Fighting against Jia Zhengliang, defeating the enemy with one punch

Xu Fu was taken aback by the detailed data. With so many abilities, it took him a while to wake up from the shock.

Then he glared at Wang Jian, “Is this the descendant of Bai Qi you said? You don’t even understand who it is. That’s Bai Qi who is already indestructible. Even I may not be able to beat it. This is troublesome.” .”

Wang Jian: “…” Who am I? Where am I? what happened?

After swallowing, he realized that he had no saliva. Wang Jian subconsciously felt that it was impossible, but now that he was able to pinch him by the neck and beat him, it would be a bit abnormal if he was really a descendant of Bai Qi.

He actually called Bai Qi boy, Wang Jian felt a little irritated when he thought about it.

Kill God for nothing!

Although he is the great general of Daqin in name, compared with Bai Qi, he is not a little bit worse.

Originally lost to a junior, I was a little annoyedAfter knowing that it was Bai Qi, his back straightened up immediately.

Losing to Bai Qi is not wronged.

Xu Fu looked at him inexplicably.

“In the next match, Jia Zhengliang will face Wang Yu!”

In the auditorium, Wang Yu stood up, twisted his neck, and walked off the stage.

“Brother Wang Yu, come on!”

Lu Linglong shouted frantically from behind.

Seeing this scene, Hidden Dragon clutched his heart weakly, with a very desperate expression.

“It’s over, my sister has fallen into the arms of others!”

Zhang Chulan: “…” I want to cry, what a painful realization!

The sad duo squatted in a corner, comforting each other.

Feng Shayan, who had just finished the previous group, came to her father Feng Zhenghao and sat down beside her.

Feng Zhenghao asked with concern in his eyes, “Are you all right, are you injured?”

“No.” Feng Shayan shook her head and said, “Father, that Jia Zhengliang is from that Jia’s village, right?”

Feng Zhenghao: “Yes, it’s a good thing we didn’t meet. Because of his brother, we have already had some conflicts with Jiajiacun. If we let you meet in the game, it’s okay to lose. If we win, it’s hard to guarantee that we won’t The conflict with Jiajia Village has intensified.”

“I heard that this Jia Zhengliang is a genius in their Jiajia Village, Sha Yan! Are you interested? You are old enough to find another…”

“Stop, old man, you’re just looking forward to your daughter getting married!” Feng Shayan held her forehead helplessly, and the old man came again.

“Did my brother say something in front of you again?”

“Sister, I’m doing it for your own good.” At this time, Feng Xingtong came over with a smile, “Sister, you should find a man to take care of you. Look at you now, you don’t have any femininity at all.”

“Hmph! Yes, that Feng Baobao is feminine.” Feng Shayan said in a strange way.

“Eh…what’s the matter with her.” Feng Xingtong felt the sour smell in the air, and suddenly seemed to understand something, “Old sister, you must be jealous of Feng Baobao.”

“Nonsense, how could I be jealous of that dirty woman.” Feng Shayan’s voice amplified slightly.

Feng Xingtong touched his chin, and analyzed seriously: “Go up and Zhang Chulan came to our company, you didn’t seduce him, Zhang Chulan chose to leave with Feng Baobao later, and didn’t choose you. So old lady, you are jealous, so if you are with Feng Baobao You will subconsciously hate anyone related to Feng Baobao.”

Feng Shayan’s face turned dark, and she clenched her fists and said, “Brother, do you deserve a beating? Squeak, I promise I won’t beat you to death.”

“But what they said is the truth.” Feng Xingtong didn’t care. Anyway, there is daddy coming, so I’m not afraid.

Clenching her fists tightly, Feng Shayan promised that if her father wasn’t there, she would definitely let her little brother loosen his bones.

Feng Zhenghao just watched silently, with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Noticing Jia Zhengliang’s entry, Feng Xingtong turned his eyes and said, “Old sister, why don’t you go and meet Jia Zhengliang after the game? What if it’s your favorite type?”

Feng Shayan frowned, and looked at Feng Xingtong with deep meaning, “What the hell are you planning?”

“However, if you want me to get in touch with him, it’s not impossible. Let’s talk about it if he can win this match.”

“Old sister, that’s what you said. His strength is still abnormal. As long as he doesn’t meet those guys, he is guaranteed to pass the second round.” Feng Xingtong looked a little smug, “Let’s see who his opponent is.”

Looking around, a figure in white came out.

Feng Xingtong: “…”

“Wang… Wang Yu?” Feng Xingtong’s mouth twitched, “Damn! This Jia Zhengliang is too unlucky to meet that pervert.”

“Yeah.” Feng Shayan nodded: “I have to admit, I can’t beat that Wang Yu.”

Feng Xingtong thought inwardly that it was unlucky, he had finally found Jia Zhengliang, and it was going to be cold so soon.

Looking at Feng Shayan who was not in a hurry about her marriage, Feng Xingtong sighed. It’s quite difficult to find a brother-in-law who might be able to beat the older sister and look for him.

Originally, Zhang Chulan was a good choice, after all, he is the descendant of the source of gas. Unfortunately, it turned yellow before it even started.

Zhang Lingyu is also a good choice, but he is not interested.

Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye, let’s test their attitude next time.

As for this Wang Yu, Feng Xingtong had no choice but to ignore him for the time being without finding out the other party’s information.

For the elder sister’s marriage, the younger brother is really worried.

“Hey, I said you didn’t call all day, but you called when I was on the court. I didn’t play and you didn’t call.”

Jia Zhengliang held the phone in one hand, picked his nose with the other, and babbled on the phone.

“Game start–!”

Jia Zhengliang: “Hey, Mom, what are you talking about? You just take care of my brother at home. Why do you always call me?”

“I know, I know. Yes, yes, I eat fruits and vegetables every day, and I don’t have time to eat meat.” Jia Zhengliang said impatiently.

Wang Yu: “Can we start?”

“What? I didn’t use a hotel toothbrush, I brought it with me. Is it in your heart that I just can’t take care of myself?” Jia Zhengliang completely ignored Wang Yu.

Wang Yu: “…”

There was a trace of coldness on his face. This unorthodox red-haired boy became more and more beating up the more he looked at him.

“Let me tell you, I don’t want to marry the village chief’s daughter, I…”

Before Jia Zhengliang finished speaking, he stretched out a hand and took his mobile phone away.

JiaZhengliang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Wang Yu with some puzzlement.

Wang Yu smiled and said, “I’ll do a magic trick for you, watch it, now your phone is in my hand, right?”

“Uh… yes.” Jia Zheng nodded.

“I’ll turn it off, and then I’ll put it in my pocket, so that if you don’t beat me, it will be mine. Are you saying it’s a miracle?”

Jia Zhengliang was serious, “It’s really a bit magical, then… I’ll just beat you.”

“Well, are you ready?” Wang Yu asked.

Jia Zheng nodded his head.


A punch hit Jia Zhengliang in the face.

He was directly blown away, and immediately, Jia Zhengliang was floating in the air and dancing against the wind.

There was another loud bang, and Jia Zhengliang smashed into the wall of the arena.


Quiet, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.


Many viewers swallowed their saliva, and there was only one thought in their minds, that Jia Zhengliang would not die.

Zhijinhua outside the arena stroked her glasses, quickly calculating the strength of Wang Yu’s punch in her mind.

“The distance between the two is about half a meter. According to Wang Yu’s punches, he has no energy at all. It takes 1.21 seconds to hit Jia Zhengliang’s face.”

“Based on this calculation, 1.21 seconds should be enough for Jia Zhengliang, who is professionally practicing the Art of Imperial Objects, to react. Is there anything else that I haven’t counted?”

Zhijinhua took out the calculator and calculated silently.

“I never expected that Wang Yu would be so strong.” Zhang Chulan murmured with disbelief and envy.

Hidden Dragon was also deeply moved, “Yeah, when I first met him, I thought he was just an ordinary player. Unexpectedly, I, Hidden Dragon, didn’t see him as a dark horse at the time.”

“It’s not going to end like this, is it?” Zhang Chulan looked at Jia Zhengliang who was deeply stuck into the wall, and felt jealous of Wang Yu.

One Zhang Lingyu is enough for him, and now there is another Wang Yu.

It’s best to let the two of them fight and lose, and he will end up in the end.

“Think of a way!” Zhang Chulan scratched her hair, looking thoughtful.

When Feng Baobao saw this, he was also thoughtful.

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