The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 950: You are not qualified

"Mr. Liu, you asked the person I was looking for to find him," the assistant said.

"Let them in." Liu Hao said.

"Yes!" The assistant nodded.

Not long after, two black men walked in. The two are muscular and are very powerful characters in Africa. The two have once worked together to kill a male lion on the African savannah, and they used their bare hands. This shows how mighty the power of these two people is.

This time, Liu Hao's reason for looking for such a person was to conceal others. Once the two of them got their hands, they immediately sent them back to Africa. In this way, anyone who wants to find Li Xiaoya must first find these two strong African men. Africa is so big, they want to find a strong man in Africa, it is almost as good as heaven.

"Help me explain things, you go and guide them." Liu Hao glanced at the assistant.

The assistant is proficient in many languages, but Liu Hao doesn't understand well, so he can only ask the assistant to help.

"Yes!" The assistant nodded, and he said awkwardly: "However, after they ask, how much will they be paid?"

"One million yuan per person." Liu Hao said.

"Yes!" The assistant nodded.

When the other party heard it, he immediately opened his eyes and smiled.

The poor and remote places in Africa are miserable, and those who go to those places are unlucky. One million RMB is equivalent to 160,000 US dollars. It's so exciting to be able to get so many dollars for one such thing. When the two laughed, they showed two rows of white teeth. Laughing reluctantly.


Huihong Group.

Because it has been busy recently, and there have been more things. Therefore, Li Xiaoya has always been busy. The Qin Group has sent good news to itself. Several cooperative projects have been facilitated, and the partners come to find themselves one by one.

Therefore, Li Xiaoya is very busy these days.

"Mr. Li, haven't you left yet?" The colleague working overtime saw that the lights in Li Xiaoya's office were still on.

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said: "You haven't left yet?"

"This..." Several people looked embarrassed.

Speaking of which, several people are a little embarrassed. When they go to work during the day, they are all reading novels and browsing the web. However, at night, they started to work overtime to finish the work they had to do during the day. In this way, not only the play is reached, but also overtime pay. However, now that Mr. Li is so diligent, he has been working late in the past few days. You know, Mr. Li does not pay for overtime.

Several people are a little ashamed, and some are ashamed.

"We'll finish it right away," someone said.

"Go home early when you are done." Li Xiaoya kindly ordered.

"Yes!" The group of people left in shame.

Li Xiaoya finished her work, cleaned up her desk, and then left the office with her bag on her back.

Go upstairs to the parking lot, and then drive away.

After coming out of the parking lot, a black Toyota commercial vehicle slowly followed. Li Xiaoya never drove very fast. She drove slowly, so the car behind it followed very slowly.

Li Xiaoya's villa seat is not a busy area. After coming out of the city, there are a lot fewer cars. Moreover, this time is half past eight in the night. Therefore, there are basically no cars.


Suddenly, the Toyota commercial car behind it rushed out with a kick.


Suddenly, the Toyota car hits behind Li Xiaoya's BMW butt.


Both cars brake almost simultaneously.

Li Xiaoya frowned, is there such a bad luck today? After working overtime so late, you were caught up after you went out? Li Xiaoya opened the car door, preparing to get out of the car and argue with the other party.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Xiaoya opened the door, a black man immediately grabbed her by the arm.

"You...what are you doing!" Li Xiaoya shouted.

"Come out!" the black man roared in English.

"Oh, no, you let me go!" Li Xiaoya shouted in fluent English.

"Hehe..." The black man chuckled, and easily dragged Li Xiaoya out, and then ran to the back of the commercial car carrying her.

In the car, the assistant drove at the joint.

Another black man quickly drove Li Xiaoya's BMW and followed the Toyota commercial car to leave the scene.

In just a few minutes, everything has been completed.

Nothing was even left at the scene.

Li Xiaoya was caught in the car, and she asked timidly, "What do you want to do?"

"Hey!" The black man stared at Li Xiaoya with a fascinating look, and said, "Little watch, someone wants to **** you!"

"You!" Li Xiaoya almost fainted when she heard it.

How could she never expect that she would be targeted by a black man? She was in trouble immediately, and she was raped by a black man, which was absolutely fatal. The stuff of the black man is just like that of the cow. A woman of her own Asian breed will be pierced by the other's top at once. Thinking of this, Li Xiaoya couldn't wait to jump into the car and fall to death.

"Be honest!" the black man roared.

Li Xiaoya was immediately sealed with tape by the black man.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make a sound.

Li Xiaoya was very worried, but when her hand touched the kit bag on her chest, she immediately let out a sigh of relief. She immediately thought that she still had the last support. There is also the red talisman. Even though she is dependent, she is more or less worried.

The black man didn't act harshly towards Li Xiaoya. Because the assistant has already explained it, just take her to the place designated by Liu Hao, don't be rough, let alone do anything excessive to her. So, along the way, black men are also in duty.

The car quickly reached a villa.

The car parked in the garage of the villa.

Afterwards, several people got out of the car immediately, and then dragged Li Xiaoya off the car.

"Don't move me. Don't move me!" Li Xiaoya shook off the other's hand.

"Follow us honestly, we won't embarrass you!" The assistant walked out.

"Huh!" Li Xiaoya gritted her teeth, then said, "Don't think about it!"

"You have arrived here. It is impossible for you to escape." The assistant sneered.

Li Xiaoya raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "Is it you?"

"President Li must know me!" The assistant smiled.

"You are Liu Hao's assistant!" Li Xiaoya smiled.

"Yes!" The assistant nodded and said, "Mr. Liu asked me to ask Mr. Li to talk about the past. Look...Are you going with us or let us carry you up?"

"Not interested!" Li Xiaoya shook her head.

The assistant raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "It's wrong for President Li to do this. Since you don't want to go, then we can only lift you up."

Just when the two black men wanted to come up, Li Xiaoya immediately scolded, "Stop!"

"What's the matter?" the assistant asked.

"I'll go with you!" Li Xiaoya said.

Rather than being framed by someone, I might as well take the initiative to go upstairs to ask Liu Hao. Li Xiaoya decided, she must point to Liu Hao's face and ask him why he did it? Why do you want to kidnap yourself, what is the purpose, why do you want to do it?

"It's almost the same!" The assistant smiled slightly, and said: "President Li consciously follows us and saves the people under us. After all, it is not me who is looking for you. It is Mr. Liu, right?"

"Humph!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly.

Go out through the back door of the garage and immediately arrive at the lobby of the villa. The hall was brightly lit.

Liu Hao was sitting on the sofa waiting for Li Xiaoya, and seemed to have been looking forward to Li Xiaoya's arrival. Seeing Li Xiaoya come out by herself, he was very surprised: "Xiaoya, you..."

"Liu Hao, you bastard!" Li Xiaoya was angry: "What do you mean, what do you mean?"

Liu Hao was a little surprised. He frowned, and then said: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"You send someone to tie me over?" Li Xiaoya asked.

"I..." Liu Hao said with a smile: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"How do you misunderstand?" Li Xiaoya glared at him.

"I invite you to come, of course you will not come, so I can only use this method to let you come!" Liu Hao said helplessly.

Li Xiaoya smiled, and then said: "Let's talk, what do you want me to do?"

"Of course I want to drink with you and talk about life!" Liu Hao smiled.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in this kind of thing." Li Xiaoya said.

After speaking, she turned and left.

At this moment, two strong black men immediately stopped Li Xiaoya from going.

Liu Hao smiled and said, "Why not, if you drink this glass of wine, I will let you go!"

Liu Hao stood up with a glass of wine, and walked towards Li Xiaoya slowly.

Li Xiaoya frowned, snorted coldly, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

Li Xiaoya is not stupid. It took Liu Hao so much to get herself here and let herself go with a glass of wine? how is this possible? There is obviously medicine in this wine. Therefore, Li Xiaoya refused to drink.

"Hey, if you don't drink, don't even think about leaving today." Liu Hao said.

"Okay, then I won't leave." Li Xiaoya sat down on the sofa.

On the contrary, Liu Hao was a little stunned. He walked over and said, "Xiao Ya, you have been living with a child, are you not tired? I think you need to start a family."

"It's my business if I don't have a family!" Li Xiaoya said.

"That's something I care about too!" Liu Hao said.

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Xiaoya frowned.

"Why not?" Liu Hao smiled and said, "I think I am very suitable to be your husband. What do you think?"

"You? Not qualified!" Li Xiaoya shook her head.

"Fuck, why am I not qualified?" Liu Hao glared at Li Xiaoya, and said: "I, Liu Hao, want to have good looks, wealth and wealth, and background. That's not better than others? Why don't you look down on it. Me? I don’t even think that you have been divorced and you have a child."

"Hmph!" Li Xiaoya sneered, and said: "Just say something to you, you are not qualified."

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