The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 717 The Supreme God

"Time to try it!"

Looking inside at my tailbone, there is an S cell nucleus the size of a basketball, emitting endless violent light, like a volcano about to erupt.

Hermes felt that he was reaching his limit.

In 3 billion years, coupled with the continuous harvesting of Saiyan S-cells from all universes, Hermes has compressed massive S-cells into dust-sized S-cell nuclei.

Then all the S cell nuclei were compressed into the current basketball-sized S cell nuclei.

There is just such an S cell nucleus the size of a basketball, and the number of S cells contained in it can be described as the number of grains of sand in the Ganges River.

I won’t talk about the transformation from Super 1 to Super 4. To transform into Super 5, you need a large amount of S cells. It can be understood as a sea of ​​S cells, referred to as the S cell sea, and then add anger to transform. body.

Super 6 compresses a sea of ​​S cells into an S cell nucleus, converting the mass into mass. It is similar to the elixir formation in immortality. As long as it is successfully compressed into an S cell nucleus (golden elixir) and coupled with anger, it can be transformed.

As for transforming into Super 7, Hermes has long studied and simulated it scientifically.

Still referring to cultivating immortality.

That is to continuously create a sea of ​​super-5 S-cells, and then continuously compress the super-6 S-cell nuclei. When the super-6 S-cell nuclei become large enough, they are about the size of a basketball at this time.

Once you feel that you cannot continue to compress, you can consider going further.

That is to say, if you successfully cultivate the S-cell god from the basketball-sized S-cell nucleus (golden elixir), which in terms of immortality is the Nascent Soul, and finally add anger, there is a certain chance of successful transformation.

Just to be on the safe side.

Hermes still planned to simulate it.

His mind moved.

Simulation machines filled with future technology appeared, and Hermes transmitted all his data, as well as various graphic novels imported from the earth.

You must know that there are 198 big universes in the body, and there is an earth in each big universe, and the development is different. Industrial chains such as novels and comics have long been familiar.

Whether it's the West or the East, full coverage.

The simulation machine is running continuously, and you can see the figure of Hermes appearing on the screen, practicing according to the most likely successful route, such as evolving the S-cell nucleus (golden elixir) to the S-cell god (Nascent Soul).

Compress and compress again.

The S-cell nucleus, which is as big as a basketball, can be seen with the naked eye to have cracks, and the simulated Hermes has also begun to have cracks from head to toe, like a mirror that is about to break.

can be seen.

Whether it is the S-cell nucleus full of cracks or the simulated Hermes, the whole body is emitting infinite light, as if there is something inside that is about to burst out.



Without warning, the S-cell nucleus and the simulated Hermes exploded and disappeared, and the test failed first on the screen.

Hermes was slightly stunned, thinking about the problem with the relief, but the answer quickly appeared on the screen, which was because of insufficient energy, which made Hermes suddenly realize.

The second trial begins.

The S cell nucleus and the simulated Hermes began to be filled with cracks, but this time the simulated Hermes was eating fairy beans and the fruits of the sacred tree. Since the energy was insufficient, it was replenished.


The infinite light became more and more intense. When it reached the limit, the S-cell nucleus and simulated Hermes exploded again, but after the explosion, failure was not displayed on the screen.

I saw the blazing light in the center light up again, and a colorful and sacred little Hermes appeared. When I opened my eyes, chaos began to appear and the universe collapsed. It was as if time went back and the endless brilliance fragments returned, simulating Hermes' The physical body appeared, covering the little Hermes and appeared on the screen.

Simulation successful!

When these four big characters were displayed, Hermes' breathing became heavier.

Damn Fuck.

After more than three billion years and hundreds of millions of accumulations and simulations, Super Saiyan 7 was finally created. This day has been waiting for too long.

Suppress the excitement in your heart.

Hermes continued the simulation, and as expected, the next ten times were successful.

It wasn't until this moment that Hermes began to actually take action. According to the simulation, he continued to compress the S-cell nuclei in the body, and at the same time continued to eat fairy beans and the fruits of the sacred tree.

Slowly, cracks appeared all over Hermes' body, and immeasurable light emitted from them.

One year.

ten years.

a hundred years.

A big explosion.

Both the S-cell nucleus and Hermes had disappeared. I don’t know how long it had passed, but a faint light in the center lit up, and then became more and more intense.

A small Hermes appeared, the endless light around him receded, and Hermes reappeared.

When his eyes were opened, infinite universes were born and destroyed. After the light that could not be seen directly dissipated, a pair of red and white pupils appeared, and the 198 large universes in the body began to shake upside down.

"Is this Super Saiyan 7?"

Standing in mid-air.

Hermes' whole body is bright with stars, somewhat transparent and deep, as if he is an energy body formed from particles of the universe. His flame-like white hair is shining brightly, and everything in the world is being born.

Outside the energy body, large cosmic light particles bubbles and flames flow, and pieces of cosmic galaxies emerge around the body.

“The appearance doesn’t change much!”

A mirror appears in front of you.

Hermes looked at his face. There were phantoms of the universe everywhere he raised his hands and feet. His tail was bursting with light and bursting the galaxy, and his eyes turned into cosmic whirlpools.

The most intuitive feeling.

Hermes is the universe, and the universe is Hermes.

The body is no longer flesh and blood, but all the rules, energy and universe in the world!

This transformation is not just about transforming into Super Saiyan 7, it also combines the realm of God. It can be said that the realm of God and the original transformation are combined into one.

"Jie Jie~"

"It's really powerful enough!"

At this moment.

Hermes felt that he was omnipotent, especially in terms of strength. It was absolutely impossible for the King to eliminate him this time. He could block that purging force with his own strength alone.

Instead of consuming 18 large universes like before.

"It's time to go find that little jerk."

Hermes will not quietly stabilize the power of Super Saiyan 7. The fastest way to stabilize it is of course fighting.

In a flash.

When Hermes came to the land of nothingness, there were no 18 universes in front of him. It seemed that the king had not recovered.

As soon as we met.

When King Quan looked at Hermes, whose image had changed drastically, and whose aura had become extremely violent and terrifying, his eyes were full of shock and gloom, and he actually felt danger.

have nothing to say.

A dazzling white light lit up.

A purging force descended, and Hermes was covered with cosmic light particle flames, and the terrifying aura stirred up the entire void. He could finally feel that force clearly.

Silent offset.

After the white light dissipated, Hermes looked at King Quan with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, and King Quan's expression became even gloomier.

"Your highest authority can no longer clear me."

"Isn't that surprising!"

Hermes Galaxy's eyes moved, and a galaxy appeared out of thin air above Quan Wang's head. But before Quan Wang could wave his hand gently, the galaxy burst and disappeared.

Both parties are omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipotent supreme gods.

An attack like this is useless, it's not as effective as punching to the flesh.

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