The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 409: : Fusion (1)

Returning is never a simple matter.

The higher the level, the greater the danger faced. Of course, the level is too low and there is no possibility of return.

The current research results of Space-Time Corridor show that the closer to the peak, the greater the possibility of failure.

The core issue here is self.

To be precise, it is self-knowledge.

Space-time Corridor has been restarted countless times.

The remnant soul of His Majesty the Emperor walked into the end of the world in person.

Then King Wei.

Then there were several natural restarts.

Returning is not unfamiliar to most bystanders.

But to the returnees, the return is extremely familiar and unfamiliar.

No one can accurately describe the specific nature of the return.

It cannot be said to be past and present, or reincarnation. To be more appropriate, it should be a certain degree of reshaping.

The returnees are reshaped with the brand of truth, returning to the heights they once were, or even surpassing them, the memories will return little by little, and their personalities will gradually change.

Things that have been experienced will become more and more familiar.

From the perspective of bystanders, the past is indeed what the returnees have experienced.

But when it comes to the returnee himself, the things he recalled were not what he had experienced.

The most critical question is, if they return, who will return?

Is it your current self? Or a memory? Or is it something else?

Every returnee needs an answer, which is the key to regaining self-awareness.

If the self-understanding is not clear, there will be huge loopholes in the fate node, and the will will become the most deadly flaw.

Such an example has happened more than once.

There are not many returnees, but some of them are deceived by the order camp because they cannot find a clear self-awareness, and become puppets of the order camp. They think this world full of loopholes needs to be repaired, or there is a huge will The flaw, was killed directly, even turned into a shadow creature, or there was no clear self-awareness, and it completely failed at the moment when it completely returned.

There are not many such examples, but this is only because there are not many returnees, and if it is specific to the returnee group, the proportion is not low at all.

All the reasons for returning are because of the real imprint.

This is the basic prerequisite for return.

The second is the need for a real environment.

The starry sky is prosperous and dead. The City of Miracles is not unique. There is more than one similar real environment. In each real environment, there is a returnee sprinting towards the former peak, either consciously or unconsciously.

The true brand is the basis of the return.

The real environment is the premise of return.

When these are fully available, what the returnees need most is a brand of self.

It can also be said to be a kind of ritual.

The particularity of real time and real environment is the greatest capital of returnees, and it is also the most distinctive mark after they reshape their lives. On the way back, everything they experience in real environment and real time will become the clearest and stable Cognitive beacon.

If the returnees are unknown in the real environment, they will naturally not form a too distinctive mark.

Therefore, this consciousness is the most straightforward way to say that the returnees should leave a legend in the real environment enough to prevent them from losing their self-awareness.

An invincible legend.

Therefore, Li Tianlan must be strong. This strength is not only his own strength, but also his own power. When the power of the Eastern Palace spreads all over the world, when Li Tianlan can truly reach the level of the eternal sword, he can truly My own legend is imprinted in the real environment of the city of miracles, and then on the road to the peak, using this clear and true imprint to fight against everything in the past, and then find a clear self-awareness and find your own answer .

Similar examples are not without.

Take the city of miracles as an example. The two most obvious examples are the Emperor of Humanity and the God of War.

In a sense, they can also be regarded as returnees. In terms of realism, they should be similar to the Great Emperor of Time and Space Corridor, but their initial fall was too thorough, and the human race was lost after restarting again and again. No one knows who they were once, including themselves.

Both the King of Humans and the God of War left their own legends in the environment of the City of Miracles, and then found their own answers with this brand, completely changed their essence, and returned to the peak.

The human emperor has become the sky of human race.

The God of War became the ocean of human race.

This is their own answer.

The legend that belongs to Li Tianlan has now begun.

This is his time, theirs.

Donghuang, ruthless... Except for Qin Weibai, they all need to rebuild their brand in the real environment to fight the confusion during the return process.

And in the legend about Donghuang and Ruthless, there should not be any opponents.

Wang Tianzong, Li Kuangtu, Jiang Shangyu, Wang Shengxiao, Gu Xingyun...

Everyone who stood in front of Li Tianlan either surrendered or died.

And Jiang Shangyu, who is not strong but extremely sensitive, is undoubtedly the most difficult to deal with.

The position on his body makes the entire neutral camp be careful


If the city of miracles disappears in ashes, this is tantamount to a huge loss for the entire camp.

As for Jiang Shangyu himself, both Ruqing and Li Tianlan had to kill him.

"We have carefully analyzed the current situation in the City of Miracles, especially in Zhongzhou, and conducted a behavioral assessment of all senior executives, including Li Huacheng, with very small errors."

Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly whispered: "The senior leaders in Zhongzhou can be regarded as qualified leaders. They may be selfish, but they are not sages, and their positions are the same in all things. The environment limits their thinking, but they stand. From the perspective of Central Continent, there is no mistake in their thinking. The current status of the eldest brother has made them feel uneasy and threatened. The Eastern Palace in Central Continent is about to lose the power to check and balance him. This is what most people don't want to see. Arrived, especially Li Huacheng."

"So the parliament needs a person and force that can check and balance the Eastern Palace."

"Compared to Wang Shengxiao, whose attitude is ambiguous, Jiang Shangyu is the most suitable target. At some point, Gu Xingyun also needs to be kept temporarily."

"So if Jiang Shangyu does not die at this time, once he gets in touch with Zhongzhou, no matter what his fault is, Zhongzhou will keep him because of the existence of the Eastern Palace."

"In this case, the situation will be very complicated."

Xing Tian frowned.

"Yes it is."

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded: "If things get to this point, it will be difficult for the eldest brother to deal with it. His combat effectiveness can continue to grow, but the problem is that once Jiang Shangyu really enters the Central Continent, he is from a big standpoint. He is no longer an enemy. When the eldest brother wants to kill him, he needs not only the strength to defeat the rain on the river, but also the background to fight against the environment of Central Continent."

"So it's better to kill him now!"

"Zhongzhou is currently unable to contact Jiang Shangyu, nor can he find him. Once King Wei's body merges with the sky-filling stone, he can directly lock Jiang Shangyu's position by using the hostility in the catastrophe."

"When Zhongzhou has not found Jiang Shangyu nor decided on Jiang Shangyu's position, the involvement between him and the Phoenix Pavilion and the involvement with foreign forces can be defined as guilty. Kill him, even if Zhongzhou is angry, There is nothing to say on the face."

"If Jiang Shangyu can fall this time, the neutral camp can breathe a sigh of relief. There won't be any surprises that the eldest brother branded his own legend in the City of Miracles. He has grown to the point where he is now. All the variables are It doesn't exist anymore."

In his low and gentle voice, the light from the colorful stones in his hand finally spread to the distance.

The colorful light turns into nothingness the moment it touches the real environment.

And the emptiness of energy followed the instinct of fusion and finally entered the Chen Family Courtyard.

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