As soon as Xiao Han's figure moved, he grabbed the sky sword that flew backwards, and appeared above the spider in a flash. Xiao Han grabbed the sky sword and stabbed it down. The entire sky sword was completely submerged in that one. The body of the spider.

At this time, the spider behind also attacked. Xiao Han had no time to sacrifice the Sky Sword, so he had to jump up into the sky with the Sky Sword. Before that spider could react, Xiao Han stayed high and dropped the Sky Sword into the back of the spider. In the body.

To say that with Xiao Han's strength, if it is an ordinary alien beast, Xiao Han can completely control the Sky Sword in his hand, without even having to get close, swiping a few times with his hand, the Sky Sword will be able to kill them cleanly. But when encountering these two spiders, although the Sky Sword can chop off their forelimbs, the huge feedback even knocks the Sky Sword into the air, you can imagine how hard his shell is.

Now Xiao Han is stepping on the back of the spider that climbed up from behind. The blood stains splashed on Xiao Han’s clothes before the spider died is very smelly, and the blood of these spiders is not red, but dark green, which looks even more Nausea, it's just nausea. What makes Xiao Han even more depressed is that this dark green blood actually emits an unpleasant stench, which makes Xiao Han feel nauseous.

Xiao Han kicked the dead spider a few times and turned the dead spider over and found that they looked really like ordinary spiders, covered with a hard shell. If it weren’t for Tang Rusai’s sword in the sky, he would deal with these two. It is estimated that the monster will have to spend some tricks.

I don’t know how this spider-like monster grows up to this size. According to Xiao Han’s estimation, none of them weighed at least two hundred catties. If the one who encountered them just now was not Xiao Han, but one Ordinary Qi refiners, I am afraid that before the joint attack of these two spiders, they will definitely suffer a lot. If there are a few more, I am afraid that even the Jin Dan Qi refiners will have to deal with it in a hurry.

Xiao Yao’s sky sword was still stuck on the spider’s back, and the wound was still bleeding from dark green blood. Xiao Han pushed the sky sword down, only to realize that the shell of this spider was It is extremely hard, but the meat inside is really soft, especially after the shell is damaged, the originally hard shell is much more fragile. With a stroke of the sky sword, the spider which is larger than the grinding disc is divided into two by Xiao Han. half.

A lot of dark green blood flowed out of it, and something similar to the intestines flowed out of the spider's body.

Xiao Han was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, he found a small piece of the spider's body gleaming with dark green blood. Xiao Han fiddled with the sky sword in his hand and found that it was a small crystal-like spar.

Xiao Han was a little curious, how could there be something like a small stone in the animal's body. When he was curious, Xiao Han picked up the small spar and wiped it with his hand directly on the clothes, and found that it was a little finger. A large and small spar has an irregular surface like a diamond, but it is not transparent like a diamond. This spar is a little bluish. This crystal-like spar gleamed in the sunlight.

Although he didn't know what material it was made of, Xiao Han thought that this thing seemed to be pretty good, so he put it in his pocket.

Using the sky sword to break the body of another spider, Xiao Han also found something similar in a pool of dark green blood.

Anyway, there are two small spars, about the size of a pinky finger. They are crystal clear and pretty. If they are not too big and blue, Xiao Han would think they are two diamonds!

To kill two spider-like monsters, Xiao Han guarded against the existence of other things like this, so he held the Sky Sword in his hand very vigilantly.

Although these beasts are not a threat to Xiao Han, it is still a bit troublesome to deal with. Xiao Han wants to defeat two spiders with his bare hands. I am afraid that it will take a bit of effort, and now there are only two. Only, Xiao Han could only barely parry with his hands empty-handed, and if he had more, he could only run away.

Xiao Han has already arrived in Penglai Wonderland, but he feels that the environment here has nothing to do with the fairyland. Even the ghost realm that Xiao Han has visited is much better than the environment here.

Not far away is a raised small mountain bag. Xiao Han thought for a while. He had better explore the situation here before making plans. So he walked towards the small mountain bag slowly, preparing to climb high and look into the distance to see what Penglai Wonderland is now. What is it like?

Standing tall and bulging, Xiao Han, who was knowledgeable, was also completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

Looking up, deep pits tens of feet to hundreds of feet deep can be seen everywhere on the ground, which is like experiencing a dense meteorite rain, but Xiao Han knows that these large and small deep pits are not the result of falling meteorites. Yes, but the traces left by many Qi refiners with advanced cultivation level after fighting.

In addition to these large and small deep pits, many places are filled with ravines of tens of meters or hundreds of meters. Some of the ravines are not bottomed, and any ravines are only a few meters deep. These should be the magical tools of the gas refiner. And the traces left by the fairy sword.

At the end of the line of sight, a solitary mountain stands alone, and the highest mountain rises into the sky,

The ruthless scorching sun spews unobstructed onto the desert like a flame. The vast desert is baked like a steamer, and the heat is pressing. This is when the sun is about to go down. If it is noon, the sun is in the sky. Isn’t the temperature higher?

A round sunset slowly descends against the edge of the desert, and the black desert is lined up more dull and dull. The calm desert on the surface may change a lot in an instant. Suddenly the sky is clear, and the wind and sand suddenly rise.

If the wind on the desert hits, the sand is flying, the sky is dark, it is simply a desert world, it feels like you can’t stand at all, although the sun is about to go down the mountain, but the quicksand under your feet is still very hot, as if it is about to turn into Black magma is generally.

The black sand under my feet has been roasted under the scorching sun for a day, and the desert is rising with waves of heat, making it difficult to breathe.

The environment here seems to have been extinctly destroyed in the last battle between gods and demons, and there is no vitality at all, and it is not known how the two giant spiders survived.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, even after thousands of years have passed, there is still a trace of burnt smell in the air here.

What a wonderland is Penglai, this place is simply hell.

It's no wonder that ghost king Chen Jin reminded Xiao Han that Penglai Wonderland is called Penglai Wonderland, but it is better to call Penglai Dangerous Land.

Just now, when he fell from a high altitude, Xiao Han suffered some skin injuries on his body. He received the noon shock in his body, which was very exhausting. Moreover, two spider-like monsters were fighting just now, although it was only two or three moves. Xiao Han still felt a trace of fatigue.

The environment here is bad, and there may be some inexplicable monsters. The best way is to maintain the best condition in the body at all times to prevent accidents.

Xiao Han thought for a while, decided to adjust his breath on this small mountain bag first, and then decided to take the next trip.

Xiao Han slowly sat down on the ground. The black sand on the ground had been basking for a day, and it was still hot and hot. Xiao Han didn't take it seriously. He slowly closed his eyes and began to sit still and adjust his breath.

After running the vitality in the body for a big week, Xiao Han is about to urge the exercises to start to absorb the spiritual qi from the whole body, so as to replenish the body, so that some skin injuries on the body can heal quickly, but when he urges When doing the exercises, I felt a little sigh, and screamed that it was not good.

Xiao Han opened his eyes immediately, the expression on his face changed, and his whole person was stunned on the spot, muttering to himself: "No, how could this be?"

After a while, Xiao Han confirmed it again, and then opened his eyes with an ugly expression.

"My day, how could this happen here? No one told me in advance."

At this moment, Xiao Han finally determined one thing-there is no spiritual energy in Penglai Wonderland.

There is no aura in Penglai Wonderland.

There is no aura in Penglai Wonderland.

The important thing has to be said three times. There is no aura in Penglai Wonderland, and Xiao Han is really a little bit dumbfounded.

Whether it was Xiao Han going to the two-dimensional space in the soul orb or going to the ghost domain, I never thought that this problem would be encountered. If there is no aura in this world, it will be for a refiner like Xiao Han In trouble.

After each battle, the aura in the body of the Qi refiner will be depleted to a certain extent. By meditation and breath adjustment, a part of it can be supplemented, but the fastest way is of course to absorb the aura from the air around the body, so that the aura consumed in the body can be quickly consumed After being supplemented, after adjusting the state, you can quickly go into the next battle.

Whether in the world or in the two-dimensional space, Xiao Han has never worried about such a similar problem. Even if the aura in the secular world is relatively thin, unlike some of the sects, the aura is full and pure, but At any rate, there is still aura.

However, there is no aura in the world of Penglai Wonderland, which means that once Xiao Han encounters a dangerous situation, if the loss of aura is too great, he wants to recover as soon as possible, at least as long as the last night. Come to sit in meditation and adjust your breath. If you are seriously injured, it means that Xiao Han will not be able to fight anyone for three to five days.

If it is placed in a space with ample aura, the aura lost in the battle can be recovered almost as long as three or five hours of meditation and breath adjustment. If it is severely injured, let alone one night, it will be longer, two days. The effort is enough to make Xiao Han's injury better.

(End of this chapter)

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