The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 665: There are people outside the world.

"What form is this!"

"The legendary Super Saiyan God?"

"I can't sense Wukong's energy, but I can feel it is very powerful."


Everyone watched the battle in mid-air. Previously, Sun Wukong transformed into Super Saiyan 3, but was defeated by the God of Destruction Beerus with one finger. Later, following the angel named Whis, several Saiyans passed their energy to Sun Wukong. , and then Sun Wukong transformed.

He has bright red hair, his body has become extremely handsome and thin, and his whole body is covered with spiritual energy like the flames of the sun. His eyes are enlarged and pupils appear, his skin has become whiter than that of a newborn baby, and his overall appearance is that of a teenager. appearance.



"Sun Wukong."

Looking at Son Goku who kept attacking Beerus, Vegeta, Cell, and Frieza all had unwillingness on their faces, and one or two of them had already surpassed them.

But what confused Vegeta was that Son Goku's transformation was different from Hermes' previous transformation in Kaioshin Realm.

From a visual point of view, the Super Saiyan 4 transformed by Hermes in Kaiohshin Realm is even more shocking. It gives people a sense of violent power and is full of the original beauty of Saiyans. However, the transformation of Son Goku at the moment, The so-called Super Saiyan God is relatively ethereal and peaceful.

And in comparison, Super Saiyan 4 is more powerful.

Vegeta frowned. After all, he still felt that the transformation of Super Saiyan 4 was more in line with his aesthetics. Although this state surpassed Super Saiyan 3, it could not compare with Super Saiyan 4.

"Yo ho ho~"

"This Super Saiyan God is weaker than Super Saiyan Blue!"

Whis was eating pizza while watching the fight, he knew Beerus was playing, seriously there was no difference between Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan God to Beerus.

They are all transformations that can be defeated easily.

However, Super Saiyan 4 can still compete slightly.

It is clear.

Sun Wukong can't do it yet. After all, his talent is still much worse than Hermes.

"Super Saiyan Blue?"

Vegeta's ears perked up, and his brows furrowed even more when he heard Whis's comment. What do you mean? Could it be that there is a Super Saiyan Blue behind Kakarot's current Super Saiyan God?

So what happened to Super Saiyan 4?

"Mr. Weiss, what did you mean by Super Saiyan Blue just now?"

Unable to suppress the doubts in his heart, Vegeta still mustered up the courage to come to Weiss and ask, because he wanted to understand these transformations, which was very important to him.

"Yo ho ho~"

"It literally means that the transformation after Super Saiyan God is Super Saiyan Blue. The combat power is not in the same dimension as Super Saiyan God, but Hermes directly passed by it when he transformed. Super Saiyan God, it’s a bit surprising now that I think about it.”

Weiss replied with a smile, the food here was very good, which made him feel good.


"You mean Hermes can transform into Super Saiyan Blue, which is stronger than Super Saiyan God?"

Vegeta gritted his teeth tightly and clenched his hands into fists, his nails already digging into his flesh.

That guy got stronger again, and he's still in Super Saiyan 3 at full power.


Can't catch up anymore?

"That guy is practicing in the God of Destruction and will transform soon."

Weiss nodded, as if thinking of something and continued, "You Saiyans are very talented. You are worthy of being a fighting nation. Every transformation is a new concept."

"I would like to ask, which one is more powerful, Super Saiyan Blue or Super Saiyan 4?"

Vegeta directly passed the Super Saiyan God. The other party had just said that the transformation behind the Super Saiyan God was Super Blue, but he was still against the Super Saiyan transformed by Hermes from the Kaioshin Realm. Asian 4 never forgets it.

"Hard to say."

"One is to follow the god's route, and the other is to follow the original route of your Saiyan transformation. From what I observed about Hermes, the two transformations currently have their own strengths and weaknesses, and both have their own characteristics. They are about the same! "

Weiss thought about it and found it difficult to give a correct answer.

In terms of potential, both are very high. One is to go to the realm of gods, and the other is to follow the original route. There is no guarantee that Super Saiyan 4 will be followed by Super Saiyan 5, 6, etc.

No one can tell.

Vegeta got the answer, his face was uncertain.

What he cared about was that Hermes had two transformations at the same time. Damn it, just one transformation left him helpless, but that guy mastered two at the same time.

Is the gap really that huge?

Who is the Saiyan Prince?

Now Kakarot has surpassed him again, damn Fak, Vegeta has already cursed in his heart, the feeling of frustration is so bad.

"too weak."

"But it has great potential, but it ends here."

High in the air.

Beerus put one hand behind his back and shook his head. Perhaps he had been exposed to the pervert Hermes. At this time, the talent displayed by Sun Wukong seemed a bit unsatisfactory.

A punch was thrown out lightly, hitting Sun Wukong's abdomen accurately.

that moment.

Sun Wukong was knocked back to his original shape and fell from the air, and finally hit the ground unable to get up. Just one punch caused his body to collapse and he was unable to resist.

To be honest, this picture is very shocking.

The evil trio, Vegeta and others present were silent. All joking aside, Son Goku, who transformed into the Super Saiyan God, could completely torture them.

But facing the legendary God of Destruction, it was just a punch, and there was still a lot of leeway to see what the God of Destruction would look like.

There are people outside the world, but they are just frogs in the well after all.

As for why the evil trio didn't take the opportunity to leave, the answer is that they didn't dare.

"It's so boring."

Beerus flew to Whis, picked up the pudding on the table and stuffed it into his mouth. Seeing so many delicious food, he stopped destroying the earth for the time being.

It’s so pure!

No longer have to worry about being disturbed by that bastard Hermes while you are enjoying your food or sleeping.


The leisurely and comfortable life is perfect!

"Lord Beerus, you are too strong."

This way.

With the support of Sun Gohan, Sun Wukong limped to Beerus, his face full of admiration and desire. He had just made a decision.


Beerus was too lazy to pay attention to Sun Wukong and continued to happily taste the patch in his hand.

"Lord Beerus, please take me to the God of Destruction to practice, please!"

"I want to defeat Hermes and Lord Beerus."


Sun Wukong knelt on the ground in an orderly manner, put his forehead on the ground and spoke very firmly and firmly. When they were practicing in the realm of Kaiōshin, Kaiōshin told them the basic situation of the universe.

At that time, Sun Wukong realized that there were so many powerful people in the universe.

This was both a surprise and a challenge for him.

No matter what, he wanted to fight these strong men.

"Please take me with you, too."

Vegeta hesitated, then knelt on one knee and begged. His desire to become stronger was even higher than that of Sun Wukong.




Krillin and Bulma didn't know what to say.


Beerus refused directly without even thinking about it. The candidate God of Destruction already had Hermes. Although there could be many candidate Gods of Destruction, there was no reason for him to train two more Saiyans.

Although the talents of these two people are not as incredible as Hermes, they are not bad either.

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