The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 560 Closest to God: Otsutsuki Shibai

"This different space is a bit interesting, much stronger than Kaguya."

Stand in the real world.

Hermes looked at the static space piled with many black cubes, and looked like he was in it, but he quickly regained his composure.

In this alien space where time is still, he Otsuki Ichishiki is the only master.

As long as the Creator God dares to come in, he will be frozen.

At that time, he can kill as much as he wants, and take away as much as he wants.

Time is the most powerful force in the world!

As soon as I thought of this formula, I began to look forward to it.

He admits.

At the beginning, I was really scared. No one would open the different space directly with force. They all rely on the pupil technique, but what about the strength, they are nothing in front of time.


Why hasn't Chuang Shi Shen come in yet?

ten seconds.

thirty seconds.

Yishi found that Hermes was standing in the real world, and his red-backed white pupils kept scanning, showing no intention of coming in.

"Chuangshi God, you are scared!"

The atmosphere gradually quieted down.

This made Yi Shi very uncomfortable.

How do you feel that Chuangshishen is researching something, so vigilant?

"Poor aggressive acting."

Hermes was speechless.

Does this person think him stupid?

But I just felt it, and the time stillness inside doesn't seem to threaten him. I don't know the specific reason, but the strong feeling is very real.

Wow! ! !

Powerful fluctuations spread around Hermes, and purple-white flames began to burn from head to toe. The whole person seemed to be flickering like a black and white TV, as if they were not in the same time and space.

Flame-like white hair, red-backed white pupils, purple-white arrogance eyebrows, flame clouds around his shoulders, and the fire wheel erected behind his head are all burning, and the burning sound is very loud.

Get into the most powerful stance.

In the real world, winds and clouds surged, lightning flashed and thundered, and the whole planet began to vibrate, as if it couldn't bear the breath of Hermes, and because of this, the world changed color and the mountains shook.

Even in Yishi, who is in the stillness of time, he can still feel the suffocating coercion coming to his face.

what's going on~

The different space seemed to start to vibrate, and the still picture began to ripple and distort.

no doubt.

After three hundred and sixty years of cultivation with many clones, Hermes has become a little bit stronger.

"This power should be enough!"

Hermes entered the most powerful posture without opening the eight-door Dunjia Formation and the enlargement of large and small fruits, and then stretched out his hand into a different space.

visible to the naked eye.

The rippling alien space is like boiling boiling water crazily boiling, one hand, one foot, half of the body, as Hermes' whole body enters, the alien space begins to shake.

And with Hermes at the center, dense cracks of spider webs began to tear in the air.

The time in this different space is still, and it can't bear that powerful force at all.


"This alien space is static in time."

"It is impossible for someone to override time."

He retreated uncontrollably, a gust of cold air rushed straight to the sky, his whole heart was shaken, and his world view was severely impacted.

Only he can act in this static different space.

But looking at Hermes walking towards him, cracks appeared in the space wherever he went, and the mighty power of standing still couldn't affect the other party at all.

"This different space is too small, and the time stillness is too weak."

Hermes saw the problem at a glance.

Time stillness is real time stillness, but it only acts in this different space, and this different space is not very big, so it can't bear his power at all.

If it is a living planet whose time is still, or a galaxy, or a universe, it may gradually threaten him.

"See you."

Hermes stretched out his hand to grab Yishi from the air, and Yishi, who subconsciously wanted to avoid, appeared in Hermes' hands instantly, and his neck was pinched by the big purple-white arrogance hand as if he came to the door automatically.

A sense of suffocation came.

Yishi was dumbfounded.

What happened just now, why did I suddenly appear in front of the God of Creation, and how did the other party grab his neck?

"Impossible, this is impossible."

Yishi's face twisted and struggled, how could the gap between the two sides be so big, he didn't even know how he was choked.

Ignoring Yishi's madness and doubts about life, Hermes pinched Yishi's neck with his right hand, stretched out his left hand in front of Yishi and grabbed it from the air, with powerful soul power.

The naked eye can see a haze of soul leaving Yishi's body, and finally freezes to become Yishi's soul.

Hermes directly forcibly pulled out Yishi's soul.


Looking at the bloody mouth that was getting closer and closer, he twisted crazily.

But that force was simply not something he could resist.

With Yishi's soul in his belly, Hermes turned around and left the different space to come to the real world, and threw Yishi's body to the sacred tree, but left a few cells, which will be cloned in the future.

As Yishi's body was eaten, the sacred tree grew a lot bigger after a while.

Then Hermes came to the top of the sacred tree in an instant. It was a huge flower bud, and there was a Samsara Sharingan in the center of the bud. Hermes just sat on the Samsara Sharingan and began to digest the memory of a style.

Ichishiki obviously knows a little more information about the Otsutsuki clan than Kaguya.

"Big tube wooden peach style."

"Big tube wood gold style."

"Otsutsumokura style."


Good guy.

From Yishi's memory, Hermes saw many Datongmu people, most of them were cultivating sacred trees on other planets, and almost none of them were weak.

The base camp Zu Xing also has a lot of big tubes.

The strength is even stronger.

What interested Hermes the most was Otsutsuki's strongest: Otsuki Shibai.

It is a Otsutsuki whose evolution is closest to that of a god.

The various abilities he has mastered can be said to be the power of gods.

For example, clairvoyance can observe the present in real time or choose to watch a certain scene in the past.

Reflection: You can attack the enemy with your mind, any enemy's killing intent will be completely reflected, the greater the killing intent, the stronger the power.

Almighty: You can materialize anything and turn your thoughts into reality.

This is much more outrageous than other Otsutsuki, it can only be said that it is the Otsutsuki closest to the gods.

However, Otsuki Shibai seems to be dead, and theoretically he may have been killed by other people. This is the speculation of Otsuki’s senior management. Reincarnation, and finally crossing the dimension beyond the concept of life and death, and no longer need to be attached to the container for reincarnation, so I voluntarily abandoned my body and finally left the current dimension.

Hermes found the previous guess impossible.

If Otsutsuki Shibai was really that powerful, he couldn't be killed easily.

If it was really killed, how strong was the creature that killed Otsutsuki Shibai?

The second conjecture is more reliable.

But whether it is the first or the second conjecture, Hermes feels the long-lost excitement and sense of crisis. It seems that the Naruto world he despises may have deeper water than the pirate world.

If Otsutsuki Shibai was really alive, he might not be his opponent.

"It's finally a little stressful."

Hermes didn't hesitate.

I want to meet Otsutsuki Shibaju for a while, he has never put his bets on a fight when he came to this world, and now there is finally a strong man who can fully unleash his firepower.

It has to be cherished.

Invincible is lonely.

He has not enjoyed the joy of real fighting for a long time.

Little did he know that Hermes' expectations were likely to come to nothing, because it was confirmed later that Shibai had indeed left the current dimension.

But whether it is true remains to be proven. .

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