The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 933: Linglong Bureau

"Haha, Fengyang country thief, dare to lead his troops to offend my Billy country and look for death!" The headed general snorted coldly, and said: "Don't hurry to dismount and surrender quickly, I can wait for your life!"

"Xiaoyue, this person is very quiet!" Xiao Han glanced at Xiaoyue.

Xiaoyue seems to be a weak girl. Yang Jinfeng and Duanmuci both thought Xiaoyue was just a close-knit girl next to Xiao Han. They never thought that this girl was a very powerful character, but at the moment Xiaoyue made her move, They were dumbfounded.


A light and shadow flashed.

The squeaky fellow immediately lost his body.

"The general is dead?" Several lieutenants were dumbfounded.

"Quit surrender!" Xiao Han exclaimed.

"Damn it, kill!" Several lieutenants were confused, and it was this time that they absolutely couldn't let the other party have the opportunity to attack.

Then, the offensive order. Tens of thousands launched an offensive.

The whole mountain is densely packed with people.

"Don't be silly, order an attack!" Xiao Han ordered.

"Yes!" Yang Jinfeng nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, the offensive orders, everyone charged.

The two armies fought.

The opponent's number was small, and the general died before the war, and the military was unstable. As soon as the fight started, the opponent started running desperately.

"Oh, it's so boring!" Xiao Han saw this scene and said, "You will win easily!"

"You..." Yang Jinfeng covered his mouth and smiled, "Isn't it easy to be so relaxed? Do you have to fight to death?"

"Count the number of people, bury the bodies, and move on!" Xiao Han commanded.

It was already the second day of the busy schedule.

The next day, Xiao Han ordered to move on.

After another five days, the large army arrived outside the imperial city of Belize. Outside the imperial city, there were no large forces blocking it. There is a hill outside the imperial city. There is a huge imperial flag on the hill. Under the emperor's banner, an old man with two boys sitting under the banner and drinking tea.

It looks leisurely and leisurely.

"What's going on?" Yang Jinfeng saw the imperial flag from a distance.

"Pretend to be a **** and play a ghost." Xiao Han smiled disdainfully, and said: "Order to move on, let's go and see!"

Afterwards, several people walked slowly towards the emperor banner.

Go to the hill.

The old man remained calm, sitting on a futon and playing a remnant chess.

Xiao Han walked up to him, took a look at the chessboard, and said, "Linglong game, dead chess!"

"Chess is dead, people are alive." The old man smiled slightly and said, "Well, you choose whatever you want."

Xiao Han smiled, sat down, and chose the dominant side. In any case, he is also a master of chess in Wangjiang District. He has won the first place in the district, and he knows this well.

However, after a few steps, Xiao Han immediately realized that he was in some crisis.

"You are dead." The old man smiled.

Xiao Han put down the chess piece, smiled slightly, and said, "So what?"

"Why?" The old man glanced at him, and then said: "You will not admit defeat?"

"If you accept it or not, today I have taken the imperial city of the Belgian country!" Xiao Han waved his hand.

The old man glanced at Xiao Han faintly, and said, "It's easy to take the city, but it's hard to collect the people!"

"Hey..." Xiao Han grinned, and said: "The world is unified, so they can see the benefits!"

"It's a big tone!" The old man was overpowering.

Xiao Han glanced at him, and then said: "Old man, the country of Billy can exist, but there is no need for the royal family to exist. This is the general trend of the world."

The old man was taken aback, and said: "What do you mean?"

"In this world, one king is enough." Xiao Han sighed, and then said: "There is no need for too many kings and too many countries. With more kings, there will be more selfishness. For their selfishness, these people The people who can start a war are the people who end up suffering. As the saying goes, prosperity is the suffering of the people; death is the suffering of the people!"

The old man was silent.

He sat on the futon and looked up at Jiuyou Sky. His eyes were extremely empty, as if his thoughts had drifted out.

"The old man has lived in vain for hundreds of years. After all, it is not as good as you realize this truth!" The old man stood up and said: "In the future, I will no longer participate in matters on this continent."

After speaking, he took a few boys into the air to flee.

"Hey, this old man is amazing!" Xiao Han exclaimed.

At this moment, Yang Jinfeng exclaimed: "So... he..."

"It's him!" Duanmu Ci also exclaimed.

"Who is he?" Xiao Han asked.

"He is the guardian of this continent!" Duan Muci hurriedly said: "It is said that his strength can destroy the world and is very powerful. However, he is the first person who can step into that realm in hundreds of years. !"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "It's strange, why did you run away!"

"It is estimated that the King of the Kingdom of Belgium invited to quell the war." Duan Muci said hurriedly: "He is the guardian of this continent, so if there is a major war, he will come forward to quell the war. Whenever he comes forward, the war will soon be quelled. stopped."

"Oh!" Xiao Han said with a smile: "So, this time he doesn't plan to participate."

"Yes!" Yang Jinfeng nodded and said, "The person I was most worried about before has quit. Now, we can safely and boldly unify the mainland."

"Unify the mainland." Xiao Han smiled.


The Royal Palace of Belize.

The young king is in a mess.

"How is it, have you retreated?" he said hastily.

"I don't know!" Qunchen shook his head.

A group of people are in the hall, very anxious, as if they are afraid that the other party will attack at any time. The first battle failed, and the army was distracted. The most powerful general in Billy was killed by the opponent with a single sword, which is simply incredible.

"Damn it!" The king looked helpless.


At this time, a soldier outside the palace hurried in.

"Say, say it!" the king shouted.

"Your Majesty, it's not good." The soldier was anxious and said: "The old **** is gone, now, the soldiers are coming down the city!"

"What?!" The king was shocked with a look of shock. Then, he sat down on the dragon chair and smiled bitterly: "Unexpectedly, the old gods couldn't stop them, sad, sigh, pitiful..."

"Your Majesty, how can this be good?" the officials asked.

"Your Majesty, why don't you leave the palace now and move to Xuancheng." An old official stood up and said: "When our army is mobilized, we will be able to destroy the enemy's 100,000 troops!"

"It's useless." The king shook his head and said with a look of disappointment: "The other party must be able to catch up with us."

"Then...what can I do?" asked the officials.

"Well, let me go out of the palace and meet them." The king looked helpless.

"Your Majesty..." The officials knelt down one after another.

"Go!" said the king.

Afterwards, the young king walked out with more than a hundred old officials.

Xiao Han and others are leading people outside the imperial city. When he was about to order Miyagi, suddenly, the gate opened.

Then, the king came out with his officials.

"Xiao Han, they are out!" Yang Jinfeng was shocked.

"As expected." Xiao Han smiled.

"Why?" Yang Jinfeng asked.

"The previous 30,000 soldiers and horses were the only soldiers and horses on the east side of Billy Nation." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Their main force confronts Loulan Nation to the west. At this time, they won't be able to return for a while. And we are already here, what else can they do besides surrendering?"

"You can escape," Yang Jinfeng said.

"Escape?" Xiao Han said with a smile: "It's you, knowing that there are a large number of cultivators in the crowd, where can you escape? And that old man doesn't care!"

"Yes." Yang Jinfeng smiled bitterly: "In my own country, there is nowhere to escape!"

"Surrender, there is still a trace of life." Xiao Han laughed.

"The King of Belize leads his officials to welcome the new lord into the city!" The king yelled.

"Get up!" Xiao Han replied, "From now on, this country of Billy will belong to the country of Fengyang. Billy County is tentatively designated."

"Yes!" The king nodded.

"What about you...just be the county lord of Billy County." Xiao Han glanced at him and said: "Hand over the tiger charm, all the troops will go to Fengyang country."

"Yes!" Where did the king dare not follow.

Xiao Han had spared his life, and continued to let him be the county lord of Billy County, only to let him surrender the military power. Relative to life, what are these things? But without the title of monarch, the things that should be enjoyed can still be enjoyed. Therefore, he doesn't care.

Soon, Xiao Han brought a group of people into the city.

Golden Temple.

The country of Billy is stronger than the country of Fengyang, so this Golden Temple is more magnificent. Yang Jinfeng and others had never seen such a magnificent place before, and they were extremely excited.

"This place is so beautiful."


Duan Muci and the generals of Fengyang Kingdom also looked excited.

"Marshal, I wonder if you like this Golden Luang Temple?" the king asked.

"Not bad!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I won't occupy this place for you in the future, but I will leave it to you. It is regarded as the county seat of Billy County. How?"

"Thank you, Marshal!" When the king heard this, he burst into tears with excitement.

After all, this is where I was born and raised, can I not like it? If he lets himself leave suddenly, he is definitely not used to it. Under the world, what place is more lingering than here?

"You are welcome!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I am not here, but in the world."

"Yes!" The king nodded repeatedly.

He was so excited that he was almost speechless. He originally planned to give up the palace. Now it's fine. Apart from the dismissal of the national army, nothing else has changed. A group of veterans are still under their own cloth. Although there is no country name, it still has everything that it should have.

The country of Billy was changed to Billy County.

The area of ​​Fengyang Country immediately expanded several times. The people of Fengyang State cheered immediately, and their anti-war sentiment turned into bellicose. Those soldiers who made great contributions to the military industry were rewarded and promoted. All of a sudden, the people of Fengyang State sent their children to the front to serve the country. If you can come to make some contributions, you can be regarded as adorable for the younger generation.

(End of this chapter)

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