"Put away the stumps and broken arms of these people, and let Caesar and the others extract the blood factor when they go back, and they can create several powerful clones."

As Man Xueli and the others came out of the different space, Hermes gave a warning.

"I'll go!"

Guy Ram disappeared in place, and the rest of the people looked at the angry Marco and Jozy together.

"Joermungandr, kill us if you have the ability."

At this time, Qiao Zi and the two were like ghosts, with hideous faces and hysterical faces.

"Don't worry, I will kill you."

Hermes didn't bother to pay attention, and after finishing speaking, he looked in the direction where the Blackbeard Pirates were escaping. It was beyond the range of knowledge and knowledge, and it was a bit difficult to chase. Tiqi's shriveled calf was very cautious, and he must have changed directions many times.

never mind.

Let's solve it next time!

This time, it is not a waste of time to wipe out the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates.

Not for a while.

After Guyram came back, everyone quickly returned to the Island of the Gods. Badgers was already so hungry and thirsty. If the deprivation of the Zhenzhen Fruit failed, he would probably not be able to sleep for several days.

that night.

After Hermes edited the recorded video, he skillfully sent it to Ferrari. As expected, the World Economic Society stayed up and worked overtime all night, but everyone was full of shock and horror.

There were no signs before this.

Suddenly the Emperor Organization wiped out the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates. Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the world, Raleigh, Jabba, Ace the Fire Fist, Phoenix, etc. The legend at the top of the sea fell together.

One can imagine how terrifying the Emperor Organization is.

"The Emperor Organization is already invincible, and the only ones that can contend are the Revolutionary Army and the World Government."

Morgons could not sleep at night.

What was playing in front of him was the video transmitted by Hermes. The Whitebeard Pirates and the remnants of the Roger Pirates could be regarded as two forces of the Four Emperors.

However, it was the two Four Emperors' forces that faced the emperor's organization head-on, but they ended up being wiped out.

So if you want to compete against the Emperor Organization, you need at least three Four Emperor forces. What is this concept?

Don't mess with it.

You must not provoke the Emperor Organization.

the next day.

There was an uproar all over the world, whether it was individuals or forces, or the world, the great route and the new world, all fell into a strange atmosphere.

Shock, horror, disbelief, etc. are full of emotions.

"I didn't expect that when I woke up, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates, who were so powerful some time ago, were just killed by the Emperor Organization."

"How strong is the Hunter King?"

"There is no one who can compete with the most handsome man in the world."

"My God! The Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates teamed up with the remnants of the Four Emperors. Although it is said that the Emperor Organization is above the Four Emperors, there is no need to be so exaggerated!"

"The new world structure has only been stable for more than half a year before it collapsed again."

"Sure enough, the Hunter King will either not appear, or it will shake the world when it appears."


Revolutionary Army Headquarters.

In the fortress more than ten meters underground, there is a spacious meeting room. There is very little smoke at this time, and the long oval table is full of people. Even if they did not arrive in time, the meeting was held through video and video.

"Something unexpected."

"Even the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates were wiped out together. The power of the Emperor's organization is probably even more terrifying than imagined."

Belo Betty, commander of the Eastern Army, was full of fear on her pretty face.

There was a newspaper in front of him.

"In the future, we may have no chance of winning against the Emperor Organization."

All the cadres looked ugly. After all, the Revolutionary Army, the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Roger Pirates are still in a cooperative relationship. Overthrowing the World Government will be a huge boost in the future.

"How could it be so fast?"

First place.

Long's face has always been ugly, because the war ended too quickly, and it was too late for the revolutionary army to receive the news, and there was no way to support it.

Unless the Whitebeard Pirates called for help from the beginning, they didn't receive any news, and the battle was almost over when they found out.

No one would be in a good mood to lose such two powerful potential allies in vain.

"I really can't figure it out. The God King organization is not dominant in terms of numbers. Why can Whitebeard and Roger Pirates be eliminated so quickly? Is it because of the ancient weapon Pluto?"

"Besides using Pluto, I can't think of any other possibility."

The Revolutionary Army has already researched Pluto, and they know how powerful that cannonball is. If the Emperor Organization borrows this, they can be caught off guard.

Then consume a few waves, there is a certain chance to win the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates.

"Pluto was exposed by Ye Mengjiad in the first place. If it is said that the Emperor Organization does not have Pluto, no one will believe it. This is already a public matter."

"Mr. Long, everyone, I want to be alone."


Sabo, who had been burying his head in the news, raised his blood-red eyes and squeezed the news tightly with both hands, with blue veins protruding from his neck and temples, and he could feel the killing intent and sadness that was forcibly suppressed.

His best brother was killed.

It is impossible to calm down.

It is enough to be calm enough to maintain a little reason.

"Go! You have a good rest recently."

Long understood, and gave Sabo a vacation. I don't know if Luffy has seen the news. I hope nothing too big will happen. The person he sent hasn't been contacted yet, which means there should be no big problem.

Ever since the feud with the Emperor's organization, and the time Yermungande said that Luffy must be killed, Long has been sending people to pay attention to the Straw Hat Pirates who have set sail again, for fear that Yermungande's beast will not talk about martial arts.


"Hee hop ~ Kerra, let him be alone for a while."

Kerla, who was about to get up and catch up, was pulled by the bear, and Ivankov beside him shook his head.

Kerla pursed her lips, and finally sat down.

at the same time.

The New Navy Headquarters is also holding a meeting, but the atmosphere is much better than that of the Revolutionary Army. After all, the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates is good news for the Navy.

Dog eats dog.

"It's really scary. One-on-two turned out to end with a complete victory for the Emperor Organization."

Polusalino felt a dull pain in his waist. Looking at the news, his eyes were full of fear. He almost had a shadow on Ye Mengjia. Damn it, even Newgate, Pluto and others could not do it together. If Yemeng made her feel bad again, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Lady Luck couldn't keep looking after him.

The key point is that the green bull was taken away from its lair, and there was no sense of security at all.

What else is Ye Mengjia too afraid to do, and he doesn't know how the green cow is doing now.


"Old things like Newgate and Raleigh should have died a long time ago. Yemengard's victory is nothing more than relying on the ancient weapon Pluto."

Sakaski snorted coldly as he smoked his cigar.

After the green bull was captured last time, he got good news that the Pluto was successfully manufactured, and the world government is still building the second ship, and the first ship is currently equipped for the navy.

big killer.

It is no longer unique to the Emperor Organization.

"Marshal, is there any news from Huang Mu?"

There will be this stubble.

"No, I'm afraid it's bad luck."

Sakaski didn't beat around the bush either. He calculated that the wild animal husbandry would be cold. If it fell into the hands of that beast, there would definitely be no good end.

Yemengard's determination can be seen from the pursuit of the navy base camp and the capture of the green bull.

I don't know what Huang Mu did to make Yemengjia bear such a grudge.

"Damn Jormungandr."

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Now even the most powerful admiral of the navy can't protect himself, let alone other people, the pressure is so great.

Is it true that no one can contain the Emperor Organization? ?

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