The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 989: Fake breath return

This is the difference. The difference between a space with ample aura and a space with ample aura is so big. For a refiner of Xiao Han's realm, if he is in a space with ample aura, he can at least fight against danger. With one stroke, Bo can still escape, and it doesn't matter if it is injured. Anyway, the body of the Qi refiner can quickly recover with only aura.

But now

Xiao Han could only act cautiously, don't say a fight when encountering a difficult situation, just run as soon as possible.

Xiao Han just remembered that the blind old man once said that countless people died in Penglai Wonderland because of the last war. This also caused the ghosts and ghosts to grow in Penglai Wonderland. The great monks in Penglai Fairyland are still in their shadows, wandering in groups in Penglai Fairyland. Those seniors who have entered it will turn the ghosts who wander in Penglai Fairyland into "evil spirits".

In addition to the evil spirits, there are also some grandmasters whose cultivation base is close to the tribulation period's four thousand obsessions, allowing them to retain a trace of remnant souls, plus they are strong in their lives and have not become evil spirits.

So far, Xiao Han has not seen any evil spirit, nor has he discovered the so-called remnant soul, but discovered two spider-like monsters that are larger than a millstone.

Xiao Han is not worried about any evil spirits now. At least he can be regarded as a character who has wandered in the ghost domain for a long time. He almost unified the ghost domain by his own power and became the only human ghost in the history of the ghost domain. Such things as hungry ghosts and evil spirits are completely unscrupulous. Let one kill one, and two kill a pair. Even if the ghost king Chen Jin is not by his side now, Xiao Han has enough confidence to deal with this. Hungry ghost yin spirit.

However, Xiao Han was a little worried about the kind of spiders that he had encountered before. Two Xiao Han could be killed easily. If ten or eight came, Xiao Han could still deal with it, but if the one came Hundreds of words

If there is enough aura here, with Xiao Han's strength, coupled with the sky sword in his hand, there are hundreds of them, Xiao Han is confident that even if he can't kill them all, killing most of them will not be a problem.

However, there is no spiritual energy in this world. If Xiao Han is injured in the process of fighting the spider, it will be more difficult to recover. If there is another crisis in the process of not recovering, Xiao Han will still The body that doesn't recover will get hurt and hurt. If you come several times in a row, Xiao Han will be consumed sooner or later.

Looking up, except for the towering mountain in the distance, the entire Penglai Wonderland is deserted, it looks very peaceful and peaceful, as if it is not very dangerous.

But Xiao Han also knew that the blind old man said that he was the only person who had left or left Penglai Wonderland in the past five hundred years, and his eyes were blind in Penglai Wonderland. In this way, in Penglai Wonderland It's certainly not as quiet as it seems on the surface.

According to Xiao Han’s visual observation, the towering mountain peak in the distance is at least a few hundred kilometers away from Xiao Han’s current position, and there is still an endless desert behind Xiao Han. You can imagine this Penglai Wonderland. How vast is the area.

Only God knows how many crises are hidden in this.

Xiao Han brought enough supplies for a year, and the seniors who came forward estimated the same. In this case, there was only one person who had ever walked out of Penglai Wonderland alive. It is conceivable that the crisis in Penglai Wonderland is not just a barrenness. .

Xiao Han thought of the eight Qi Qi Pills that Penglai Island had prepared for him in the Universe Bag. Before, he thought there were so many eight pills. Now think about it, let alone eight, even eighty pills are not enough.

Xiao Han couldn't help cursing bitterly: "These guys on Penglai Island are really stingy. I don't know how to give more Qi Qi Dan. There are only eight, and it will be consumed after a few times!"

Now think about it, the owner of Lu Xuan Lu on Penglai Island is not generous at all, and the great elder is also abominable. Xiao Han just proposed to provide a few more Qi recovery pills, and the great elder declined in every way like cutting his flesh. .

Of course, Xiao Han still doesn’t know that besides him, there are nearly a hundred people from various sects who are about to enter Penglai Wonderland. He also doesn’t know that Penglai Island is for every sect disciple who enters Penglai Wonderland. He had prepared eight Qi-Returning pills. If Xiao Han knew about these conditions, he would vomit blood out of anger.

Although I was swearing in my heart, but the matter is now, even if Xiao Han swears from now to tomorrow morning, the people of Penglai Island have not lost a bit, it is better to save some energy to deal with the dangers that may appear at any time in the Penglai Wonderland.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han didn’t think about it anymore. In the future, when he waits for him or goes out of Penglai Wonderland, he can naturally find a way to clean up the great elders. Even if he can’t clean up the great elders, he secretly goes to the Danfang on Penglai Island to get a few hundred. Wouldn't it be better to let the old fellow vomit blood with anger?

Xiao Han took out the Qiankun bag and prepared to take out the eight Qi Qi Pills prepared by Penglai Island for him. Before, he only saw the name of Qi Qi Pill on the list of supplies, and he has not seen it until now. What does Guozhen really return to Qi Dan look like.

Peering into the universe bag Lu Xuan had prepared for, Xiao Han was shocked when he entered, the space in this universe bag was too big, right?

Earlier, Xiao Han heard Lu Xuan mentioned that the space in her universe bag could fit a truck, and when Xiao Han explored his consciousness into this universe bag, she discovered that there is more than just a truck inside. Even two trucks can be loaded, and they are still large trucks that pull containers.

In addition to the food and drinking water piled up in the Qiankun bag, there are also a lot of materials necessary for survival in the wild, basically everything Xiao Han can think of.

Xiao Han easily found a small porcelain on the pile of supplies, and after a move of his mind, the small porcelain appeared in Xiao Han's hands.

Xiao Han shook and found that there were indeed a few pills in the porcelain, which should have been the Qi Qi Pill prepared by Penglai Island for him.

To be honest, this is the first time that Xiao Han has seen this kind of pill that can replenish vitality, not to mention that it is eight at a time. In other words, like him, there is no school, no background, no backing. This kind of baby is really rare to see.

Just as Xiao Han snatched a Qiankun bag from Qingfeng Taoist's hand for the first time, Xiao Han was still surprised when he saw the treasure of Qiankun bag for the first time.

Xiao Han put the little porcelain in front of his nose and sniffed it carefully. Suddenly he was a little confused. There was no faint and refreshing fragrance of pill that he had imagined in it. Don't It is said that the pill is fragrant, not even the slightest taste.

If Xiao Han hadn't just shook Xiao Porcelain, there was indeed a dingling sound inside, and now Xiao Han would really think there was nothing in it.

Maybe, or maybe, this kind of breath recovery pill is like this, maybe it doesn't taste like this? Xiao Han had to comfort himself like this.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han also showed a bitter smile. He hadn't even seen the Qi Qi Pill, and he didn't know what he looked like. Thinking about himself, he really was a turtle.

Then, Xiao Han turned Xiao Ci** upside down, and from the inside came three round gadgets.

When he saw the three round gadgets, Xiao Han's heart trembled, as if he noticed something wrong.

Now the three round gadgets lying quietly in Xiao Han's palm are completely transparent, smaller than Xiao Han's thumb, and the round ones can't be round anymore, just like three glass balls.

Xiao Han poured out the remaining five Qi Qi Pills in Xiao Ci **, and found that the other Qi Qi Pills were exactly the same as the previous three, round, transparent, and thumb-sized.

The reason why Xiao Han felt something was wrong in his heart was because these eight Qi-Returning Pills were too abnormal.

It is not that Xiao Han has never seen some fairy-xia novels, including some film and television works. Although the pill that has appeared in the film and television works is also round, he has never heard that the refined pill is transparent.

Could it be said that Penglai Island's Qi Qi Dan is in this transparent form?

Xiao Han felt a little unbelievable to convince himself in this way.

It stands to reason that since this kind of Qi-returning pill was refined by the elders who are good at alchemy in Penglai Island, the materials should be some precious special medicinal materials, and it can be refined by mixing with some other heavenly materials and earth treasures. In this way, the refined medicine cannot be transparent.

Moreover, even if the artificially refined pill is round, it is only close to a round shape. It may be so round. This is completely round and can no longer be round.

Xiao Han put the little porcelain pill on the ground first, and carefully placed the eight Qi return pills in his palm to observe. The more he looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong.

The eight Qi-qi-returning pills did not emit a trace of medicinal scent at all, and there was not even the slightest smell of medicine. No matter from which point of view, the eight-qi-returning pills were really like eight glass beads.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Han's mouth, and a bad premonition flashed in his heart. The next moment, his face became difficult to look, because he thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the qi pill prepared by the great elder of Penglai Island was fake?

Before Xiao Han entered the Penglai Wonderland, he had already felt the hostility of the great elder himself, and he also speculated that Li Xiao, the dormitory administrator in the back mountain of Penglai Island, might have been instructed by the great elder, so he deliberately made things difficult for him. of.

(End of this chapter)

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