The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 389: :storm

(The serial number of the previous chapters is wrong, uh, the content is correct~ sorry)


Mao Song?

Dongcheng Invincible's eyes narrowed subconsciously.

Other people's eyes were a little blank.

Those who can enter this living room to participate in this special interrogation, the lowest level is the Governor-General level.

There is only one such person, and that is Li Huacheng's secretary Ma Si.

Except for Ma Si, all here are members and directors who can be called the leaders of Central Continent.

They are not very familiar with Mao Song.

Chen Xi's secretary, at this stage, is far from getting them so concerned.

Mao Song's future may have a great future, but when Chen Xi hasn't really fulfilled his potential, these real seniors will naturally not bother to study his secretary.

So although he was also taken to the interrogation room, basically no one paid attention to him, and everyone focused on Yuanlin.

As for the relationship between Mao Song and Chen Yao, it is completely irrelevant.

Mao Song is not qualified enough.

Chen Yao is not as good as Murongxiu.

The value of his existence is at best a bargaining chip that was sacrificed.

This is his destiny.

Mao Song is also very aware of his fate.

Dongcheng Wudi has taken the lead in the conversation and completely pushed Yuanlin to a desperate situation. Unless there is a big accident, it is not difficult to imagine Yuanlin's fate. With Yuanlin's fall, Mao Song also knows his fate.

All his duties and the expected future will be in vain, all his deeds will be investigated clearly, and his family will be implicated. As for himself, it is very likely that he will be secretly executed or be executed. Detained in a secret prison until death.

This is the result of being implicated by Yuanlin.

The leader of the Prince Group may do his best to protect Yuanlin, but no one will protect him because he is not qualified and has no such importance.

So from Mao Song's point of view, if he doesn't do anything, no matter what Yuanlin's fate is, his fate will be extremely miserable.

It is impossible for him to put his hope on the Prince Group, everyone knows that this is impossible.

The only way is to save yourself.

Said he was abandoning himself, or working hard to save himself, whatever he did.

The only thing he is fortunate is that he has enough chips.

It can pin Yuanlin and even many people in place.

You can follow the direction of Dongcheng Invincible's conversation and block all possible doubts.

So he took the initiative to speak.

The sentence is not just Li Kuangju, but its meaning is extremely rich, which is equivalent to indirectly confessing his crime in place of Yuanlin, and it also means that there are many inside stories that other people don't know.

"Mao Song, what are you talking about?!"

An extremely low and severe voice rang.

Next to Ye Dongsheng, a middle-aged man with a dignified and steady appearance suddenly patted the table: "You have to figure out your own situation, don't bite, and seek truth from facts!"

Mao Song glanced at him blankly and suddenly sneered: "Minister Yang, I can be responsible for everything I say."

Yang Jianghu.

One of the current leaders of the Prince Group, the current Member of Nakasu, and the first deputy minister of the Ministry of Supervision. After the general election next year, Yang Jianghu is very likely to become the new director of the Prince Group.

The first time Mao Song spoke, the warning he issued was not in line with his identity, but it was absolutely in line with his position.

One Yuanlin has already caused the Prince Group to be overwhelmed. At this time, what are you Mao Song coming to join in the fun?

Regardless of whether what Mao Song said next was the truth or fabricated, Yang Jianghu didn't want him to continue speaking, he just wanted to calm down this matter as soon as possible.

"The rivers and lakes have the same wisdom, pay attention to your attitude, pay attention to your wording."

The Minister of Supervision, Wan Qingyun, who has not spoken, frowned and said in a cold voice: "Whether what Mao Song said is seeking truth from facts, we will investigate according to what he said, instead of not letting him speak!"

Dongcheng Wudi raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at Mao Song, his eyes flickered.

Among the people present, he is probably the only one who has been paying attention to Mao Song. Even if he was interrogating Yuanlin, the corner of his eye did not let Mao Song's expression change.

Because Li Tianlan said very clearly that the turning point this time was not in Yuanlin, but in Mao Song who hadn't paid close attention to anyone.

Dongcheng Wudi was thinking about how to shift the topic from Yuanlin to Mao Song, but he didn't want Mao Song to speak up.

Dongcheng Wudi was a little surprised, but on the surface he was calm. He looked at Mao Song and said calmly, "What do you know?"

"I know many things."

Mao Song's eyes were a little hollow, but they brought these strange hopes.

Yang Jianghu hesitated to speak and stopped, but in the end he didn't speak, but looked at Mao Song full of warning.

Dongcheng Wudi nodded, and said blankly: "Let's talk."

As the lowest level here, Ma Si picked up the pen and started to record.

Mao Song looked straight at Dongcheng Invincible for a long time.

He seemed to be hesitating, and finally took a deep breath and slowly said: "No, Minister Dongcheng, if it is possible...I want to talk to you alone."

Yang Jianghu's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't speak.

Dongcheng Wudi was silent for a while, then nodded.

He stood up and pointed to a small lounge next to the living room: "You come with me."

"Minister, Mao Song is very dangerous now. No one can guarantee that he will do anything extreme. Your safety..."

Yang Jianghu finally spoke, but he shut up automatically when he was halfway through.

His expression looked a little awkward, and in a hurry, he felt like an idiot in what he subconsciously said.

Everyone looked at him with idiot eyes.

Worried about the safety of Dongcheng Invincible?

This is totally a joke. In recent years, after Dongcheng Invincible entered the main army, his reputation has been silent for a long time in the dark world, but that is just not mentioned, it does not mean that he will be People forget.

Dongcheng Invincible, known as the Central Continent Killing God, is currently on the list of the top ten masters of the Central Continent. It can be said that he is the current card figure of Yaochi, who can be threatened by Mao Song, unless Mao Song is a hidden invincibility.

No, Li Tianlan is still here. The young Eastern Emperor's sword spirit is almost everywhere. Even if Mao Song is an invincible master, there is no possibility of threatening Dongcheng invincibility.

Dongcheng Wudi smiled casually, without saying anything, and directly led Mao Song into the small reception room on the side.

The door of the reception room slowly closed, blocking everyone's sight.

"sit down."

Dongcheng Wudi slowly said, and now he sat down on the sofa.

Mao Song sat opposite Dongcheng Invincible, silent, as if thinking about something.

Dongcheng Wudi didn't feel a little anxious and took out a pack of cigarettes. After taking one out and lighting it, he pushed the cigarette case towards Mao Song again.

He could see the mental pressure Mao Song was under at this time, but he could also see Mao Song's determination.

In fact, from the moment Mao Song spoke, the nature of this matter seemed to be doomed.

Mao Song took out a cigarette and lit it, snorting almost greedily.

If nothing happens today, he should be smoking at this time, holding the beautiful woman from the Chen family in his arms.

And now...

Mao Song laughed bitterly and spit out the smoke.

He raised his head and looked at Dongcheng Invincible. After being silent for nearly half a minute, he said in a deep and hoarse voice: "Minister, I want a chance to live."

Dongcheng Wudi seemed to be a little surprised and raised his eyebrows as if not unexpectedly, without speaking.

Mao Song was holding a cigarette in the smoke, and his eyes became a little erratic: "I...have never suffered from my childhood. I basically grew up spoiled and spoiled. My parents are ordinary workers, not my family. I am rich, but I have never lacked anything more than others. My childhood and youth were very stable, and the university was considered hard. I was admitted to the city hall. By coincidence, I became Governor Chen Xi’s secretary. Many people even myself In my eyes, my luck is very good."

Dongcheng Wudi silently looked at Mao Song who was muttering to himself, and said nothing.

"I have made a lot of mistakes over the years. I like money and women. I do a lot of things that shouldn't be done. Many times I think that I am indeed a person with very poor self-control. The only thing I can do is , Maybe I’m sober enough and cautious enough that I haven’t had any accidents to this day. My family, no, can already be said to be a family. My family has lived very well under my care. After so many years, I am used to it. Today, my family is too."

"I think that if something happens suddenly on such a day, my family will not be able to live, and I am like this too."

"Minister, I want to live well, away from Zhengzhi, or even away from Zhongzhou."

His voice is low, but it is getting calmer.

Dongcheng Invincible watched him for a long time, and then said with no expression: "Until there is a clear result, I can't give you any promise."

Mao Song laughed, he smiled very sincerely: "Minister, I can guarantee that I can give you a result that makes you very satisfied."

At this moment, his mind is extremely clear.

He knows what he is doing.

To be precise, he is now begging Dongcheng Invincible for mercy and Li Tianlan.

They are indeed enemies to some extent.

But when he can no longer take care of himself, begging the enemy for mercy is the only thing he can do and the only hope he can survive.

Everyone can see the strength of the Eastern Palace.

Now that Li Tianlan is under great pressure, Mao Song can give him a bargaining chip enough to make Li Tianlan a complete comeback, and all he wants is a decent life in the future.

That's it.

The wealthy group will not care about his life or death.

People like Li Tianlan Dongcheng Wudi didn't care about his life or death.

Let him die, just a word.

To keep him alive is also just one sentence.

Mao Song suddenly had more confidence in the next transaction.

Dongcheng Wudi nodded, then took out a cigarette and lit it again: "Go ahead. You know what."

The air in the small reception room suddenly surging silently, disturbing the smoke floating in the reception room.

The air is slightly twisted.

An extremely gorgeous black windbreaker was outlined bit by bit in front of the two of them, gradually becoming clear and distinct.

Mao Song stood up all of a sudden, his voice trembling with fear and trepidation, and lowered his head: "Your Majesty."

Li Tianlan, wearing a black trench coat, stood still, silently, without concealing anything.

Dongcheng Wudi clearly felt that the windbreaker was full of sword energy.

The majestic sword aura outlined Li Tianlan's face, but in fact, it was just a ruthlessness that restored a certain amount of energy.

Dongcheng Wudi nodded to him, took a breath and looked at Mao Song: "Tell us what you know."

"I'm not sure if Tiandu Purgatory is directly related to the Prime Minister's death."

Mao Song whispered.

Standing in front of Mao Song ruthlessly, motionless, like a statue without the slightest anger.

Dongcheng Wudi hummed quietly, waiting for him to continue.

"If your majesty and the minister want such results, I can testify against him."

Mao Song continued to speak.

"Is that what you want to say?"

Dongcheng Wudi suddenly asked.

What he wanted was some aspect of the evidence, not the testimony, especially the testimony from Mao Song, which was obviously insufficient.

"more than."

Mao Song thought, and simply followed the meaning of Dongcheng Invincible: "It is not only Li Kuangtu who killed the Prime Minister, but also Jiang Shangyu."

The sword qi in the reception room was turbulent for a moment.

The black windbreaker fluttered gently.

When Mao Song said Jiang Shangyu's name, Ruthless seemed to lock something. At this moment, it gave Dongcheng Invincible a very clear thinking mood, or in other words, it was searching for something.


Dongcheng Wudi murmured to himself and narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that perhaps he would get unimaginable gains on Mao Song, who had never taken it seriously.

Dongcheng Wudi took the initiative to hand Mao Song a cigarette and said flatly, "Go on."

"What I can be sure of at present is that Governor Chen Xi's death is directly related to Jiang Shangyu, and evidence can be produced."

"What evidence?"

Dongcheng Wudi's eyes gradually lit up.

"Some recordings, and... myself."

Mao Song gave a wry smile.

Dongcheng Wudi was silent for about ten seconds, his body slowly leaned on the sofa and calmly said, "You mean, you killed Chen Xi?"

"I never thought about killing him myself."

Mao Song whispered: "Jiang Shangyu gave me a medicine. The medicine looked a bit like a four-leaf clover. He told me to crush this leaf into powder and give it to the governor to eat. I gave it to the governor. Three leaves, and one more is now with me."

"According to Jiang Shangyu's statement at the time, the Governor will not directly lead to death because of this, but it will produce very strong hallucinations, which will cause some radical behaviors to His Majesty Li Tianlan. In this way, the Governor is likely to die directly. In the hands of His Majesty Li Tianlan, he further proved his guilt. Even if His Majesty restrained at that time, the governor would become insane due to the strong hallucinations, and even act on the people around him. In this way, he is likely to be caught The guards around the major directors resolved that the autopsy report after death would easily give people a conclusion that the governor had been hypnotized at that time. Then, Jiang Shangyu exposed the fact that Qin Weibai was good at hypnosis in the spiritual realm. Coming out will not only put more pressure on your Majesty, but also drag the forest tribe into the water."

He spoke numbly, and at the same time took out a small green leaf from his pocket.

The leaves are packed in a transparent fresh-keeping bag.

Mao Song placed the leaves in front of Dongcheng Invincible, and whispered softly, "This is given to me by Jiang Shangyu, and so is the preservation bag. There should be his fingerprints on it."

Dongcheng Invincible, whose heart was ups and downs, restrained his expression, just asked: "Apart from possible fingerprints, what else can you prove?"

"Recording, there is a USB flash drive in my room, hidden under the bed, it is glued to the bed board, it should not be damaged."

A black phantom instantly separated from Ruqing and rushed out of the reception room.

Mao Song only blinked, and the black phantom had once again merged with the ruthlessness.

A black USB flash drive still slightly spinning and shaking appeared on the coffee table.

The eyes of Dongcheng Wudi and Mao Song fell on the U disk at the same time.

Mao Song stayed for a while, nodded slightly, and said softly, "That's it."

There was no equipment to play recordings in the reception room, so the U disk was carefully put away by Dongcheng Invincible.

"How did Jiang Shangyu get in touch with you?"

Dongcheng Wudi asked.

"Through the shade."

Mao Song knows everything, and every sentence is the truth.

What he said were facts, so it was extraordinarily logical.

"Lin Yin is in the Phoenix Pavilion, codenamed Hongxue."

Dongcheng Wudi was a little confused, and asked, "Where is the Phoenix Pavilion? Who is Hongxue?"

"The Phoenix Pavilion is the secret organization of Kunlun City."

Mao Song laughed in a low voice: "It is also the core organization of Kunlun City. I don't know how long this organization has been established, but I can be sure that the existence of this organization has woven an unimaginable network of relationships for Kunlun City. Phoenix Pavilion They are all different women and men of various styles. The members are very mixed, which means that the coverage is very wide. University flowers, people’s teachers, Zhongzhou police, female officials, wealthy young women, wealthy daughters, ah, everyone in them Have."

"I can roughly understand some of the operating procedures of the Phoenix Pavilion. There are four very important departments in the Phoenix Pavilion. One is called the Observation Department, the other is called the Analysis Department, there is also an Executive Bureau, and the last is the Training Department."

"The Observation Office is a peripheral force of the Phoenix Pavilion. It is scattered in various places, regions, and industries in Central Continent. Most of them have their own jobs to disguise. Their most important task is to lock in some talents with sensitive identities, great value, and amazing potential. . Including but not limited to high-ranking officials in the real world, rookies in the real world, financial giants, etc...

"The Observation Office will regularly list the list, summarize it annually, and then delete some that are not so reasonable. After a final list is finalized, it will be submitted to Kunlun City. This list will be transferred to the Analysis Office, which can combine the information of Kunlun City. In-depth analysis of the current role each candidate can play, the height that it may reach later, the resources in hand, and a series of things. These information about Kunlun City cannot be grasped by the Observation Office. The Analysis Office relies on this information to simplify observation. The list provided by the Office will form the final list."

"The final list will be transferred to the Executive Board. The Executive Board is mostly the elites of the various special operations bureaus in Central Continent. They will conduct the most detailed investigations on everyone on the list, such as their personality, taste, hobbies, schedule, ideals, and marriage. Status, family relationship, likes of the opposite sex, you can even investigate the opposite **** friends they have had before and their current wife or husband, understand why they broke up at the beginning, understand the conflicts between husband and wife in their current lives, etc., all The details are within the scope of the Executive Board’s investigation, and even the details of what brand of toilet paper the other party likes to use."

"The Executive Board will eventually produce a detailed investigation report and transfer it to the Training Department."

"The Training Department will select candidates who meet the target tastes in the Phoenix Pavilion based on the investigation report."

"Just like..."

Mao Song's tone paused, and then he smiled somewhat complicatedly: "Just like me. I like to be quiet and reserved. It is best to have an oval face, long hair, big eyes, a pair of slender legs, and a good personal training. , A young woman with a higher education, a love of music and classical dance, a height of 1.7 to 175 meters, and a decent job."

"The Observation Office put my name on the watch list and passed it to Kunlun City in the summary. Kunlun City gave the list to the Analysis Office. After my name was affirmed after a combination of multiple analyses, the Executive Board would use various methods to After understanding my various information, I finally formed a survey report and passed it to the Phoenix Pavilion training department. The training department will select suitable candidates from the various groups of the Phoenix Pavilion. My preferences are relatively simple and easy to satisfy, but if, I mean if... if the opposite **** I dream of does not exist in the current Phoenix Pavilion, then the investigation report about me will be transferred to the observation office again, and the observation office will start to mobilize resources, such as the police department, such as the major The resources of the Special Operations Bureau have come to me to find and locate targets across the country and even the world."

"After the target is locked, it will be transferred to the Executive Board again. The Executive Board will formulate a detailed action plan, use various means to get the target to the Phoenix Pavilion, and join the training department for special training and long-term brainwashing, and wait until the opponent's training and brainwashing. All those who pass the training will be transferred to the Executive Board again, and the people in the Executive Board will arrange all kinds of accidents and various occasions so that she can smoothly appear by my side."

"Such a candidate will basically be the lover of my dreams. The error is almost non-existent. Her existence perfectly meets all my fantasy of the opposite sex. For my weaknesses, I have almost no ability to resist. It will be very short. Within a period of time, I have completely fallen, so that I have a piece of Kunlun City next to me. When she gains all my trust, the executive board will make the next plan. If everything goes well, I will become Kunlun City. The chess pieces, at least, can become a force that Kunlun City can use."

Mao Song lighted another cigarette as he spoke.

He smoked silently and was silent for a while before he suddenly smiled: "Of course, this sounds a bit troublesome, but this is a special case. Most people cannot be too impossible about their dream lover. It is required that the various women currently existing in Phoenix Pavilion are sufficient to cope with most situations. After joining the training department, short-term training can perform long-term tasks. Unless it is a particularly valuable goal, Kunlun City will consume a lot of manpower. Material resources to tailor a dream lover for the target."

Phoenix Pavilion.

Kunlun City.

The calm on Dongcheng Invincible's face had long since disappeared completely, leaving only solemnity.

Kunlun City has only appeared in Zhongzhou for more than two decades.

However, the Gu family, which once lingered under the majesty of the Li family, had a very long history.

So strictly speaking, how long did the Phoenix Pavilion belong to the Gu family?

If such an organization really exists, how far will it develop within Zhongzhou now?

"How many people are in the Phoenix Pavilion?"

Dongcheng Wudi pondered for a while, and asked in a deep voice.

"I do not know."

Mao Song smoked his cigarette and shook his head: "There should not be many members who are formal and in a non-task state. Most of them have formal and long-term tasks. But what is certain is that in addition to those departments, there are at least six in the Phoenix Pavilion. The big team, besides, there are no less than three schools specializing in cultivating various talents behind the Phoenix Pavilion."

"There will be this kind of school? Will anyone choose to sign up?"

The Three Views of Dongcheng Invincible were severely impacted. He has been in the Border Army all year round and has spent most of his life dealing with soldiers. In his thinking, the Phoenix Pavilion is simply a place for training senior lonely women. Locally established school... Anyone else sign up?

"I can tell you for sure that at least three schools are overcrowded."

Mao Song smiled: "At this age, there are still many good girls, but there are just as many girls whose values ​​are also distorted. There are even more beautiful and deliberate girls who want to marry a rich family. Some girls Married into a wealthy family, you can even fight with other girls for second-hand designer stockings worn by others. In order to get in and out of various so-called high-end occasions, I would rather dozens of people squeeze into a luxury hotel suite, just to take a selfie and pretend to be a so-called socialite In a high-end restaurant, more than a dozen people pay for a piece of cake, take turns taking pictures, and slap every bite. Heh, humble and poor things, compared to them, Phoenix Pavilion can be said to be heaven. At least in Phoenix Pavilion Although the mission of the person who undertakes is disgusting, but at least he is still like a person. As long as she or he can come out of the Phoenix Pavilion, it means that she or he can definitely appear next to a big person. It is lacking, rich in clothing and food, glory and wealth, luxury cars and luxury houses, or they are not seen. But they live a life that is enough to make most girls who pursue material things are very envious and jealous. For such a life, many girls will pay Everything."

"Even the school secretly opened by the Phoenix Pavilion is not accessible to everyone. First of all, there are very clear and rigid requirements for academic qualifications, for height, for appearance, and for body proportions. Secondly, the past love life is the best. Still a pure and complete body, if not, then you can't have a private life that is too chaotic. In addition, there are hobbies, personality and other issues. In short, if you want to enter the school, all aspects of assessment are no less than a top-notch interview After receiving the formal invitation letter, the tuition is free, the accommodation is all-inclusive, the school will introduce decent and leisurely work to the students outside the course, in addition to the school subsidy, ah, every official student, Apart from studying each month, the income that can be obtained is at least five figures. The trainees will be assessed every year, and some people will be dismissed, and those who pass the grade but do not meet the requirements of the Phoenix Pavilion are also divided into Different levels, assigned to a list of sub-levels, or entering various departments of the Phoenix Pavilion, will at least double the income."

"The current Phoenix Pavilion has formed not only a huge network of relationships, but also an extremely complete and hidden industrial chain, which is full of temptations and desires, and the highest-level members they attract..."

Mao Song was silent for a moment.

With an extremely solemn expression and a touch of hatred, Dongcheng Invincible frowned, and said in a low voice, "Go on."

"The highest-level members they have attracted have reached the level of parliamentarians, but I don't know who it is."

Dongcheng Wudi was silent for a long time without speaking.

He was silently digesting the information Mao Song said. If the Phoenix Pavilion really exists and has been developed for many years, how much power is still hidden in the Kunlun City and the Special Operations Group?

According to Mao Song, the existence of the Phoenix Pavilion will inevitably consume a large amount of money every year or even every day for various expenses. In addition to other expenses, where does Kunlun City's money come to support the Phoenix Pavilion?

Do you want to check the financial situation of the special warfare system?

Dongcheng Invincible thought silently, and a doubt naturally emerged.

He glanced at Mao Song and asked, "How do you know these things? Moreover, we seem to be talking about Jiang Shangyu."

"This is one thing."

Mao Song's voice didn't have the slightest ups and downs and said, "Hong Xue only told me yesterday. Her real name is Lin Yin. She belongs to the Phoenix Pavilion's sixth group, the Blue Phoenix Group. She is also the dream lover arranged for me by the Phoenix Pavilion. She has been with me for many years and has developed feelings for me, so she told me these secrets. In addition, she is not only an elite trained by Phoenix Pavilion, but also one of Jiang Shangyu’s chess pieces. Long ago, at least Ten years ago, the Jiang family in Beijiang began to slowly infiltrate the Phoenix Pavilion. Hongxue is now in the eleventh building of the Ants Villa District in Youzhou, and the minister can now send someone to bring her here for evidence. In addition, Hongxue's The immediate boss, Liu Dongyue, the leader of the Qinghuang Team, is now in Nanyun Province. His apparent identity is the Director of the Sixth Division of the Nanyun Special Operations Bureau. He is actually the main person in charge of the Phoenix Pavilion in Nanyun Province, and he is also Phoenix. One of the three chief executive officers of the cabinet in the southwestern region of Central Continent."

Dongcheng Wudi quickly took out his cell phone and sent two text messages, arranging someone to control Hong Xue and Liu Dongyue for the first time.

The villa area where Hongxue lives is not far from here and the military headquarters, and he can do it right away by sending a text message to Bai Qing.

As for Nan Yun.

Although it was a place where the Prince Group had a deep influence, it was also a place where Dongcheng Invincible had a deep influence.

The bloodbath of the Border Army Corps had more than 100,000 troops stationed there. If necessary, Dongcheng Invincible issued an order that more than 100,000 troops would be enough to block the waters surrounding the Special Operations Bureau of Nanyun Province in the shortest time.

After doing all this, Dongcheng Wudi subconsciously raised his head and glanced ruthlessly.

Ruthlessly still standing quietly, but turned around, looking at the leaf in the fresh-keeping bag on the table, as if thinking about something.

Dongcheng Wudi originally planned to get up and call Ye Dongsheng and the others in to make a record, but after thinking about it, it didn't move.

He glanced at Mao Song deeply and slowly said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

I have to say that if Mao Song's remarks can be confirmed, then the pressure on the wealthy group and the new group will dissipate in the fastest time.

What Mao Song said was full of sincerity and completely gave Li Tianlan the bargaining chip for a desperate comeback.

Compared with this bargaining chip, Mao Song's desire to live, or even live better, is completely trivial.

"That's all I know, and these are the things you can investigate in the fastest possible time. You will have to dig deeper into the future."

Mao Song shook his head and said softly: "However, Jiang Shangyu is very ambitious. Hongxue told me that he and Gu Xingyun seem to have already cooperated. No one knows how many things he planned secretly. To win over Yuanlin, or first win over Yuanlin, then win over me, and then at the most suitable time, kill the prime minister and the governor through us, and lay the blame on His Majesty Li Tianlan. His plot must be beyond ordinary people’s imagination. I suggest The council will investigate Jiang Shangyu, and even the entire Jiang family in northern Xinjiang."

"We will do it."

Dongcheng Wudi smiled.

His mood has completely improved in Mao Song's constant remarks.

The cooperation between Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu is already well known.

The joint advance and retreat of the two in the North Sea decisive battle can fully explain the problem.

And in Mao Song's mouth, he got the news of the cooperation between Gu Xingyun and Jiang Shangyu.

In other words, Gu Xingyun, Li Kuangtu, Jiang Shangyu, they all got together?

If it is in normal times, this is undoubtedly a very serious matter, especially for Li Tianlan.

But now, with Mao Song's confession, his clue suddenly connected Gu Xingyun, Jiang Shangyu, and Li Kuangtu.

The shocking Phoenix Pavilion.

The insidious rain on the river.

Li lunatic who forbears dormant.

A storm in Central Continent is about to rise. When the storm ends, what will the city of Kunlun and Purgatory once look like?

And what heights will the new group and the Eastern Palace reach in this storm?

Dongcheng Wudi looked at Mao Song with some emotion.

In the eyes of all the councilors and members of the entire parliament, Mao Song is just a small person who has never paid too much attention to it, and can even be said to have hardly paid attention to it.

But this little person is about to completely affect the structure of Central Continent today.

He is qualified to make a request.

"From the performance of your surrender, I can regard this as your performance."

Dongcheng Wudi said slowly: "Of course, this is after we have investigated according to the intelligence you said and confirmed to a certain extent. I can also guarantee that you will not be unfairly treated during your sentence in prison."

Surrender? Serving sentence?

Mao Song's face suddenly changed, becoming extremely pale and desperate.

Dongcheng Wudi stood up and slowly said: "In this incident, you may not be the mastermind, but you have also committed a felony. I will propose to send you to the desert prison. From now on, be a good man."

Desert prison.

The most mysterious and guarded prison in Nakasu.

To Mao Song, every prisoner in the desert prison can be said to be a big man.

That is a prison with no sentence.

As long as everyone goes in, there is basically no time to come out again.


Desert prison...

Mao Song's body gradually relaxed.

A very happy smile came out from the corners of his eyes and brows, and finally spread to his entire face: "Thank you. Thank you Minister."

He looked at the ruthlessness who was thinking or looking for something like a statue, and said with excitement again: "Thank you, thank you, Your Majesty."

Desert prison is indeed the most terrifying prison in Central Continent.

But Li Tianlan had just left the desert prison, and now that piece of Jedi could be regarded as Li Tianlan's territory.

He will enter the desert prison.

Mao Song would die in prison.

But for him and his family, it may be a whole new life.

It was just a vague hint that Dongcheng Invincible didn't respond to the thank you behind him, but opened the door of the reception room.

Five minutes later, Ma Si, who was taking notes, could no longer help putting down his pen and paper. He hurriedly felt the temporary meeting room of the Chen family. After passing the general news to Li Huacheng, he rushed back and continued. Incomplete interrogation and records.

Mao Song became the focus of everyone's eyes.

Yuanlin was completely forgotten.

An hour later, the bullet-proof car with Dongcheng invincible characteristics slowly drove into the Chen family compound.

The car door opened and Lin Yin, code-named Hongxue, was secretly escorted into the invincible interrogation room of Dongcheng.

The interrogation continues.

The storm without warning has suddenly taken shape in the uppermost building in Central Continent.


"The matter is almost over."

In the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Xuanyuan Wushang stood in front of his floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the direction of the Chen Family Courtyard, and suddenly said something.

His eyes were filled with flashing light blue currents, and he seemed to have witnessed the whole process.

Xing Tian's huge body sat on the bed peacefully, and he thought about it.

Before he had time to say something, Xuanyuan Wushang had already sighed again: "The young lady of the Chen family is really the best, that figure...that..."

"His Royal Highness..."

Xing Tian reminded you aloud: "I kindly remind you that you have a marriage contract with the princess of the Dragon clan, and your fiancee has a higher authority than yours. Although it is only a little bit, her path is completely consistent with you. different……"

The smile on Xuanyuan Wushang's face stiffened for a moment, and then gradually became distorted.

He turned his head and looked at Xing Tian in silence. After a while, he smiled without a smile: "Do you think she knows what jealousy is?"

Xing Tian fell silent for a while before he said: "Then you also have a marriage contract. Your appreciation of other women can easily arouse dissatisfaction with the princess. This has nothing to do with... being jealous... The human women here are not. Suitable for you."

"Don't tell me women."

Xuanyuan Wushang said indifferently.

There was a touch of unrequited love in his eyes: "What is a woman? A woman is not for me, I am a pure man! I am a real man!"

The corner of Xing Tian's mouth twitched.

Xuanyuan Wushang gritted his teeth: "A real man, you should **** a **** robot!"

Xing Tian gave a dry cough, and wisely changed the subject: "I don't think the parliament will cancel the alliance between Jiang Shangyu, Li Fanatic and Gu Xingyun."

"This matter has nothing to do with anyone's will. The final result may be very lively, but this alliance should not disappear in the short term."

Xuanyuan Wushang turned around again and looked at the direction of the Chen Family Courtyard: "Why?"

"Checks and balances."

Xing Tian said calmly: "This alliance is now Central Continent, and even the only power in the entire dark world that can check and balance His Majesty Li Tianlan. And your Majesty sometimes does something extraordinary. No matter what considerations, Jiang Shangyu's alliance will To be left behind, of course, the parliament will inevitably make appropriate concessions. Our goal has actually been achieved. The rise of the new group cannot be stopped, and it is even stronger than expected."

"Check and balance...stupid."

Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head: "After this incident, let's wait for that ridiculous alliance to survive."

Xing Tian's words became more cautious, and he said softly: "From your majesty’s current combat power, while facing Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, Gu Xingyun, and other things we don’t understand, he can only promise not to Losing, the possibility of winning is not high. This is still when he has the characteristics of the eighth level of authority, and the current majesty seems to only reflect the ability of certain aspects of the seventh level of authority. If he wants to If you go head-to-head with Jiang Shangyu's alliance, your chances of winning are not great."

"You've never reached level 8 in martial arts before, right?"

Xuanyuan Wushang asked suddenly.

Xing Tian was stunned, and then quietly said: "My main authority has always been a calligrapher."

"So you don't understand."

Xuanyuan Wushang whispered: "The eighth level of martial arts authority is to experience life and death. If the eldest brother's breakthrough this time is not incredible, I would not dare to take the risk too much, but his breakthrough this time is too exaggerated. , Already has the characteristics of seven levels of authority. Although his actual combat effectiveness today is far worse than the real Tianjue if it is separated from the real environment, the authority cannot be copied. This means that the threshold of this level is right. As far as the eldest brother is concerned, there is no obstacle at all. All he needs is experience and future authority. Whether it is restarted or terminated, these are always his authority."

Xuanyuan Wushang thought quietly, and whispered: "Before the elder sister's dream is broken, the eighth level of authority is already the limit of the elder brother, but it is also a crucial element. He must experience life and death to truly understand some things. ."

Xing Tian was silent.

He can roughly determine the current direction of Jiangshangyu, and the leaf that Mao Song took out to speculate that he can roughly understand Jiangshangyu's surrounding environment.

He may still be in the city of miracles now, but his place is already equivalent to the chaos camp, or the shadow camp.

In such an environment, Xuanyuan Wushang and Xing Tian would expose themselves as soon as they acted. Not to mention following Li Tianlan to the forest. With the two of them alone, it is difficult to even get close to the forest. When the shadow creature was in what state, the two of them did not dare to describe it rashly, otherwise they would even harm Li Tianlan.

The Parliament has investigated the problem.

With Li Tianlan's temper, now that he knew the existence of Jiang Shangyu, it was impossible to treat this incident as having never happened.

His character is destined not to let him bear this breath.

The reality will also make him try his best.

Even Xing Tian knew that Li Huacheng and others would not give up the Jiangshangyu Alliance, the only chess piece that could check and balance Li Tianlan.

How could Li Tianlan himself not know?

It's just that the decision to protect the river rain alliance is really not so good in the face of the evidence given by Mao Song.

Parliament needs to discuss, need to play games, need to discuss.

And before the official results appear, it will also be time for Li Tianlan to take revenge on the Jiangshangyu Alliance unscrupulously.

Time is very limited.

When the parliament makes a decision, many things will not change very well.

Li Tianlan will either accept compensation and reach a new balance with the major groups in Zhongzhou, or...

No, there is no other choice, this is his only choice.

"Now everything takes time."

Xuanyuan Wushang whispered softly, "It depends on who can seize the opportunity first."


For decades, Li Xi's life finally ushered in an extremely rare peace.

The short-term life in the Eastern Palace is stable and leisurely. As the third deputy master of the Eastern Palace, her injury has not been serious after receiving Xuanyuan Wushang's treatment, so it is logical to become the three deputy palaces. The strongest one in the Lord.

It's just that unlike Situ Cangyue and Saints, she didn't have anything to manage in the Eastern Palace, and the position of the deputy palace lord looked more like an idle job when nothing happened.

Li Tianlan drew her a plot in front of a garden villa in the East Palace. After living here, Li Xi and Li Qingcheng's mother and daughter seldom leave.

Li Xi stayed in the villa most of the time, and her only request was to let the elite of the Eastern Palace help buy some books, a cup of tea, and a book in her hands. It seemed that she could easily pass the day.

Li Qingcheng occasionally walks in the East Palace, but spends most of his time with his mother or taking care of the flowers and plants in front of the villa.

There are no maids, gardeners, and cooks in the villa. Occasionally, there are logistics staff to deliver meals to the mother and daughter, but more often, the mother and daughter go out to buy some simple vegetables and cook for themselves.

They just settled down in the Eastern Palace. They have never been integrated into the Eastern Palace, but they have not been sorted out. It seems that they are living in peace and isolation.

"Qingcheng, is this kind of life what you want?"

In the darkening night, the lights were turned on in the exquisitely decorated villa, and the mother and daughter who had had dinner were washing dishes in the kitchen, feeling the cool and clear water drops on her hands, and Li Xi suddenly turned her head. He looked at the daughter beside him and asked.


Li Qingcheng glanced at Li Xi with some confusion, and then lowered her head to brush the dishes. Her body was straight, her head lowered, and her eyelashes blinked. She looked focused and gentle: "This is actually very good, very quiet. , I was also very relaxed. No one forced me to go to class for training, no one supervised me in martial arts, and no one taught me some talents that I don’t like..."

A very happy smile appeared on Li Qingcheng Qingmei's face: "I haven't meditated for several days, and suddenly I feel safe here, as if the previous things have passed."

"Yeah, it's all over."

Li Xi was silent for a while before muttering to herself like a dream.

She looked at her smiling daughter at the corner of her mouth, and said softly, "But life like you is not normal in the eyes of your peers. Maybe you should go shopping, buy some new clothes, or even wait for the establishment of Tiannan University, you can Go to school, make a boyfriend, get married, start a family... instead of staying at home by myself every day like me. If this continues, the whole person will become more and more closed."

"Not myself."

Li Qingcheng chuckled: "I still have you, and you also have me, mother, do you know what I'm thinking these days? Here is this villa, just like our little world. We can live as we wish. So, go out to buy our favorite food, read our favorite books, stare in a daze, don’t worry about etiquette, don’t worry about showing a few teeth when you laugh, don’t worry about whether your sitting posture is correct, don’t worry about your actions It's not elegant, all the restraints are gone, and it's free. And you are still with me by your side, it's good, that's enough, um...I like it here."

With that, Li Qingcheng's brows suddenly frowned, and he continued: "It would be better if that pesky doesn't harass us, Mom, let me tell my brother-in-law, he will intervene in this matter, right?"

Li Xi seemed to think of something interesting, and chuckled: "He won't. Even if he will, I won't agree. In your eyes, he may be a nuisance, but I welcome him here as a guest. , How about you invite him to lunch at home tomorrow?"

"I will not go."

Li Qingcheng frowned and protested softly: "That..."

The knock on the door suddenly rang, interrupting his voice.

Li Qingcheng hesitated, and stood still for a while.

"The nasty guy is here, why don't you open the door?"

Li Xi's smile is soft and gentle.

Li Qingcheng gently bit his lower lip, walked to the door slowly, and opened the door.

Outside the door stood an object with various snacks and gift boxes hung all over.

His slender figure is almost completely covered by various snacks and gift boxes, and he can't even see his face. Many things are controlled by his sword intent, suspended in the air, with only a pair of eyes, leaking in the gap of the gift box. Come out, bright and gentle.

"Qingcheng, I bought some snacks for you. Ah, you have eaten them a few days ago and think they taste good. Uh, I noticed that you have eaten more of these snacks. You should like them very much? Oh, oh , There are some new types, you try them, I will buy them if you like them. Listening to the auntie said that you like sweets, I let the kitchen make some, you see if it suits your taste, if you want to eat also tell me, I Call someone to arrange it right away. Ah, also, this one is for you."

The object covered with snacks all over his body moved as he said, dragging out a huge pure white plush bear toy from behind.

Li Qingcheng watched this scene blankly, her eyes were a little joyful, a little angry, and a little helpless.

The object covered by snacks walked in cautiously.

Li Xi walked over after cleaning up the kitchen. Seeing this scene, she was subconsciously stunned.

Countless snacks are walking forward cautiously.

The corner of Li Xi's mouth twitched slightly, her eyes becoming more and more intoxicating.

It is not difficult for her to imagine that the other party was covered with snacks and rushed over in the crowd of unknown people. She looked at Li Qingcheng, who was a little bewildered, and Li Xi winked, turned around and smiled. Make tea.

"I'm so stupid, what do you do so much? Are you thinking of me and mother as pigs? I can't finish it, why don't you take it a few more times. The hanging is everywhere, it's ugly.

Li Qingcheng was a little rushed to pick his snacks, but his eyes were sparkling. She had never experienced this kind of experience before. The other party stood motionless, and it felt like a piece of cake covered with everything. Planting a tree of snacks, you can pick anything you want from outside, and now you can take it down in piles, and there is a joy of harvest.

Sure enough, after snacks covered this guy's body and face, he became more pleasing to the eye.

Little by little, Li Qingcheng carefully took the gifts down.

Lin Youxian's handsome face and gentle smile appeared in front of Li Xi.

Li Qingcheng's face turned red for no reason, and then became a little angry again, and repeated: "I'm so stupid."

"Be stupid, be stupid, take more at once, it's better than running back and forth."

Lin Youxian smiled and looked at Li Qingcheng.

"You don't want to trouble you. Mom and I are still willing to be clean."

Li Xi snorted, her mouth was very resisting, but she seemed to have taken a pair of men's slippers from the shoe cabinet as she was used to.

It seems, probably, it seems, really got used to it, a little bit.

Li Qingcheng looked at her slippers still on the ground, a little dazed.

The time for their mother and daughter to come to the Eastern Palace was not very long, but the guy in front of them appeared too frequently. The first two days were better. Later, as their injuries recovered, Lin Youxian would only be in the Eastern Palace. , Almost run here whenever I have time.

He came as soon as he was free, and there was nothing at all. When he didn't get the treatment of entering the house, he would stand outside the door and talk, or he would be just outside from Qingcheng, he would watch the flowers and plants with him by her side. Either bring some snacks and desserts, or handmade toys, or ask her out to eat and watch a movie...

Sometimes he came here without even thinking about what to do here. The most frequent time, Lin Youxian ran here 16 times a day, Li Xi smiled and looked at Li Xi, who hadn't experienced this posture and nearly collapsed. As he came over day by day, Li Qingcheng finally allowed him to enter the house for a cup of tea. When visiting the supermarket with his mother the next day, his mother took a pair of men’s slippers, confused, and Li Qingcheng had no objection, and then, These shoes became Lin Youxian's exclusive.

"It's not too much trouble, I mean to save the time to go back and see you more."

Lin's leisurely voice was gentle as wind.

He picked up the big white bear sitting next to his lap and handed it to Li Qingcheng, and said with a smile: "For you."

"You... don't talk nonsense."

Li Qingcheng glared at Lin leisurely, deliberately wanting not to accept this gift, but for her who had almost no childhood since childhood, how cute the big white bear in front of her looked, she hesitated, took it, and whispered. Thank you very much.

Lin Youxian did not speak, but looked at her softly, with a thousand words in his eyes.

This girl who was stabbed by herself in Huating at the beginning.

This girl who keeps me thinking about it all the time but can only hold her heart down.

Lin Youxian had to admit that when he knew that she would live in the East Palace in the future, apart from the astonishment, there was only endless ecstasy in his heart.

This is the goddess and angel that he is willing to guard his whole life.

Goddess and angels who can only belong to themselves.

"Would you like to go to the movies?"

Lin Youxian said softly: "A new cartoon recently released is very good, let's go together?"

Li Qingcheng hesitated and shook his head: "No, I will accompany my mother."

He looked at Lin Youxian, whose eyes were deep, gentle and disappointed, and said in a low voice, "Come and have a cup of tea."

"it is good."

Lin's leisurely smile became extremely bright in an instant.

The two turned to the hallway, and on the sofa in the living room, Li Xi had already begun to make tea.


Lin Youxian gave a respectful cry.

"Come and sit down."

Li Xi smiled softly: "I have to wait a while."

"I am not in a hurry."

Lin Youxian smiled honestly: "I am a good or bad person, but I don't like seeing outsiders, auntie, don't be so troublesome."

"No trouble, I..."

Li Xi smiled and just spoke when a telephone ringing suddenly rang.

Li Xi was stunned for a moment, as if there was some surprise how someone would call herself.

He has a mobile phone. The mobile phone is only available after coming to the East Palace. There are very few contacts in the address book. Apart from Li Qingcheng, there are only a few top-level East Palace. Mobile phones are basically not available here. It will ring.

She took the phone up from under the coffee table with some confusion, and glanced at the number.

Li Xi's movements were slightly stiff and there was silence for a few seconds.

"I'll answer the phone."

She raised her head and smiled with no abnormal expression: "Qingcheng, you guys have a good chat."

Lin Youxian smiled and stood up and watched Li Xi walk upstairs.

Her figure stepped onto the corner of the second floor, and finally pressed the answer button.

"Sorry, Ms. Li Xi, I hope this time does not interrupt your rest."

A cool and pleasant voice rang on the other end of the phone.

Li Xi was silent for a while, and said softly, "I just had dinner, Qin, what's the matter?"

Qin Weibai on the other end of the phone smiled softly: "It's about Kunlun City."

Li Xi was silent.

Her life is already very peaceful, but this does not mean that she has forgotten Kunlun City, the place that has brought her countless pain and despair.

"The case of Chen Fangqing and Chen Xi has new variables. Of course, this is a better variable for us. Under such a situation, I think Kunlun City is no longer necessary."

Kunlun City, there is no need to exist...

Kunlun City...

Li Xi's eyes widened suddenly, and she subconsciously said, "What did you say?!"

"I need your help."

Qin Weibai smiled and said.

Li Xi was silent, and the special warfare city in the ice and snow subconsciously emerged in her mind.

For Kunlun City, for Gu Clan, for Gu Xingyun, Li Xi couldn't say what mentality she was. It was a kind of mentality that she couldn't understand after countless emotions merged together.

But one thing is certain, if Kunlun City can really disappear, Li Xi is willing to provide all the help he can provide without hesitation.

Li Xi's eyes became extremely determined in an instant: "What do you need me to do?"

"You don't need to act."

Qin Weibai said softly: "It's enough to testify."

"Mao Song has confessed the existence of the Phoenix Pavilion. Zhongzhou will start an investigation soon, but no one knows how long it will be, maybe now, maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow... No one can be sure of Kunlun City. Can you get news? In such a situation, every minute, a lot of evidence may be obliterated. Mao Song has now provided clues, and I will soon have a sufficient witness, she has enough intelligence Prove that Kunlun City does exist, and then, it is up to you to come forward to testify again and complete other information about the Phoenix Pavilion."

Li Xi listened silently, and waited until Qin Weibai finished speaking before she took a deep breath and whispered, "Okay."

Her voice gradually became hard as iron: "I will explain to the parliament the reasons for the treason case more than 20 years ago and everything I did with Li Kuangtu as the master of the Phoenix Pavilion at that time."

"No need."

Qin Weibai seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then said softly but sincerely: "Some things can be mentioned, but some things can be left out. Madam, please protect yourself."

If Li Xi said all the things she did back then, she might be involved. Li's treason case had too much influence, and some of the clouds are still unclear, but with Li Tianlan and the East Palace Rise, all this is irrelevant now.

"I understand."

Li Xi said quietly: "Should I leave now?"

Qin Weibai said: "The plane has been arranged. You will get off the plane in Nanyun, and then take a special plane to Youzhou. When passing by Nanyun, I hope you can bring another ID card. Nanyun You should be familiar with Liu Dongyue of the Special Operations Bureau. He is now under the control of the Bloody Legion and will not be delayed for too long.

"it is good."

Li Xi nodded, thinking of Qin Weibai's words, suddenly asked: "The council is still discussing this matter?"


Qin Weibai smiled: "The council will be very busy today. There are too many things they need to discuss. In a short period of time, it is estimated that it will be difficult to have a clear result."

Li Xi's eyes flickered, then he hung up the phone and went straight downstairs.


At the same time, at Youzhou International Airport, Qin Weibai put down his cell phone, silently thinking about what was missing in the plan.

The name of Phoenix Pavilion was mentioned for the first time from Mao Song’s mouth, and then the substantive evidence of Phoenix Pavilion was used to report, and then Li Xi would make the final supplement. After this sudden and intense storm, the new group would The Jedi came back, and the Prince Group and the Special Operations Group were destined to be in trouble.

This is the best result that can be achieved so far.

"Unfortunately, they still cannot be completely wiped out."

Qin Weibai muttered to himself with some regret.

"In my opinion, this is not a bad thing."

The knight on the side handed Qin Weibai a cup of warm water and said softly.

Qin Weibai glanced at her.

The knight smiled and said: "Your Majesty’s footsteps are unstoppable. In the dark world, he is already invincible. As long as he is given time, Kunlun City, Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, Wang Shengxiao, and even Wang Tianzong will not be him. It’s not difficult to completely eliminate them, just sooner or later. But in this situation, after the storm, Kunlun City will no longer exist, and the Gu family is lingering because of Jiang Shangyu’s alliance, which can also give Gu Xingyun Some false hopes will prevent him from dying and breaking the net, and this time we will provide tangible evidence of the existence of Phoenix Pavilion. But this is only part of it. We can use this part as a deterrent to draw most of the chess pieces hidden in the Phoenix Pavilion. When you come to yourself, in this way, the new group will hide a very powerful force in the dark. On the whole, this effect is much better than completely eliminating Gu Xingyun and the others."

Qin Weibai lowered his head slightly, rubbing the cup with his long, white fingers unconsciously.

"I understand your idea."

Her voice was erratic, as if she was muttering to herself: "But..."

She shook her head and did not continue.

In her mind, she would always think of the siege that didn't know whether it was the past or the future, and the sharp sword passing through Li Tianlan's chest.

This picture flickered in his mind time and time again.

Gu Xingyun Li Kuangtu and others are not dead, he is always a little uneasy.

Qin Weibai shook his head vigorously and looked out the window.

In the bustling airport exit, a girl who looked like eleven or twelve years old and thirteen or fourteen years old, beautiful as an elf and angel, walked alone in a delicate little suitcase while everyone’s eyes were focused. Came out.

Her small figure walked in the crowd, without the slightest loneliness or fear, but an indescribable look.

Qin Weibai smiled, opened the car door, got out of the car and waved to the girl.

The girl's eyes lit up, she trot over quickly, handed the box to the knight, and then reached out and hugged Qin Weibai's waist.


Qin Weibai gave a hum, lowered his head and touched the girl's head, and whispered, "Everything is ready?"


The girl nodded lightly, and subconsciously glanced at the delicate trolley case in the knight's hand.

The box is very light.

Because it only contains some simple information, besides that, there is not even a change of clothes.

Those seemingly simple materials are all sharp swords aimed at Kunlun City, which is the edge that has been hidden for many years.

Qin Weibai stroked Gu Xianyan's hair unconsciously, but calmly looked in the direction of the Chen Family Courtyard.

Jian Guang suddenly rises.

The storm fell sharply.

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