The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 370: :trial

Although it was a concentrated trial, the weights of Yuanlin and Mao Song were obviously different.

Dongcheng Invincible, Wan Qingyun, Hua Zhengyang, several directors and several councilors poured almost all the firepower on Yuanlin.

The interrogation was not serious in both the occasion and the format. The location was arranged in a very comfortable living room, but as time went by, the atmosphere in the living room became more and more depressing and desperate.

"I didn't force her."

The look of despair in Yuan Lin's eyes grew stronger, not because he couldn't bear the pressure, but because he knew exactly what this matter meant.

This seems to be an affair between him and Murong Xiu.

But once it is connected with the deaths of Chen Fangqing and Chen Xi, no one can bear the pressure.

A few hours ago, he was still pressing on Murongxiu's body and fantasizing about the dream of embracing Zheng Youzhou, the beauty master. A few hours later, he had fallen from heaven to hell.

Especially that **** Murong Xiu bit herself back.

Yuan Lin knew that he was finished.

No matter what Zhongzhou will do with itself internally, he will have nothing.

To have a life is already the best result.

"She seduce me, I made a big mistake on impulse."

Yuanlin's slow and trembling voice slowly echoed in the living room: "I am responsible for this matter. I have to review it with the parliament, and review my mistakes with the parliament. I didn't hold myself and I couldn't resist it. Live the temptation. I have failed the council’s years of training and education, I..."

"You like to do reviews, there are many opportunities in the future."

Dongcheng Wudi directly interrupted Yuanlin's muttering voice, and said calmly: "Mr. Yuan, the matter between you and Murongxiu is not something that deserves our attention. What really deserves our attention is the back of this matter. , What else did you do."

Yuan Lin's body shook, staring at Dongcheng Invincible, without speaking.

"How long have you been with Murongxiu?"

Dongcheng Wudi asked.

"Six days."

Yuan Lin was silent for a while and said hoarsely.

The living room was quiet for a moment.

Six days... Six days ago in the afternoon, Chen Xi died in the Chen family compound.

In other words, Murongxiu appeared in Yuanlin's bed on the night Chen Xi died?

How impatient these two people are?


Dongcheng Invincible shook his head.

"I know that the mistakes I made this time cannot be forgiven. I am willing to confess everything I know. But I can guarantee that this is just a matter of my personal style and has nothing to do with anything else, and I have never done it. Sorry. Prime Minister's business."

Dongcheng Wudi glanced at him without expression, lowered his head and took out a file that he had brought over from the military department before coming to the Chen family.

The file is super encrypted, which means that only a very small number of people in the entire military can read the file.

Dongcheng Invincible glanced down, his voice calmly said: "You can state your point of view, but there are some things that we have to investigate in detail. First of all, Secretary Yuan, tell me, twenty-six days ago, which was December 3rd. Between early morning and two o'clock in the afternoon on the 4th, where are you?"

Between the early morning of December 3 and two o'clock in the afternoon of December 4...

Yuan Lin was in a daze, a little dazed, and subconsciously said softly, "I don't remember."

"I can remind you."

Dongcheng Wudi said blankly: "You bought a ticket to Southwest City that day, using a pseudonym."

Yuan Lin's face suddenly changed.

His face suddenly became extremely pale, and his eyes looked even more desperate.

December 3rd.

He took a plane from Youzhou to Southwest City, and flew to Nanyun Province under another identity in Southwest City.

Then I took a train from Nanyun province to Tiannan.

Went to Tiannan, Xuanyuan City!

Inside the Sky City Clubhouse in Xuanyuan City, he met Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu, discussed cooperation, and finally returned to Youzhou on December 4th.

How does Dongcheng Wudi know these things? !

Yuan Lin suddenly raised his head and stared at Dongcheng Invincible, his voice hoarse: " monitor me?! This...this is..."

"No one is monitoring you, you are too exaggerated."

Dongcheng Invincible spoke calmly.

It is impossible for him to admit this, and in fact it is true. No one monitors Yuanlin, and no one dares to do it.

Yuan Lin is Chen Fangqing's secretary, and also a senior secretary at the Governor-General level.

If the military monitors such a person, once exposed, it will undoubtedly be an extremely serious Zhengzhi incident, which will cause extremely serious consequences. Even Dongcheng Invincible cannot afford such consequences, because it also violates the most basic principles. in principle.

"In fact, we are monitoring Li Kuangtu. It is also from Li Kuangtu's whereabouts that we discovered your whereabouts. Regarding this point, the parliament has put on record. Li Kuangtu's identity is sensitive and we need to pass it. Various channels have been used to determine some of his positions and actions. This matter has already started long ago, and the fifth bureau of the General Staff has always been responsible."

The fifth bureau is the military intelligence department, also known as the Junqing Bureau, which occupies an extremely important position in the intelligence work of the entire Central Continent.

"I can prove this. It was the order that I gave to the Fifth Game to monitor the Li Fanyi and reported it to the Parliament."

At Dongcheng Wudi's side, Ye Dongsheng, deputy military minister, suddenly spoke.

"You met Li Kuangtu, what did you talk about?"

Dongcheng Wudi looked at Yuanlin and continued to ask.

Yuan Lin was cold all over, unable to speak for a while.

This matter actually has a follow-up.

Not long after he met Li Kuangtu, Li Kuangtu also came to Youzhou and had an interview with Chen Fangqing.

But this matter, Dongcheng Wudi did not say.

Is it because the people in the 5th Bureau did not control the relevant information?

Or did Dongcheng Invincible know it, but deliberately didn't say it?

If it is the former, there is no way to explain anything.

If it is the latter, you don't need to explain anything.

Dongcheng Wudi obviously wants to connect everything together.

If this topic goes deeper, the most likely complete conclusion in the end is probably that in order to occupy Murongxiu, he united with Li Kuangtu to kill Chen Fangqing and blamed Li Tianlan.

And in order to get it all done once and for all, on the day of Chen Fangqing's death, he also secretly manipulated, leading to Chen Xi's death, and logically took possession of Chen Xi's wife and all the Zhengzhi resources involved in the Chen family.

Sinister intentions, their intentions can be punishable!

The corners of Yuan Lin's mouth moved, but in the end he said nothing.

He has no idea what to say.

He has nothing to do with Chen Fangqing's death.

But only he knows this.

But in his current situation, anything he said was pale and powerless.

It is impossible for anyone to speak for him at this time.

Not even Guo Wentian.

Because his personal relationship with Murongxiu was obvious, even Guo Wentian was not sure whether Yuanlin had the impulse to act on Chen Fangqing and Chen Xi for beauty.

If he is okay, Guo Wentian still has the confidence to stick to the end.

But what if...

If there is really a problem, Guo Wentian's tough statement will bring unimaginable disturbances to himself and the Prince Group.

Before clarifying the causes and consequences of the matter, the Prince Group could not clearly state its position, at best, it would oppose certain results, but such opposition is destined to not be too strong.

Moreover, the military’s special intelligence has always been very specific. Some things, except for Dongcheng Invincible, Ye Dongsheng and a handful of people, even the president does not know, such as Yuanlin’s secret meeting with Li Kuangju, such as Li Kuangtu and Chen Fangqing's secret conversation.

Yuanlin was not sure if Dongcheng Wudi and Ye Dongsheng knew that Li Kuangtu and Chen Fangqing had met, but it was not important.

The important thing is that as long as he suppresses this matter and only mentions the meeting between himself and Kuangtu Li in Xuanyuan City, then this matter can no longer be explained.

In order to possess Murongxiu?

This motivation is indeed weaker.

But what if it was to occupy Murongxiu while also monopolizing the left and right resources left by Chen Fangqing?

This is very realistic.

Yuanlin's identity is sensitive. When Chen Fangqing died of incomparable humiliation, and then Chen Xi died inexplicably, as long as someone was responsible for them, the Chen family would surely receive the greatest care.

In other words, as long as the parliament determines that Li Tianlan made the move, the Chen family will definitely receive support from all aspects of the parliament. Among them, Yuanlin will benefit the most.

This is the Zhengzhi resources left by Chen Fangqing after his death, and this resource, the most conservative estimate, can push him to the Central Continent Council in five years.

In this way, the motive for the murder was sufficient.

And when he met Li Kuangtu secretly, he could naturally be reasoned that he wanted to use Li Kuangtu's knife.

The strange death of Chen Fangqing and Chen Xi, everyone believed that Li Tianlan did it in some way in martial arts. If Li Tianlan could do it, the same Li Kuangjie who stood at the peak of martial arts in the dark world could do it.

There is a motive for killing, and the means to kill seem to be available.

Li Kuangtu agreed to cooperate, which meant that Yuanlin gave the other party a reward that was difficult to refuse.

As Chen Fangqing's secretary, Yuanlin possessed countless information. What did he give Li Kuangju? Does this count as treason...

Thoughts kept diverging.

Yuan Lin's eyes turned black.

Countless accusations seemed to be kept on his head in front of his eyes.

He was extremely sad to find that he didn't even have room for resistance at this moment.

When all the evidence chains point to him, countless people will cooperate tacitly in secret, making this evidence chain seamless.

It never really matters what the truth is.

What matters is what the truth is that people are willing to believe and accept.

"and so……"

Dongcheng Wudi said in a low voice: "Li Kuangtu is directly related to the prime minister's death, right?"

Yuan Lin was suddenly taken aback. He knew that it was probably irreversible, but it was about his life. In any case, he would have to struggle.

But just before he instinctively wanted to refute, a somewhat hoarse voice rang.

The voice was extremely tired, extremely dull, with a deep bitterness: "No, it's not just Li Kuangtu..."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Even several directors subconsciously deflected their gazes, shifting their gaze on Yuanlin to...

Mao Song body.

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