Punching All Sex Lu Liang

“Hahaha… I laughed so hard. It turned out to be just an unconscious corpse. I thought it was so powerful.”

Lu Liang hugged his belly, squatted on the ground and laughed loudly.

Liu Yanyan’s face turned red with anger, and her heart was going crazy. This bastard actually didn’t obey orders at the critical moment.

On the frantic little face, she was extremely aggrieved.

Liu Yanyan could only whisper: “Bastard, how on earth can you help me beat him up?”

After hearing this, Wang Yu opened his mouth slightly: “I’m not called a bastard, I have a name, call me Brother Wang Yu, or I won’t help you.”

This action was very secretive, and Lu Liang, who lowered his head and laughed, didn’t notice it. But Xia He, who had been watching him, shrank her beautiful pupils sharply.

His eyes are full of disbelief. Is he talking? Xia He’s heart turned cold, and he had an absurd thought.

This zombie is negotiating terms with that girl.

Although Xia He has never seen a zombie, he has heard how difficult it is for a zombie to speak normally. He heard that only flying zombies can do it.

Her eyes glanced over Lu Liang inadvertently, feeling a little sad for him. But it was more of gloating, and he moved a few steps to the side, looking like he was watching a good show.

On Liu Yanyan’s side, Wang Yu proposed a condition that made Liu Yanyan feel ashamed.

Wang Yu: “Just say it’s okay?”

“This…I…” Liu Yanyan bit her lips, not knowing how to speak.

In the end, her sense of revenge overcame her sense of shame. Liu Yanyan suddenly lowered her head, and said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: “Wang…Brother Wang Yu.”

“What did you say? I didn’t hear you?” Wang Yu pretended not to hear clearly.

Liu Yanyan got angry when she saw it, so she wouldn’t be so stupid as to believe that this zombie didn’t hear what she said clearly.

He pinched Wang Yu back, and Wang Yu smiled. Anyway, he didn’t feel it, but thinking about it, today’s teasing should be in place.

In this case.

Wang Yu took two steps forward, snapped his fingers and said, “Lu Liang, right? It looks like you’re going to go back on your stomach today.”

As soon as the words fell, Wang Yu’s body instantly disappeared in place.

Xia He was shocked, but couldn’t see how he disappeared. He said to himself: “What a fast speed, there is no one in the world who can compare with this speed alone, Lu Liang kicked the board this time.”

Even so, her faceColor is not worried at all.

Lu Liang, who was squatting on the ground, was also taken aback by this speed, but he reacted very quickly. Clasping his hands together, two ghostly blue fires appeared in his hands.

“I forgot to tell you, my ability is designed to deal with souls. I heard that souls have always been the weakness of zombies.”

At this time, Lu Liang had a little madness on his face.

Two groups of flames were thrown out.

Wang Yu, who was moving at high speed, did not choose to dodge, but grabbed the flames in the air with both hands.

Liu Yanyan felt a chill in her heart, and she couldn’t help feeling worried about Wang Yu.

And Wang Yu, who caught the flame, found that the fire was not hot. Frowning, he said, “This fire can actually burn the soul.”

“Haha… I just found out now, it’s already too late. If you avoid it, I might be a little worried. But now, even a normal adult can’t bear it, let alone you, a zombie with an incomplete soul.” Lu Liang was proud road.

“You…” Wang Yu lowered his head: “Who do you think you are? This kind of low-level flame, why are you messing with me again?”

Then, he clenched his hands suddenly, and the two ghostly flames instantly dissipated in the air.


Both Lu Liang and Xia He were shocked.

This kind of flame of Lu Liang, even Xia He dare not touch it easily, how could the other party…

Wang Yu sneered, and said in his heart, “Guess, you would never have imagined that my soul is protected by a system, hahahaha~”

“Boy, have you seen my left fist?” Wang Yu raised his left fist and waved it in front of Lu Liang.

Lu Liang subconsciously took a step back, tightly guarding against Wang Yu’s left fist.

Wang Yu’s eyes flashed brightly, and he punched him directly in the face with his right fist, sending Lu Liang flying.

“Actually, I’m going to throw a right fist.” Wang Yu waved his fist and looked at Lu Liang indifferently.


Lu Liang felt a hatred in his heart, this bastard has been playing tricks on him.

“This time I will teach you a lesson.” Wang Yu turned around and said in a cold tone, “One more time, believe it or not, I will suck your blood dry.”

As he spoke, he licked his teeth with his tongue.

A strong red evil spirit spread from Wang Yu’s body, covering the entire village in a few seconds.

“No… no problem.”

Lu Liang stood up, gritted his teeth and said. But his attitude was very low, his head was slightly lowered, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

In a flash, even Xia He didn’t notice it.

But who is Wang Yu? Now that he is a zombie, his eyesight is at least 10 times that of an ordinary person. How could Lu Liang hide this from him.

With a snort of disdain, Wang Yu didn’t make another move.

This time it was a lesson for him, and next time, Wang Yu will never let him go.

It’s not that he is kind. After all, he still doesn’t know how powerful this organization is.

But you can’t just let him go.

Wang Yu smiled darkly, looking at Lu Liang like a big bad wolf looking at a little sheep, which made Lu Liang’s hair stand on end.

“Bring it.” Wang Yu stretched out a hand.

Lu Liang was taken aback for a moment, and didn’t understand for a while.

Seeing this, Wang Yu said angrily: “Damage fee! Look, the hand I used to hit you is red. Don’t you plan to pay some compensation?”

In order to make the effect realistic, Wang Yu deliberately circulated the evil energy in his body, making the back of his right hand slightly red.

Wang Yu said righteously: “Of course, I won’t ask for a price. The one-buy price is 100,000 yuan.”

“Pfft!” Lu Liang choked, feeling great hatred in his heart.

Why didn’t God strike him to death with a bolt of lightning? This is clearly blackmail.

“Of course, you can also choose not to give it.” Wang Yu’s smiling face showed a gloomy light, “The consequence is until you give it.”

Clenched his fists. Obviously, Wang Yu couldn’t wait for his choice.

“I…I will give it!”

Lu Liang now has the heart to cry. Who are these people? Now he has some consequences and accepts Liu Yanyan as his younger brother.

This is not a younger brother, it’s clearly a big brother, okay?

Reluctantly, he took out 100,000 yuan from the car. Wang Yu glanced at Liu Yanyan who was in a daze, and said, “Girl, take the money!”

“Ah? Oh!”

After Liu Yanyan came to her senses, she quickly put the money into her bag. To be honest, she still doesn’t understand what happened.

The main reason is that it was too fast. The fight between Wang Yu and Wang Yu only took a few breaths to decide the winner.

Lu Liang said helplessly to Liu Yanyan: “Okay, you are now a member of our entire family.”

Liu Yanyan was taken aback for a moment: “And then?”

“What after?” Lu Liang was also taken aback, “There is no after.”

Liu Yanyan said in disbelief: “This is too hasty. Joining Quanxing doesn’t require blood for an alliance. Maybe there are rituals like tattoos?”

Lu Liang: “…”

“Please, you keep saying that you want to join Quanxing, so how much do you really know about Quanxing?”

“I heard that after joining Quanxing, you can use your abilities without restriction. You can do whatever you want. In short, you are very cool and have personality.” Liu Yanyan said.

“Eh… You’re right in saying that.” Lu Liang gently touched his face with one hand, and bared his mouth and fangs in pain as soon as he touched it. After looking at Wang Yu resentfully, Lu Liang said:

“As you said, we have no rules here. If you want to join the whole sex, you just need to declare that you are a whole sex person. As long as you think you are a whole sex person, we will also admit to the outside world that you are a whole sex person.” We are whole beings.”

“Damn! DaringIs the task you gave me just to play with me? “Liu Yanyan said angrily.

“Don’t be angry, we are our own people now.” Lu Liang was about to show his trademark smile, but his cheeks were torn all of a sudden, and the pain made him sweat profusely.

Subconsciously glanced at Wang Yu, with a trace of fear and anger buried deep in his eyes.

These, Wang Yutong sees everything in his eyes.

At this time, he also figured out the generality of the whole nature. Be carefree and do whatever you want.

This is a villain organization, okay? To put it nicely, it’s carefree and can do whatever it wants.

To put it bluntly, there are a bunch of lunatics inside.

I’m afraid these people are the characters that everyone shouts and beats outside.

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