The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 395: Destroy Everyone

"Okay! There are still many strong people in this sea, not to mention the new generation has also risen, and there will be plenty of opportunities to fight then."

Hermes shrugged, and then took out ten more little boys.

Throw it away.

In the next moment, they appeared above the miserable Lei Li and the others, good guy, one mushroom cloud after another.

In the vigorous fireworks, all kinds of swearing and cursing came and went.


"Ginger is still old and hot, so let's do it again."

In the color perception of knowledge.

Hermes found that there were still people who persisted, and he liked this kind of toughness, so it was very reasonable to reward the little boy with ten more coins.

this time.

The seabed, which has not seen the sun for many years, has been completely changed in landform, forming a tiankeng abyss that can't be seen at a glance. Some stumps and broken arms can be vaguely seen on those rock walls.

"Why did it become like this?"

Marco got up from the gravel, looked at the broken corpses with blood on his face, and couldn't help crying anymore, why he was so weak and couldn't protect anything.

"Bista, hold on."

Fifty meters away.

Joz hugged Vista, who had half of his body disappeared, and at this moment he could only vent his anger, but the next second, his eyes lost color and became motionless, and he couldn't even say a word until he died.

"Don't die, don't die."


Joz was crying like a child.

It was all a nightmare for him, and in one day he lost everything.

"Eye Dragon."

"CB Galan."


"I shouldn't bother you."

another side.

Rayleigh knelt next to the three corpses, coughing up blood in tears.

Jabba, Kurokas, and the rest of the survivors were in other areas of the tiankeng. Everyone was in extremely poor condition, and the successive waves of explosions from the little boy were simply unbearable.

Some of them had trouble even standing up, and could only lie in a pool of gravel and blood.

No sign.

Hermes stood in front of Rayleigh, looking down coldly from above.

"Yemengade, I think highly of you. It turns out that you are just a coward who is afraid of death. You can only use these despicable methods. You are as dirty, ugly and cowardly as a rat in the sewer."

Raleigh seemed very calm about the appearance of Hermes. At this time, he was very calm, and his only regret was that he shouldn't let Eye Dragon and others go into this muddy water.

"Jie Jie~"

"The description is very appropriate. I am indeed afraid of death, but this world is a world where the strong prey on the weak. The rules are always made by the winner. Coincidentally, I am the winner, and you are just a loser."

"I didn't expect that, relying on the old and selling the old back then would bring such a result to myself."

"Fortunately, the emperor had some strength at the time, otherwise the grass on the grave would have been cropped one after another."

Facing Rayleigh's sarcasm, Hermes was not angry. Instead, he generously admitted that he was afraid of death, and even sighed. He thought back then that he was just passing through the Chambord Islands. He didn't expect to be seen by Boya Hancock. If you want to kill him, it's still the kind of death.

Thanks to my own ability, not only did I not let the opponent succeed, but I almost killed him.

At the critical moment, this old bastard comes out, wanting to be a peacemaker, how can I save face? Hermes is still fresh in his memory of the arrogant and determined look.

That's a fatal thing.

How could it be possible to let it go with a face, not to mention how old you are, Pluto Rayleigh, and Hermes will take revenge when he comes out. As long as it threatens his own life, even if it is a god, he will die.

"Old man, offending the emperor will not end well. The minimum standard is that life is worse than death. Do you know how that idiot with red hair died?"

Hermes gradually became stern.

Without waiting for Leili to reply, the whole person disappeared in the same place, and reappeared in the same place almost two seconds later, but there were two more dying people in his hands.

It's Sika and Sambel.

"Joermungandr, you have the ability to come at me."

Rayleigh grimaced, he guessed something.

"Don't worry, play slowly."

"The emperor said that it would make you miserable! Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not."

Hermes was still talking one second before, and then snapped off Sikale's neck the next second. The sound of bone cracking was so clear. As Sikale's head fell powerlessly on Hermes' hand, Leili It can be described as heartbreaking.

"I want you to die."

Filled with the supreme overlord look, Lei Li rushed towards Hermes like crazy. He wanted to drag this demon to hell with him, but what could he do if he was so weak.

Have no idea what's going on.

Spraying blood, the two arms drew a beautiful trajectory in the air, and finally hit the ground and rolled a few times. Lei Li even bent over and knelt down slowly on the ground.

"The emperor wants you to watch them die in front of your own eyes. Others are living a good life in retirement, but you want to drag them into the water. Now it's all over, the group is gone."

After cutting off both of Lei Li's arms, Hermes threw Sambel on the ground, then raised his big foot and stomped on his head so heavily that his brain and blood splashed all over Lei Li in an instant.


Rayleigh looked desperate and could only keep crying.

"It's just started, and there are quite a few people lingering on their last legs."

Hermes did the same thing, bringing Kurokas, Taro, Duolingo, Jabba and others in front of Rayleigh one after another. Jabba still had a little resistance, but Hermes easily took it .

"Please let them go."

Looking at the familiar faces, Leili finally couldn't hold on any longer, his head hit the ground heavily, his voice was trembling and pleading, the so-called dignity was gone.

He just wanted these people to live.


"It's so cool!!!"

Hermes raised his foot and smashed Taro's head, laughing wildly like a madman.

"don't want."

"Please let them go, please."

"Rayleigh, there's no need."

"Death is death, we never blamed you."

"It's a pity, I didn't expect it to end in this way."

"Jehmengard, having you in this era is a tragedy for everyone."

Jabba, Kurokas and the others were lying on the ground, seeing Leili who kept pleading, feeling uncomfortable. They could tell that Yemengard would not let them go.

"Thank you for your compliment."

Hermes stood up and down, enjoying Jabba's words and Rayleigh's wailing very much. After a while, the place was full of headless corpses, with brains, blood and flesh splattered everywhere.


"just kill me!"

As everyone dies.

Lei Li burst out laughing suddenly, tears filled his eyes, his soul was full of remorse, despair, and pain, even if he went to hell, he would have no face to face everyone.

"Of course this emperor will fulfill you, but before fulfilling you, I have to tell you a sad news, that is, this emperor will send your best friend, Nine Snake Island, and Ace to hell, so you go and give them Find the way, and soon they will come to you."


The hysterical voice stopped abruptly, and Hermes turned around without looking at Rayleigh's headless corpse. He stretched himself and felt that today's weather was particularly beautiful.

The figure disappeared, and when it appeared, it was already beside Joz, and it was easy to grab his neck and lift it up, and then teleported to the weeping Marco again.

The devil fruit of these two people is very precious. .

Starting point: Thanks (book friend 20221226082830576) for 300 starting coins, (uncle who likes to read) 100 starting coins.

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