The Fearful Wang Jian, Xu Fu’s Backhand

“From seven to nine in the evening.”

The little Taoist said subconsciously.

Then he came to his senses, shook his head again and again, and said, “No, brother, the old master didn’t mean that.”

“Then tell me, what else could it mean?” Ye Xing stared angrily, why did this little Taoist keep fighting against him.

Could it be that his image of a good old man is so strong that now everyone in Longhushan will criticize him.

The little Taoist priest was taken aback by Ye Xing’s ferocious expression, and said with a mournful face: “Brother, the old heavenly master just wanted to hit you.”

“Impossible! You’re talking nonsense, I’ll beat you up.” Ye Xing stared at the little Taoist with a very unkind expression.

The little Taoist didn’t dare to speak anymore, and looked at his companion with a look of pleading for help.

The rest of the Taoist priests pretended not to see them.

Look at the nose with the eyes, and watch the heart with the nose.

“Hmph! Go against senior brother, copy the Tao Te Ching three times after you get back, and give it to me tomorrow!”

Then they closed the team and left, happily thinking about learning supernatural powers at night.

If the old celestial master gives me a choice, should I learn Leifa or Leifa.

An older Taoist priest shook his head at them, signaling to stop talking.

Only the little Taoist priest who wanted to cry but had no tears was left behind.

God! The full text of the Tao Te Ching has 5,162 words, and three times it is more than 15,000 words. This… It seems that there is no need to sleep tonight.

On Wang Yu’s side, he has already returned to the arena.

As for Xia He not following, because of the use of Qi, he returned to his original appearance.

So I went to find Thousand Faces in private.

Returning to the auditorium, the four games of the first round are now over, and we are entering the second round.

He briefly glanced at the big screen, but didn’t see any masters.

Liu Yanyan noticed Wang Yu came back, looked behind him, but found no trace of Xia He.

Asked: “Wang Yu, where’s Miss Xia?”

“How do I know.” Wang Yu said without blushing or panting, “Did she go out? I didn’t see her.”

“Oh.” Liu Yanyan nodded without doubting his words.

Afterwards, they chatted with Lu Linglong excitedly, laughing at Wang Yu from time to time.

In the past, Wang Yu promised to eavesdrop secretly.

But he is not in the mood now.

“System, don’t pretend to be dead. Is that national teacher a time traveler? Will he find me?” Wang Yu secretly contacted the system.

“Drip, host, please calm down.”

Wang Yu was secretly anxious, “How can this make me calm, the other party may, oh no, must be a time traveler.”

“Even if the other party is really a time traveler, what’s the use of the host being so anxious? Can it solve the problem?”

Wang Yu: “…”

“I found that your subsystem talks more than the main system!” Wang Yu suddenly noticed this problem.

You must know that at the very beginning, Wang Yu thought that his system could not speak and could only express in words.

It was the first time the system spoke since there was an error when using the Moonlight Treasure Box.

No, the point to pay attention to now should not be here.

Wang Yu was a little tired. It would be great to be the only traveler in this world.

Now he has found a mysterious partner.

And this partner is most likely an enemy.

Forced himself to calm down, Wang Yu sat in the back seat, calmed down and meditated.

The beaked beast on Liu Yanyan’s head danced non-stop, “Look this way, Master, come and see me!”

Wang Yu naturally ignored it.

“System, are there many traversers?” Wang Yu asked.

The system replied: “Many, too many to count.”

Wang Yu was silent for a while, “Then let me ask you this question, how many systematic traversers are there?”

“Ding, requesting to connect to the main system!”

“Eh? What are you doing?” Wang Yu listened to the mechanical sound of the system next to his ear.

“Ding, the connection is successful. When the host encounters an item from the outside world, it requests to temporarily open the second-level part of the authority.”

“The opening is successful, and the secondary authority has been obtained: system firewall, system security guard.”

Wang Yu is very confused now, what is this all about!Why are the firewalls and security guards in the computer coming out?

He felt that his knowledge of the system in the past was only a little bit.

“Ding, the system security guard has detected an unknown force and is trying to get close to the host.”

“Ding, the system firewall is automatically turned on. Hide the system and modify the host information.”

Then, the system lost its sound.

On a hill near Longhu Mountain, in a hidden cave. An old man in a red and black tuxedo suit stood quietly in a dark cave.

He was in front, a figure in a state of embarrassment, kneeling in front of him on one knee.

If Wang Yu were here, he would find that this person was Wang Jian who had escaped.

At this moment, he was trembling all over, kneeling on the ground without daring to move.

He didn’t have the demeanor of a general in charge of the battlefield at all.

The old man had no expression on his face, his blue pupils were staring at Wang Jian who was on the ground.

The dark cave, coupled with this eerie atmosphere, made people’s hairs stand on end.

After a long time, the old man’s tone was neither happy nor sad, “You mean, you not only lost the sacred stone lent to you by the national teacher, but also damaged the high-level magic weapon rewarded to you, and it was because of something other than the mission… ”

“You… hey!” Xu Fu shook his head, and looked at him sympathetically, “How dare you act on your own for such a big matter. I will truthfully report this matter to the National Teacher.”

“Don’t…Master Xu Fu, if Master Guoshi knows, I’m done!” Wang Jian was very flustered at this moment. He was not afraid of death, even when he was alive, he was not afraid of death.

But when he thought of the unpredictable methods of the national teacher, he still remembered that the national teacher said that death is not terrible. The scary thing is that even though your body is dead, your soul, your consciousness, is still alive.

He witnessed with his own eyes that the national teacher’s soul was taken out from a servant who made him angry, and he used a special short knife to chop up that soul bit by bit.

He now clearly remembers the scream of the soul.

That blue-clothed boy, that person who hasn’t changed at all even after more than a thousand years.

After Xu Fu heard this, he sneered: “General Wang Jian, don’t worry, you are His Majesty’s general, and the national teacher will not kill you.”

Then with sharp eyes, he said in a loud voice: “You are not the general who is under one man and over ten thousand people. Do you know that you have attracted the attention of the old master in Longhu Mountain. If you lead to His Majesty’s resurrection plan, You will die.”

“A junior can’t handle it. I really don’t know if it’s because of the weak bones or your own problem.”

Faced with Xu Fu’s cynicism, Wang Jian dared not express his dissatisfaction.

You must know that Xu Fu is the only assistant of the national teacher, so you can’t offend him.

Still kneeling on the ground, Wang Jian stopped talking.

Staring at him with his head down, Xu Fu said, “Okay. You are lucky that the National Teacher is in retreat during this period. Otherwise, I will definitely inform the National Teacher about this matter.”

“What? The national teacher is in retreat!” Wang Jian’s tone was tinged with joy, and at the same time he let out a sigh of relief.

“You still have to think about how to get the sacred stone back. The current Longhu Mountain is full of masters!” Xu Fu sighed.

Unexpectedly, this trip to Longhu Mountain not only found my emperor’s blood, but even Bai Qi’s descendants appeared.

“It’s really eventful!”

Wang Jian stood aside and said cautiously: “Master Xu Fu, why don’t we secretly bring back His Majesty’s blood tonight without waiting for the signal from the National Teacher.”

Xu Fu: “…”

Staring at Wang Jian, he wondered if the national teacher was away these days, or if he had drifted away.

“Hmph! You can try it, but the National Teacher has an important plan, if it gets in the way of the National Teacher…”

“Uh… let’s forget it then.”

Wang Jian shrank his neck.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Xu Fu suddenly said to the air: “Xiao Ai, check Wang Jian’s injuries.”

“Yes, test Wang Jian, start!” A female mechanical voice came from a certain void.

Immediately afterwards, above the void in front of Wang Jian, a red light flashed.

After a while, the mechanical voice said: “Wang Jian, who can’t melt bones in half a step, is injured at 61%. The main source of injury is the thunder attack.”

With a thoughtful face, Xu Fu ordered: “Check the detailed identity of the attacker.”

“Yes! Xiaoai is searching again…”

At this time, Wang Yu’s system firewall and security guard were activated.

“Enquiry completed: Bai Qi was released two months ago by Liu Yanyan, the heir of the corpse expelling family in Xiangxi. The abilities he has used include summoning bone soldiers, the power of thunder, the power of desire control, both hands, Tai Chi, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Cloud Hand…”

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