The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 960: Penglai Wonderland

On Penglai Fairy Island, the men in black who were in charge of picking up Xiao Han at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport took Xiao Han to the bottom of the floating island, indicating that Xiao Han could only stay in place and wait for the island owner.

Xiao Han looked up at the large island floating in the air. A waterfall pours down from the floating island like a white waterfall, bringing in countless tumbling water mists, giving it a fairy family atmosphere.

This Penglai Island deserves to be a large-scale cultivation sect with thousands of years of age. It occupies Penglai Island, which is a blessed place. The surrounding aura is abundant. In recent years, under the leadership of Lu Xuan, it has risen rapidly and has faintly become the first sect of cultivation. momentum.

The black-clothed people told him that this floating island was the residence of the island’s owner Lu Xuan. It was a place for Lu Xuan to practice, meditate, breathe and practice. Apart from the island’s owner Lu Xuan of Penglai Island, there were only The great elders of Penglai Island can enter, even if they are the great elders, they can only move in specific places on the floating island, and never enter the core places.

Others are absolutely forbidden to enter. If they break in without authorization, they must be dealt with according to the door regulations, and they will be abolished and driven out of Penglai Island.

All the disciples of Penglai Island dare not violate this prohibition, and the owner of the island, Lu Xuan, is the goddess in the minds of all the disciples of Penglai Island. No one dares to blaspheme the goddess in their hearts, so the few men in black who are responsible for receiving Xiao Han Xiao Han took it to the bottom of the floating island, and after explaining the prohibition clearly, two of them left to inform the great elder.

Xiao Han frowned, turned his head and asked: "Does it still need to pass your elder when seeing your island owner?"

The black-clothed man standing on the side looked arrogant, although he knew that Xiao Han in front of him was a guest invited by the island owner. It is said that the realm is not low, but when they reach Penglai Island, it is the dragon who has to lie down, and the ghost also bows its head.

At the moment, the black-clothed man nodded expressionlessly: "Yes, the floating island is a forbidden area in our sect. No one except the great elder can enter. You have to see the island owner and follow the rules of our Penglai Island. You should first notify the great elder, who will go to the floating island to see the island owner, and then the island owner will decide whether to see you or where to see you!"

Xiao Han sneered secretly, this little girl surnamed Lu is pretty, and she is not small. He finally came here and didn't come down to meet him personally. Even if he didn't come down to meet him, at least he should arrange a place for him to wait. Now, is there any reason to hang yourself here?

The hospitality of Penglai Island should be directly criticized.

Now Lu Xuan has not only not come out to greet him, but instead is still going around and breaking the rules. What is this not showing off?

Besides, Xiao Han came to Penglai Island by appointment today. It was originally invited by Lu Xuan, and Lu Xuan also knew when Xiao Han would arrive on Penglai Island. Now he is still having such troubles. This is in front of Xiao Han* * Naked show.

Even if Xiao Han's cultivation realm was not as good as Lu Xuan's back then, Xiao Han had never been afraid of anyone, let alone that his cultivation level had improved greatly now.

Thinking of this, Xiao Leng smiled again and again. What prohibition on trespassing needs to be obeyed by the disciples of Penglai Island. I am not a disciple of Penglai Island. Where can I obey the breaking ban?

Xiao Han is a good talker, even if he is now a great monk in the Yuan Ying stage, not to mention walking sideways in the world, at least he is dominating one side, but he is still low-key at Mizuki University Going to school and getting along with a few classmates in the dormitory, even if he is worth more than 100 million yuan, he is not low-key like an ordinary student.

why? Because Xiao Han doesn't care about these things, doesn't like to show them.

However, there is one thing that Xiao Han is very stubborn, and it can even be said to be a little bit paranoid. That is, people respect him a foot and he respects others. If someone puts on a stance in front of him, Xiao Han will definitely return it unceremoniously. The other party, let alone being bullied to the head, that is to come to revenge sooner or later.

Xiao Han also gathered a group of people around him because of this kind of pleasant and enmity temperament. Not to mention Li Dafa, Yang Lu and others, even Xiaoyue of the golden python clan, the ghost king of the ghost domain Chen Jindu clung to Xiao Han's side desperately, and continued to do his best to assist Xiao Han.

Thinking of this, Xiao cold snorted. Regardless of his previous relationship with Lu Xuan and Penglai Island, at least now he is a guest of Penglai Island. Since Penglai Island’s hospitality is not very good, then Xiao Han will teach Penglai Island. How to entertain guests.

At the next moment, Xiao Han, who was originally standing under the floating island, suddenly urged the aura in his body, and his whole body soared into the air, as if his feet were down to earth, step by step toward the floating island in the air.

The Penglai Island disciple standing behind Xiao Han was shocked by Xiao Han’s actions. Since he became a disciple of Penglai Island, no one has ever been so bold, whether he is a disciple or a guest outside. Those who dared to trespass on the floating island suddenly forgot to speak to stop it.

Suddenly, Xiao Han heard an angry shout from a distance:

"You are so courageous, how dare you trespass my forbidden land on Penglai Island?"

The elder was the great elder of Penglai Island and rushed over after receiving the notice. He saw a figure walking towards the floating island from a distance, and the great elder with a shocked expression screamed.

Having already risen into the air, Xiao Han ignored the big elder's scream, and still walked leisurely to the floating island.

The elder saw that Xiao Han had ignored his warning, his face turned green. Even though Xiao Han had trespassed on the floating island, the owner of the island would not be able to get his head to blame, and he would be reprimanded at best. , But he couldn't helplessly watch Xiao Han trespass on the forbidden land, offending the majesty of the floating island.

"Stop for me!" The great elder yelled and jumped into the air, trying to stop Xiao Han before he boarded the floating island, so as not to disturb the island owner, the great elder is on the side of the island owner. Tell me something.

As the great elder of Penglai Island, he is an old guy who has lived for hundreds of years. Except for the pleasing eyebrows in front of the island owner, no one in Penglai Island just disobeyed him, even in front of other gas refiners. Being arrogant, Xiao Han actually turned a deaf ear to his warnings. The temper that the Great Elder had accumulated over hundreds of years was not overpowering.

Moreover, as the great elder of Penglai Island, his cultivation base is only higher than that of the island’s owner Lu Xuan, just because he is several hundred years old, and it is almost impossible for him to go further. In contrast, the island owner Lu Xuan, who is only in his twenties, has a cultivation potential that is ten and a hundred times greater than him.

The two men in black who were responsible for notifying the Great Elder also rushed here behind the Great Elder. They were shocked to see Xiao Han actually preparing to trespass on the floating island.

One of the people in black who came from behind trembled and shouted, "This person is not dead? Even the island owner dares to break into the residence!"

Another black man replied disapprovingly: "Who knows, there are always people who are not afraid of death these days!"

"Don't worry, the great elder is here. Now there is something good about him. Maybe this person will be abolished and his limbs broken and thrown out of Penglai Island! It's a pity, this person looks like a human, right away It's about to become disabled!"

"By the way, who is this person? What's his identity? Does he have a brain problem? How courageous? I even told him that this floating island is a forbidden place on Penglai Island, and the rules are told to him. It's clear!"

"I don't know, it is said that the guest invited by the island owner trespassed on the floating island boldly. There is a great elder here. Now he will be a tragedy!"

"Also, looking at his position in the void, he should be a solid gas refiner. It is not easy to cultivate to this point. It is a pity that he was impulsive today, and the end will definitely be ugly!"

The black-clothed men standing below and waiting were talking about each other. Today, a few of them were eye-opening. Someone trespassed on the forbidden land. This was the first time they encountered after they became Penglai Island.

However, the three of them also stood there in the mood to watch the theater, anyway, it didn't matter to hang up high, it was always a joy to watch lively.

Once the Great Elder left, his figure was extremely quick and he didn’t feel like an old man. The next moment he actually rushed to Xiao Han’s back. Seeing that Xiao Han was climbing leisurely step by step two steps, the Great Elder probed his hand to Xiao Han’s. Grab the shoulder.

The big elder's hand is just a few minutes away from Xiao Han's shoulder. The next moment, as long as the big elder's hand is placed on Xiao Han's shoulder, he will immediately end in **** blood, standing below watching the lively black clothes. People have regretted it.

Xiao Han looked unsuspecting, and he still walked toward the floating island unhurriedly, looking leisurely as if he was walking the stairs of his own home.

In fact, since the great elder appeared, he has been on guard in secret. When the great elder's hand was about to put his shoulders on his shoulders, Xiao Han did not turn around to respond. Instead, he flung his sleeves back lightly, and then didn’t. Now, Xiao Han really just tossed his sleeves without turning his head back.

The great elder, who always thought that he was caught, was about to stop this bold madman. After he was ready to succeed, he would abolish his cultivation and interrupt his limbs, and then throw him into the sea near Penglai Island to let him fend for himself. But the next moment, an unmatched force suddenly hit his lower abdomen.

The great elder who had originally leaped high in the air was hit by this force and flew back. After falling, the figure of the great elder retreated more than ten steps, stepping out two series of footprints on the ground paved with bluestone. His back hit the three Penglai Island disciples all the way to stabilize his figure.

At this time, the great elder hadn’t realized how Xiao Han made his hand. Only the three disciples standing below and waiting could see the situation clearly. That Xiao Han just shook his arm backwards. , And then the Great Elder came back, yes, it's that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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