The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 716 The power of the universe, 3 billion years

It can be found that the energy used by both of them is the same, which is higher than Qi and higher than divine power. It has a power similar to rules, which can also be called the power of the universe.

The so-called power of the universe encompasses everything, including time and destiny, space causation, creation and destruction, and all other worldly forces.

Because both parties can create and destroy the universe independently, all rules and powers are under the universe, while both of them are above the universe and belong to the absolute supreme god.

Every punch and every kick is a collision of universes.

The collision of various elements and rules, and the slightest spark are a singularity. They will form black holes or worlds, and then be born and destroyed quickly. In the eyes of Quan Wang and Hermes, these black holes and worlds only exist for a moment, but It is eternal for the black hole and the world.

Sometimes in the world at that moment, countless civilizations appear. After billions, tens of billions, or hundreds of billions of years, they are eventually destroyed with the destruction of the world.

And those billions, tens of billions, and hundreds of billions of years are actually just a blink of an eye.


Hermes vomited blood, and his face turned pale at some point. He was suppressed by the King throughout the whole battle. Most of them were passive defenses, and he could only fight back occasionally.

And the damage he caused to the king was not 100%.

Not an opponent!

Oh shit.

This little brat pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. He is usually stingy, but when he enters combat mode, he fires a batch of them, and he can clear them with just one click.


Hermes was covered in bruises and coughing up blood. He clenched his right fist tightly and was wrapped with colorless energy. He punched Quan Wang at such a close range, but Quan Wang didn't even punch him. His left fist was shining with a white light.

not good.

It's clear.

There was a silent collision, and Hermes immediately felt that 18 universes disappeared from his body.

Oh shit.

Hermes roared angrily, his sharp fangs and mouth full of madness. Regardless of the consumption of energy, a terminal energy shield appeared on both fists. He aimed at the king with a set of combos, all of which were aimed at the throat, eyes, lower body and back of the head.

You can be as cunning and ruthless as you want.

It seemed that Hermes had lost his mind, but inside he was rational and he was constantly analyzing.

Quan Wang just used purge twice, and there was an interval of ten minutes. The reason why he was not purged was probably because he was offset by the 18 universes in his body.

As for why there are 18 universes at once, this still needs to be observed.

It seems so.

There is a cooldown time for King Quan's clearing, which takes about ten minutes.

And 18 universes are equivalent to one life.


Ten minutes came again, and seeing the extremely white light shining in King Quan's hand again, Hermes quickly shrunk into the infinitesimal space without even thinking about it.

"Cough cough cough~"

"Oh shit."

"36 universes, 64.8 million years in vain."


There was blood coming from the mouth.

Hermes' face was distorted. The price he paid this time was a bit high. Fortunately, he got two pieces of information back, otherwise it would really be a waste of money.

A place of nothingness.

King Quan looked at the empty surroundings, his cold face full of thoughts.

He wasn't sure if Hermes had been purged by him.

Where did that guy hide the last few times? Why couldn't he clean it out?

This confused him.

in a blink.

Ten million years passed quietly.

In the infinitesimal space, within the universe of the Book of Creation, Hermes opened his eyes. It took him a full 10 million years to recover this time. You can imagine how serious the injury was.

And the injury cannot be restored by any bug fixing method, only self-healing.

Damn it.

"Jie Jie~"

"I didn't expect that the talent of becoming stronger near death, which had not been triggered for many years, would be triggered this time."

Feeling the surge of power and S-cells in his body, Hermes raised the corner of his mouth, finally clearing away the haze of ten million years ago. It was true that both crisis and opportunity coexisted.

"It's time to go out~"

Hermes repaired himself and suddenly came to the land of nothingness.

What came into sight were the 18 big universes. King Quan restored the 18 big universes again. There was nothing to say. Hermes grabbed the 18 big universes with his right hand and appeared in his hand.

King Quan appears.

The dazzling white light lit up. This time Hermes did not resist and returned to the infinitesimal space again.

This time Hermes did not refine Universe 18 first, but waited for a while and then appeared in the land of void again, because there was a ten-minute vacuum period after Quanwang used Clear.

The two parties started working together as soon as they met.

For almost nine and a half minutes, Hermes vomited blood and disappeared, then appeared in the infinitesimal space and began to heal his wounds, plus refining 18 large universes.

After spending 11 million years, Hermes recovered from his injuries and refined 18 large universes. He once again triggered the talent of becoming stronger near death, and mastered 66 large universes.

The next script is much simpler.

Regardless of whether Quan Wang has restored the 18 big universes or not, Hermes will appear from time to time, cheat him once and then fight, although he will be beaten to the point of vomiting blood every time, and it will take millions of years to recover from his injuries.

You can fight to support the battle, and gradually Hermes' injury is no longer so serious.

As long as the King of Quan uses Clear, Hermes will disappear, and then reappear, plundering 18 universes if there are any, and fighting if there are none, which illustrates a cunning and insidious character.

And King Quan is not stupid either.

Sometimes they just hold back and clear them out, or they stop restoring the 18 universes, and even ambush Hermes, causing Hermes to lose a lot of universes.

The two sides are engaged in intrigues, back and forth, and this fight lasts for three billion years.

"Jie Jie~"

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

On this day, a sinister and harsh laughter came from the infinitely small space. After 3 billion years, Hermes finally had the upper hand.

"198 big universes."

Hermes looked at the 198 universes within his body, his eyes slightly narrowed and the corners of his mouth raised. So what if he couldn't defeat the opponent? He has been growing steadily, but the other party has not moved at the same place.

Given time, sooner or later he will be equal to or even surpass the opponent.

Playing intrigue?

He had never been afraid of someone.

"It seems that if you want to equalize or defeat the opponent, you must transform into Super Saiyan 7. Unfortunately, the talent of becoming stronger near death can no longer be triggered."

Hermes sums it up.

Now he only needs one step, just one step away from being able to completely match the king. He has been at a disadvantage in battles for three billion years, and each time he ended up seriously injured.

Coupled with the loneliness and loneliness, it really pushed Hermes to death.

You must know that it is 3 billion years, not three years, three hundred years, thirty thousand years, thirty million years, but three billion years. Just counting zeros has to be done with fingers.

But in these 3 billion years, Hermes has not made much progress.

None of the abilities has the highest authority to reach the fourth realm, and Super Saiyan 6 has not transformed into Super Saiyan 7. Currently, there are only two ways to compete head-on with the King of All.

One is to reach the highest authority of a certain ability, or to successfully transform into Super Saiyan 7 to compete with absolute combat power.

to be honest.

It is too difficult to reach the highest authority of a certain ability. Hermes doesn't know if there is a problem with the mitigation, but there is hope for transforming into Super Saiyan 7.

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