The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 410: : Fusion (2)

Contemplation is an instinct, but in the long years, searching has become a habit.

Ruthless has lost the ability to predict.

From a biological point of view, he is just a shell.

There is no core similar to the soul, and most of the emotions are also lost.

His body was divided, turned into a murderous soldier, and turned into a sword. Only the most vague instinct kept his weak consciousness.

This has become the activity in the eyes of other people.

So here, people call him Life Metal.

The cosmic radiation here is weak and almost negligible.

He is a mending stone.

But in the real environment, the sky-filling stone has no much value at all.

The real environment is the same for him.

In his eyes, this place was deserted.

The negligible amount of cosmic radiation is not enough to support even a little recovery.

Time is constantly passing by.

His injuries are getting heavier and heavier, and his instincts are getting more and more blurred. On this planet where it is impossible to recover from his injuries and absorb enough energy, he will truly fall down sooner or later, becoming only a little active and only playing some small ones. A weapon of ridiculous power, or many weapons.

The soul is missing.

He also lost his emotions.

So he didn't panic, he didn't even know what panic was.

His world is dull and silent.

In different places, in the hands of different people, in the vast torrent of time, he always silently pondered and searched.

I don't know what I'm thinking about, I don't know who I'm looking for.

Instinct is purely like a piece of white paper, he has no emotions, and boredom seems to have become his habit.

Until he met Dongcheng Huangtu.

There is no Dongcheng Huangtu in his memory.

But the first time he felt his existence, he was ruthlessly determined that he was the person he was looking for.

He watched Dongcheng Huangtu piece together his body little by little.

Watching him step by step towards the top.

Seeing him invincible in the world, branding his legend in the city of miracles.

The two rarely exchanged anything.

Because Ruthless has lost language ability.

But the two accompany each other, and each other is the most reliable comrade in arms.

He also participated in the peak battle of Dongcheng Huangtu.

Before that battle, his remaining energy was not much, but when the sword edge carried his sword aura to tear apart the mighty enemy group, he still felt that his dead thinking instinct began to gradually resurrect.

He sees

At the sword of Gu Xianyan.

Under the heavy snow in Kunlun that year, Gu Xianyan was already at the peak of invincibility.

It can be said to be one of the highest combat powers in the entire dark world at that time.

But the pinnacle is invincible...

That kind of strength is nothing at all in front of him and Dongcheng Huangtu.

He and Dongcheng Huangtu were standing on the top of the snow-capped mountain, among the heavy snow stained with blood.

He and Dongcheng Huangtu stared at the clear and decisive sword light.

Fenghua is peerless, all over the country and the city is overwhelming.

It was ruthless and really ruthless.

There is only indifference in his thinking.

He didn't think that the ancient fairy face of the pinnacle invincible state could harm the Dongcheng Huangtu.

Dongcheng Huangtu in that state only needs to wait for the sword light to approach, raise his hand at will, and the ancient fairy face will fall directly in the blood and heavy snow in front of them.

At that moment, Dongcheng Huangtu was really waiting.

They watched the sword light approaching, getting closer and closer.


Dongcheng Huangtu did not move.

It was too late until the ruthless realized something.

The Dongcheng Huangtu at that moment seemed to be empty.

He just quietly admired the sword light, without any emotions, without any resistance.

Nothing at all.

It's like losing everything.

There was only the sword light in his eyes.

Ruthless and Dongcheng Huangtu's will seem to have broken out for the first time in those years, in countless years.

At the moment when he sensed that it was wrong, he ruthlessly burst out all his remaining energy, trying to completely tear the **** woman to pieces.

All his burst of energy was firmly suppressed by Dongcheng Huangtu.

His energy was completely exhausted, and the powerful energy resisted the suppression of Dongcheng Huangtu. At the moment when Dongcheng Huangtu was seriously injured, that sword directly pierced his heart.

He heard Dongcheng Huangtu smiling and saying something really hurt.

When was the first real recovery?

He meditated silently.

It seemed that it was in Beihai. It was the last time he fought side by side with the woman who could not wait for a thousand swords.

After his comrades have fallen.

One year, two years, three years?

Time is meaningless, and he can't remember.

He just remembered that **** woman appeared in front of him and calmly said that she wanted revenge.

She can give everything.

And ruthless just made a request.

He also wants revenge.

So he will help Gu Xianyan, and then

After Qiu is finished, he will kill Gu Xianyan himself.

The transaction was concluded without any hesitation.

So that time and space, that era, that year, was the most hysterical madness of a woman.

Ruthlessly appeared beside him.

Within seven days, two directors of Zhongzhou were killed.

In half a month, one-third of the members of the parliament died.

The whole clan in Kunlun City was destroyed, and the chickens and dogs were not left.

There are more than 20 large and small companies in Zhongzhou, and a few thousand people have no one to live.

Confidential information is spread everywhere.

Nearly half of the thunder-thundering masters in Zhongzhou were slaughtered.

The flame of hatred ignited the entire Middle Continent without stopping, burning the entire world.

The Holy See is destroyed, the Throne of Shadows is destroyed, the Chiang Clan of South America is destroyed, the Heroes’ Association, the Men in Black...

The fire of revenge, the sword of invincibility, and the dead man swept the entire dark world without any stay in less than two months.

The world is in violent turmoil.

One person and one sword finally rushed into Emperor Bingshan.

Wang Tianzong fell.

Wang Shengxiao fell.

The summer solstice fell.

Wang Xiaoyao fell.

The rain fell on the river.

The seven sword-wielding families were all destroyed.

Except for the few core figures who happened to be not in Dibing Mountain at the time, the entire Beihai was killed in all odds.

But Ruthless ultimately failed to fulfill his promise.

He failed to kill the ancient fairy face who seemed to have long lost his soul.

When she died with Wang Shengxiao and Jiang Shangyu.

The ruthless energy is extremely weak but the will is always at the peak, and for the first time felt the power from outside the truth.

That kind of power penetrates everything, like a reincarnation.

In his perception, that kind of power completely shattered the ancient fairy face that had fallen at the time, and completely reorganized her who had been crushed into a piece of elementary particles, and became another ancient fairy face.

The process of time-space transfer is long and short.

Countless memories began to flicker in ruthless thinking.

Dongcheng Huangtu, ancient fairy face.

Your Majesty, Your Highness... King Guard...

His will was completely immersed in the extremely messy picture.

He watched that some familiar monk sent himself into the bottom of West Lake.

He saw Gu Xianyan turned into Qin Weibai.

Knowing that Dongcheng Huangtu once again became Li Tianlan.

Everything seems to be starting again.

And Ruthless, in this kind of restarting environment, completed his first recovery.

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