The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 438: : Mad Sword

The world is chaotic, and the distance is chaotic.

A large number of pictures flickered thousands of times in less than a second.

The ocean floating on the top of the mountain ignited flames in the raging waves.

A dazzling day appeared in the dark sky in an instant.

The dead body gave birth to a deformed baby.

A large number of figures backed wildly in a stance of running forward.

The monster with a strange body filled itself with heads and arms.

The huge trees twisted and grew, growing out a pair of dense and inexhaustible eyes.

The scorching sun slowly descended in the sky.

White clouds are floating in front of him.

The sky was completely replaced by the earth, with endless depression.

The order is completely chaotic, the law never exists, and the world turns upside down at any time.

This is the world of shadows.

Time, space, rules, everything is not completely opposite, but chaotic, endless, irregular, irregular chaos.

Gu Xingyun, covered in blood, was caught by Jiang Shangyu, walking through the chaotic world.

Numerous pictures rushed in, and he didn't even know whether he was in a strange space or walking through the pictures.

His injuries were very serious, but compared to Li Kuangtu and Jiang Shangyu who were not rescued, his injuries were the least, and his consciousness was extremely clear at this time.

And his sober consciousness is undergoing cruel torture in this strange darkness and chaos.

Gu Xingyun felt like a rag doll carried by Jiang Shangyu in his hands. It was obvious that the two were running wildly in the dark at the same time, but in his feeling, he seemed to be a puppet of Jiang Shangyu. Every move is being manipulated.

Countless pictures appeared repeatedly.

Gu Xingyun's sight was vaguely a **** castle.

In front of the castle is a broken flagpole.

The flagpole seemed to be very close to them, but at a distance of more than ten meters, but Gu Xingyun was very sure that Jiang Shangyu took him for at least half a minute, but instead of getting close, the flagpole was getting farther and farther away from them.


Gu Xingyun finally couldn't help but speak.

His voice instantly turned into countless broken and ambiguous syllables in this dark and chaotic world, making people unable to hear the specific content at all.

Jiang Shangyu took another step forward.

Everything around flew back and forth in an instant.

The castle and the flagpole disappeared completely, and a sea of ​​blood appeared under their feet.

Jiang Shangyu's body relaxed slightly, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"We are safe."

He said slowly.

His voice also turned into a large number of broken syllables, but it fell into Gu Xingyun's ears, but the meaning was clear.

The blood-colored Wang Yang kept undulating under his feet.

Jiang Shangyu stood on the sea, looking back at the direction where they had escaped.

There is already an empty space.

The indifference and gloom in Jiang Shangyu's eyes flashed away, and then he caught Gu Xingyun and took a step forward.

The boundless sea of ​​blood was separated instantly.

In the next second, all the plausible scenes disappeared.

The voice began to become clear.

The distance becomes accurate.

Cognition returned to normal.

There was the sound of waves all around.

Seagulls in the distance flew across the sky.

The setting sun on the horizon was sinking slowly, and the extremely brilliant light shone on the sea, sparkling, and the entire sea area was shining.

At the foot is a soft sandy beach.

The front is the coast, and not far behind is a forest and mountains.

Gu Xingyun stared at the setting sun that was about to sink into the sea, "Where is this?"

It was still morning in Nanyun.

Gu Xingyun was very sure that he and Jiang Shangyu had only escaped for a few minutes at most in that strange space, but after coming out of that space, the outside world was already dusk.

There are only two possibilities.

The first is that the time flow rate of the escape space is not consistent with the outside world.

This sounds a bit sci-fi.

The second possibility is the easiest time difference to explain.

The time difference here is completely different from Nanyun.

It is still morning in Nanyun, but it is already dusk here.


The time difference of nearly twelve hours means that they are extremely far away. Could it be that they appeared on the other side of the earth within a few minutes?

This seems to only show that the distance of that piece of escape domain is different from the outside world.

This is even more **** fantasy.

Gu Xingyun shook his head. Just as he was about to talk, Jiang Shangyu's voice suddenly sounded in a bewildered low growl: "Fuck!"


Gu Xingyun was taken aback


Jiang Shangyu looked around with a gloomy expression.

He naturally knows where it is.

To be precise, this place is located near a naval base in the South American province of Goethe Piaciore.

It is occupied by the navy and is not a tourist attraction, so it looks extremely cold.

But the problem is that Jiang Shangyu is not here.

His destination was originally away from the coast in front of him, in a cave near the center of the mountain range.

Down from that cave, you can reach a hidden underground base.

It was also his No. 2 base, and it was also the destination of his escape and shuttle during this trip.

But now this place is at least nearly two hundred kilometers away from his destination!

The essence of shadow is chaos.

But the chaos is not surprisingly inaccurate.

This is the first time Jiang Shangyu has encountered such a situation.

"let's go!"

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath, his voice was low and solemn, and he grasped Gu Xingyun's palm again.

He was seriously injured at this time and he was far away from his base, so he didn't have the ability to shuttle again. If he wanted to go to the second base, the only choice was to walk.

Shadow’s rules never go wrong.

There was such a large distance deviation in the shuttle this time, and the only explanation was that the shuttle was disturbed this time.

This is definitely not good news.

Jiang Shangyu took Gu Xingyun and turned around.


The whole space was distorted the moment he turned around.

The fierce buzzing reputation directly caused a storm on the beach.

The sharp and passionate sword light roared in all directions.

Flying sand and rocks.

In the distorted space vortex, a slender figure that looked extremely young stepped out, and countless virtual lines were connected to him, densely clustered.

The space vortex is fully formed.

The virtual lines disappear completely.

"Virtual shuttle?!"

Jiang Shangyu's pupils suddenly shrank.

But the young figure that shuttled here didn't have the least bit of nonsense.

An extremely heavy and generous huge sword took shape rapidly in his hands.

As the pupils flowed, without any hesitation or hesitation, the giant sword burst up with a violent sword aura, and a sword smashed directly into Jiang Shangyu's head.

Sword Qi surged.

Rolling Thunder.

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