"Fuck, even the flashlight is useless, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, it's weird. I am the brightest LED flashlight on the market. It can't even shine at a distance of one meter!"

Everyone started to chatter, Ye Longxuan frowned. He had discovered the weirdness of this black fog for the first time, so when many people screamed, Ye Longxuan whispered: "Don't make any noise. This black fog is very weird, everyone tighten a little bit and don't go away."

Everyone slowly calmed down, and followed Ye Longxuan silently.

Everyone held hands and walked much faster than Xiao Han alone. After walking for about thirty seconds, Ye Longxuan, who was walking in the front, suddenly listened. Wang Mang behind him was almost inattentive. Hit him.

Wang Mang's heart tightened and asked softly, "Brother Ye, what's wrong?"

When Ye Longxuan and Wang Mang stopped, the series of people behind stopped. Because there were too many people, so many people held hands. It was at least seventy or eighty meters before and after. Ye Longxuan stopped. The person walking at the back has just stepped into the fog of nightmare.

"Have you noticed something wrong? Since we walked in, we have walked tens of meters since we walked in. Why haven't you seen the end, this hall can't be so deep?"

As soon as Ye Longxuan's words fell, Wang Mang and others realized that something was wrong. It was impossible for this hall to have such a deep depth.

Ye Longxuan’s judgment is similar to Xiao Han’s. Before entering the hall, Ye Longxuan also roughly observed the hall where the Patriarch’s ancestral hall on Penglai Island was located, and found that the hall indeed occupies a large area, but no matter how large it is It's impossible to walk this long distance and haven't come to an end.

Ye Longxuan stopped decisively, and slowly, all the people who had walked behind followed, and nearly a hundred people gathered together.

Although there was no light, and they couldn't see each other, there was nothing to be afraid of with so many people standing together. However, because some abnormalities were discovered now, the atmosphere in the crowd was a bit heavy.

There are advantages and disadvantages to gathering so many people together. The advantage is that the number of people is bold, but the disadvantage is that the order is easy to chaos.

"Why didn't you go? Why didn't you go?"

"Yeah, why is this dark stop halfway?"

"I don't know, maybe something happened before!"

If it weren't for these people to be very close, you wouldn't be able to hear the other person's voice at all.

Ye Longxuan ignored other people's dryness, and got together with Wang Mang and others to discuss countermeasures.

"Look, there is light ahead!"

I don't know who suddenly called, and then, a beam of light really shot from a distance, as if it was somewhere in front.

Although these people are together, they are not considered a team at all, at best they can be regarded as a gang. After discovering before, the young disciples of other sects who had been walking behind Ye Longxuan and others began to move around. I didn't care about Ye Longxuan and others who had been in a small amount before. Many people directly passed the Ye Longxuan, Wang Mang, Ye Yu, Ouyang Bing and Hua Feng who stood in front.

Except for the disciples of the Wudang School, Kunlun School, Emei School, Kongtong School, and Huashan School who are still standing in place, everyone else basically walked in the direction of light.

Ye Yu yelled at Ye Longxuan and the others: "Be cautious, let these people go first, and we'll just follow behind!"

Ye Yu's proposal was the same as Wang Mang and the others thought. The group of people stayed steadily, and followed the crowd in front of them slowly to the glowing place.

Except for Ye Longxuan and others, the others ran forward regardless. They were surprised to find that the closer they were to that place, the stronger the light.

In this case, it’s no wonder that the ordinary disciples are so anxious and have been walking in the dark environment. Suddenly they noticed that there is light in front of them. Many people naturally walked towards the place with light, just like in the water. People who are struggling here, when they encounter a straw, they will still grasp it, which is completely natural.

This should also be regarded as human nature. Humans are social animals, longing for the light and not fond of the dark.

When a group of people running in front ran to the luminous vicinity, when they saw the scene in front clearly, many screamed in excitement.

"Fuck, what is this place? Realm Fairy Leipeng?"

"You terrapin, your IQ is exposed as soon as you speak. The script written on it is popular in ancient times. It is not read from left to right. The ancients were used to reading from right to left!"

"Yes, isn't it Penglai Wonderland? This should be the entrance to Penglai Wonderland!"

"Nonsense, don't you see that it says it? The four characters of Penglai Wonderland!"

"That is, we are cultivators, not elementary school students. Who doesn't know such a big font?"

When Ye Longxuan and others also walked in, they were shocked and dumbfounded. It turned out that there was a cave in front of the cave. The top of the cave was engraved with four characters "Penglai Wonderland". These four characters were shining and the entrance of the cave was extremely high. , There was ambilight bursting out of the hole, and waves of smoke rolled from the hole near the ground, like auspicious clouds floating towards everyone.

Isn't this the entrance to the Penglai Wonderland?

Judging from the scene here, the reason why the entrance of the Penglai Wonderland is radiant and radiant is like a fairyland, isn't it because some natural treasures are shining?

Ye Longxuan stood with Wang Mang, Ouyang Bing, Hua Feng, Ye Yu and others, and didn't take a closer look. Instead, those other sects stood in front of them.

I don't know who called it: "Go in and take a look, there must be a lot of treasures inside, whoever gets it first."

As soon as the voice fell, almost everyone ran into the hole desperately, one running faster than the other, and they wanted to get two more legs out.

Ye Yu looked at Ye Longxuan and the others and said, "Brothers, should we go in and have a look?"

Ye Longxuan shook his head lightly, and said with a serious face: "I always feel a little strange, let's take a look first."

Wang Mang on the side also agreed: "Yes, I also feel a little weird, Penglai Wonderland can't be found so easily!"

Hua Feng thought for a while and wanted to agree: "Yes, didn't that blind old man say that Penglai Wonderland was damaged in the last war, and the environment inside was very bad. How could it be so well preserved?"

Looking at everything in front of him, Ye Longxuan frowned slightly. Although reason told him that the scene in front of him was a bit weird, he couldn't tell where it was.

He walked to the entrance of the Penglai Wonderland, stretched out his hand, and found that the entrance was indeed made of rock, that is to say, all this is not an illusion.

However, the so-called expedition to Penglai Wonderland is such an easy thing? This is obviously unscientific!

Hua Feng approached Ye Longxuan and asked, "Brother Ye, what do you think?"

"I don't know, but I always feel that Penglai Wonderland is definitely not such a beautiful place." Ye Longxuan shook his head, still expressing his doubts.

Ye Longxuan has always been prestigious among these people, so everyone is quite convinced of his views.

Before long, the people who had rushed into the cave began to walk out one after another. Everyone had something in their hands. Almost no one came out empty-handed. Everyone's face was overflowing. With a happy smile.

After walking out of the cave, many people began to show off their gains to each other.

"Fuck, look at the thousand-year-old ginseng I found, so many strains, at least fifteen or six catties, right?"

"What's this? Look at my thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, every one of them is the size of a washbasin. Isn't it a cow?"

"Fuck, I also found a treasure, it seems to be the legendary tie rope!"

"What's this? My treasure is incredible, it should be the legendary mirror."

"Take the demon mirror? What's so strange about the demon mirror, look at me, the pagoda of King Tota!"

Everyone saw that the man walked out holding a two-meter-long golden and shiny pagoda. I don’t know what material the pagoda was made of. It seemed that at least one meal was heavy, but he was carried out by this guy. The crowd of people gave thumbs up one after another, indicating that Niucha is not good.

In short, everyone has a harvest. There are so many natural treasures such as Ganoderma lucidum and grass. Some people even take out the sack from the Qiankun bag, just to hold the bundles. Millennium Ganoderma and Millennium Ginseng.

Everyone’s face was filled with joyful smiles. I didn’t expect that there are so many rare and precious treasures in this Penglai Wonderland, and they can be obtained almost effortlessly. This time, this trip to Penglai Wonderland can be said to be Great gains.

Not to mention the immortal treasures such as the immortal ropes, those thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and thousand-year-old ginseng, just take out a plant, and you can buy it at a sky-high price outside. Although these people are outstanding young people from various gates Disciple, but seeing the white banknotes coming soon, everyone was happy. Even if you don't buy these ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum and eat one plant, the essence of heaven and earth in them can also greatly improve your cultivation.

Seeing everyone's full harvest, even Ye Longxuan and the juniors behind Wang Mang were jealous.

One of them cautiously pointed at Ye Longxuan and said, "Brother, why don't we go in and take a look, maybe we will have something to gain?"

Ye Longxuan glared at him fiercely, then sneered: "Fool, do you think the treasures in Penglai Wonderland are so easy to get?"

Wang Mang and the others also nodded frequently. They also felt that all this was too easy. On the contrary, there was something wrong, but it felt like something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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