My seniority is really great

Just when Liu Yanyan and Lu Liang were arguing with each other.

Wang Yu hooked up with Xia He.

To be exact, Xia He took the initiative to deliver it to her door.

“Little brother, your skin is so white!” Xia He said, licking her sexy lips. One hand was about to touch his face.

Wang Yu turned his head away, and said without squinting: “Don’t be too close, you should call me my wife and grandpa.”

Xia He’s expression was blank. What is this? Is it taking advantage of her?

However, as expected of a master of all-out madness, Xia He returned to normal in just a moment, and smiled while holding his mouth: “Little brother really knows how to joke, I almost believed what I said.”

Wang Yu’s eyelids twitched calmly, feeling as if something had entered his dantian just now. Although he didn’t know what it was, Wang Yu didn’t dare to be careless.

The evil spirit in his body enveloped the external power, and then he looked at the woman in front of him inexplicably.

The corners of Xia He’s mouth rose slightly, which seemed to be working. How could such a perfect body be a cold corpse?

Yes, Xia He has always suspected that Wang Yu is an individual.

Seeing that Wang Yu didn’t respond, Xia He reached out and took off his hat. A head of long black hair fell down as the hat was removed.

Then came the masks.

Xia He thought about it, and reached out again to pick off Wang Yu’s mask.

This Wang Yu can’t bear it anymore. Anyway, we also have a secretary. Besides, can anyone see my brother’s peerless face?

Immediately, he opened Xia He’s hand, snatched the hat back, and put it on his head.

“Beauty, don’t you know that men and women are lean… No, is it the reason that you can’t kiss each other?” Wang Yu expressed a little embarrassment, because he knew that he would not desert in class before.

Xia He pursed her red lips, and said with a seductive rosiness on her face: “Yo, little brother, are you shy?”

Wang Yu: “Don’t get too close, I’m your wife and grandpa.”

There was a black line on Xia He’s head, this kid is endless!

The anger that hadn’t appeared for many years was provoked several times by this kid.

“Calm down, calm down, he is provoking me on purpose. Xia He, you are a goddess, let him be arrogant for a while, and after that attack, he must be tortured severely.” Xia He was silent for a few seconds, thinking Thinking viciously.

Wang Yucai didn’t care what she was thinking. Just as he was about to stay away from her, the system’s voice suddenly came.

“Ding, discovered the unique skill: the power of desire control, did the host choose to learn it?”

Wang Yu’s eyes moved inadvertently, and he glanced at the woman in front of him. After a few seconds of meditation, he smiled in amazement.

But he didn’t mean to leave in a hurry.

In a certain room, four people were either sitting or standing, and the atmosphere was silent for a while.

Wang Yu, who was leaning against the window, had already taken off his hat and mask, revealing a skin that even Xia He envied.

Glancing at the three people who were silent, Wang Yu silently turned on the system.

“The power to control desire: 5%.”

[System prompt: You can only learn this method by collecting 100%. 】

In this regard, Wang Yu is not very anxious. If he expresses that he is very anxious, it is hard to guarantee that he will not be suspected by them.

The future is long, since I have joined this organization anyway, I can use the name of sparring to find her openly in the future.

This gave him some ideas. It turned out that he thought that he had to learn this so-called stunt by himself, but he didn’t expect to learn it by being beaten.

“Wait! Beaten?”

Thinking of this, Wang Yu suddenly realized that this might be specially arranged by the system. Otherwise, Mao let himself time travel to become a zombie, why, because zombies resist beatings!

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was possible, and Wang Yu’s face showed a slight change.

This scene happened to be seen by Xia He who was staring at him intentionally or unintentionally. I was overjoyed, and it seemed that an attack had occurred.

There was a little complacency on her face, but she also had some doubts in her heart. It’s been so long, how come the power of green desire just broke out.

Of course, he didn’t think too much about it. Xia He would never admit that it was his own abilities that didn’t work.

She firmly believes that everyone has seven emotions and six desires, and there are no exceptions in this respect.

From her point of view, Wang Yu must have used some kind of ability to suppress the power she had penetrated into her body.

This made her even more curious about Wang Yu.

Liu Yanyan looked at a few people, feeling bored. Originally, she was a carefree girl longing for freedom.

This depressing atmosphere reminded her of her life in the family. Liu Yanyan had no choice but to open the topic: “Who is our all-round boss?”

Lu Liang shook his head and said, “I really can’t say that.”

“What, why can’t you say it?” Liu Yanyan said angrily when she heard that, “Isn’t there no rules for Quanxing? My old lady joined Quanxing, but I can’t even see the boss.”

“That… To be honest, I haven’t met the boss either.” In order to avoid misunderstanding, Lu Liang quickly explained: “The bossGenerally, he will not appear. It is said that his identity is very special, maybe Sister Xia knows it. ”

Lu Liang dumped the pot on Xia He who was sitting on the bed.

Xia He rolled his eyes at him, pressed one slender thigh on top of the other, and said lazily: “This is a secret, and you can’t get in touch with that level. Knowing too much is not good for you.”

Liu Yanyan was not convinced: “Why can’t I know.”

“That’s because… your strength is not enough.” Xia He satirized Liu Yanyan slightly, then cast a flying eye at Wang Yu not far away, and said in a delicate tone: “If that powerful little brother wants to I know, I will tell him alone.”

Lu Liang: “…Uh, sister, don’t be like this, I’m a zombie.”

Wang Yu looked at her calmly, and said word by word: “You should call me my wife and grandpa.”

Xia He’s expression froze. No matter how good-tempered she was, she was a little annoyed: “Bastard, you are my younger brother now.”

Wang Yu just said flatly.

Lu Liang’s expression was very embarrassing.

Liu Yanyan suddenly laughed loudly: “Haha…hahaha, I am dying of laughter. He is a zombie I released myself. You actually seduce a zombie who has no desire.”

“I can’t do it anymore, let me laugh for a while.”

Saying that, Liu Yanyan squatted on the ground and laughed endlessly.

“…” Xia He, today is one of the few unlucky days for me.

“Is it funny?” Xia He’s face was gloomy.

Seeing this, Lu Liang secretly said: “No, Eldest Sister is angry.”

Liu Yanyan didn’t notice that something was wrong with the atmosphere at all, but Wang Yu did notice that one foot turned to Liu Yanyan.

Once something happened, Wang made sure to rush to Liu Yanyan immediately.

Xia He’s eyes kept flickering, and there was a tangle in his heart. I want to teach the newcomer a lesson, but looking at her zombie appearance, I’m afraid it’s unrealistic.

Yes, Xia He had to admit that since her strength hadn’t exploded for so long, that Wang Yu was definitely not human.

But this thing is really bad, one mouthful of her ancestors, so where will she put the face of the big four brothers.

For a while, Xia He fell into a dilemma.

Lu Liang is also in the same situation. He definitely can’t be beaten, and he can’t. Why bother to lick his face and stretch out for someone to beat him.

Now, prepare to be a good old man.

“Sister, don’t be angry. You are the boss of our team. The newcomers are not polite when they come in. Sister calm down.” Lu Liang said, and kept winking at Liu Yanyan.

No matter how slow Liu Yanyan reacted at this time, she also knew that she had gone too far, so she immediately apologized.

Xia He lost half of his anger, but when he thought of Wang Yu, the main culprit in this case, who was staring at the ceiling, Xia He became short of breath.

After touching Lu Liang, Xia He signaled that this matter was left to you.

Lu Liang nodded bitterly. Liu Yanyan is fine, she’s not strong, and she’s easy to deceive.

But for this Wang Yu, Lu Liang really felt afraid. He had a hunch that this zombie named Wang Yu didn’t take it seriously at all when dealing with him.

To be honest, he didn’t want to take this job. But he couldn’t beat both sides, and he had personally experienced Xia He’s methods.

Thinking about that painful memory, Lu Liang couldn’t help but shudder.

In just a split second, Lu Liang came back to his senses. Bite the bullet and walked in front of Wang Yu, said: “That…Brother Wang.”

“What did you call me?”

Wang Yu stared, and looked at Lu Liang with a murderous look: “Call me Grandpa.”

“Huh?” Lu Liang was completely stunned.

“Pfft, hehehe…” Liu Yanyan couldn’t help laughing again.

Wang Yu turned around and said, “Don’t laugh, you have to scream too.”


With a sigh, Wang Yu looked at the ceiling with a lifeless look, and said, “I just remembered that I have lived for more than a thousand years. Therefore, I should be at the same level as your ancestors.”

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