The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 961: Lu Xuan pretends to be innocent

In fact, Xiao Han used Qiao Jin, just to send the Great Elder back, so although the Great Elder was a little embarrassed, he was actually not injured.

Xiao Han, who had just landed on the floating island, turned around. He grinned at the elder, revealing eight big white teeth, as if saying: If you don't let me come up, I will come up.

The great elder did not get hurt, it was because Xiao Han did not seem to hurt him.

But the body was not hurt, but the heart was hurt. The dignified Penglai Island Great Elder actually slumped in front of a young junior. If this matter was spread, how could his Great Elder mess with Penglai Island? Why are you still in the training session?

Therefore, the grand elder's face was quite ugly. His face was blue and white and purple. It was quite exciting. It hadn't been relieved for a long time, and now he was leaning against the arms of the three Penglaizong disciples behind him.

And just after Xiao Han stepped on the ground of the floating island, he deliberately looked back at the Great Elder and gave the Great Elder a charming smile. What is this not a provocation? This is not what the demonstration is?

Yes, this is provocation, this is demonstration.

When did the great elder experience this kind of anger, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and a pair of triangular eyes grunted, and then he realized that in addition to himself, there were three young disciples who had also seen the scene just now.

The Great Elder stood up from the arms of the three Penglai Sect disciples, and shouted with a calm face, "You didn't see anything just now, did you?"

The three Penglai sect disciples, look at me, and I will look at you. My heart is turbulent. The great elder of the dignified floating island is not as good as others. At this time, I don’t know how to reflect on myself, and I don’t know how shameful I am, and then I can concentrate on practicing and recover At the scene, the first thing that came to mind was to block everyone's mouths. Isn't this too demeanor?

In contrast, the daring Xiao Han just now was much more demeaned and generous than the Great Elder.

After thinking about it, it's no wonder people didn't take the ban on floating islands in the slightest. It was because they were powerful and fearless at all.

But the three of them can only think about it in their hearts, and they absolutely dare not mention it in the presence of the Great Elder.

Seeing that the elder's eyes were sharp, this is to force them to express their views. They are just ordinary disciples of the Penglai Zong. How dare to break their wrists with the elder, the three of them hurriedly nodded and replied: "It's because we didn't see anything. , See nothing!"


The great elder snorted coldly, and then he jumped up, chasing Xiao Han's footsteps.

After Xiao Han set foot on the floating island, he discovered that the environment on the floating island was surprisingly good, with small bridges, flowing water, rockery, and the fragrance of birds and flowers, and clouds and mist floating in it, making the entire floating island like a fairyland.

Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, is standing on the edge of the floating island at the top of a raised rock and looking into the distance. With her hands under her hands, a white skirt is fluttering in the wind, and a lock of beautiful black hair is blowing in the wind, and it is beautifully matched. His face is like a fairy in the heavenly palace descending into the mortal world. The beauty is indispensable and makes people feel sacred and inviolable.

After hearing the movement in the distance, she slowly turned around and met Xiao Han's gaze.

I saw Lu Xuan’s face with crescent-like willow eyebrows, her bright eyes were like stars and moons, her delicate nose, her pink cheeks shy, her small two-petaled lips, her flower-like face was shy and affectionate, and she was like snow jade. The snow muscle is as soft as honey, and the figure is graceful and slender. It is as quiet and natural as a tuft of orchids. Coupled with a flowing white dress and satin-like black hair, Xiao Han is dumbfounded.

At this moment, the great elder chased Xiao Han to the floating island. Seeing Xiao Han staring at the island owner intently, he was so scared that his face fell into the earth, and he secretly cursed: "This person is really bold and good at forbidden land. Just put it, there is no such thing as staring straight at the island owner, this is too presumptuous!"

The elder hurriedly bowed and clasped his fists, saying: "This person trespassed into the forbidden ground without permission. I didn't stop it in time. I hope the island owner will forgive me!"

Xiao Han was dumbfounded by the words of the great elder. This old guy is really shameless, so that a sentence or two will neglect his responsibility, and even prevent him from returning without success just now, pretending that it didn’t happen. Could it be this? Once people live longer, do they become more shameless?

However, Xiao Han didn't say anything to refute, still watching Lu Xuan quietly.

Seeing Lu Xuan looking at this side blankly, and Xiao Han looking at that side blankly, the elder can't figure out that this is today. Look at me, look at you, and watch endlessly. , He hurriedly bowed and said: "I will suppress this bold madman and punish him!"

Lu Xuan waved her hand gently, and said, "Elder, there is nothing for you here. You should withdraw first?"


The island owner's reaction surprised the elder. Isn't the island owner going to hold Xiao Han for trespassing on the forbidden land?

Although the elder was a little confused, he was also very clear about the temper of the young island owner. Once she decides something, no one can change it. It is even more unlikely that his will will be influenced by others, and he does not dare to disobey Lu Xuan's intentions. , Bowed his hand in a salute, and then slowly retreated. Before leaving, the still aggrieved elder gave Xiao Han a bitter look.

It is a pity that Xiao Han stood still on the spot, without turning his head back, he didn't even put the murderous eyes of the elder on his heart, making the elder depressed and want to vomit blood.

After the Great Elder retired, Lu Xuan glanced at Xiao Han coldly, and said calmly, "Since you promised to help me go to Penglai Wonderland to find neon clothes, I don’t care about your trespassing today. My act of floating island!"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Han waved his hand to himself, and responded with a kind of expression: "Lord Lu, for the sake of what you are wearing today, I don’t care if you put on airs in front of me this time. It's up!"

Lu Xuan was taken aback for a moment, apparently very uncomfortable with Xiao Han's frivolous words, but for a while, she did not react.

As the island owner of Penglai Island, a major cultivator, even the elders outside, even the elders with a higher realm than Lu Xuan, are polite in front of Lu Xuan. Compared with Lu Xuan, besides being a master of the Yuan Ying realm , Is still the island owner of Penglai Island, and his status in the practice session is very noble.

Whenever no one dared to talk to Lu Xuan in such a half-joking tone in front of Lu Xuan.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "You have a lot of messy rules on Penglai Island. I was invited by you, the owner of the island. I want to see you and have to go around. Are you annoying?"

Lu Xuan smiled faintly, and said softly: "State-owned, national laws, family rules, some rules are not set by me!"

Xiao Han waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "Lord Lu, don't pretend to be innocent!"

Lu Xuan frowned slightly, she was about to reprimand, Xiao Han had already said first: "Forget it, it's all over, let's talk about business!"

Lu Xuan was speechless, and Xiao Han interrupted the draft that she had thought in her heart. She suddenly forgot what she should say.

Xiao Han hasn't moved since stepping on the floating island, and Lu Xuan has been standing on the top of the big boulder on the edge of the floating island, and there is a distance of at least tens of feet between the two.

Xiao Han thought for a while and said, "Lord Lu, we stand so far away, it is very inconvenient to talk. If you can't get down, then I can go up?"

Hearing this, Lu Xuan was about to walk down from the starting rock, Xiao Han smiled slightly, his figure moved slightly, the next moment, unexpectedly appeared in front of Lu Xuan, at this moment, Xiao Han unexpectedly After crossing a distance of tens of feet, he appeared on the rock out of thin air.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Xuan, who was walking down, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Xiao Han, but when she felt the unmatched breath radiating from Xiao Han, her face suddenly changed drastically.

When Xiao Han left, the aura in his body radiated unreservedly, so now, Lu Xuan could clearly feel that Xiao Han was actually at the pinnacle of the Yuan Ying stage.

Just now when Xiao Han appeared on the floating island, Lu Xuan realized that today’s Xiao Han was a little different from the Xiao Han he had seen before. In addition to his fairer skin, his overall temperament has also changed. The tall and straight figure is even more stalwart, so Lu Xuan had been staring at Xiao Han at that time, trying to find out why Xiao Han had discovered the changes.

Now think about it, it should be because of the increase in cultivation base, right?

Even Lu Xuan, who has always been calm as water, couldn't help but mumble: Is this person's talent and roots really so terrifying?

At this moment, Lu Xuan's eyes looked at Xiao Han a little strange.

Lu Xuan is very clear that this Xiao Han has always been a four-nosed person with no discipline, no backing, no background, but how could his cultivation progress so quickly?

The only explanation is that this person's talents and roots are rare in a century.

Originally just holding a try, Lu Xuan found Xiao Han and wanted Xiao Han to enter the Penglai Wonderland to look for neon clothes and feathers instead of her. Apart from Xiao Han's low realm at the time, the main reason was because Xiao Han was a four-no person with no discipline, no backing, no background, even if he died in the Penglai Wonderland, he would die, and Lu Xuan had no loss.

But now

Lu Xuan's heart suddenly faintly expects, expecting Xiao Han to really find the neon feathers in the Penglai Wonderland and take it back all over.

A few months ago, Lu Xuan went to Shuimu University to find Xiao Han once. At that time, Lu Xuan knew exactly what Xiao Han was. Under Lu Xuan’s hands, Xiao Han had no chance of winning, so Lu Xuan and Xiao Han When negotiating terms, he also put on a high-ranking posture, not worried that Xiao Han would not agree.

Moreover, when Xiao Han was still in the middle of the Golden Core, Lu Xuan shook slightly, and Xiao Han stepped back several steps. Although part of it was because Xiao Han was caught off guard, the gap in strength was real. Jin Between the mid-dan period and the Yuanying period, there is a gap between a child and an adult.

(End of this chapter)

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