The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 559 Otsutsuki Ichishi: I was very scared at the time

"Hoo hoo ~"

Hold your breath down.

Yishi did not hesitate to spend a lot of chakra to come to the location of the sacred tree, poked his head out from behind a rock, and saw a scene he would never forget.

It's not Otsutsuki who came here.

It is the Creator God who destroys the world.

Then Yishiki's eyes widened. What he saw was that a huge dragon-shaped book was opened, like a portal, and one Kaguya after another came out of it.

There are also famous figures in the ninja world.

What the hell!

Why so many Kaguyas.

Each one is not like a clone created by ninjutsu, but a true Kaguya with flesh and blood.

Isn't this bullshit?

How did Creator God do it.

What about that book.

Yishi understood why the sacred tree grew so big. With so many Kaguya and ninja powerhouses as fertilizer, can it not be big?


How did the Creator God disappear?

An ominous premonition filled Yishi's heart, because the figure in midair disappeared.

"Interesting, I didn't expect there to be fish that slipped through the net. You seem to have a lot of energy in your body."

"Is this a wedge?"

"Except for Kaguya and Otsuki Yishi who came to the earth thousands of years ago, there is no other Otsutsuki. It seems that you are Otsutsuki Ishiki."

An indifferent and surprised voice rang in his ears, and he disappeared on the spot with a bang of hair. When he appeared, he was already more than ten meters away. Looking back in panic, he didn't know when the God of Creation appeared in his previous position.


When did you move to your back.

Hermes glanced at Yishi with great interest. The reason why he saw Yishi's identity was because of the black diamond-shaped imprints on Yishi's chin and palms, which were Otsuki's unique reincarnation wedges.

Combined with Kaguya's memory, it is not difficult to guess Yishiki's identity.

Wedge is derived from the unique ability of the Otsutsuki clan, which is able to copy itself and digitize itself, and then enter others into the body, which is equivalent to a compressed backup file. The compressed file will be thawed little by little after a long time, and when the thawing is complete It is rebirth.

I have to say that the Otsutsuki clan has something.

At this moment, Yishi's heart exploded.

The other party seemed to know him well, and at the same time a bold idea appeared in Yishi's mind, if he could drive the wedge into the body of Chuangshishen.

I have to say the idea is crazy and risky.

But once it succeeds, it will be the most perfect container that is unique in everything. If I eat the fruit of this sacred tree again, wouldn't I have achieved Otsutsuki's ultimate goal on the spot: becoming an unparalleled god in the universe?


Unprecedented opportunity.

If this is the case, then stop pretending and must fight to the death.

visible to the naked eye.

Yishi began to revert to his original appearance. He was wearing an elegant and slim white long-sleeved tailcoat and a pair of baggy black pants that often covered his bare feet. He had pale skin and gray hair.

There is a long curved horn growing from the head to the back of the head, like a crown.

However, there is only one eyebrow on the forehead, which grows above the right eye, which has a golden wheel-shaped pattern, and eight triangles surround the pupil. The left eye is white.

In addition, the hair, right eyebrow and beard are all gray and white, which looks like a gentleman.

Cixian couldn't bear his chakra at first, and he couldn't bear it even more after returning to normal, so he only had two or three days to live, and he had to drive the wedge into the body of the Chuangshi God within two or three days, otherwise he would die.

"You have an idea!"

This operation made Hermes look weird. This guy is not trying to take himself away!

Because it's so obvious.

"I want your body."

Yishi is also a ruthless and uncompromising person. He immediately attacked Hermes. He suddenly appeared behind Hermes, and slapped Hermes with his right hand as fast as lightning.

Hermes body automatically evaded, and then swept across.

No sign.

Yishi disappeared out of thin air, in fact, the whole person became smaller, like a speck of dust. After avoiding Hermes' kick, he quickly returned to his normal body shape, and a chakra stick made by Yin Yang Dun appeared in his hand, that is, a black stick Stab Hermes.

"Interesting ability to shrink."

Hermes reached out and grabbed the black stick.

The lesser name is Viguna.

This is one of the abilities of Yishi Right Eye, which can make anything smaller. If it is a living body, it can only make itself smaller, and cannot make other living things smaller.

It has the ability of some large and small fruits.

"Damn it."

Seeing Hermes grabbing his black stick easily, Yishiki's golden right eye surrounded by eight triangular patterns stared slightly, and a huge black cube appeared out of nowhere on Hermes' head.

Like a mountain crashing down.

boom! ! !

Hermes raised his other hand high, against the falling black cube, he could feel the incomparable thickness on it, and it could also hinder perception.

Known from Kaguya's memory.

This is also one of Yishi's abilities.

boom boom boom~

Several heavy forces fell one after another, and five cubes continuously fell from the first black cube, superimposed together and crushed Hermes with a bang.

As a result, a lot of blood and minced meat were sprayed.

"Is it that easy?"

The figure retreats.

Looking at the blood-stained black cube, Chuangshishen seemed to be weaker than imagined, only six cubes, and it crushed Chuangshishen to pieces.

Too unreal.

If Chuang Shi Shen only has this ability, how did he defeat Kaguya?

huh huh huh~


From the opened dragon-shaped book, 3,000 Hermes burst out in one swift motion, and all of them exploded into cells and poured into the black cube.

Immediately afterwards, the blood flowed back, the pieces of flesh reunited, and Hermes recovered in the blink of an eye.

The power was taken away by three thousand clones before, but now it has been restored, and it feels better than ever.

Sure enough, it was still the most secure in its heyday.

Looking at the restored Hermes, Yishiki's face was particularly ugly.

He said that the other party is so weak, and dare to distribute the power to the shadow clone, so is the God of Creation in front of him the real God of Creation?


The breath is like a sky and a ground, and there is some uncontrollable fear just facing the body.

That invisible coercion is suffocating even the soul.

If I had known earlier, I would not have come.

It's hard to get off now.

"Sealing cauldron."

Be the first to strike first.

Yishi launched an attack like lightning, using Yin-Yang Dun to create a lid and a coffin, like a teapot swallowing Hermes in an instant, and the powerful sealing force cut off the world.


But in just three seconds, a large number of gaps spread across the surface of the teapot, and with a huge explosion, Hermes moved out of the flames three feet above the ground.

He stretched out his index finger slowly, and the purple-white gas flames flowed on it, and a laser beam disappeared for a thousand years.

In the blink of an eye, the form shrank, and at the same time, a black-red round portal shaped like a black hole appeared, swallowing the form in one fell swoop.

This is the space portal, which can freely shuttle in different different spaces.

One way to escape.

Daheitian, an alien space where time is still, gasps for breath every time a style appears. Where did the God of Creation come from? He knows that he is not an opponent just by simply exchanging two or three moves.

"A different space?"

Looking at the place where Yishi disappeared.

Hermes was sure that the other party didn't shrink, but left the real world.

Arriving at the location of the space portal just now, Hermes raised his right hand and ignited purple-white gaseous flames, and punched the space in front of him. With the sound of a broken mirror, a huge space appeared in front of him.

Everything is still inside.

Only Hermes looked at the real world with his mouth wide open in disbelief.

What the hell?

The connection point between the real world and the different space is broken? ?

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