The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 281: : End of the World·Mingyue·Knife (6)

Wang Xiaoyao's voice spread far away in the night with the power of the pinnacle invincibility, passionate and indulgent, like a thunder echoing near the Emperor Soldier Mountain.

Everyone on Dibing Mountain heard this sentence.

A sentence that can be said to be overwhelming but extremely provocative.

Since Li Tianlan's entry into the WTO, people he can't beat have met, but there are really no people who dare not beat him.

Wang Xiaoyao's words equated to a great humiliation.

The wind and snow filled the sky.

Large swaths of wind and snow revolved frantically around Wang Xiaoyao's body, and the huge blade of the ages pointed at Li Tianlan from a distance. At this moment, Wang Xiaoyao's whole body was full of indescribable arrogance.

On Emperor Bing Mountain, Li Tianlan squinted his eyes.

His sight penetrated the flying wind and snow, and saw the blood in the wind and snow.

Wangyue Xiange's arms were flying in the air, and a large amount of blood flowed from her broken arm. Under the severe pain, her face was slightly distorted, and her state fell directly to the bottom in an instant.

Wang Xiaoyao won.

Incomparably straightforward, and dignifiedly crushed, he won not only victory, but also life and death.

Under the blade of the ages, he could take the life of Wangyue Xiange at any time.

Li Tianlan looked at Wang Xiaoyao's knife quietly.

Looking at Wang Xiaoyao's face.

Wang Xiaoyao was also looking at him in the distance, with a sneer on his face.

The moment Wang Xiaoyao cut off the Mochizuki Xiange, the killing intent that Wang Xiaoyao felt almost frozen the space came from Li Tianlan.

Regardless of any conflicts between Mochizuki Xiange and Qin Weibai after the collapse of the Samsara Palace, she can appear here today, that has already expressed her attitude. In Leiji City more than two years ago, on the night of Judgment Day, the Dark Knight Rafael of the regiment almost saved the current Li Tianlan with a serious injury that he has not healed so far. The love and favor of the past mean that Li Tianlan can't watch Mochizuki Xiange die.

Warnings several kilometers apart are indeed extremely deterrent.

The perfection of Li Tianlan's martial arts and the power of ruthless functions were enough to make Li Tianlan appear in front of Wang Xiaoyao in an instant, ignoring the distance of several kilometers.

At that time, Wang Xiaoyao's fate may not be better than when Wangyue Xiange faced him, or even worse.

But the problem is...

Does Li Tianlan dare?

Wang Xiaoyao laughed more and more arrogantly. His low voice appeared very soft in the night, but it echoed throughout the whole world: "You dare not, are you?"

Li Tianlan did not speak.

There are turbulent fire lights everywhere on the Emperor Bing Mountain, and the flames spread and burst in the air. This is almost the last strength on the Emperor Bing Mountain.

Zhutian troops!

To be precise, it is the alternate force of Zhutian troops.

The genuine troops of the heavens are counterattacking Canglan, and the two hundred reserve members of the troops of the heavens are left on the mountain of Emperor soldiers, as well as one half-step invincibility and three thunderings that Wang Shengxiao barely left after showing all the strength. peak.

This is all the power of Beihai on the Emperor Bing Mountain.

It seems that since the establishment of the Wang Clan in Beihai, the force of Dibingshan has not been so stretched.

Naturally, there is a reason why the combined forces are too strong.

There is also the reason why Wang Xiaoyao took away part of the high-end combat power.

Two hundred all fire-burning masters cooperated with a few thunder-thunder stage peaks, and several thunder-thunder stage peaks assisted in the only half-step invincible stage, and barely formed a relatively small scale of the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation, incomparably tacit cooperation. Almost two hundred people became one person. The flames soared to the sky, and the flames enough to burn everything continued to sweep through, and the entire Emperor Soldier Mountain was within the range of the sword formation.

Sword Qi was shining in the sword formation, and Li Tianlan, who was transformed into the Jinghong Sword, stopped Jiang Guochu and Liu Shengcangquan alone within the Zhutian Sword Formation, and most of the power of the Zhutian Sword Formation poured on Morad. , The sword light is invincible, Tianhai Promise and the more than ten half-step invincible masters of the combined forces are almost in a state of no one to control.

Tianhai Wuji is the number one master of Dongdao. He was already in the top ten of the world’s **** list six or seven years ago. Although he has not officially entered the peak invincibility state, he is not far from that state. Gong's sword was swift and fierce, Tian Hai Wuji made it himself, and with more than a dozen Invincible Realm, almost immediately after the battle began, the Zhutian alternate force was shocked and shaken.

The alternate force of Zhutian troops was constantly being reduced, and the Jinghong Sword turned into a blue color, and the ruthless energy was unpleasant but extremely stable consumption.

The 13th Floor Sword Formation allows Li Tianlan to feel the ruthless state at any time. Attacks are everywhere. Tianhai Wuji and more than a dozen half-step invincible masters are tearing the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation while cooperating with Jiang Guochu. Liu Sheng Cangquan came to interfere with Li Tianlan's famous sword clone.

Everyone can see that the strength of Emperor Bingshan is difficult to hold on.

If several Invincible Realm masters explode with all their strength, Li Tianlan's famous sword clone can retreat all over, but the Heavenly Sword Formation is destined to suffer heavy losses.

In the heyday, the sword formations of the heavens can be used against the peak invincible masters.

But now the alternate power of the Heavenly Sword Array is one-third less than the number of the real Heavenly Troops, and the Thunder-Thunder Realm masters are even worse. They are not only facing Morad, who is infinitely close to the peak and invincible realm. Tianhai Wuji and more than a dozen half-step invincible masters tore.

The Heavenly Sword Array could not be resisted.

Wang Shengxiao’s original plan was to use the sword formations of the heavens as a supplement, with the absolute strong fire coverage on the Emperor Bing Mountain as the mainstay. The decisive battle began and the first time communication was restored, the Emperor Bing Mountain had already activated all weapon systems, and strictly The range and firepower were planned, and in the multiple simulations in advance, even the worst results, the situation is beneficial to Beihai.

Wang Shengxiao can certainly think of Dongdao.

With the support of his predictions and the results of many simulations, Dibingshan is almost certain that even if they were hit by the firepower of the East Island, all the weapon systems activated on the Dibingshan are enough to give a few invincibles on the mountain at this time. Cause a deadly threat.

Even if Jiangshangyu cannot be moved, when thousands of weapon terminals erupt at the same time, most of Jiangshangyu's physical strength can be consumed.

There was an accident in Dong Dao before the war, and the weapon control system has not been recaptured so far. What's more ridiculous is Dong Dao has not noticed this yet. Wang Shengxiao's surface is silent, and his heart can be said to be ecstatic. Tucao is a silly bird from beginning to end. His family is so **** empty that he still feels nothing. It is a marvel of international history in the past 100 years. Because of this, he is more confident in the battle.

Without the threat from the East Island, the weapons on the Emperor Bing Mountain could crush everything unscrupulously. This is the best situation.

Liu Shengcangquan, Tianhai Wuji, Jiang Guochu, Molide, Jiang Shangyu, Wang Xiaoyao.

United forces.

Such a lineup is indeed suffocating luxuriously, but once the weapon system on Dibing Mountain fires, Wang Shengxiao can be sure that at least the weakest Liusheng Cangquan and Jiang Guochu are destined to not survive unless Jiang Shangyu will hesitate to consume his own physical strength. Save them.

When the fire suppression is over, the heavenly troops can take advantage of the situation to clean up the mess and further weaken their state and physical strength.

Next is the time for Li Tianlan to enter the market to harvest this era.

But Wang Shengxiao didn't expect that when several Invincible Realm stepped into the firepower strike range, nothing happened on Dibing Mountain.

Wu Qingwu, who was originally the most loyal to Dibingshan, disappeared.

All the weapon systems in the North Sea were locked.

Although Wang Xiaoyao was temporarily held back by Wangyue Xiange, the troops of the heavens were about to face several invincible masters in their heyday.

Such a situation is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Wang Shengxiao.

Wu Qingwu.

The uncle he always trusted most stabbed him from the back when he needed strength most.

Nearly fatal knife.

The situation in front of me is slowly but slowly collapsed at an unchangeable speed.

Wang Shengxiao glanced at Li Tianlan suddenly.

Li Tianlan stood there in silence, motionless.

Wang Shengxiao understood Li Tianlan's difficulties.

As the Eastern Emperor, but now it is really difficult to ride a tiger.

The collapse of Dibingshan is happening little by little.

But until now, Jiang Shangyu has never taken any action.

He hovered quietly in the air, observing Dibing Mountain, observing Li Tianlan, observing Wang Shengxiao, with a calm expression that everything was under control.

With the strength of the combined forces at this time, the speed of the collapse of Dibingshan can be accelerated several times, or even dozens of times. If several invincible masters are willing to pay some price, such as some serious injuries, they can even make The situation at Emperor Bing Mountain collapsed in an instant, destroying all the forces that could resist on Emperor Bing Mountain.

But they never did it.

But they didn't do it from beginning to end.

Because once the Zhutian Sword Array is broken, they will face Li Tianlan, who is going all out.

Because Jiang Shangyu hasn't shot yet.

Even more because Li Kuangtu hasn't appeared yet.

Wang Shengxiao's eyes were a little self-deprecating, a little mocking.

Obviously, in the hearts of the coalition forces at this time, although this is a decisive battle in the North Sea, the Wang Clan of the North Sea is no longer important. It has become a battlefield for them to confront the young Eastern Emperor.

Therefore, the combined forces are deliberately pulling the battle.

The key to breaking the game was the battle between Wangyue Xiange and Wang Xiaoyao.

Wang Xiaoyao has the ability to kill Wangyue Xiange.

Li Tianlan has the ability and reason to save Wangyue Xiange from Wang Xiaoyao.

When the battle situation is deadlocked here, once Mochizuki Xiange has a life-and-death crisis, the moment Li Tianlan makes an all-out effort to kill Wang Xiaoyao, there is a high probability that Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu will break out with all their strength.

The final result of the Beihai decisive battle is that instant that can happen at any time.

Therefore, the battle on Emperor Bingshan was at a stalemate, and Tianhai Wuji was not in a hurry to break the situation.

And Wang Xiaoyao was not in a hurry to kill Wangyue Xiange, he used himself as a bait to provoke Li Tianlan, waiting for Li Tianlan to take the bait.

He is a true pinnacle invincible master.

And judging from the strength he has been exposed for a long time, even at the level of the peak invincible master, he is not a weak person. If Li Tianlan wants to injure him or even kill him instantly, he must be shot by the real body himself, or Ruthless and not stingy with a complete burst of energy.

The dark world is now the only peak invincible state, such Wang Xiaoyao is much more difficult to deal with than Gu Xingyun, Li Tianlan can only choose one of two.

Mochizuki Xiange must be saved.

Regardless of which Li Tianlan chooses, it is completely acceptable to the coalition forces.

He really took the shot and hadn't shown up, but with a high probability of being nearby Li Kuangtu and Jiang Shangyu at the same time, the possibility of Li Tianlan's fall on the spot is at least more than half, and the worst is that he is seriously injured and quit the Beihai decisive battle.

If it is a ruthless shot, with Wang Xiaoyao's full burst, coupled with the cooperation of Li Kuangtu and Jiang Shangyu, even if Ruthless can save Wangyuexiange, it will inevitably exhaust all energy, and then Tianhai will break the situation, Li Tianlan All you have to face is siege.

Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangzui.

Two masters who surpassed the peak invincibility.

Wang Xiaoyao is invincible at the peak.

Tianhai Promise, Morad's two are close to the peak of invincibility.

Jiang Guochu and Liu Shengcangquan are invincible.

And more than a dozen top half-step invincible masters.

This lineup is almost exaggerated compared to the lineup that besieged Wang Tianzong in Moormans.

Without the ruthless Li Tianlan, it would be impossible to stop him.

He was hit hard by the combined forces without even paying any price.

How can Li Tianlan choose?

Give up Mochizuki Song?

This option is almost non-existent based on Wang Shengxiao's understanding of him. In contrast, it is more likely that Li Tianlan will give up the Beihai decisive battle.

Wang Shengxiao sighed slightly.

His body moved slowly in the air, past the silent Li Tianlan.

"Second Uncle."

His voice carried the wind and snow from far away under the night.

This is the darkest time before dawn.

Wang Shengxiao's voice is stable and peaceful: "I'll play with you?"

Countless eyes gathered on Wang Shengxiao for the first time.

Jiang Shangyu, Morad, Tianhai Wuji...

The eyes of several invincible masters condensed at the same time.

On the stalemate battlefield, the pressure of the heavenly troops and Bi Se suddenly relaxed for a moment.

In the next second, all eyes turned away from Wang Shengxiao.

With Wang Shengxiao's hidden strength in front, at the moment Wang Shengxiao spoke, everyone thought that Wang Shengxiao was also hiding his strength, but at this time he was standing there, and what he displayed was the breath of half-step invincibility.

Half-step invincible, this kind of strength has been unexpected, but playing with Wang Xiaoyao?

Wang Xiaoyao stood in the air, and the eyes of the two uncles and nephews violently collided with each other thousands of meters apart.

Wang Shengxiao smiled and said softly: "Are you worthy?"

"If you can't afford it, you will die, and whoever can't afford it will die."

Wang Shengxiao looked at Wang Xiaoyao and said softly.

Wang Xiaoyao sneered and looked over Wang Shengxiao, locking on Li Tianlan.

At this level, he did have the capital not to put Wang Shengxiao in his eyes.

Mochizuki Xiange's slightly trembling body was lying in front of Wang Shengxiao at this time, with a little blood still spilling on his broken arm.

The blade was placed above the head of Wangyue Xiange.

Wang Shengxiao looked at Li Tianlan with a cold voice: "Three counts, if you don't come, she will die."


Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes suddenly, and the thirteen-story building continuously revolved around him, becoming clearer.

He knew Wang Xiaoyao's plan.

But some things can't be fooled unless you know it.

This is a conspiracy on the battlefield.

Wang Xiaoyao twitched at the corner of his mouth and said directly: "One."

There is no two.

As his voice fell, the huge blade of the ages suddenly pressed down.

Wang Xiaoyao:! ! !

A huge resistance suddenly passed from under the blade.

In the snowy area, Mochizuki Xiange suddenly stretched out his hand, blocking the pressing blade firmly.

An unprecedented breath rose suddenly from Mochizuki's body.

Indifferent, false, but still strong.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly, seemingly surprised.


At the same time, over the East Island, in the helicopter cabin, Xuanyuan Wushang, who had been following the picture of Emperor Bingshan, suddenly twisted the bottle of pure water in his hand.

He stared at the Wangyue Xiange on the screen dumbfounded, and stood up subconsciously.

"What is this?!"

He subconsciously exclaimed.


Xing Tian said solemnly.

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