the peak of the Thunder Realm. She followed the Reincarnation Palace Lord for a long time, and learned the swordsmanship of the Reincarnation Palace Lord. The Reincarnation Palace Lord opened up the sky from the Thunder Realm to the Invincible Realm for her. Mochizuki song now.

From Dongcheng Huangtu to Reincarnation Palace Lord to Wangyue Xiange, they are in the same line.

Therefore, in the chaos of the Snow Country, Li Tianlan only felt familiar when he saw Mochizuki Xiange's shot, because it was a kendo that he hadn't fully matured yet.

Because of this, Wangyue Xiange only recognizes the reincarnation palace lord, and does not recognize the current Qin Weibai at all. Perhaps the two are the same in all respects, but in the martial arts of Wangyue Xiange, the reincarnation palace lord and Qin Wei Bai has always been two people.

Besides burning fire, the other is a saint.

He came into contact with the kendo after the Dongcheng Huangtu was perfected and matured. He took the Dongcheng Huangtu as his teacher, so he had this code name. It is a road that completely transcends the invincible realm and is truly supreme in the real environment. Light and darkness are true. During the day, it is also late at night.

This path fits well with the sword intent of Nirvana of the Shu Mountain, but for the saint who was still half-step invincible at the time, this path is also difficult to understand, so he entered the invincible state later than Mochizuki Xiange, even after entering the invincible state. It takes several years to stabilize one's own realm, but in the future, the upper limit of saints is undoubtedly much higher than that of burning fire.

Both of them are pure warriors, and they value their own strength more than the others.

The way the Lord of the Samsara Palace draws them in is also very simple.

They directly gave them what they couldn't refuse.

The world of martial arts is vast and vast. On every road, it contains more than just fascinating knowledge, it can even be said that it is not very important. The most important thing is the state of mind and philosophy on this road. They agree with this road. Naturally, I agree with the people on this road.

That's why they have absolute loyalty.

This is an obsession similar to faith.

And now, Li Tianlan obviously thinks that his path is more suitable for Huangfu Qiushui than the summer solstice.

The key is that Huangfu Qiushui also took the initiative to privately invite Li Tianlan to attend this session of the two-house exercise.

The military master thought carefully, and gradually figured out some flavors, and laughed in a low voice: "This Valkyrie who is known as the young generation in Beihai, if you come to the East Palace, the people in Emperor Bingshan will be crazy. "

"She will become the Valkyrie of the Eastern Palace from now on."

Li Tianlan looked in a good mood.

The three of them got out of the elevator and came to the ultra-luxury office belonging to the president of Shengshi Fund. The military division poured a glass of water for Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai, with a playful tone: "Then I'll wait to see the Wangshi of Beihai.

He began to doubt everything he saw, and asked directly: "What are these non-male and female ghosts?"

Li Tianlan felt that the photos he saw were all men, but he couldn't figure out how these men were more enchanting.

Makeup, powder, necklace, lipstick, earrings...

Maybe this is another kind of incomprehensible handsomeness?

But Li Tianlan felt a little uncomfortable no matter how she looked.


The military strategist coughed and explained: "These are all stars, and they can be said to be the top-notch in Zhongzhou. They have a lot of fans and are very popular."

Li Tianlan expressionlessly pointed to the shemales in the folder who couldn't distinguish between men and women: "Would you like them? Are you sick?"

"I do not like."

The military teacher smiled and said, "I am old and can't keep up with the vision of the times."

"I'm not old, and I don't like these ghosts either."

Li Tianlan said unceremoniously, "So what does this mean?"

"Didn't the parliament communicate with your Majesty?"

The military division was stunned: "The General Administration of Film and Television has already started to form a filming team. It is planning to make a TV series based on Lao Li, and a series of movies. The script is already being produced and reviewed by the military. The main character of the TV series. It is Lao Li, from his youth to his twilight, about 80 episodes. It tells the stories of heroes in the shadow of the peaceful and prosperous age. At the moment, these are the candidates to play the young Li Lao, and they are a list sent by the State Administration of Film and Television. ."

Li Tianlan remembered.

The deputy director told him about this incident when he was filming a New Year's greeting video on Radio Central.

Just now these photos...

Li Tianlan's eyes grew colder.

At this moment, he really felt that he and even the entire Li family had been greatly insulted.

"What does parliament mean?"

Li Tianlan said lightly.

"Sing praises to the Lee family."

The military division smiled: "This is what your Majesty wants to see, right? I have already seen the video of your Majesty's New Year greetings to the people of the whole country. You may not know how much disturbance this caused in Zhongzhou. Now countless media are speculating on the identity of your Majesty. , Your Majesty’s photos have been uploaded crazy on the Zhongzhou network. This TV series is just the beginning. Part of the Zhongzhou special warfare system will also be made public, especially some information in the past."

"The parliament is shaping a Li family, a real, but previously unknown Li family to tell the entire Middle Continent that there has been a family that has been silently guarding this country in the dark for the past hundreds of years. When Lao Li’s identity is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, your status will also be stabilized."

"So the parliament wants to use these so-called unmale and female stars to play my grandfather? It's ridiculous! This kind of thing appears on TV in the name of Li. It's hitting my face, hitting the whole Li's face, look This group of ghosts, can they protect Central Continent? Who believe it? Do you believe it?! Ah? Do you believe it?"

Li Tianlan's voice is getting louder and louder.

The military teacher looked stiff, and grudgingly said with a smile: "Your Majesty, these people have a lot of fans. It is easier for them to star in..."

"I don't listen to this."

Li Tianlan waved his hand, flipped through the folder, and a dozen photos of middle-aged celebrities appeared on it again.

It's a pity that Li Tianlan still doesn't know any of them.

He was silent for a while, and said calmly: "The old man's middle and old age can be performed by people from the Li family. If they don't want to, it's not too late to find these people. As for the young man, you tell the council to All these ladyboys have been withdrawn for me. My only requirement is to make them look like individuals. Isn't it difficult? If you really can't find them, just delete them when you are a teenager."

"In addition, I'm asking them what they mean by choosing these people to discredit Li in the name of praising Li's merits? Do they all want to die?"

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