The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 272: :phoenix

The battlefield was divided into countless pieces in a very fast time.

The goals of many masters on Dibing Mountain are extremely clear. The elites of the two major forces on the East Island that have caused great trouble to the North Sea did not deliberately deal with them. All the goals were locked on the masters of the combined forces.

A large number of ordinary elites acted as cannon fodder to hold the North Sea as the main force, and the masters of the combined forces lurked in the dark to make the North Sea lose blood. This is the strategy of the combined forces.

This strategy is indeed successful. They have indeed brought great trouble to Beihai, even unprecedented losses and failures.

But with the power of Emperor Bingshan intervening, the whole situation was completely reversed almost instantly.

Every thunder-thunder master in Dibing Mountain has its own area of ​​responsibility. The thunder-thunder master in mid-air is looking for the elite of the combined forces. The heavenly troops and the internal guards on the ground are simply invincible. The entire situation is the most extreme. The speed and method were completely reversed, and the masters of the combined forces continued to fall.

Thunder and sword energy filled the sky of Liuli City.

At this moment, the combined forces and dozens of thunder-thundering masters in the North Sea Wang Clan were all erupting with all their strength, and most of the city was completely illuminated by the seemingly endless thunder.

Only the central area of ​​the city is silent in the vast thunder.

This is the location of the city hall. When the decisive battle broke out, this area was the first to fall. The combined forces and the cannon fodder forces of the East Island occupied the largest office building here and formed a temporary headquarters. Said to be the strongest place in Liuli City where the combined forces are strong.

Two are from the Half-Step Invincible Realm of Yujianliu and the Promise Palace respectively. One is from South American Jiang's Half-Step Invincible. The three are from the Peak of Thunder Realm, the 3 are masters of Thunder Realm, and the masters of Burning Flame exceed Fifty.

Without the intervention of Dibingshan's advanced combat power, this force could easily establish the situation in Liuli City at the most critical moment, and then rushed directly to the floating island and the holy state with a large amount of cannon fodder.

This is the vanguard unit that the joint forces have invested in the entire North Sea decisive battle. When the cannon fodder loss reaches a certain level, they will directly take action and completely shatter the North Sea's will to resist in the most decisive and cruel way.

Three half-step invincible, three thunder-thundering peak, three thunder-thundering state.

As true pioneers, these nine high-levels gathered in Liuli City, no matter their strength or their own state, can be said to be the best in the same realm. They led a joint force across the Canglan River. Now it can be said that they are The hardest bone in the northern part of the North Sea.

So it is logical that when the high-end combat power of Beihai enters the arena, what they are waiting for is that the king of Beihai is now on the bright side.

A master.

Fight, thunder, raging fire, flying snow.

The dazzling light and shadow flickered in all directions in the distance.

The tall woman walked on the street expressionlessly, without any so-called master aura, and no horrible killing intent. She just walked quietly, and could block the gust of wind Yujian Liu and the elite of Wuji Palace in front of her. But fell into pieces.

Not only recently joined the elite of the two forces.

It is the true elite of the two major forces in the East Island.

The wind and snow were dancing frantically in the neighborhood near the city hall. The wind and snow became bigger and bigger as the woman moved forward. From beginning to end, she seemed to have never moved her hands, but the elites who stood in front of her kept on. Fall down.

When the first group of elites who rushed less than ten meters in front of her fell abruptly to the ground, no one noticed that it was wrong. The elites who made up their minds to wash the North Sea rushed forward one after another, and then one after another. One fell to the ground.

In just over ten seconds, more than a hundred elite fell in front of the woman.

Everyone started to back away.

But as the woman moved forward, more and more people fell. There were no wounds on all of them, but the moment their bodies fell, the whole person was no longer alive.

The wind and snow covered the whole block like crazy.

The snow between the sky and the earth seemed to be slowly turning around the woman. Snow fell on the ground and hovered in the air. While most of the city was covered by thunder, the sky and the earth in the downtown area appeared incomparably cold white. .

"Who is this?"

In the temporary headquarters on the top floor of the office building, a dark-skinned man with a short stature stood in front of the window, his eyes dignified and serious looking at the woman downstairs.

The huge French windows were almost completely covered by the wind and snow.

Layers of hoarfrost appeared on the window, and the woman's figure also looked extremely blurred.

"I am not her opponent."

Without any hesitation, the small, dark man spoke the truth very frankly.

This sounded a shame, but no one in the room would think he was cowardly.

The South American Jiang family, whose history is even longer than that of the North Sea Wang family, has never been a coward in their past ‘conquerors’.

Conqueror Genomaras.

The leader of the Jiang conquerors in South America, the top half-step invincible master.

The conqueror, the destroyer, and the slaughter under the South American Jiang's most numbing executioner order can be said to be the most important force of the South American Jiang in the dark world.

Will Jiang Guochu be willing?

Xenomaras, the conqueror, is here, it can be said that he has lost his blood and is full of sincerity.

"She codenamed Phoenix, whose real name is Xia Huang, she is said to be Xia Zhi's sister."

Next to Xenomaras, the deputy master of the Promise Palace, who was also in the Half-Step Invincible Realm, had an ugly face: "She hasn't been back to Beihai for a long time, and she didn't take many shots. We can't find more information about her. In the past many years, the dark world did not seem to exist for her. The only possibility is that she exists in the dark world with a different identity. Various signs indicate that she seems to be the number one master in the North Sea at present, but no one can. Confirm this."

"Can't it be determined now?"

Next to the two, a woman with an extremely crazy and fierce breath pointed to the scene below: "Can't this explain the problem?"

The woman took two steps forward, the extreme aura almost piercing the huge French window in front of her.

Compared to Daogui, the last deputy palace lord of the Promise Palace, her status is obviously higher than that of the opponent. In terms of true strength, her strength is even slightly better than Xenomaras.

She is now the only Deputy Sect Master of Shifeng Yujianliu, code-named Sword Soul, and she is only a thin line away from the real invincibility.

"Did you see it just now?"

Sword Soul looked at the scene downstairs with a low tone.

Xenomaras and Daogui raised their eyebrows at the same time.

"I saw the fire."

The sword soul said in a low voice: "But it disappeared soon."

With her voice, another burst of fire suddenly exploded in the Stormy Yujianliu team downstairs.

The flame stirred up the wind and snow, burned instantly, and then extinguished instantly, as if it had never existed.


The pupils of Xenomaras and the sword ghost suddenly shrank for a moment.

This detail is not terrible.

The scary thing is the other meaning of this detail.

"Scientifically speaking..."

The sword soul's voice was flat and indifferent: "The flames can't burn in a space without oxygen. At this time, downstairs, beside the woman, should be a space that is infinitely close to a vacuum state, so..."

Before he could finish his words, the sword ghost took a breath: "Domain?!"

Only the invincible realm can truly form a space that is infinitely close to a vacuum.

No one is not clear about this matter.

Sword Soul nodded, and said gloomily: "Whether she is currently the number one master in Beihai does not need to be discussed, but she must be truly invincible!"

"And it's still a very special invincible state!"

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