Wang Fugui’s Invitation

“How many times is this?”

Wang Yu asked.

Liu Guanjia said: “Today is the fourth time.”

Wang Yu said helplessly: “Okay, now there is no shortage of razor blades.”

“Have you found Bai Qiuen?”

When he thought of Bai Qiuen’s old cunt who didn’t know where to find out his residence, Wang Yu became furious.

Since two days ago, I have inexplicably received blades every day.

After inquiring, it turned out that Bai Qiuen was auctioning on the Internet, and he could know his address for only ten yuan.

“No, that guy is haunted and haunted. He doesn’t seem to have a fixed residence.” Bai Ling was also speechless. Fortunately, the security work in this community is very good.

Everyone who comes in will be checked.

“Ring ring ring ~”

Steward Liu’s cell phone rang suddenly, and his expression changed when he answered the call.

After a while, he hung up the phone and said to Wang Yu: “Master, we have already found out Bai Qiuen’s whereabouts, and people are already watching.”

“I’ll take a shower first, I’ll be fine soon.”

Wang Yu gave them a back view.

At this time, in front of the villa, Wang Fugui’s trio stood at the door.

Wang Fugui took out a comb and combed his hair confidently: “Er Fei, go knock on the door.”

Meng Erfei hesitated and said, “Master, why are we here looking for Bai Yueyue?”

Wang Fugui coughed lightly: “After all, he is my cousin, so I have to come and see it anyway.”

Fan Qishou whispered at this time: “Aren’t we going to ask Master Wang Yu to help catch Bai Yue?”


Wang Fugui slapped him on the head and said angrily, “Your bonus for this month is gone, Er Fei, hurry up and knock on the door.”

“Okay, master.”

Meng Erfei secretly swallowed, and carefully knocked on the door.

After a while, the door was opened by Bai Ling.

“Master Wang?” Bai Ling was taken aback for a moment, she didn’t expect it to be Wang Fugui, but she just realized it in a split second.

“Young Master Wang, please come inside.”

Wang Fugui walked in calmly, and said as he walked, “I’m here to find my cousin.”

Wang Yu, who was washing up, felt a little strange after hearing Butler Liu’s words.

I am not familiar with Wang Fugui, how did he find this place.

After thinking about it, Wang Yu simply rinsed it off and walked out.

“Ding, trigger the task: help Wang Fugui catch Bai Yue.

Mission Level: ★★☆☆☆”

“Task reward: task points +13~21, cultivation base +5%~8%.”

【Limited to one day】

Hearing the mission reminder, Wang Yu’s calm heart beat violently a few times.

Because he has been staying at home for the past two days, he has not triggered any new missions at all, and this mission is still a two-star mission.

After calming down, Wang Yu looked at Wang Fugui with a fiery expression. Good guy, sent him a mission all the way.

But Wang Fugui was very apprehensive when he looked at him, and his chrysanthemum tightened. Under what circumstances, this cousin doesn’t have any special hobbies.

Not daring to look at him, she lowered her head and thought coyly: “If this cousin really has that kind of hobby, should I follow him or follow him?”

If Wang Yu knows what Wang Fugui is thinking now, Wang Yu promises to let him know how to write dead characters.

Of course he didn’t know what Wang Fugui was thinking.

Walking to the sofa very calmly, Wang Yu smiled and said, “Cousin, how come you have time to come to me?”

“Uh… my cousin is like this. I want to ask you to help me catch Bai Yueyue.” Wang Fugui said, “We already know his current location roughly, but we seem to beI can’t beat him, so…”

Wang Fugui blushed a little as he said that, he was so ashamed that he would have a day of begging for help. But by the way, my cousin was so handsome that day!

“Is that so, uh…”

Wang Yu pretended to be hesitant and didn’t immediately agree.

If he remembers correctly, Bai Yueyue should be helping Fan Yunfei and the others reincarnate. At this time, it doesn’t feel right to catch Bai Yueyue.

Wang Fugui thought that Wang Yu was unwilling to help, so he said anxiously, “I won’t let my cousin Bai help. I will give my cousin a defensive magic weapon afterwards.”

There was a flash of pain in his eyes, but compared to grabbing Bai Yue, a magic weapon is worth it.

The longer it drags on, the ghost knows that if Bai Yueyue finds someone to marry casually, their five hundred year plan of Taoism will be ruined in one go.

Wang Yu’s eyes moved, defending the magic weapon. I am currently lacking defensive means, and I am constantly weighing in my heart.

Finally decided to do it.

“When are we going to leave?” Wang Yu said.

Wang Fugui was overjoyed: “Soon, my cousin will come out, and this time I will definitely be able to catch Bai Yue.”

Taking the mahogany sword, Wang Yu greeted Steward Liu, and set off with Wang Fugui.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Wang Yu leaned the mahogany sword against his chest, and said to Wang Fugui behind him, “Do you have any plans?”

“Of course there is.”

The corners of Wang Fugui’s mouth rose slightly, and he said, “That woman must know Bai Yue’s whereabouts, let’s ask her first.”


Since Wang Fugui had a plan, Wang Yu didn’t worry about it blindly. He closed his eyes and squinted for a while.

Not long after, the car drove to a small villa.

Feeling the car stop, Wang Yu slowly opened his eyes and stretched himself.

“This is it?”

The four of Wang Fugui knocked on the door, and it was an aunt who opened the door.

Wang Fugui straightened his collar, and said in a gentlemanly manner: “Dear ma’am, we are members of the Daoist League. This time, I want to ask your daughter some questions.”

“who’s that?”

A man’s voice came from inside the room.

Then, a man in a black suit with a wrinkled face walked over.

The woman replied: “It’s the adults of the Yiqi Daomeng. Please invite some of you.”

Said to Wang Fugui and the others very politely.

After walking in, Wang Yu looked at the house. It was a normal house with three bedrooms and two halls. It seemed that this house was relatively rich.

At first, the man in the suit kept looking at Wang Fugui, then inadvertently glanced at Wang Yu behind him, and was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, she went up to meet her in shock, stretched out her hand respectfully and said, “Young Master Wang, why are you here?”

“I didn’t expect you to know me.” Wang Fugui was triumphant, thinking that I, Wang Fugui, really deserved to be the number one young man in the Taoist sect, anyone would know me.

He stretched out his hand to cater to him, but the man in the suit passed him indifferently, holding Wang Yu’s hand with both hands, which made Wang Yu a little confused.

At this moment, Wang Fugui’s heart was broken. He stretched out his hand to keep pandering, and his body was stiff and motionless.

Meng Erfei and Fan Qishou seemed to hear Wang Fugui’s heartbroken voice.

“Master Wang, you don’t know me?” the man in the suit said excitedly while holding his hand.

“You are?”

Wang Yu scratched his head in doubt, not remembering where he had seen him before.

The man in the suit was not embarrassed, and said, “I am the manager of Dongtou Wang’s Hotel. The young master has been there a few days ago.”

“Oh, I remembered, it turned out to be you.” Wang Yu looked suddenly enlightened.

In fact, he didn’t think of who he was talking about at all. There were too many hotels to go to one day.

“Master, please come inside, please come inside.” The man in the suit invited Wang Yu in with great enthusiasm.

Fan Qishou glanced at Wang Fugui who was fixed in place, and whispered, “Master, is he alright?”

“How could it be okay?” Meng Erfei looked at Wang Fugui sympathetically and said, “Young master was originally ranked first in the youth rankings all year round, but since the appearance of young master Wang Yu, he has become No. 2 .Whether it’s strength, money or the fan list, Master Wang Yu will overwhelm him to death.”

“Now there are even more rumors that the young master’s strength can’t even beat Bai Yue, and he is about to fall to third place. The young master is under a lot of pressure.”

Wang Fugui glared at Meng Erfei and the two of them fiercely, “If you are in the mood to discuss here, think about how to catch Bai Yue, I will definitely not be surpassed by that poor Bai Yue, not at all.”

The furious Wang Fugui was on the verge of losing his mind.

“Gentlemen, drink some tea.” Some obese women were holding several cups of tea.

Wang Fugui took it without even thinking about it, and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking a cup of tea, Wang Fugui felt that his anger had subsided a lot, and then asked, “Where is Ling’ai now? We have something to ask her.”

The man in the suit is also a smart person. Looking at Wang Fugui’s attire, he knows that he is either rich or expensive. Taking a sneak peek at Wang Yu, he found that the other party had been drinking tea and did not ask Wang Fugui’s identity at this time.

Thinking that it would be fine to come with Young Master Wang Yu, she immediately replied, “My daughter has been out since the morning, and I don’t know where she went.”

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