The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 690 Time Cause and Effect Strike

"Gabe, be careful."

"That guy is very strong, I may not be able to defeat him."

Seeing that Gabe was about to end, Xiangpa warned him with a solemn expression.

"What? Even Master Xiangpa may not have won?"

This made Gabe, who was about to die, nervous. In their sixth universe, Lord Xiangpa, the God of Destruction, was recognized as the strongest person in the universe. If he hadn't even beaten the God of Destruction, how could he alone?

"So you just need to consume more of him, and the rest depends on Hit."

Xiangpa finally put his hope in Hit.

"I will work hard."

As soon as the words fell.

Gabe flew towards the ring. After landing, he was a little nervous and said, "Hello, I am Gabe from the sixth universe."

"Are you a Saiyan?"

Hermes looked at the little boy, who had Saiyan blood.


"Do it!"

Hermes' expression was dull. Regardless of whether it was the universe of Genesis or the inner universe, the number of Saiyans he had in captivity reached 10 billion, and the number was still doubling.

So he has no shortage of Saiyans.

Even if more S cells are needed to transform into Super Saiyan 6 later, it is completely self-sufficient.


With a loud shout, Gabe began to increase his strength, and rushed towards Hermes with pale white arrogance burning all over his body. But as soon as he reached five meters in front of Hermes, Hermes just looked at him, and Gabe seemed to feel An invisible force came.

That force was thicker than the universe, and he was pinned down on the ring and unable to move.

Cracks spread throughout the ring, and Gabe was so pressed that he couldn't breathe. With a final scream, his whole body exploded into a rain of blood, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

The whole place fell silent.

"Can't you hold it for three seconds?"

Xiangpa looked solemn and couldn't help but turn his head to look at Hit.

Are we really going to bow to Beerus this time?

"In the tenth round, Hermes from Universe 7 wins."

The referee came on stage swallowing his saliva, and there was no more contestant to face the Sixth Universe.

very scary.

"This guy."

Vegeta looked at the calm Hermes with heavy eyes. It was not that he was surprised by Hermes' cruelty, but that he felt that the guy had become stronger again.

"Round 11, Universe 6 Hit vs. Universe 7 Hermes."

The game continues.

The peak showdown is finally coming.

Hit stood up from his seat and landed on the ring. His expression did not change much. Losing was never a word in his dictionary. No matter how strong the enemy was, they could not withstand his time-drifting skills.

"Universe 6 Hit."

"Hermes of the Seventh Universe."

The two parties greeted each other at a distance of five meters.


There was a depressing atmosphere in the air. Hit clenched his fists in front of him and did not take the lead in attacking. Hermes still looked that lazy, and his whole body seemed to have flaws.

But in Hit's eyes, Hermes had no blind spots.

That feeling is indescribable.

Ten seconds.

One minute.

The two were confronting each other like this, which made many people in the audience confused.

boom! ! !

Without warning, Hermes' body suddenly shook, and at the same time an invisible attack came and ended, and the entire arena was torn apart in an instant.


Hermes looked at Hit with interest. This guy's attacks had the flavor of time.

At that moment, his time seemed to have been suspended for 0.1 seconds. The opponent threw more than ten punches in this short period of time, but they were all dodged by his unchanging Free Ultimate Intention Kung Fu.

"How can it be."

Compared to Hermes who was very interested, Hit had a look of shock on his face.


Why can the opponent avoid his attack.

"Why did the arena suddenly explode?"

"What just happened?"

Most people couldn't see the attack and dodge at that moment, so many people were confused. If the arena hadn't been torn apart, they wouldn't have been able to see the fight between Hermes and Hit.

"It seems you are strong."

Hit took a deep breath, knowing that he had met an unfathomable opponent.

Hermes did not speak, but motioned for Hit to continue.

A breeze blew up.

Hit attacked again, and the time froze around him in his perception. He came to Hermes in an instant and threw several punches, all of which were aimed at the eyes, throat and other vital points.

But what made him horrified was that during this slow-down time, Hermes actually dodged his attacks one by one.

Return to reality.

Hit retreated to his original position, but Hermes still stood there intact.

The attack failed again.

"Your abilities are very good."

"It's a pity you met me."

I can say without hesitation that Hit is definitely very difficult to deal with other people with this ability. The opponent may only be beaten passively, but he is different. Not to mention the ultimate freedom of mind, his use of time alone is far superior. More than Hit's.

"Try my newly developed move."

Hermes clenched his right hand and punched Hit in the air. This made Hit's whole body tense up, but the imagined attack did not come.

But the next second, Hit suddenly bent over and vomited blood. His face was mixed with pain, and he finally knelt on the ground with his hands on his stomach.

"what's the situation?"

"Hermes seemed to have punched the air, but there was no burst of power."

"Why did the man named Hit kneel down, as if he was suddenly hit hard?"

Sun Wukong stretched his neck, unable to understand.

Only Whis and Bados looked shocked and surprised at the scene, while Xiangpa and Beerus also frowned.

"Wes, do you see anything?"

"I'm afraid it's the power of time."

Weiss was a little unsure. If he saw it correctly, Hermes should have attacked Hit just a second ago. This was similar to the Flash Time Kung Fu, but more clever and outrageous.

Even as an angel he couldn't do it.


Beerus stared closely at Hermes.

The surprises the other party gave him were getting more and more terrifying.

I didn’t expect that I could even master the power of time.

"Are you doing this time flashing skill?"

On the ring, Hit stood up staggeringly, wiping off the last blood and feeling a little uncertain. How could the opponent dodge the time skill, and the time of the dodge was longer than him.

I can only get 0.1 seconds at most, but the other party seems to have more than 0.1 seconds.

"Maybe it's somewhat similar to your ability, but it's fundamentally different."

"Mine is called a causal strike, but you can also call it a dimension reduction strike or a time strike."

Hermes' fingertips flashed with light of energy, and he gently moved a little away from Hit. At first, nothing happened. To Sun Wukong and others, Hermes just rubbed the air.

But the next second Hit screamed violently, a splash of blood appeared on his chest, and a finger hole appeared somewhere.

Unsolvable ability.

There is no way to avoid it.



Hermes just kept setting fire to the air from afar, while Hit was like a target, unable to dodge or defend, with a large number of finger holes appearing all over his body, causing the arena to be filled with the smell of blood.

How can he hide from this?

The opponent is attacking him from the previous second, unless he dodges at this time, but the key is how to dodge? He had no idea that Hermes would attack him from that angle a second ago.

"Hit, hold on."

Xiangpa was sweating profusely.

After all, if Hit loses, it's all over.

Hold on.

You must hold on.

"Lord Xiangpa, prepare to admit defeat!"

Bados sighed. She finally figured out that Universe 7's candidate God of Destruction is probably more powerful than Beerus. With this time-karma strike, even if the God of Destruction comes, he won't be able to please him.

If you want to limit this ability, you must have overwhelming power or also control time.

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