The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 691 The whole king comes and chooses the second path

"Damn it, how can you admit defeat until the last minute?"

Xiangpa clenched his fists tightly, as if he was stepping in to replace Hit.

Oh shit.

If he loses, he will not be able to hold his head high in front of Beerus from now on, and the whole world will know that he is not as good as Beerus. This is simply killing people.

In the arena.

Hit was already covered in scars, drops of blood were dripping on the ring, and his breath was gradually declining.

"I surrender."


He doesn't want to die just yet.

Since you can't beat him, you have to admit defeat.

I thought I could overpower all my opponents with my own strength, but I never thought that there was someone out there who was beyond the ordinary. This guy named Hermes was so terrifying.

Where did this monster come from, and those guys on the player bench, none of them should be underestimated.


"How dare you admit defeat, Hit."

The moment Hit surrendered, Xiangpa almost went crazy. He held his head and his eyes widened, looking like he was barely breathing. He had a cerebral thrombosis.

It's over.

All is lost.

"Lord Xiangpa, I'm sorry."

Just as Xiangpa was wailing, Hit left the ring and returned to the contestant area. He was indeed no match for the opponent. As for Hermes, he did not kill Hit.

After all, there is a big drama ahead.

At present, five of the six players in Universe 6 have been killed, leaving only Hit. It is not known whether Xiangpa, who is so powerful, can still gather ten players.

"I'm going to destroy you."

Xiangpa looked murderous.

Angry at Hit's incompetence, his right hand lit up with a destructive light. These guys were humiliating him one by one, and it was difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart without killing them.

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

"Xiangpa, are you angry with shame?"

"If you want to implicate other people with your incompetence, you are not a God of Destruction."

Beerus was in a very good mood. He was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, and he was shooting targets from a distance. Now he was the winner, and he could laugh at him as much as he wanted.

"What did you say."

"Beerus, don't think that if you win this game, you will beat me. If Hermes is on my side, you will lose too."


The elephant appeared in front of Beerus in a flash, his forehead was dripping and he was gritting his teeth. His angry words could not hide the envy, jealousy and hatred. Damn it, where did Beerus find the candidate God of Destruction? He was so outrageous.

What the hell.

"You lost anyway."

"When did you declare to all the universe that you are inferior to me."

"You can't afford to lose and be prepared to regret it!"

Beerus smiled mischievously and looked sideways at Xiangpa with his hands on his shoulders.

"What? I can't afford to lose?"

"I am Lord Xiangpa."

"Then when will you announce it?"

"Huh, I didn't say the time."

"So you have to go back anyway, shame on you."

"I don't."

Just when the two were arguing in full swing, Hermes, who was about to leave the ring, paused, his face changed slightly and he looked straight ahead. Three figures appeared out of nowhere.

On one left and one on the right, there are two tall and thin, awl-shaped, strange creature guards wearing long purple-yellow clothes with serious eyes and unknown strength. In the middle of the two guards is a short one with an oval head with purple and blue hair. The child has skin, small eyes and mouth, and is wearing a purple costume with the word "Quan Wang" engraved on it.


In Dragon Ball, the most noble and powerful god in charge of all universes and the supreme god who rules all things: Jeon-oh.

"Lord Xiangpa."

"Lord Beerus."

Bardos and Weiss took a deep breath, and immediately spotted the three figures on the stage, and quickly stopped the noisy Xiangpa and Beerus.

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you see we were arguing?"

Xiangpa and Beerus looked impatient.

"You two watch the ring."


Xiangpa and Beerus looked at the ring. They were so frightened that the hairs on their heads stood up and they began to sweat profusely. Their lips were trembling and they could no longer speak a complete sentence. Their eyes were full of fear and respect.

"Lord King Quanquan."

"Lord Quan Wang, hey, why are there three more people next to Hermes?"

Seeing Beerus and Xiangpa reacting so fiercely, Sun Wukong and Vegeta followed their gazes and found three more figures in front of Hermes.

At this time in the ring, Hermes did not dare to move.

Although the opponent had no breath, he felt the fatal danger. His intuition told him that even if he transformed into Super Saiyan 5, he would not be able to defeat the three people in front of him even if he used up all his cards.

Especially for that child, the fatal feeling was unfathomable.

what to do?

Do you want to try to become friends with the other person as planned?

But he doesn't have the aura of pig's feet like Sun Wukong. The key is that King Quan is not really just like a child in the original work. On the contrary, he is very independent and will not let anyone interfere with his decision.

The most oppressive sentence the other party said was: "Talk a lot, do you want to disappear?"

And the way he wiped out the universe was neat and tidy. No matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with cuteness and simplicity. Life is meaningless to him.

There are two paths now.


According to the plan, there is a certain success rate to make friends with Quan Wang like Sun Wukong, because as the supreme god, what he enjoys for endless years is the respect and fear of others. This kind of people generally want to have unadulterated And any impurity, sincere family affection, love, friendship.

Family affection and love are not suitable for Quan Wang, so only friendship is left.

This is why Sun Wukong can become King Quan’s friend in the original work.

What Hermes hesitates is that he is not sure whether he can succeed in copying Sun Wukong. After all, he does not have the halo of pig's feet, and even strictly speaking, he is still an evil person.

It has nothing to do with simple kindness.

If he fails, what awaits him is to be erased.

There is another possibility, that is, the king cannot completely erase him, but Hermes is not willing to bet on this kind of luck. After all, in the original work, all matter and fundamental existence are erased.

In general, the first path is to gamble.

In comparison, the second path is much safer.

That is Gou.

Don't offend Quan Wang, and practice peacefully until he completely grows to the point where Quan Wang can't fundamentally eradicate him. As long as he can't be killed, then one day he will be able to rival or even surpass Quan Wang.

But the duration of this cultivation probably needs to be measured in hundreds of millions of years.

Oh shit.

When they didn't meet, Hermes would definitely choose the first path, but now after experiencing it up close, he still preferred the second path.

Because the second way is more stable, it just takes more time.

"Lord Quan Wang."

A moment.

Xiangpa and Beerus appeared next to Hermes, hunched over and sweating profusely for the first time. Behind them, whether they were the Kaioshins of the Sixth Universe or the Seventh Universe, they all knelt on the ground.

Only Bardos and Weiss calmly said hello.

"It's been a long time no see, Lord Quan Wang."


King Quan's expression didn't change at all, he looked at Bardos and Weiss and hummed.

"Why did Lord Quan Wang come here today?"

The two Kaioshins pressed their foreheads tightly to the ground and kept swallowing.

"Because you are carrying out activities privately, I would like to remind you that you are not allowed to be lazy in your duties as the God of Destruction."

"I'm extremely sorry."

Xiangpa and Beerus felt their hearts tremble.

"This game of yours was very fun, so next time why not call all the players from all over the universe to compete together."

"That's what I think."

King Quan proposed seriously, but before Beerus and others could speak, Sun Wukong from the crowd was the first to come out, with excitement on his face, "A competition across the universe? That would be great."

As he spoke, Sun Wukong walked towards King Quan.

This frightened Beerus and Xiangpa to death, and their hearts almost jumped out of their throats. Even Bados and Weiss changed their expressions slightly. At the same time, as Sun Wukong approached, the two guards shuttled across the ground and suddenly caught everyone. before the king.

As long as Sun Wukong dares to take another step forward, death will be waiting for him.

Hermes tried his best to make himself a transparent person, but he still chose the second path, intending to live quietly for a while. As long as he continued to become stronger, he would be able to offset the erasure of the King.

Even if he cultivates a certain god's control skill to the highest level, he will be on an equal footing with all kings.

At this point, Hermes has more potential than anyone else. If you need to have your own universe to reach the highest authority, then he also has his own universe.

Therefore, in terms of starting point and status, he is on an equal footing with Quan Wang.

The premise is that the Dragon Ball universe was indeed created by Quan Wang. If this is the case, it is not difficult to understand why Quan Wang can erase everything and his status is above everything.

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