: Change

“Queen, do you want us…”

Liang Bing: “Don’t act rashly, just be honest with me.”

At this moment, Angel Yan, who was observing the situation on another planet, frowned slightly.

She did not expect that Liang Bing would lose so quickly. It seems a bit premature to make a move now.

However, due to the distance, she could only see Liang Bing’s defeat. She didn’t know what they were talking about.

If you get too close, there is a danger of being discovered by Liang Bing and the others.

But from the looks of it, Hua Ye didn’t intend to kill Liang Bing. If it was too late, maybe they would unite.

At that time, with Liang Bing’s mastery of micro-wormholes, it will be difficult for the Tianren battle group to play a role.

Angel Yan made up his mind, “Ah Zhui, get ready, let’s go!”

“Yes, Queen.”

At the same time, Liang Bing was confronting Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said: “Liang Bing, don’t be so pedantic, okay? Do you think that if I lose, you Liang Bing can survive?”

Liang Bing frowned: “Give me back the rose first, and let’s talk about the rest.”

“Okay, I’ll let Su Mali bring that kid over here in person.” Hua Ye readily agreed.

On the Tiangong, after receiving a message from Hua Ye, Su Mali took a few angel soldiers and walked towards the room where Qiangwei was held.

As soon as I got there, I saw the scene of two Tianzhu soldiers lying at the door.

Su Mali: “…”

An ominous premonition flooded into my heart instantly.

Without saying a word, Su Mali rushed into the room, but she didn’t find Qiangwei.

“Damn it!”

Cursing secretly, Su Mali yelled at the Tianzha soldiers behind him: “What are you still doing in a daze? Quickly notify everyone and search the inside and outside of the Tiangong for me, and you must find Qiangwei!”

Several Tianzha soldiers also panicked, and hurriedly led a large force to search the Tiangong, inside and out.

Taking a deep breath, Su Mali’s face was very ugly. This was hitting him in the face.

When King Huaye left, they had visited this place, and the other party hadn’t escaped at that time.

But now, the other party not only escaped, but also without his knowledge.

Now he hopes that the other party is still hiding somewhere in the Tiangong, before he can escape from the Tiangong, otherwise he will be in big trouble.

Su Mali came to the door in front of the two dead scum soldiers with a serious expression, because he found that the two scum soldiers were killed by a single blow.

There was no time to spread the message for help.

And looking at the posture and posture, Su Mali’s first reaction was that Qiangwei was rescued.

That person attacked them from the front, opened the door from the outside, and rescued Qiangwei.

There are only a handful of people who have this ability without being discovered by the Tiangong.

You have to know that this is King Huaye’s stronghold, with hundreds of thousands of slag troops gathered here. If you want to sneak in under such circumstances, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky!

Unless, the one who does this kind of thing is one of his own…

There was a gleam of light in Su Mali’s eyes, it’s best not to let him find out, this matter was done by his own people.

Not long ago, Hua Ye sent messages to the Tianzha soldiers wandering around the universe, or the descendants of the Tianzha soldiers, which also led to the arrival of Tianzha soldiers one after another these days.

Although they have verified their identities and finally joined the Tiangong, there is no guarantee that there will be no betrayers for these people.

Su Mali frowned, feeling a little troubled. If it was before, these things wouldBut it was Ruoning who had a headache.

With Ruoning’s death and the absence of King Huaye, these burdens can only fall on him.

very tired! !

On the other side, Hua Ye has already received the news that Qiangwei is missing and is suspected of being rescued.

Hua Ye glanced at Leng Bing, and thought something was wrong.

Looking at Liang Bing’s posture, if Qiangwei is not returned now, it will be impossible to talk about it.

Naturally, he would not be so foolish as to think that this matter was actually done by Liang Bing.

He has great confidence in the Tiangong.

The command center of the Tiangong can monitor any movement inside the Tiangong, and since the identity information has been recruited, once there is a person in the Tiangong who does not exist in the information of the Tiangong, the command center of the Tiangong can immediately detect it and lock it. specific location.

That is to say, even if the micro-wormhole technology is used to analyze and transmit people to the Tiangong, they will be discovered in an instant.

Liang Bing had been fighting with him, Hua Ye didn’t think it was her fault.

His first reaction was, Hexi!

You must know that the Tiangong has been in the Heavenly Court of Merlot before, and as a technician, Hexi, if he secretly tampers with the inside of the Tiangong without being discovered, it is also possible.

Moreover, since Hua Ye had no intention of hiding the news that Qiangwei was imprisoned on the Tiangong, Hexi would definitely know.

Not only that, but only Hexi can smuggle Qiangwei away, no matter in terms of profit, he can stop his alliance with Liangbing. Objectively speaking, only those female angels can benefit from doing so.

In such a short period of time, Hua Ye has been able to confirm that Qiangwei’s disappearance is absolutely inseparable from the female angel.

This is a kind of intuition, that girl Hexi must have left something behind that he didn’t discover.

Suddenly, Hua Ye noticed a large wave of energy fluctuations approaching them.

Damn it!

Hua Ye knew that it was the action of an angel.

The reason why he didn’t hide the news of his meeting with Liang Bing was because he wanted to find an opportunity to trick Angel.

Originally, after defeating Liang Bing, they could at least use that little rose girl to form an alliance with Liang Bing. If the angel couldn’t help but make a move at that time, he could cheat them well.

This was originally a conspiracy. Hua Ye is not afraid that they will not come, it would be better not to come.

It’s just that his idea is good, but there will always be some accidents in the ending.

For example, right now, he didn’t talk to Liang Bing at all.

Now that the rose is gone again, if Hexi shows up here with that rose, they who could have been allies in the first place will most likely become enemies.

It’s true that Liang Bing has animosity with Angel, but it’s not that he, Hua Ye, and Liang Bing have no hatred.

An enemy’s enemy can become a friend, so the enemy’s friend may not necessarily be impossible.

Looking at Liang Bing who suddenly frowned, Hua Ye knew that she had sensed the actions of the angels. If he didn’t make a decision, the crisis he would face would be angels and demons.

There was a trace of ruthlessness in his eyes, and a wave of anger arose in Hua Ye’s heart. Since he couldn’t get it, he could only be destroyed.

Soon, a lot of sky blades appeared in the sky above Kunsa Star, which were Angel’s weapons of mass destruction.

Taking advantage of Liang Bing’s focus on it, Hua Ye clenched the sword in his hand and stabbed at Liang Bing not far away.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work out.

Although Liang Bing’s attention was focused on the sky blade that suddenly appeared, it didn’t mean that she had no defense against Hua Ye.

The moment Hua Ye attacked, she reacted and dodged the sword sideways.

However, would Hua Ye not know about this kind of thing? !

This sword was just a feint.

Hua Ye stretched out his other hand at the same time, and his five fingers instantly turned into five small black holes. In a short time, his entire palm turned into a small black hole.

A terrifying suction came from inside.

Because the micro-wormhole ability that Karl imprisoned Liang Bing is still there, this also caused Liang Bing to be unable to use the micro-wormhole ability normally.

It’s too late to say it’s too late. Just as Liang Bing was about to dodge, she was caught by this terrifying suction force, causing her body coordination to pause slightly.

It can be understood that the brain responded and sent commands to the body.

But the body was half a beat slower.

For strong people like them, as long as there is a slight mistake, it is fatal.

Hua Ye’s left hand, which had turned into a small black hole, quickly stuck to Liang Bing’s left shoulder. Immediately afterwards, Liang Bing was instantly swallowed into the black hole.

On Devil One.

The demons who were observing here were extremely angry when they saw this scene.


Accompanied by roars, Devil One appeared directly above Hua Ye.

The demon headed by Atuo stared at Hua Ye with anger in his eyes.

The demon queen they respected was actually swallowed by this guy in front of their eyes with a black hole.

The whole process was too fast, in less than three seconds, and some people didn’t even react.

In this way, the Tianren battle group led by Tianyan Yan and the Devil No. 1 led by Atuo formed a tendency to encircle Hua Ye.

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