The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 282: : Tianya·Mingyue·Knife (7)


Xuanyuan Wushang unconsciously wiped the pure water that he had sprayed on his body because of his excitement. He muttered to himself. After a long while, he looked at Xing Tian, ​​"Are you kidding me?"

"That's the truth."

Xing Tian's voice was deep and solemn: "Master, in this respect, I am more sensitive than you. I can be sure that her current state is fraud."

All the astonishment and disbelief on Xuanyuan Wushang's chubby face gradually disappeared, and the harmless human and animal face gradually became serious.

Xing Tian was motionless.

Once the little master who is usually funny and doesn't care much about the image in front of him becomes serious, the whole person has a touch of majesty that people can't directly look at.

"But the environment here is not right. This is even more incredible than the method used when Big Brother defeated Jiang Shangyu. No, it's not incredible, it's completely impossible."

Xing Tian lowered his head, he stopped talking.

"what you want to say?"

Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes rolled, and those eyes that seemed a little innocent in ordinary days were shining with strands of light.

"Similar situations have precedents."

Xing Tian whispered.


Xuanyuan Wushang raised his eyebrows.

"Zhen Guo Gong."

There was awe in Xingtian's voice.


Xuanyuan Wushang's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to curse, but the corners of his mouth twitched for a long time, and finally he said nothing.

The so-called Lord Zhen Guo is not a single person, perhaps a person, but under such circumstances, the identity that Xing Tian said represents a group of people.

But no matter which group of people...

What qualifications does Mochizuki Xiange have to compare with them?


Xuanyuan Wushang took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled a noun he had just learned: "Are you talking to me?"

"What exists makes sense."

Xing Tianwen said angrily.

Xuanyuan Wushang stood motionless and remained silent for a long time.

"Maybe when this matter is over, I should talk to my sister-in-law."

He whispered to himself: "It's the sister-in-law who is still sleeping. If there is something special about Mochizuki Xiange, the only special thing is that she has been with her sister-in-law all the time."

"This is an accidental discovery. At the next meeting, you can bring it up at the meeting. Maybe someone will be interested."

Xing Tian said softly.

"This is not a good thing."

Xuanyuan Wushang spoke blankly: "For anyone, this is not a good thing, so there is no need to raise it."

He looked at Xing Tian and said calmly, "Secretly."


Xing Tian lowered his head.



Xuanyuan Wushang muttered to himself, and finally shook his head and sighed. What rang in his mind was a history of this vocabulary that was brilliant enough to make blood surge. He watched the retreating night under the helicopter. This was originally the place he dreamed of, but when he saw Wangyue Xiange and Li Tianlan, he said with sincere emotion: "I'm homesick."

Xing Tian looked at him silently for a long time before saying, "Me too."


Xuanyuan Wushang's eye muscles twitched slightly, only then did he remember his mission.

He won't be here for long and will return soon.

As for Xing Tian...'s so hard, so miserable.


Xuanyuan Wushang coughed dryly, and changed the subject abruptly: "I think of it now, Zhen Guogong's daughter is so beautiful..."

"I haven't seen it for a long time."

Xingtian's voice did not wave in Gujing.

Xuanyuan Wushang: "..."

The helicopter flew over the night and approached Ninghu. The sound of fighting sounded from afar. This was already their second stop after they arrived on the East Island. The two successfully merged with Situ Cangyue two hours ago and they were completely stable. After living in the situation, the Wuji Palace headquarters, which was almost completely empty, was almost completely wiped out. The few remaining powers scattered and fled. Situ Cangyue is concentrating on handling the endgame, and Xuanyuan Wushang who has been controlling all communications on the East Island The first time he noticed the anomaly in the headquarters of Hayate Yujianliu, he rushed over without hesitation.

Ninghu's Headquarters of Shifeng Yujianliu was already in a mess.

Fighting and chaos spread rapidly. This place, which was supposed to defend the emptiness, has now become the biggest trap on the East Island.

The master of the Storm Yujianliu, Liu Shengcangquan, is Jiang Shangyu's disciple.

It is good, and it is natural to give it to its own people and its allies.

Therefore, as early as a few days ago, all the two thousand samurai soldiers that Jiang Shangyu borrowed from the sanctuary were placed in Shifeng Yujianliu by him, including the commander of the two thousand samurai samurai today. Gravić, the new commander of the Holy Disarmament Corps.

After the chaos in the Snow Country, in more than two years, Sanctuary has done everything to cultivate new invincible masters.

Therefore, when the Saints took the Nightmare Legion to attack Haifeng Yujianliu, they were like stepping directly into Jiang Shangyu's trap.

The other side of the Promise Palace retreated steadily.

On the Haifeng Yujianliu side, the fierce fighting has continued from the beginning to the present. The Nightmare Legion in the Eastern Palace has not gained the upper hand, but has also vaguely been overwhelmed by the Holy Disarmament Legion, the only thing that can make the Nightmare Legion’s mind. Stable is an invincible battle.

The shining sword aura madly collided with the domain.

When Xuanyuan Wushang rushed over, the battle between Saints and Gravitch had almost reached a fever pitch. The constantly surging field and the vertical and horizontal sword energy almost affected the nearby space, and even the helicopter flight became a little bit. Unstable.

"This is the invincible state?"

Xuanyuan Wushang muttered to himself softly and glanced at Xing Tian.

Xing Tian looked at Xuanyuan Wushang silently, as if still immersed in the mood of wanting to go back.

The atmosphere in the cabin was silent and awkward.

Xuanyuan Wushang frowned slightly as he watched the deadly battle on the ground.

"that person."

Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at Gravic, who was entangled with the saint.

"It doesn't look pleasing to the eye."


Xing Tian had some doubts.

"Don't you really want to be a physical education teacher in Tiannan? Then don't you show your hand to the Eastern Palace? Otherwise, you will be sent over as a security guard sooner or later because of you stupid.

Xuanyuan Wushang cursed with a smile, and put one foot on Xing Tian's leg, his finger still pointed at Gravic: "Let him disappear."

Xing Tian, ​​who was kicked, didn't move at all. He thought about it seriously, nodded, and opened the door of the helicopter.

The battle between the two Invincible Realms became more intense and anxious.

Xing Tian squinted his eyes subconsciously.

His eyes fell on Gravic.

This new invincible state cultivated in the sanctuary at all costs for two years is tall and straight, with blond hair like a burning fire, and he has been spiritually crowned. Although he fell into a disadvantage in the battle with the saints, he was absolutely keen after the crown. The will made him react extremely quickly. Although he was injured now, he did not show any signs of failure.

The moment Xing Tian's gaze fell on him, Gravic had turned his head suddenly, his gaze was also locked on Xing Tian.

The eyes of the two collided in midair for a moment.

Out of instinct, the hairs on Gravic's body suddenly stood up.

The danger perception derived from instinct seemed to penetrate his body in an instant, deep into the internal organs, into the bone marrow, into every drop of blood.

Xing Tian in his sight seemed to be a huge beast that was countless times more dangerous than a saint.

Danger is screaming.

But in perception, the huge figure of the saint did not have the slightest breath.

His tall body bent slightly and walked out of the cabin.

The wind is whistling, the field is raging, and the sword is flying.

He stood in the air, motionless.

Without any hesitation, the area around Gravitch suddenly expanded, and the ultimate burst of power temporarily forced the military division back. Gravitch turned around and ran without hesitation.

Dignity, reputation, glory, status, everything, the premise is to live.

He didn't know why he was scared, but at the moment he saw Xing Tian, ​​every cell under his body seemed to remind him that death was close at hand. He used all his strength in the reinforcement field, and he had no intention of fighting. , Just thinking about running away.

The domain squeezed the space, became more and more condensed, and directly solidified to the limit in the shortest time.

Xing Tian squinted and stretched out his hands.

His breath was still calm.

But as he stretched out his hand, the entire space suddenly let out a sharp whistle to the extreme.

Xing Tian's palm was vacantly gripped. In the sight of everyone who saw this scene, the night sky seemed to be clearly deformed in Xing Tian's hands, and the endless night turned into a giant bow nearly three meters long.

Open the bow and shoot the arrow.

The night wind suddenly disappeared, and the night was suddenly chaotic.

Xing Tian stood in the air without any breath from beginning to end, just like an ordinary person.

The giant bow condensed in the night is as black as ink in his hands.

The pitch-black bowstring pulled back for a moment.

He released his palm.

The huge bow dissipated abruptly.

There are no arrows in the air.

But the sky and the earth were completely quiet, the night was frozen, there was no wind and snow, and there was dead silence.

Gravic, who had escaped hundreds of meters, turned his head in horror.

He opened his mouth and shouted something, as if begging, cursing, and cursing.

All he saw was the back of Xing Tian bending over and curling up into the cabin again.

In his sight, his domain was beginning to shatter without any stagnation.

All-round broken.

The solid field seemed to have encountered an invisible force, which was crushed into powder without any resistance in an instant.


The shattered realm swallowed Gravic's figure completely.

Gravic's figure disappeared.

This picture looked like his figure was completely swallowed by the shattered realm. There was no blood, no light and shadow, plain and plain, and an invincible realm just disappeared.

The headquarters of Haifeng Yujianliu was silent.


After the invisible arrow, a real thunder suddenly sounded above the night sky.

Lightning cut through the sky.

Winter thunder is shaking.

Before dawn, it started to rain in Ninghu.

Xing Tian got into the cabin again and sat down in a corner.

Before the murder, there was no general momentum.

After the murder, there was no general momentum.

His body is too huge, so he nestled in the cabin, looking like a gas bag.

"well done."

Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes wandered, his voice was a bit erratic.

Xing Tian raised his head subconsciously, but saw that his little master's eyes had shifted from the Beihai on the cabin screen to the window.

The battle at the headquarters of Hayate Yujianliu suddenly became fierce.

With the fall of Gravitch, the momentum of the Nightmare Legion was like a rainbow, and its morale rose straight.

However, the battle of the Holy Disarmament Corps obviously has a rhythmic break.

Silently disappeared into this world.

Gravic, the new invincible master trained by the Sanctuary with all his strength, was even more miserable than the one who died in Li Tianlan's hand with a punch.

Hidden strength came to the East Island, and died silently, from beginning to end, it can be said that he was unknown.

The helicopter hovered over the gusty Yujian stream.

The rain under the curtain of night is gradually rushing.

The figure of the saint stood in the air and was silent for a full two minutes.

Xuanyuan Wushang passed through the cabin, and stared at the saint for two minutes.

His eyes were a little excited, a little guilty, and grateful.


Xing Tian let out a dull voice.


Xuanyuan Wushang nodded and shook his head again, seeming to know that there was something wrong with his state, he rubbed his face severely, and said softly, "Xing Tian, ​​do you know, what is the greatest sadness of a doctor?"

Xing Tian was stunned.

The young master in front of him is different from him.

He came here with his mission, so he can be a sports teacher, a gatekeeper, a beggar, a security guard, whatever. He has shown his strength tonight, and can already get the Eastern Palace. Pay attention, if there is no accident, for a long time in the future, until he leaves, he will not have the opportunity to shoot again.

And the young master in front of him.

His combat effectiveness is naturally not zero, but he is really a doctor.

Perhaps this doctor is relatively high-end compared to the Eastern Palace, but the doctor is the doctor.

The question of Xuanyuan Wushang seemed to have involved the meaning of his job.

Xing Tian hesitated and did not speak.

"The doctor's greatest sorrow is to see his comrades slowly die, but he can do nothing but watch."

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at the saint outside the window with complicated eyes.

"many years ago..."

He pointed to the saint: "I have a comrade in arms who looks a lot like him."

Xing Tian glanced at the saint outside the window, but still did not speak.

Xuanyuan Wushang took a deep breath and exhaled it for a long time.

"Please come and sit down."

Xuanyuan Wushang said, "Prepare a pot of good tea."

"just now?"

Xing Tian confirmed it again.

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded: "I'm a doctor, you can tell him that even if he doesn't participate in the underground battle, we will win, and from now on, there will be no more casualties in the Eastern Palace."



In front of the Emperor Bing Mountain, the battle that could have been the key point of breaking the game in everyone's eyes remained silent without the slightest sign.

The still wind and snow, the still light of the knife, the still blood, the still blade.

Everything seemed to freeze for a moment.

This strange scene even stopped the melee on Emperor Bing Mountain.

The sights of all the masters of the Invincible Realm were firmly locked on Wang Yuexiange and Wang Xiaoyao.

The blood-stained Qiangu maintained a slashing posture, and the sharp blade was less than 30 centimeters away from Wangyue Xiange's head.

Mochizuki Xiange stretched out his hand.

To be precise, it is a finger.

The only left hand of her was lifted up, and her slender and pale fingers full of beauty lightly touched the blade.

Then everything became static in an instant.

The world seemed to become extremely quiet at this moment.

Jiang Shangyu frowned tightly. Through the distance, she silently looked at the knife in Wang Xiaoyao's hand.

A feeling of inexplicability rose up naturally in his heart.

He saw that Mochizuki Xiange opened his hands, and his five fingers pinched the blade in an already extremely tough but very delicate way. Not only Wang Xiaoyao's blade could not move any minute, the world seemed to be completely frozen.

Moray's face was a bit ugly. He thought of the fight with the'Palace Master of Samsara' in the Snow Country. As Jiang Shangyu's true confidant, after Mormans' eternal sword was over, Moray naturally determined that he had been with himself. The match is Mochizuki Song.

At that time, Mochizuki Xiange was clearly not his opponent.

But now...

He gritted his teeth fiercely. In his sight, Mochizuki Xiange stretched out his fist. The clenched fist was delicate and small, but extremely overbearing. It was obviously a flesh and blood body, but his fist slammed on it. On the blade, then everything is frozen.

Tian Hai Wuji and Liu Sheng Cangquan looked at each other.

These two brothers, who have a competitive relationship and even have deep personal grievances with each other, but who can always maintain a tacit understanding at the critical moment, looked at each other. In the sight of the two, Mochizuki Xiange's finger lightly touched the blade, and then the world seemed to be Are completely frozen.

Wang Xiaoyao remained motionless.

He kept the slashing motion stiff.

In sight, Mochizuki Xiange's body stood up and took a small step back.

It was just a small step, but the surrounding environment changed abruptly, and Wang Xiaoyao unexpectedly found that he could not lock onto Wangyue Xiange's figure.

A piece of invisible resistance blocked the blade in his hand, making it impossible for his knife to fall even one centimeter.

Chaos, distortion, different perspectives, different pictures, the same result.

In the midair of Emperor Bingshan, Li Tianlan, who had been preparing to take a full shot, stopped, watching Wang Xiaoyao and Burning fire distantly.

The sword intent flowed in his eyes, and the Thirteenth Floor shook lightly. Perhaps only the picture in his eyes was the clearest and most real.

The most realistic picture is that the fire has not moved.

She didn't stretch out her fingers, didn't make a fist, didn't get up, she just got up slowly, shaking her body and moving a step to the left.

Time seems to be slowed down at this moment.

Mochizuki Xiange kept taking deep breaths, and an extremely terrifying breath surged and recovered from her body.

Her eyes were already red in an instant.

She is the strongest heavenly king in the Samsara Palace, Qin Weibai's right-hand man, and the Lord of the Samsara Palace.

She is now the Dark Queen of the Dark Knights.

Even though she was injured, she was still a big figure in the dark world at the top.

She came here for the feelings of the past and for the future. She came here to help, not to be a burden.

Mochizuki Xiange didn't mind being cut off by one arm. What she couldn't accept most was that she was used as a bargaining chip to threaten Li Tianlan.

If such a thing happens, she might as well not come.

She is here to help.

In the brief confrontation between Wang Xiaoyao and Li Tianlan, only this thought crazily reverberated in Wangyue Xiange's mind.

Just as Li Tianlan didn't know why he could enter the shadow of Jiang Shangyu.

Mochizuki Xiange himself can't tell what state he is in.

The only thing she did was to overdraft her potential and body at all costs at the moment just now. This extreme overdraft is even further than the burst of exhaustion, which is almost equivalent to burning herself recklessly, letting His scarred body can withstand the power of his heyday or even beyond.

She didn't expect this situation to happen when she completely overdrawn herself.

That feeling is as if the space is divided into countless mirrors, and every subtle movement of oneself is shown concretely and extensibly by pieces of space like mirrors.

The space is torn a little bit, and countless spaces are like countless mirrors.

In the wind and snow, under the blade, Mochizuki Xiange felt like standing in a room with mirrors everywhere.

The motion of her getting up continued to stretch on the mirror, turning into a motion of reaching out and making a fist.

The gesture of raising his hand turned into a finger.

She stood up, but moved to the left and right in the mirror.

All of this was vaguely unreal in the perception of Mochizuki Xiange. For a short moment, she could not figure out whether the space was twisted and split or her spirit was twisted and split. The explosive sword energy kept rushing out of her body and everything around her. , Every frame of the picture is completely distorted, the most illusory is distorted into reality, and the most real she is distorted into illusion, she is here, but what everyone sees in their consciousness is actually an illusion .

The whole process is actually very simple in the sight of Wangyuexiange.

The moment Wang Xiaoyao's blade was pressed down, he suddenly stopped. At that time, he didn't know what he saw, and Wangyue Xiange used this moment to avoid the blade and stood up.

The space was twisted and split, and a lot of things happened at that moment, but in fact nothing happened, just a simple dodge.

The pale Mochizuki Xiange stood up straight, the aura on her body became stronger and stronger, and her extremely overdrawn body would make her injuries worse, but at this time it also gave her the power to surpass her peak period.

It's a completely unintentional transformation.

The explosion in the desperate situation infinitely increased the burden on her body, but the twisted sword intent split the space, and in a short period of time, it affected everyone in a way that seemed like a coincidence and some kind of inevitable way that they could not reach. .

Mochizuki Xiange flashed past the knife and stood up.

Her body began to recover, or... was overdrawn.

Constant overdraft.

Sword Qi surged in the body, like a mighty torrent. At this moment, the burning sword was real, but temporarily standing in the realm of peak invincibility.

The absolute concentrated will of Jingqishen is not so much supporting her body, but rather it is that Mochizuki Xiange deceived her body, deceived every organ of her body, and she let every organ in her body by overdrawing her body. , Every joint, every drop of blood, every cell thinks that they are in the state of heyday, so the body is overdrawn, the sword energy is restored, and the peak is invincible.

Confused the enemy in the shortest time.

Also deceived myself in the shortest time.

Only the spirit remains calm and rational.

Mochizuki Xiange is temporarily difficult to explain and completely understand everything, if it is explained in the most authoritative vocabulary.

It's fraud.

For Xuanyuan Wushang, this is very important.

For Mochizuki Xiange, she just doesn't want to be a drag now.

"Your opponent..."

The endless rush of breath broke through the wind and snow and rushed to the sky.

Mochizuki Xiange's cold voice rang: "It's me..."

The continuously resurrected Jian Qi broke through to a new peak at an incredible speed in an instant.

Solidified, chaotic, and still, everything returned to normal in an instant.

The blade of the famous sword trembles slightly, and the split instantly turns into a sweep.

The moment Mochizuki Xiange was re-locked, without any hesitation, Wang Xiaoyao exploded with all his strength.

He didn't figure out what happened just now, but he didn't like any variables. It didn't take long for him to enter the peak invincibility, less than half a year. This was originally his biggest hole card, which was directly crushed during the war. Mochizuki Xiange, if it hadn't had the accident just now, the decisive battle in Beihai might have ended now, and Li Tianlan had also fallen.

What is needed for this level of battle is an opportunity. The so-called victory or defeat, or even life and death, are often instantaneous.

Li Tianlan wants to save Wangyue Xiange, Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, Wang Xiaoyao.

This can almost represent that the three people with top combat effectiveness in the dark world are extremely confident that they can instantly hit or even kill Li Tianlan.

There would be no surprises.

But this is how the accident happened.

Mochizuki Xiange actually struggled to make a way out of desperation.

It’s not that much upset and frustration, but at this moment Wang Xiaoyao’s killing intent has truly reached an unprecedented peak. He wants to do something for Beihai. This is the closest time to his success. A Mochizuki song can’t stop him. No one can stop him.

Only he can make Beihai better.

The dazzling knife light suddenly draws out

A completely natural arc.

Wang Xiaoyao's figure shuttled quickly, just a slight flicker, he and Dao Guang had already arrived in front of Wangyue Xiange at the same time.

The dazzling brilliance shone.

There was only one left hand but Mochizuki Xiange, whose breath was better than the previous one, held the cicada's song and stab forward.

A sword energy with endless sharpness suddenly collided with the blade light.

There is no rolling and suppression.

The scene is completely evenly matched.

The frantic friction between the sword light and the sword light caused a loud noise that almost tore the space.

The silhouettes of the two quickly drew closer.

No one stepped back.

Draw a knife, draw a sword.

The fierce sword collision sounded instantly.

Sword Twenty-Four's changes in Wangyuexian singers seemed to have reached its extreme. Sword light flew across the sky and underground, and the boundless sword energy condensed into one beam of light beams, shining continuously in the air.

But Wang Xiaoyao, whose eyes were completely gloomy and indifferent, suddenly calmed down a lot.

His figure is attacking.

Offense offense offense.

The two kept within the shortest distance, and the swords collided countless times. At this time, the huge blade of the ages was like a delicate and small dagger in Wang Xiaoyao's hands, sticking to Wangyue Xiange's side and waving continuously.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoyao didn't have any extra movements. The originally extremely violent sword technique suddenly went to the other extreme. His movements became extremely concise. The absolute simplicity brought incredible smoothness. Close to Mochizuki Xiange, his attack was like a storm. Although he could no longer crush Wangyue Xiange, Wang Xiaoyao once again mastered the attacking rhythm as time passed.

On Emperor Bing Mountain, Wang Shengxiao's still tight body relaxed slightly for a moment, frowning and said: "What happened just now?"

Li Tianlan shook his head silently.

In the moment just now, apart from the client of Wangyue Xiange, perhaps only Li Tianlan can see what is going on. He can see every movement of Wangyue Xiange, and he can also see the pieces around Wangyue Xiange. In the space like a mirror, his perception seemed to be concentrated on the mirror next to Wangyue Xiange in those short seconds, but his sight could clearly see the most real state of Wangyue Xiange.

He didn't know what was going on, it was like everyone's perception was deceived at that moment, but it was not the kind of hypnotic power from the spirit, it was more like a very interesting use of power. .

"Fire broke through?"

Wang Shengxiao looked at Wangyue Xiange and asked strangely.


Li Tianlan said indifferently: "It's a little bit close to a real breakthrough."

The battle in sight continued.

Wang Xiaoyao's movements became more and more simple and smooth, his body strode forward in the shining light and shadow, ignoring everything.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head subconsciously.

Burning Fire now temporarily possesses the strength of the pinnacle of invincibility, but this does not mean that she can beat Wang Xiaoyao. Sword Twenty-Four is the supreme mastery of swordsmanship in the dark world, and is as famous as the six reincarnation swords of the North Sea Wang family. , Sword Twenty-Four is undoubtedly better than Wang Xiaoyao's martial arts that Wang Xiaoyao walked the path of his predecessors and finally explored a little bit by himself, but the most fatal flaw at the time of burning fire was her injury.

The kind of injury that was suppressed before she came here slightly affected her state. As for trauma, after losing the right arm, which is most used to using swords, Mochizuki Xiange's movements are always strange, slightly fuller than the normal sword. A trace.

Wang Xiaoyao's martial arts is flawed.

At the very least, Li Tianlan can see the occasional flaws in Wang Xiaoyao’s concise and smooth almost perfect movements. Such flaws can be tried when Mochizuki Xiange has truly entered the Peak Invincible Realm and is intact. but now...

Mochizuki string song may be seen.

But her shot speed can't keep up with her eyesight.

Li Tianlan was silent for a while and sighed softly.

He did not expect the situation to become so passive.

Qiushui, Tongtian, Canglan, Queen, Liuli.

The situation in several cities was not unexpected. The combined forces possessed too much power. In the early stage of the decisive battle in the North Sea, the North Sea was destined to be at a huge disadvantage. The biggest accident throughout the night was that the weapons of the Imperial Army were blocked. Moment.

Wang Xiaoyao did not expect Wu Qingwu to betray Di Bingshan.

No one can think of it.

When Dibingshan’s weapons were unusable, they also lost their biggest trump card. A high-end combat powerless Dibingshan was originally a toothless tiger. Various weapons were blocked and turned into a sick cat in an instant.

Wang Shengxiao put his hope on the weapon system of Dibingshan and Li Tianlan's own powerful combat effectiveness.

Now that the former card has lost its effect, it means that Li Tianlan has to bear more pressure.

This is the first variable.

Wang Xiaoyao's hidden strength is the second variable.

How to describe the destructive power of a peak invincible state cannot be overstated, especially in the case of losing the firepower advantage, one's own cutting-edge combat power is at an absolute disadvantage, and all the pressure is almost on Li Tianlan.

He is not afraid of Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, and Wang Xiaoyao.

He is not afraid of anyone.

But what about when everyone is standing opposite him?

Li Tianlan suddenly raised his palm.

The Thirteenth Floor Sword Formation that had been revolving around him suddenly became clear.

All eyes focused at the same time, even including Wang Xiaoyao's will.

Everyone can regard Mochizuki Xiange as the key to breaking the game, but now the main reason for this deadlock is Li Tianlan.

Nothing is more important than Li Tianlan's every move.

"If I leave Emperor Bingshan now, what will you say?"

Li Tianlan looked at the sword formation spinning beside him, suddenly asked.

Wang Xiaoyao was stunned, but did not panic, and said calmly: "The North Sea will be pale in the final battle, and the East Island will take half of the North Sea. I will die here. My second uncle will become the new patriarch, and Mochizuki Xiange will also fall. The Eastern Palace is opposed to the Dark Knights, and it is even more deadly feud with the combined forces. Your power on the East Island may be withdrawn, but without the North Sea Wang Clan, the Eastern Palace is also missing a natural barrier. The entire darkness The world will be your enemy, and at the same time you will be under the pressure of Zhongzhou. Zhongzhou will also find that besides the Eastern Palace, they will have other options, such as the relatively better-controlled Jiangshangyu and Second Uncle."

"Sounds really miserable."

Li Tianlan smiled.

"None of these can be discussed."

Wang Shengxiao looked at Li Tianlan: "You are standing here now. Do you think that with such a good opportunity, Jiang Shangyu and the secret Li Kuangju, are you really willing to let you go? The situation in the East Palace is very good now, and the Shengshi Fund has joined. It also gives the Eastern Palace the background of super power. If you fall here, they will not only lose a fatal threat in the future, but also can divide the huge and enviable benefits of the Eastern Palace. You stand here, Who of them wants you to go?"

"I can't go."

Li Tianlan calmly said, "It's not that I can't go."

"You don't seem to be optimistic about the outcome of the decisive battle."

Wang Shengxiao narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"To be precise, it is my distrust of you. I know what you are waiting for. Similarly, you also know what I am worrying about. This is your imperial mountain. I can do my best."

Li Tianlan was silent and continued: "Where is Wuyou?"

Wang Shengxiao fell silent immediately.

Li Tianlan quietly looked at the sword formation spinning around him, without saying a word.

"It's not in Dibing Mountain now. At this level, I don't have to lie to you. You will be miserable if you lose this decisive battle, but Beihai will be even worse. If it is here, I cannot hide it against you. Compared to you, these talents in front of you are really enemies that cannot coexist."

"Where is worry-free?"

Li Tianlan asked again.

"I only know that it is in Beihai."

Wang Shengxiao said calmly.

"Uncle Lin told me that you can't leave Dibing Mountain and Wangyou Mountain Villa without worry."

Li Tianlan frowned.

"I don't know how Wuyou is, but Wuyou can leave temporarily, because of some special circumstances, it must also leave."

Wang Shengxiao looked at the sword formation beside Li Tianlan, and said calmly: "Because of you, or rather, because of the ruthlessness that made it feel threatened."

"and so?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

"So I don't know where he is until the ruthless energy is reduced to a certain level."

Wang Shengxiao said.

Li Tianlan turned his head and looked at Wang Shengxiao quietly.

Wang Shengxiao was also looking at him.

His eyes didn't avoid the slightest.

Li Tianlan didn't know whether what he said was true or not.

But the current situation is indeed not optimistic.

Li Tianlan must do something.

The Thirteenth Floor became clearer and clearer beside him.

Li Tianlan was silent for a long time before nodding.

"In that case..."

A light touch of his finger.

The infinite sword light flooded the sky sword in an instant.

The shining sword light instantly lit up on the snowy Emperor Bing Mountain.

In the endless light and shadow, Li Tianlan's voice was calm and indifferent: "Then it is as it wishes, and as you wish."

The ruthless energy is decreasing slowly but extremely steadily.

Another Li Tianlan appeared on Dibing Mountain.

That was Li Tianlan manifested by the light sword carrying Li Tianlan's sword intent.

The two identical figures seemed to have a brief look at each other.

Tianguang directly turned around and rushed to the Jinghong in the flames of war.

It was this moment.

East Island, Ninghu.

Xing Tian's huge and thick fingers let go of the bowstring that was deep as night.

At the same time, Li Tianlan raised his head.

Rain falls on the East Island and snow falls on the North Sea.

The night is still.

Li Tianlan looked up at the night sky.

The Thirteenth Floor Sword Formation suddenly spun wildly without being under his control.


The countless famous swords surrounding Li Tianlan's body instantly combined to become ruthless.

Ruthlessly turned into a black cloak draped over Li Tianlan.

The cloak fluttered unscrupulously in the cold wind and snow, and countless complex and mysterious golden lines shone with a faint golden light at the same time.

The cloak quickly lifted into the sky with Li Tianlan's figure, getting higher and higher, turning into a small black spot in a flash.

Li Tianlan didn't react at all from beginning to end.

He just raised his head and looked at the dark sky.

The night is dead.

No stars and no clouds.

Only wind and snow.

Li Tianlan's eyes were solemn and blank.

He is the strongest kendo who stands at the peak of the dark world today.

In the field of swords, Wang Tian was the strongest, and there was no one.

But at this moment, he stood high in the sky looking at the night above, but his face was blank.


He seemed to feel a very subtle but absolutely vast breath.

That feeling...

It a sword spirit?


(This volume is about to end, and there should be a single chapter after the end, specifically to talk about the reason why this volume is so stupid, um, also talk about this fat man and Xingtian...)

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