Xiao Han spread his clothes on the ground and hugged Lu Xuan in his waist. Suddenly, Xiao Han felt a little uneasy.

The only trace of reason in Xiao Han's mind played a role. At this moment, Xiao Han vaguely saw that all of this felt unreal.

Judging from Xiao Han’s understanding of Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan certainly cannot be as easy to use as other girls, and Lu Xuan’s identity is special. As the owner of Penglai Island, she has always been high above her. There is a kind of arrogance, even if you are committed to yourself, it is impossible to be in this environment.

Not to mention Lu Xuan, it was the fierce woman of Ye Yu, Xiao Han also took a lot of effort to get it forcibly. After the event, Ye Yu was like a mad tigress, wishing to devour Xiao Hansheng alive. Up.

Is Lu Xuan so easy to handle?

Xiao Han was the first to not believe it. Even if Lu Xuan was already lying on the ground and letting him harvest, Xiao Han still felt a little untrue.

Xiao Han was thinking in his mind. The blind old man told himself before that when the name of this black fog was called "Nightmare Fog", Xiao Han didn't care too much, nor did he feel that this nightmare fog was a little weird. Place, so in his heart, there is no defense at all.

Nightmare, commonly known as ghost press, refers to when you are sleeping, you yell because you are scared in your dream, or you feel that something is pressed against your body and cannot move. It is usually used as a metaphor for some terrible things you have experienced. At this time, people's nerves are a little tranced because of the fright, and even breathing is a little difficult.

Since this nightmare fog is used to protect the entrance of Penglai Wonderland, does it mean that everything Xiao Han encounters now is caused by the strangeness of the nightmare fog?

Since Xiao Han stepped into the fog of the nightmare, he did not pay attention to this cloud of fog, but was determined to find the entrance to the Penglai Wonderland. He lacked enough vigilance for the fog of the nightmare, maybe he stepped into the nightmare from himself From the beginning of the month of the month, he was already recruited.

Xiao Han was frightened in a cold sweat by his own speculation. Right now a stunner was lying on the ground. If Xiao Han was really addicted to it, he might never wake up and be trapped in his dream forever.

It seems that everything now is nothing but nightmare mist at work,

Xiao Han no longer cared whether Lu Xuan lying on the ground was true or not, he took a deep breath, got up from the ground, and closed his eyes for himself.

Is all this really in a dream?

How can I get out of the nightmare fog?

Lu Xuan on the ground seemed to perceive something wrong with Xiao Han's behavior, and said softly, "Xiao Han, come on, what are you waiting for?"

With that, Lu Xuan stretched out her hand to come, Xiao Han, and Xiao Han kept his mind tight, unmoved.

Then, Lu Xuan stood up from the ground. Now Lu Xuan was naked. Seeing that Xiao Han didn't respond, Lu Xuan plunged into Xiao Han's arms and said, "Xiao Han, do you want you!"

No matter how tempting Duo Xuan's voice was, or how hot and hot Duo Xuan's body was, Xiao Han remained indifferent, thinking hard in his mind how to get out of this mist.

Xiao Han’s mind suddenly flashed, since he is in a dream, that is to say, all of this is fake, it is his dream, or the illusion created by the fog of the nightmare, it is not real. Does that mean that as long as you wake up, all dreams will end?

Thinking of this, there was a smile on Xiao Han's mouth, he stretched out his hand and pushed Lu Xuan away from his naked arms, and then slowly opened his eyes.

There is light?

Xiao Han’s heart was overjoyed. Before he fully opened his eyes, he already felt a light shining into his eyes. Xiao Han, who hadn’t seen the light for a long time, didn’t feel that his eyes were squinted by the light. Feeling raising his hand in front of his eyes.

After finally getting used to the light environment, Xiao Han slowly opened his palms, and through the gaps between his fingers, Xiao Han was surprised to find that there was no longer darkness in front of him, but in front of Xiao Han, there was a colorful scene. A dazzling light curtain appeared out of thin air, and this piece of light floated in mid-air more than one meter above the ground, making it more colorful in this dark space.

Isn't this the entrance to Penglai Wonderland, the light that the blind old man said?

Sure enough, Lu Xuan, who had held herself in her arms, was gone. In her dream, Xiao Han clearly remembered that her clothes were spread on the ground, and now the clothes are still on her body.

It turned out that when Xiao Han stepped into the fog of the nightmare, his thoughts and senses were silently controlled by the fog of the nightmare. He just wanted to be in a dream, and everything that happened afterwards , It’s just a dream created by Nightmare Fog, and because Xiao Han’s entire thinking has been affected and controlled by Nightmare Fog Lock, Xiao Han doesn’t even know that he’s dreaming, and can’t even think that the dream can be so real. .

If Xiao Han hadn't seen it through, he would always be in a dream and would never be able to wake up.

When he found that it was a dream, there was only one way to get out of the dream, and a very simple way was to control the dream, end the dream, open his eyes, and wake up completely.

Only then did Xiao Han react. When he stepped into this black fog, his thinking was already controlled by the nightmare fog, and he began to enter his own dreamland. In the dreamland, Xiao Han could not walk no matter what. Only when Xiao Han feels out of the fog will he feel that he has been trapped in the fog of the nightmare, and Lu Xuan, who runs and dedicated himself, will appear in Xiao Han's dream.

This feeling of being controlled by others makes anyone feel a little flustered. Even if you are the most powerful, you have no place to use it! Had it not been for Xiao Han to wake up at the last moment, he would not dare to imagine the consequences.

Although it was a dream, Xiao Han felt that this dream was really scary, and even his hands seemed to have a trace of bone corruption.

Lu Xuan ah Lu Xuan, although I said it was just a dream just now, when Xiao Han comes out of Penglai Wonderland, I will experience the feeling just now.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han jumped and jumped directly into the colorful light curtain.

At the same time, Ye Longxuan and others happened to stand in front of the black fog, and everyone's eyes were on the five people, Ye Longxuan and Wang Mang.

Ye Yu suddenly asked, "Brother Ye, what do you think of this black fog?"

Ye Longxuan stared solemnly at the black mist in front of him, and then replied after hesitating for a moment: "Since it is a treasure used to guard the entrance of Penglai Wonderland, there should be a doorway. Let's be careful!"

The Huafeng of the Huashan School nodded and agreed: "I also agree with Brother Ye. Look at this black fog, it seems to block the light. Maybe the reason why this hall is so dark is because of the nightmare fog. s reason!"

Wang Mang, wearing a leather jacket, smiled and said, "Since this black fog is so weird, or else, there are so many people here, why don't we walk together holding hands, so that it is not easy to lose our way, and if we walk together, what happens? What do you think about it, it’s an accident, or there is a sympathy for each other?"

Ye Longxuan nodded blankly and said, "Yes, I have no objection!"

As the most outstanding disciple of Wudang Sect, Ye Longxuan had the highest prestige among these people. Even he thought this method was feasible, and it was even harder for others to say anything.

Besides, anyway, we have not yet arrived in Penglai Wonderland. Everyone is still in the same class. It is natural to work together. If they go to Penglai Wonderland and encounter any treasures, these people will of course grab a grab.

Next, Ye Longxuan took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and stood hand in hand with the nearest Wang Mang, and the other Ouyang Bing, Hua Feng and others followed suit.

When it was Yeyu's turn, Yeyu groaned for a while, and then hesitated whether to take the hand that Huafeng stretched over, and thought for a while, in order to safely enter the Penglai Wonderland, it is better not to worry about this little thing.

Because the disciples of the Emei School are all women, in addition to Ye Yu and Nightingale, there are Xue Ren and three other young female disciples. As a woman, it is normal to have some worries.

Ye Yu is worthy of being a hero of the female middle school. After a moment of indulgence, he took the initiative to pull on Hua Feng's hand, without any twisting feeling at all, and even encouraged Ye Yu and the others to join hands together with his eyes.

The blind elder standing aside saw that Ye Longxuan and others had thought of a way to deal with the nightmare fog in such a short time, and there was also a hint of surprise in his eyes. Perceived sneer.

The blind old man smiled secretly in his heart: If the baby that Penglai Island uses to guard the entrance of Penglai Wonderland can be dealt with so easily, then it will not be called a baby.

Xiao Han suffered a disadvantage. He entered the nightmare fog alone. If he was like Ye Longxuan and others, with so many companions around him, he would not be affected by the nightmare fog at all, even if he was affected. He would definitely not be trapped for that long. When Xiao Han jumped into the light curtain, Ye Longxuan and the others just stepped into the nightmare mist holding hands.

Like Xiao Han, Ye Longxuan and others just stepped into the fog of nightmare, and it took a long time to adapt to this kind of environment without a trace of light. In the next moment, many people began to find LEDs that were prepared in advance from the Qiankun bag. The strong light flashlight came, but after turning it on, I discovered that no bright led flashlight can illuminate the road ahead, and the black fog is still dark and scary.

(End of this chapter)

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