"Of course!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said: "I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

Indeed, it is impossible for anyone to believe that this thing is so magical. However, as a person who came by, Li Xiaoya believed it very much.

Liu Hao couldn't believe his eyes, there were such things hidden in a person's body? Liu Hao has never believed in this kind of monsters, but the facts are in front of him today, and he won't be able to believe them. Liu Hao frowned, gritted his teeth, and said, "What the **** is going on? Where did you come from?"

"Liu Hao, you have to tell the truth, let me go!" Li Xiaoya said.

"Hehe, of course I count." Liu Hao grinned, and then said: "It's just that I let you go. He won't let you go."

When speaking, Liu Hao pointed to the assistant on the side.

Li Xiaoya was surprised.

Liu Hao smiled, and then said: "How is it?"

"You!" Li Xiaoya's face was gloomy, and said: "You little man who doesn't count."

"Of course, if you give me that thing, I'll let you go." Liu Hao laughed and said, "This time, my words count."

"I won't believe you anymore." Li Xiaoya said coldly: "You despicable villain, if I believe you again, I will be thunderous."

"It won't work if you don't give it to me today." Liu Hao roared and charged up. Want to take that amulet. For him, this amulet is simply a good thing, even if it is worn on his body in the future, it can also prevent being attacked by others. Liu Hao took a fancy to this.

Unfortunately, Li Xiaoya didn't give it to him. Therefore, Liu Hao simply rushed forward to snatch, and his head was heated, and he forgot the function of the amulet.


Suddenly, there was a muffled noise. Liu Hao suddenly felt that he had been punched. People flew out immediately.

"Ouch..." Liu Hao saw the power of the amulet again.

This made him very surprised, and also very annoying.

Li Xiaoya made it clear that she was triumphant, but she was very worried. After all, no one knows how long this amulet can last. Everything is time-sensitive. The last red talisman was only scrapped by a bullet. No one knows how long this red talisman will last.

Liu Hao struggled to get up and said, "Smelly watch, I want to kill you!"

"You let me go." Li Xiaoya said.

"Want to leave? There is no door." Liu Hao was annoyed.

Li Xiaoya frowned and said, "If you let me go, I won't say anything."

"Hmph, do you think I'm as stupid as you?" Liu Hao said disdainfully. He waved his hand, and then said: "Come on, lock him up for me."

Li Xiaoya snorted coldly: "If you don't let me go, what can you do with me?"

"I want you to submit." Liu Hao sneered.

The assistant took out a pistol and drove Li Xiaoya into an empty room with the gun. Finally he was locked in the room.

Li Xiaoya curled up in the corner, looking a little frightened.

Outside, Liu Hao sat with his assistant.

"What the **** is this?" Liu Hao covered his face and wiped the sweat from his face.

"Mr. Liu, there are always some weird things in this world." The assistant smiled, and then said: "So, I think this woman should have met some expert. So I gave him such a talisman."

"Really?" Liu Hao frowned, and said, "Go and take a picture of the amulet on her neck. Let's ask someone if we recognize this thing."

"Yeah!" The assistant nodded.

Afterwards, the assistant took a camera and secretly photographed a clear amulet from the window.

Liu Hao looked at the amulet, a little weird.

"Damn, are there really amulets in this world?" Liu Hao squinted his eyes and said, "It's not invading water or fire, and it's invulnerable."

"No." The assistant nodded.

"It seems that I have to get this thing, no matter how much it costs." Liu Hao said.

"Mr. Liu, then...what about this woman?" the assistant asked.

Liu Hao thought for a while and said, "Close, don't give her food or drink. I don't believe it, she can survive for three days."

"Yes!" The assistant nodded.

"Wait until she can't stand it anymore, let her hand over the amulet." Liu Hao snorted coldly, and said, "Without the amulet, she can't be at my mercy?"

The assistant smiled and said, "Mr Liu is still great."

Liu Hao smiled and said, "Go ahead."

"Yes!" The assistant nodded.

Afterwards, Liu Hao made a call to Secretary Yang.

Secretary Yang received the call and rushed to the villa.

Liu Hao drank a glass of wine with Viagra, the effect of the medicine was already on, and he felt that he felt a little bit. The guy in the crotch is a little hard. Therefore, he decided to find Secretary Yang and **** her severely. This time, the effect is very strong. He was going to get angry with Li Xiaoya, so he ate two tablets in one go. It's fine now, Li Xiaoya can't reach it, he can only call Secretary Yang over.

"Mr. Liu, are you looking for me?" Secretary Yang asked.

"Yeah!" Liu Hao nodded and said, "Come here."

Seeing Liu Hao's evil expression, Secretary Yang frowned, full of alcohol spirit, apparently looking for herself to vent. Secretary Yang didn't dare to fail, so she could only walk towards Liu Hao. She had just walked to Liu Hao's side, and Liu Hao stretched out his hand and pulled her over.

"Ah!" Secretary Yang exclaimed.

Liu Hao pressed Secretary Yang under him. Secretary Yang hurriedly said: "Mr. Liu, you...what's wrong with you?"

"I'm going to **** you today!" Liu Hao gritted his teeth.

"I...I cooperate with you!" Secretary Yang said hurriedly.

"I don't need your cooperation!" Liu Hao snorted coldly. He straddled Secretary Yang's body, then tore her clothes, venting his inner sex. Secretary Yang was dumbfounded, she was shocked and struggling hurriedly: "Don't...don't!"

Liu Hao snorted coldly and said, "Today I just want to play a little differently."

After speaking, Liu Hao tore off her clothes and tied his hands with her cloth-like clothes. Then crazy invasion.

Secretary Yang was stunned. She didn't dare to move, so she could only lie on the sofa and be invaded by him. During the whole process, Secretary Yang had no enjoyment at all, only constant pain and suffering.

In order to work, in order to avenge Qin Jun, she had to succumb to his lust.

Liu Hao seemed extremely crazy and extremely exciting.

This time, he ate two Viagra, which is full of combat effectiveness. The short guy also looked longer because of the stimulation of Viagra. He fiddled with it for more than ten minutes, and finally made Secretary Yang alive.

Secretary Yang was completely raped. In this environment, without any prelude, she almost collapsed.

Fortunately, the lasting world was not very long. After more than ten minutes, the battle ended.

Liu Hao was panting, his whole body flushed.

Secretary Yang lay motionless on the sofa, like a salted fish.

Liu Hao had a dry mouth, drank a large glass of water, and then said, "Damn, this combat power is enough."

Secretary Yang said: "Mr. Liu, can I go back?"

"No 1" Liu Hao shook his head and said: "You have to stay here with me all night!"

"Yes!" Secretary Yang nodded.

Now, she is an employee of Liu Hao. She takes Liu Hao's salary and counts on Liu Hao to avenge herself. She naturally asked him, so she didn't dare to disobey him. Liu Hao told her to go east, and she would never dare to go west. Liu Hao told her to go south, and he would never dare to go north.

Secretary Yang was naked. She barely covered her body with ragged clothes, and covered her chest with her hands.

Liu Hao smiled, and then said: "Are you still ashamed?"

"Huh..." Secretary Yang snorted softly.

"Dare to hum? Looking back makes you feel better." Liu Hao snorted coldly.

Secretary Yang frowned and was a little surprised. She looked at Liu Hao in embarrassment, and said helplessly: "Mr. Liu, or... I'll go back first?"

"What do you take my words for?" Liu Hao glared at Secretary Yang and said, "Tonight, you are here with me."

"Oh!" Secretary Yang nodded.

That night, Secretary Yang was miserably fought by Liu Hao for several rounds. Frozen is to make Secretary Yang to death.

Of course, it's not that cool to die. It was because Liu Hao was abnormal and twisted in his heart, and he used various methods to torture her. Rope binding, leather whip, dripping wax... all kinds of perverted dramas were brought up by him. Secretary Yang was miserable. There were scars everywhere on her body, and there were burn marks from candles everywhere.

The next morning, Secretary Yang watched it horribly. When I came out, my hair was messy and he was limping.

"Mr. Liu, I asked." The assistant hurried over.

"What did you ask?" Liu Hao yawned.

"About the amulet." The assistant hurriedly said, "I have found it."

"Oh?" Liu Hao's eyes lit up. Now he is not interested in men and women matters, at least not today. Because with Secretary Yang, he has run out of bullets. He is now thinking about getting a talisman that can protect his own peace. Liu Hao hurriedly asked, "Where did you ask?"

"At an auction house." The assistant smiled.

"Auction house?" Liu Hao was pleased when he heard: "How much is it?"

"It is said that one was auctioned last time." The assistant smiled, and then said: "It is said that it was sold for 130 million yuan. However, according to the staff of the auction house, the appearance of the last auction does not seem to have the picture. Zhang Hao."


Liu Hao took a breath, his eyes widened.

"This woman actually hangs more than one billion on her neck?" Liu Hao obviously couldn't believe it was true.

"Yes!" The assistant nodded and said, "Maybe more than 100 million."

"It's an exaggeration." Liu Hao frowned.

"Mr. Liu, now..." the assistant asked.

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