Half Immortal Artifact Iori Mirror

The one with the highest likes was posted by a little fan named Yaya.

With just one sentence, the number of likes and comments reached 2 million.

Wang Yu just glanced at it, which made him a little flustered.

It says:

Don’t let me know where he lives, I want to send the blade to that man [black face][black face]

There are a lot of replies below, and they all have to send him the blade.

Oh my God! This is the rhythm of death.

Wang Yu couldn’t help shivering when he thought of waking up every day and finding boxes of razor blades at the door.

It’s too scary, he just wants to grow steadily, he can’t stay in this place, he has to go out and hide.

At the same time, Wang Yu was a little strange. At that time, he didn’t know what happened, but he felt that the violent beauty was as beautiful as a fairy.

Could it be that he has a masochistic mentality?

No, no, definitely not these.

I, Wang Yu, only like gentle ones and reject violence. It must be Tushan Yaya’s fox demon who made the trick, yes, isn’t the fox demon just capable of charm?

It must be like this.

“Who posted this video? He’s trying to make trouble!” Wang Yu said angrily.

Bai Ling thought about it and said, “It seems to be posted by the most handsome person named Bai Qiuen on the Internet. Do you want to thank him, master? That’s right, the video was shot pretty well.”

“feelThank him? “Wang Yu’s face turned black, it’s all that bastard. Now everyone knows it, but fortunately the video was shot from his back, not his face.

This is luck among misfortunes.

At this time, a new comment suddenly caught his attention under the comment section.

Screen name [Bai Qiuen is the most handsome]: Friends, are you enjoying watching? I was at the scene at the time. If you guys want to watch videos from various angles, I have them here. Fair prices, first come first served.

Wang Yu looked at the weird screen name and tried to figure out who it was with his toes.

Click on the avatar, and sure enough, the wallpaper is a full-body photo of Bai Qiuen’s legs clasped in flirty clothes.

“Bai Qiuen!”

Gritting his teeth and staring at the phone, Wang Yu wished he could kill him now.

[Bai Qiuen is the most handsome]: If you are interested, you can add me to Super Micro, the price is negotiable.

[A rotten cabbage]: How do we know if you are lying to us?

[I’m really a good person]: That’s right, what if it’s a pyramid scheme? I’m a nice guy.

[Mengmeng Rabbit]: Come up with evidence, or report you.

[Big Breasted Brother]: Take the evidence, or report it.

[Galaxy Shooter]: +1

[Tu Shan Xiaojiu]: +2

[Aren’s Bai Ling]: +99

When Wang Yu saw this screen name, he turned his head and stared at Bai Ling.

Bai Ling subconsciously put one hand behind her back, looked diagonally upwards, and whistled inexplicably, as if she had nothing to do with me.

“Sister Bai Ling, why are you here to join in the fun? I’m almost bored to death now.” Wang Yu buried his head in the quilt and kept rolling around on the bed.

Bai Ling was taken aback for a moment: “Don’t tell me the young master doesn’t like Mrs. Tu Shan Yaya?”

Wang Yu, who was in the quilt, mumbled through the quilt: “I don’t know, I’m very annoying now, let me be alone for now.”

“Then if the young master calls me for anything, I’ll be right below.”


After a while, Wang Yu opened his eyes when he heard the door closing, and turned on the system silently.

“Ding, mission completion: perfect. Mission points +80, cultivation base +30, silver treasure chest +1.”

“Ding, the host’s cultivation base has broken through 15%, unlocking the magic pen.”

“Ding, the host’s cultivation base has broken through 30%, unlocking Qinglian Sword Song.”

[Host: Wang Yu]

[System Level: Lv.0]


【Mission point: 94】

【Personal template】

Name: Wang Yu (Li Bai Peak Immortal)

Cultivation: Golden Core Peak (40%)

Spells: Knight’s Walk, General Wine, Magical Brush, Qinglian Sword Song, Millennium Fox (Experience Card×1)

Magic weapon: century-old mahogany sword (magic weapon)

“Fortunately, it’s not all bad news.”

Seeing the system template, Wang Yu’s mood improved a lot.

“Peak of Golden Core? I am now at the peak of Golden Core?” Noticing that his cultivation had directly crossed to the peak of Golden Core, Wang Yu felt unreal.

You must know that he, who was still struggling in the Qi training state before, crossed the foundation building state, and suddenly became a monk at the peak of Jindan.

“It’s worthy of being a coward. It’s really a pleasure to hang up for a while, and it’s always fun to hang up all the time.”

Feeling the vigorous power in his body, Wang Yu wanted to single out the entire outer circle.

Of course, this is impossible.

The level of power in this world is too high. When it has not reached 100%, you must be steady.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Yu suddenly discovered that his mastery and use of power did not seem to be very high in this kind of promotion.

I always feel that I can’t exert all the strength in my body, so I have to find a solution.

Raising his head, Wang Yu’s pupils flashed a bright light. Fight, what he needs is fight.

Only by fighting can he quickly grasp the power in his body.

“But who should I find as a training partner?”

This is a question. The first thing that comes to Wang Yu’s mind is Tu Shan Yaya next door. It would be best if she can be a training partner.

But think about it or forget it, he doesn’t want to provoke Tu Shan. Especially Tu Shan Yaya, who always felt like she had a grudge against him.

“Hey! I don’t know many people, so I can only go to Tu Shan Yaya?”

“Let’s ask Sister Bai Ling…” Wang Yu suddenly thought that Bai Ling is just a snake demon, so let her be his training partner.

Anyway, there is no need for a particularly high-level sparring partner at the moment.

“Before looking, let’s see what good things will be unearthed in the silver treasure chest.” Wang Yu stared at the silver treasure chest in front of him expectantly, which was not much different from the previous bronze treasure chest on the whole.

It’s just that the color is silver-white, and it looks more high-end than the bronze treasure chest.

[Silver Treasure Chest, open it or not]

After Wang Yu confirmed it, it didn’t take long.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the semi-immortal artifact: the Yashen Mirror.”

“Iori Mirror: Equipment for raising ghosts and gods. It can accommodate up to eight souls. The Iori Mirror will not be broken, and the soul will not die.”

Holding the red Yashen mirror in his hand, he looked at its effect, which surprised Wang Yu. Isn’t this equivalent to a low-profile list of gods?

Wang Yu felt what looked like a gossip mirror in his hand. There were eight small blank circles around the mirror, and he knew it represented eight vacancies. In the center is a small round mirror, Wang Yu can clearly see himself in the mirror.

“If this thing is put up for auction, those big demon emperors might not be able to sit still.” Wang Yu muttered to himself.

So terrifying.

Wang Yu can guarantee that once he releases this thing, the balance between the monsters will be completely broken.

Humans have a short lifespan of a hundred years, and no matter how strong they are, their lifespan will not increase much, while demons have a lifespan of thousands of years.

It seems that this world has never heard of hell.If you die, you will really die. Love between humans and monsters is doomed to be miserable in this world. Only by reincarnating under the tree of misery in Tushan can we have a chance to meet again.

To put it bluntly, the Yashen mirror in Wang Yu’s hand is definitely a treasure in the eyes of those infatuated monsters.

After biting his finger, Wang Yu squeezed out a drop of blood and touched the center of the Yashen mirror.

The drop of blood on the mirror was slowly absorbed, and disappeared after a while.

Afterwards, Wang Yu vaguely felt a certain connection with Yashen Mirror.

With a thought, the Iori Mirror disappeared.

Close your eyes and look inside, the Yashen mirror appears under the golden core, spinning slowly.

After trying it, Wang Yu went downstairs to find Bai Ling.

After explaining her purpose of coming, Bai Ling agreed without even thinking about it.

For the next two days, Wang Yu was tortured by Bai Ling.

It never occurred to him that this seemingly weak snake demon would not be able to hurt him even if he tried his best.


A figure shot backwards.

Hit the wall and fell.

Wang Yu wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his hands, his eyes were never firmer, and he clenched the mahogany sword in his hand and rushed forward again.

“Come again!”

Ten minutes later, Wang Yu fell to the wall again.

“Master, let’s stop here this time.”

Bai Ling was wearing a loose martial arts uniform, and secretly wiped the sweat from her forehead. Seeing that Wang Yu didn’t notice, he was relieved.

“I didn’t expect that sister Bai Ling was so strong.”

Wang Yu leaned against the wall already drenched, and put away the mahogany sword. Wang Yu smiled and felt the changes in his body.

The two days of crazy abuse made him feel a little uncoordinated, and it completely disappeared.

Although the strength has not increased much, the control has been greatly improved.

Butler Liu walked in with a box in his arms, squinted his eyes and smiled, “Young Master, there’s your courier again.”

Wang Yu looked at the razor blades in the box and rubbed his eyes speechlessly.

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