The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 664 More than 1,500 Years

The next day.

Hermes came to the Temple of Destruction as usual, wanting to drag Beerus to continue fighting, but after entering Beerus' room, there was no Beerus in the cat's nest.

"Lord Beerus?"

"Lord Weiss?"


Hermes shouted around and found that they were all gone.


An image suddenly lit up in mid-air, and Whis and Beerus appeared in it.

"Hermes, Weiss and I are going on a long trip. You should practice in the God of Destruction."

"Yo ho ho~"

The image disappeared, Hermes was slightly startled, and then he held his chin in thought, this guy Beerus must be hiding from him! He was not a fool and had long noticed that Beerus was impatient with him.

I wanted to avoid him for a while.

Just right.

Now that he is the only one left in the entire God of Destruction world, he can enter the Creation Book to study and practice. One day in the Creation Book is one year in the outside world. When Beerus and Whis come back next time, he must completely amaze them. .

For example, cultivating the ultimate intention of freedom and the ultimate intention of self to the state of no change in appearance.

the other side.

In the dark and cold universe, a rainbow streamer was flying at super-light speed, and a large number of galaxies were passing by like dust. It was Beerus and Whis.


"Finally got rid of that guy."

Beerus breathed a sigh of relief, he had been anxious all this time.

I don’t know why I feel a little scared when I see Hermes, it’s very strange.

"Lord Beerus, where are we going next?"

"Go to work first and destroy some planets to let off some steam."

Beerus was a little depressed and was going to use his job to vent his anger. Otherwise, he would have a nervous breakdown sooner or later if he kept going like this. He would wait until his mood calmed down before looking for some delicious food.

It's a pity that if Hermes wasn't so annoyed, he could enjoy afternoon tea and various snacks leisurely now.

A blink of an eye.

It has been three years since Beerus and Whis left the World of Destruction, and another 1095 years have passed in the Book of Creation. These 1095 years are crucial to Hermes.

With the efforts of hundreds of thousands of clones, he finally cultivated his ultimate self-consciousness and self-consciousness to the point where his appearance remains unchanged.

"No breakthrough yet?"

In Egghead's laboratory.

Hermes remained in his normal state, with flaming white hair, white eyes on a red background, and no aura in his body. He looked like a somewhat handsome ordinary person.

But the real situation is that Hermes can use the ultimate intention of freedom and the ultimate intention of self at any time.

And Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan 4 can maintain full power as long as Hermes is willing, but it is not necessary, because today's normal state is the strongest, and Super Blue and Super Four are simply incomparable. .

"BOSS, not yet."

"Perhaps transplanting S cells will not work."

Dr. Gero, Vegapunk, Caesar and others are all here. After so many years of research, there is still no clue to transplanting S cells. If successful, Hermes plans to try to see if he can transform into Super Saiyan 5.

It seems that this is no longer possible.

"never mind!"

"If it doesn't work, then it won't work! You continue to study, it will be better if you have results, but forget it if you don't."

Hermes didn't care anymore.

Maybe the Super Saiyan transformation really can't keep up with the times.

Now all we need to do is cultivate the ultimate freedom and self-intention to a higher level, preferably the highest level of authority.

In addition, Hermes conducted experiments in 1095.

That is to use the power of God to activate the superpowers of the Adrat star, and the effect is beyond expectations. As long as he keeps practicing, it will become his exclusive god control skill in the future.

Such as time suspension, time reversal, mind control and materialization, absorption, copying abilities, etc.

As Hermes becomes stronger, naturally the five major Hormides, including the Creation Pen, Creation Book, Creation Plow, Creation Number, and Polunga, also grow. Take the Creation Book as an example, the creatures it can accommodate His combat power has reached the level of Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan 4.

It is completely possible to explode stars and galaxies at will. As for exploding the universe, Hermes has set limits in this regard.

Moreover, some of the 5,000 mixed-blood Saiyan descendants left by Sun Wukong and his son, Vegeta and his son, can already transform into Super Saiyan 3. In addition, the power of Naruto's ninjutsu has also been improved, and some powerful It has reached the level of Otsutsuki Shibaju.

Among them, the reincarnated Zhiju has returned to his peak.

There are also many strong people born in various races.

It can be said that he made the right move to become the alternate God of Destruction. In all the universes currently, the only ones that can threaten him are the King of All and the Great Priest.

That's right.

Not even Beerus can stop him.

Because he fully grasps the freedom and self-consciousness of the state of unchanged appearance, he can already compete with the orthodox God of Destruction or even have an advantage.

Other Gods of Destruction only have one or a half of the divine control skills of Self-Extreme Intent and Self-Extreme Intention, but Hermes has mastered two.

There is also the time reversal and time suspension of the angel family.

Without bragging, Hermes is already more powerful than some Gods of Destruction, and even destroying the seventh universe is not difficult.

As for the angels of Weiss, they cannot participate in the struggle between good and evil, nor can they use the abilities of angels to fight, because angels who break this principle of neutrality will disappear.

Therefore, in some aspects, the angel family does not pose any threat.

These four years and three months of practice were actually more than 1,500 years. Such a long time was not wasted, not to mention that there were 100,000 clones who doubled their practice.

So it’s really not that easy to make such great progress.

the other side.

The earth is in crisis again.

Just because the evil trio of Cell, Frieza, and Kid Buu have made a comeback again. This is the first time they have come back in the past three years.

Every time he was beaten back by Son Goku, Vegeta, Son Gohan and others.

Little did they know that Hermes was behind all this. He asked Cell and Frieza to invade the earth with Baby Buu to put pressure on Sun Wukong and others, and also put pressure on himself.

Both parties grow together with each other.

As for how to issue the order, only some small means were needed. No matter how many light years away from Hermes, Cell and Frieza's voice could still ring in the souls of the two.

It can be said that Cell and Frieza have not escaped the control of Hermes.

But this time the evil trio are in big trouble.

as usual.

The three of them invaded the earth, and instead of wreaking havoc everywhere, they went directly to Sun Wukong and others to spar. In the past three years, Sun Wukong and others were used to it, and they also saw that the three of Shahru just wanted to fight.

Therefore, both sides tacitly understood each other and controlled the spread of power during the battle, allowing the earth to fight to its heart's content without collapsing. However, during the fight, two uninvited guests appeared.

Seeing these two uninvited guests, whether it was the evil trio of Saru or Sun Wukong, their faces changed drastically. They all looked nervous and swallowed, as if they had seen the greatest horror of the century, and they did not even dare to breathe too hard.

These two people are none other than Beerus and Whis who are wandering in the universe.

Meeting by chance.

The two finally came to Earth.

Beerus ignored Sun Wukong, Frieza and others. Although he had seen them in Kaiohshin Realm, he still threatened to destroy the earth, and then had a fight with Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Cell and others.

This is the first time that the evil trio and the Saiyan trio of Son Goku, Vegeta, and Son Gohan have cooperated. But even if they come together, their strength is all at the level of Super Saiyan 3 full power. Easily defeated by Beerus.

At this point, the earth is facing the greatest crisis in history.

Fortunately, Whis discovered delicious food, and with Bulma's bribe, the earth was temporarily able to survive the crisis. However, Beerus still wanted to destroy the earth. At Whis's suggestion, Sun Wukong absorbed the heart power of Vegeta and others, and for a time Transformed into a Super Saiyan God. .

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