The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 437: : Interception

The virtual screen shook violently under the impact of sword energy and domain.

The apostle closed his eyes as soon as Jiang Shangyu escaped. He didn't even have time to watch Li Tianlan's injury, but he did not hesitate to start sensing Jiang Shangyu's current location.

Unknown is with Jiang Shangyu.

This also means that Jiang Shangyu is now half a shadow creature.

Jiang Shangyu in this state is actually very hard.

Because of the shadow's influence, he is no longer purely real. Of course, even if he is still a real creature now, with Li Tianlan's suppression, he can't do much.

The most important thing is that Jiang Shangyu is not a complete and absolute shadow creature now.

Regardless of the hidden facts, this fact will not be changed.

This also means that he, who is not a complete shadow creature, will also be greatly restricted in the real environment.

He can survive Li Tianlan's attack and escape the battlefield. For this, the two princes from the Time and Space Corridor and the God of War Realm have a certain mental preparation.

But Jiang Shangyu could not be like Li Tianlan, ignoring distance at the occasional critical moment, crossing thousands of kilometers in one step.

In this battle, he does have the ability to shuttle.

Because the battlefield was originally his base.

He flees from his own base, so the destination of the shuttle must be his other base.

What the apostle has to do now is to lock the position of Jiang Shangyu, and interrupt his progress in the process of shuttling Jiang Shangyu.

Otherwise, once Jiang Shangyu is allowed to enter his base, they will throw a rat stopper again.

A piece of virtual line is instantly connected to the virtual screen in the room. With the virtual screen as the center, countless virtual lines spread out wildly. The apostle activates his own authority, and in just a few seconds, he completely establishes a connection with reality. Cyberspace where the world completely overlaps.

This is undoubtedly the power that transcends the real environment.

The malice of the world surged.

In the apostle's cyberspace, the various equipment he deliberately arranged were constantly damaged and constantly being replenished.

The apostle's face changed from pale directly to pale, and his body quickly became virtual and integrated into his own online world.

In less than half a second, the apostle directly created hundreds of thousands of thinking centers in his own online world.

Shu and his own thinking are fused together, regardless of each other.

The malice of the world rushed into the online world, countless thinking centers were instantly destroyed, and the apostle's own thinking was fleeing in embarrassment.

Among the jurisdictions across the three camps under the stars, the closest to omniscience and omnipotence is only one and a half.

Half is an unknown unknown for the time being, relying on the law of chaos to be omniscient and omnipotent to a certain extent.

The other refers to the Doomsday standing at the top of the order. As the destroyer and scientist of the starry sky, Doomsday relies on its own background and various technical equipment developed to simulate various permissions, which is infinitely close to true omniscience and omnipotence.

Although the apostle could not do this, if he let go of his scruples, he could indeed do a lot of things that other people could not do to a certain extent.

He is searching for Jiang Shangyu, and obviously will not be interfered by Feng Qingwu, so he only needs to support the malicious backlash of the world. Although the time he can support is very short, but a few seconds is enough for him to complete it. Operate.

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't pay attention to the apostle, but carefully looked at Li Tianlan on the screen through the shocking virtual screen.

He didn't know enough about Ruthlessness, he felt the weakness of Ruthless energy, and obviously had some scruples, so he didn't use Ruthlessness at all in the real battle, and he was fighting with his bare hands all the time.

Jiang Shangyu's last blow was obviously unexpected, and Li Tianlan's counterattack was also unexpected by Jiang Shangyu.

So Jiang Shangyu was cut off by an arm.

And Li Tianlan himself was equally embarrassed.

But Li Tianlan's current embarrassment and injuries are largely due to himself, not his opponent.

Even if he enters the invincible realm, even with a second heart, it is still a bit reluctant for Li Tianlan to instantly twist the invincible level of sword energy thousands of times. The second heart can provide unimaginable energy continuously, which can be guaranteed. Li Tianlan's body did not collapse, but his physical strength was still limited after all, so at the moment he shot, he was completely injured.

Without a second heart, this degree of injury could even threaten Li Tianlan's foundation. Now, Li Tianlan's injury still cannot be healed in a short period of time. It takes about seven heartbeats for his injury to go from severe to minor injury.

But seven heartbeats provide a lot of vitality and vitality, but also continue to damage Li Tianlan's body.


This injury is nothing at all. After seven heartbeats, after about a day, even if Li Tianlan is slightly injured, his combat effectiveness will return to the peak level. Those minor injuries are just because his physical strength is temporarily unable to stabilize. Control the second heart.

Xuanyuan Wushang relaxed and smiled suddenly: "To Li Kuangtu, he kept his hands, even in the final outbreak, those twisted sword lights avoided Li Kuangtu to the greatest extent, if not like this. In this case, Kuangtu Li would have died several times in this battle."

After a pause, Xuanyuan Wushang continued: "Big Brother is still too kind."


The saint sitting behind suddenly laughed.

She is not really stunning on earth, her appearance is relatively ordinary, but she is full of charm, and she smiles with an extraordinarily charming style.

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at her, a little speechless.

The saint barely stopped his smile, his face flushed.

Li Tianlan is too kind...

This is definitely a cold joke.

Whether it is the original Majesty Huang Xi or the current Eastern Emperor, it seems that it has nothing to do with benevolence. The former was the tyrant who feared all races in the starry sky. He even wiped out an entire star field with his own hands, including a dust. Didn't stay, and now Li Tianlan has also acted in annihilating the enemy, benevolent? What does this have to do with Li Tianlan?

Regardless of the original His Majesty Huang Xi or Li Tianlan now, his gentleness will always be to those around him, his righteousness will always exist in the whole camp, and the personality of each peak is the same, that is, absolute cruelty. .

Xuanyuan Wushang still wanted to say something. As soon as he opened his mouth, countless virtual lines in the entire room suddenly lit up.

In the dense network space, a certain node is completely replaced by a small red dot.

Lin Shixi, who had been quiet, stood up suddenly.

In the process of getting up, he has completely completed the virtualization and turned into a set of data.

Lin Shiyi hadn't stood up straight, and his whole person had disappeared quickly in the room.

In the next second, all the virtual lines disappeared.

The apostle's figure reappeared and sat down in his seat, gasping for breath.

"Funny Li..."

The apostle panted and whispered, "After all, he is that biological father."

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