The duel between Liang Bing and Hua Ye (End)

Liang Bing didn’t dare to gamble.

Just like that, Hua Ye wanted to get close to Liang Bing, but Liang Bing kept keeping distance.

And Liang Bing also has the ability of micro-wormholes. As far as the means of escape, it is first-class.

“Leng Bing, die!”

Hua Ye blasted away Liang Bing’s giant claws with a sword, flapped his wings, and quickly rushed in front of Liang Bing.

A sword slashed down fiercely.

When Liang Bing was about to use her micro-wormhole ability to dodge, she suddenly discovered that her micro-wormhole had failed at this very moment.

Surprised, Liang Bing hurriedly rolled to the right regardless of her image, and only then did she escape Hua Ye’s sword.

At the same time, Carl’s voice reached Hua Ye’s ears.

“Ten minutes, I have helped you limit Liang Bing’s ability to use micro-wormholes.”

After that, there was no sound.

Hua Ye was taken aback for a moment, but then he realized that he was overjoyed.

On the other hand, Liang Bing’s face suddenly sank.

The person with this method is definitely not Hua Ye, but Karl.

As this former friend and former partner, just as Karl knows her very well, she also knows Karl very well.

If it is possible to make her micro-wormhole ability unusable without a sound, apart from Carl, Liang Bing can’t think of anyone elseWho has this ability.

It seems that Karl has already finished.

But no matter what, she couldn’t give up Qiangwei, she had to win this battle.

Regardless of Hua Ye’s nice words, no matter if he wins or loses, he will definitely let Qiangwei go.

Liang Bing knows Hua Ye’s character very well. If she wins this battle, Hua Ye may fear her and choose to let Qiang Wei go.

If she loses, then what is waiting for herself and Qiangwei may not be.

Helpless, she had no choice but to request the weapon inventory system to pass over the weapons she hadn’t used for a long time.

It was a pure black sword.

It was the weapon she used before. Later, she specialized in developing micro-wormhole technology and mind power, transforming from a warrior with a sword into a controller who alternates between near and far.

Unable to use the micro-wormhole ability, which caused the attack power of her thoughts to drop significantly.

Like this kind of mind control method, in the end, it is a quick, unexpected timing.

None of the micro-wormhole technologies is a means to improve the power of mind to control things.

After all, that is spatial ability.

Whether it’s attacking, defending or running, it’s a good ability.

If there is no means of countermeasures, it will be difficult to stop the spatial ability users who want to escape.

Holding the sword that she hadn’t picked up for a long time, Liang Bing felt strange.

For a moment, she even completely forgot how to use the sword.

Hua Ye said excitedly: “Leng Bing, you will lose in a head-to-head confrontation!”

“Hmph, it’s not certain who will lose.”

At this time, Karl, who was standing in a void, quietly observed the battle between Hua Ye and Liang Bing.

It’s just that if someone pays attention, they will find that Karl’s figure is very strange.

Obviously standing there, it seems like it shouldn’t exist.

In fact, his interest in Wang Yu didn’t appear suddenly, but he had this idea very early on.

Since the last time, when the opponent destroyed his gluttonous fleet, Karl has fought against him.

After that, he became very interested in Wang Yu.

Carl basically paid attention to what happened on Earth later.

After some means, Karl has confirmed that Wang Yu’s identity is not simple.

It’s not that simple…

And don’t forget that his current achievements are inseparable from the earth.

It was on Earth that Karl found that strange inscription on exercises.

He once proposed that the Pangu civilization hundreds of millions of years ago was also found on the earth.

Karl once speculated that the earth is likely to be a precious ruin left by the Pangu civilization hundreds of millions of years ago.

Through the inscription he picked up, he has already translated some things.

For example, the Pangu civilization hundreds of millions of years ago was the strongest civilization in the known universe.

They are not a technological civilization, but a metaphysical civilization, defined as cultivating immortals.

Karl is learning now, which is the incomplete method of soul cultivation above.

And according to the above records, this method of soul cultivation was still a method of public cultivation at that time.

It was this that made Karl curious about the Pangu civilization.

And in the past, he went to the earth many times with open and unannounced visits, trying to find other relics.

It’s a pity that the harvest is very little.

It seems that it was an accident that he was able to find the ancient template.

Originally, he had already given up.

When his subordinates, the Gluttonous Legion, attacked the earth, he did not choose to stop it.

Why stop it?

Let the Gluttonous Legion help him to experiment with the earth. If he really succeeds in occupying it, that would be great.

Maybe, Karl can also let Taotie dig the entire earth three feet into the ground, hollowing out the entire earth in thousands of years.

The purpose is to find something similar to that template.

In the past, when the gluttonous legion entered Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum, it was also to look for historical sites.

Since Karl didn’t reveal too much about the Pangu civilization, he only told them that the older things on Earth, the better.

Of course, it’s okay to fail.

The gluttonous civilization is just a casual product of him thousands of years ago, and it will be recreated after it is gone.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that the gluttonous invasion of the earth would lead to some people related to the Pangu civilization.

Monkey King, Monkey King, needless to say.

He knew that it was the masterpiece of the dean of the Super Seminary, a super genetic warrior created according to the original myth of the earth.

As for the three-eyed guy who appeared once, Karl is suspected to be Erlang God according to the myths and legends of the earth.

This is not the point.

In just a few years, a spiritual energy eruption and spiritual energy recovery happened on the earth.

The most important thing is that with the emergence of some immortal cultivation techniques, the earth may really be related to the Pangu civilization.

And the relationship is very important.

With his means, he can easily obtain those immortal cultivation techniques.

But after researching, he discovered that the most suitable successors of these exercises are humans.

It can be said that these exercises are tailor-made for human beings.

Whether it’s him, an angel, or another creature, although his physique is very similar to that of a human being in some respects, there are still many differences.

For example, in terms of genes, some acupuncture points or meridians in the body are different.

Even if they practice these exercises, they will not be able to exert the strongest effect of the exercises.

Carl boldly guessed that human beings are probably the descendants of the Pangu civilization hundreds of millions of years ago.

Let’s talk about the evolutionary history of humans on Earth.

peopleHuman beings evolved from a kind of ancient apes to become the current human beings.

And there are reasons.

But Karl does not agree with this statement.

Evolution, no matter what kind of evolution it is, or physical evolution, is inseparable from genetic evolution.

If humans really evolved from ancient apes, why can’t monkeys evolve today? !

And Karl is very interested in how humans appear.

I remember the first time he came to the earth. At that time, human beings appeared on the earth. They wore animal skins. In the words of the earth, the human beings at that time were still in the primitive society.

As for the earth earlier, he doesn’t know.

He wasn’t born too early. When he came to Earth, he didn’t see the process of human evolution at all. Perhaps the founder and current principal of the Super Seminary, the principal of space, may know some unknown things.

It’s just that his mouth is very strict. Carl asked similar questions before, but they were all stuffed by the other party, or they just didn’t answer.

Looking at the cold ice that was gradually falling into the downwind during the battle, Karl didn’t feel any fluctuations in his heart.

The only thing he is interested in now is about Pangu civilization and ultimate fear.

As for other things, he really has no interest at all.

With a sword on Liang Bing’s neck, Hua Ye panted slightly, “Leng Bing, you are defeated!”

Liang Bing said expressionlessly, “Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?”

“Join my team.”

“That’s impossible…”

As the Demon Queen, Liang Bing will never join any camp. The existence of any camp is accompanied by constraints.

Whether this kind of restraint is good or bad, it’s not something she likes.

As for being defeated by Hua Ye, although it was not due to Karl’s action, Liang Bing would not cry out that it was unfair because it was just a sign of cowardice.

And who stipulated that you can’t make dirty tricks in battle? !

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