The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 273: :flutter

Special invincibility.

This sentence is not difficult to understand in the dark world now, and it is not difficult to understand for the three half-step invincible masters of the combined forces.

Before the phoenix, the king of shadows in the dark world, Situ Wanjie, who caused the sanctuary to suffer the heaviest loss in nearly a hundred years, was a special invincible state.

Treat the so-called four realms of martial art as nothing.

The masters who attack from a single realm into the invincible realm are all special.

Strictly speaking, the combat power of this kind of people may not be absolutely powerful, but their exploration and excavation of a certain realm are constantly surpassing their limits, and their knowledge and understanding of their realm even surpasses the peak invincible realm masters, so When fighting, such people can often explode incredible destructive power.

The sky is full of wind and snow, icy and snowy.

The boundless hoarfrost is constantly flying in the center of the city, filling the high sky, raging the city, and everywhere is a silvery white full of chill.

The elites of Haifeng Yujianliu and Wuji Palace kept retreating, forming a disorganized formation, and finally evolved into a large-scale escape.

As Huang progressed, more and more people fell, and more and more people escaped.

Obviously, this is a special person who rushed into the invincible state from the ice mirror.


Xenomaras frowned: "She can't be regarded as truly invincible."

Affirming his own guess with an extremely certain tone, Xenomaras's tone was not relaxed, but became more solemn: "She can already be said to be an invincible combat power. The key is the current temperature and environment...this This environment can be said to be the home court of all the masters of the Ice Frost Realm, even if it is a real master of the Invincible Realm, it is not necessarily her opponent."


Without any hesitation, Dao Gui said.

"Can you go?"

Sword Soul's voice is extremely gloomy: "We can go, but what about the people below? What about the people outside?"

"Order it. All retreat, leave Liuli City, retreat to Queen City, and even retreat to Canglan."

Xenomaras slowly said: "We must be clear that these people in Liuli are not the opponents of Dibingshan's high-end combat power at all. We are just vanguards."

"Our goal is to attract the high-end combat power of Dibing Mountain, weaken the guard force of Dibing Mountain, and cause the greatest damage to the North Sea before they appear."

"At the moment, I think our task has been accomplished very well."

"But our expected target is not Liuli City!"

Sword Soul said coldly.

"Beihai is crazy. They blocked us here regardless of the cost, and they themselves suffered a great loss. We did not enter the expected battlefield, but caused more damage to the enemy than expected. Isn't that enough?"

Xenomaras smiled: "We should retreat, otherwise what can we do? With us people, fighting the Beihai to death is tantamount to dying, remembering our identity. We are just pioneers."

"A part of the masters of the combined forces will follow your Majesty and your Highness on the Mount of God’s Soldiers, but this part of the people is very small. Most of them will stay in Canglan and stabilize the situation in Canglan. Our power in Canglan is very important. Great advantage. Retreating to Canglan for the time being, concentrating forces, and eliminating all the high-end combat power in the North Sea is one of the most critical plans in the decisive battle."

Xenomaras clenched his fists and shook his head: "The decisive battle in the North Sea is not only in Dibing Mountain, but also in Canglan. We will concentrate our efforts to kill all the high-end combat power in the North Sea. The confluence of Bingshan and your Highnesses made the Wang Clan of Beihai completely history."

He looked at Soul Sword and spoke word by word: "In order to achieve this goal, some trivial sacrifices are completely acceptable."

"A trivial sacrifice?!"

Sword Soul stared at this South American conqueror of Jiang with red eyes, her palm pointed out the window: "This is a trivial sacrifice?!"

They know how many people there are in this so-called pioneer, and how many of them are in Liuli City at this time, facing the entry of the high-end combat power of the North Sea, if they order a retreat at this time, under such circumstances, they will be in a panic again. Without command, these people can return to Canglan with a tenth of them.

This kind of sacrifice is very difficult to bear for Haifeng Yujianliu and Promise Palace, and it is very difficult for the entire East Island to bear.

"They are really great."

Daogui said indifferently: "But compared to the goal we have pursued for hundreds of years, they are all insignificant. It is not just them. As long as the goal can be achieved, we, and even the two princes, including Shi Feng Yu Jian Liu and Promise Palace...Everyone is insignificant."

"We will remember them. If we can't leave here tonight, someone will remember us."

Sword Soul gritted her teeth and breathed deeply. She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

In this decisive battle of the North Sea, the players who participated in the battle are Shifeng Yujianliu and the Promise Palace, but not only the Shifeng Yujianliu and the Promise Palace. In the first few months of the decisive battle, the strength of the two major martial arts forces in the East Island It can be said to be a rapid expansion. In just a few months, their comprehensive strength, including combatants, weapons and equipment, and economic power has suddenly expanded dozens of times. This investment means that they cannot afford to lose, which means

The power behind them cannot afford to lose either.

The more than 70,000 square kilometers of fertile land in the southern part of the North Sea is an obsession that has been rooted in all of them for hundreds of years. This obsession has been passed on from generation to generation. Given the opportunity, they will inevitably grasp it.

They can have losses, they can sacrifice, and they can even give everything.

But just can't lose.

Because I really can't afford to lose.

If this decisive battle in the North Sea ended with their defeat, it would be an unprecedented disaster for Shifeng Yujianliu, for the Promise Palace, and for the entire East Island.

This can't even be regarded as a problem of shaking the foundation. Once this gamble does not see the result they want, it will be a question whether they can survive in the future.


Xenomaras squinted his eyes and looked at the wind and snow outside the window.

The wind and snow howled.

At the same time he made up his mind, the Huang below raised his head and glanced at the conqueror.

A distance of tens of meters across the night and snow.


Amid the incomparably clear cracking sound, all the windows of the ten-story municipal building suddenly shattered.

The wind and snow blew into the building in an instant.

All the warmth disappeared completely.

In the temporary command room, the temperature dropped tens of degrees at the moment the window shattered.


All the tea cups, bottles and kettles in the command room were frozen at the same time, and then they were exploded. The temperature continued to drop, and endless ice wind blew in.

The conqueror of the Jiang family in South America, the deputy master of the Promise Palace, and the deputy master of Shifeng Yujianliu.

There are six other masters in the thundering realm.

Everyone's body was trembling slightly in the cold wind.

Not because of fear and jealousy.

Just because of the cold.

This is an almost instinctive physiological response.

Huang's steps were in the air, her body getting higher and higher, and there seemed to be an invisible step in the air, dragging her up.

Dancing in the wind and snow.

Every snowflake seems to have become an extremely sharp sword. The snow flakes falling in her domain, carrying her power and flying out, Huang's domain is getting bigger and bigger, squeezing the sky above Liuli City, The thunder is still whistling and spreading in all directions, but no arc can approach this blizzard in the sky.

This moment is winter in the North Sea.

When the temperature is lowest in the early morning.

What everyone faced was the wind and snow that had been raging in the North Sea for several days.

What is home court advantage?

For Huang, all of this is a real home field advantage.

She is not the top half-step invincibility.

Strictly speaking, she is a frozen ice realm that is infinitely close to the invincible realm.

All the combat power she possesses is constantly breaking through the limit in the domain of the freezing realm.

So this home court advantage allows her to easily break her bottleneck temporarily in this environment.

Huang at this moment, in this blizzard, can be said to be the peak moment in her life.

Endless snowflakes gathered crazily around her and arranged neatly.

Huang's figure grew taller, and the height gradually approached the command room in the building.

Snow in the sky surrounded her, forming a white disc. In the command room, nine high-level combat powers above the thunder-thunder state have gathered together, and countless blue electric lights flashed around them, and everyone gathered together and slowly backed away.

It's just retreating slowly.

The endless icy wind and snow seemed to freeze everything, and their actions became extremely difficult.

Huang's tall figure came over from the ground, and through the broken window, it was level with the nine masters in the command room.

The vast snow disk almost completely swallowed her figure.

Vaguely, Genomaras the conqueror saw Huang spread his hands.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the sharply lowered temperature and cold wind poured directly into his throat the moment he opened his mouth, his face flushed, and he coughed frantically with trembling.


When the first cough sounded, Huang's hands were completely opened.

Embrace the night, embrace the wind and snow.

Destroy the world!

Around her, densely formed disc-shaped snowflakes suddenly exploded.

A huge avalanche seemed to usher in the former bustling city without warning.

The wind and snow are as sharp as a knife.

The fluttering snow seemed to have completely become a part of Huang's body, and they fluttered around, tearing everything around.

Streets, crowds, buildings, trees, gardens, street lights.

The sky was full of wind and snow.

The violent sound was earth-shaking.

It seems that the whole world is falling apart.

The temperature dropped wildly.

The wanton wind and snow froze everything.

This is the strongest blow that Huang has taken advantage of at home.

He directly blasted his own domain.

With the power of the Frozen Realm to explore the Invincible Realm, her domain has the most distinctive characteristics of the Ice Realm.

That is absolute cold


The frantically lowered temperature reached a terrifying low temperature of nearly one hundred degrees below zero in the shortest time.

Under the snow burst, all the elites of Yujianliu and Wuji Palace were completely buried by falling snowflakes and buildings.

Under such conditions, almost no so-called elite can survive.

Snow gradually fell on the ground.

The extreme coldness still spread silently in the ruins.

Huang stood in the air, lowered his head slightly, and squinted his eyes.

In her sight, a series of dark blue arcs abruptly flew into countless blizzard sheets of ice, and figure after figure appeared in front of her.

Still those nine high-level combat powers.

With three half-step Invincible Realm masters as the core, everyone joined hands to block Huang's explosion.

In addition to Huang, in a large area nearby, these nine masters are the last survivors of the snowburst.

Huang's face was indifferent, without sadness or joy.

She has never had a good impression of Beihai, so she is not moved by the so-called miserable situation in front of her. She came to Beihai only because of her sister's request and nothing more.

The enemy in front of him is not dead, just kill it once, even if he can't kill it, that's fine.

Do your best.

The endless wind and snow surged toward her body again.

Both Huang's pupils seemed to have turned into a snowy color, a piece of pure white, with extremely pure concentration.

"Bitch, how dare you..."

A curse that seemed to be mad, suddenly came from below.

A thunder-thundering realm in Haifeng Yujianliu was furious and about to rush out to fight Huang desperately.

The snow explosion that Huang just triggered buried all the elites of Shifeng Yujianliu and the Promise Palace, among which were all his direct powers, and under his anger, he seemed to completely lose his mind.

A dazzling thunder suddenly burst out in his hand, and then went out instantly.

Ice and snow, endless cold.

Huang glanced at him.


In the dull voice, the bodies of the three thunder-thunder masters who were not yet at the peak of the thunder-thunder state suddenly exploded, but there was no splash of blood.

All the blood in the three people's body was completely frozen into ice, and the broken corpses completely turned into frozen meat, falling to the ground piece by piece.

"Back! Fast back!"

The three half-step invincible masters only felt that their scalp was tingling.

They don't know enough about the Phoenix, but under these unique conditions, where is the ultimate strength that the Phoenix can display, what is the invincible state? This strength is even close to the peak invincible state.

This kind of special master who only pursues a single realm, once grown up, is enough to make anyone feel tricky.

Three half-step invincible, three thunder-thundering peaks turned around at the same time.

The expressionless Huang hooked his fingers at them.

The wind and snow between the sky and the earth solidified instantly.

The bodies of the three half-step Invincible Realm masters suddenly stiffened for a moment, and they almost fell into the snow. Blood poured out of their mouths, frozen into ice instantly, and their escape speed suddenly slowed by countless times.

But the bodies of the three thundering peak peaks behind them were completely frozen in place. As Huang moved his fingers, all the blood in the three bodies rushed out of their eyes, nostrils, ears and mouths.

The blood instantly froze when it left the body and fell to the ground.

The three thunder-thunder realm pinnacle masters were evacuated of all the blood in their bodies in an instant, and their bodies completely shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Huang's figure drifted forward slowly in the wind and snow.

She finally spoke and said the first sentence after stepping into the battlefield.

"You can't run."

Facing the three half-step invincible, her palm moved forward slowly.

In all directions, the wind and snow were like dragons, and they screamed and lifted into the air frantically, flooding the night.

Huang's palm slowly pressed forward.

But nothing happened.

The sound of the helicopter roaring from afar came from the air.

From south to north, flew over Liuli City.

Countless wind and snow froze in the air.

An extremely obscure area shrouded directly from the inside of the helicopter, instantly controlling the wind and snow in Phoenix's hands.

The endless heavy snow swelled and squeezed together, smashing directly towards Huang.

Huang's face changed slightly. Before her body had time to react, the endless snowflakes had already slapped her on her body.


In the dull voice, Huang's body was directly shot and flew away from a distance of tens of meters, and large swaths of blood flowed down from all parts of her body.

This power...this power...

The conqueror, the sword ghost, and the sword soul looked ecstatic, and subconsciously bent over in the direction of the helicopter, and said loudly, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The helicopter didn't stop, even didn't care about Huang's life or death, and flew over Liuli City at full speed.

On the plane, several Invincible Realm and more than a dozen Half-Step Invincible Realm masters were silent all the way.

When Dibingshan's high-end combat power entered the stage to counterattack Canglan.

The strongest combat effectiveness of the combined forces also left Canglan.

Go straight to Emperor Bingshan!

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