The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 932: Give you a ride

"You!" The old king was furious and said: "You dare to kill in the palace!"

"Yes." Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "If you don't kill you today, how can you avenge Wulanzong's disciples?"

"Today, you are dead!" The old king sneered.

While talking, several monks rushed in from the back hall.

This group of people seems very neat. It also appeared very fast.

Four monks surrounded Xiao Han.

The old king sneered, and then said: "Today, you must die!"

"Just the four of them?" Xiao Lian laughed.

"Yes!" The old king nodded.

Xiao Han glanced at the four of them. Their strength was not very good. The highest one was in the early stage of the Golden Core, and the other three were in the base building stage. This kind of strength is good here, but in front of Xiao Han, their strength is not very good.

For Xiao Han, these people's strengths are not impressive. Not so much.

Killing them is even easier.

Xiao Han has already entered the ranks of cultivators, and the strength of this cultivator is not worth mentioning. With only a palm from Xiao Han, they can be wiped out.

The four masters in the old king's palace guard his safety.

On weekdays, with these four masters, he was confident, but now, he obviously hit the iron plate. These few people alone certainly cannot protect his safety with their hands.

"Boy, just grab it with your hands." The Jin Danqi man scolded.

"Only you?" Xiao Han smiled contemptuously.

The man has investigated Xiao Han's strength, but he is unknown! Therefore, he is not a monk when he is Xiao Han. However, where did he know that Xiao Han was much stronger than him. The monks want to see the strength of the immortal cultivator, it is simply a dream.

"Go!" The Jin Danqi man yelled.

Xiaoyue immediately blocked a few people.

These people are not ordinary soldiers after all, so the two sides entangled for a while. Xiaoyue will not be able to get out for a while.

At this time, the Jin Danqi man sneered: "Boy, take my sword!"


A sword gas flung over.

Xiao Lengchun laughed. This kind of sword aura seemed to be awesome, but in fact it was just like that. Xiao Han originally wanted to show him the true sword aura, but after thinking about it, how about using a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? Therefore, he sacrificed a wishful stick.

Going down with a stick, the monstrous momentum scared the man back again and again.

"You..." The man was astonished.

"I'm not something you can deal with." Xiao Han smiled indifferently, and said: "A mere monk, how dare you compete with me for glory?"

"You are?" The man looked at Xiao Han in astonishment?

"Someone better than you." After saying that, Xiao Han smashed it with a stick.

The other party dodges quickly.


With this stick, the ground was directly torn apart, and the man was swept down by that wave.


He highlighted a mouthful of blood and said: "Ok... so strong!"

"Send you a ride!" Xiao Han turned the stick with one hand and patted it fiercely.

The man was unstoppable and was smashed into a pool of flesh on the spot. The strength is strong and weak, and the judgment is made. Xiao Han didn't give him any chance to struggle at all. Hit him directly with a stick.

Looking at Xiao Han, the old king suddenly slumped on the ground.

Among the four, he was the strongest. Unexpectedly, the strongest was knocked to death with a stick, and the other three were still his opponents.

Seeing that the strongest man was killed, the other three people shrank away.

"Get out!" Xiao Han scolded.


The three quickly fled.

As soon as the three of them left, the old king's hole cards were completely lost. His face was pale.

Xiao Han walked towards him slowly, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Old things, it is improper to keep a good king, you must be dead."

"You can't kill me." The old king was frightened.

"Why?" Xiao Lian laughed.

"Because...because I am the emperor, I am the emperor." The old king looked terrified, very scared.

"Hmph!" Xiao Han dismissed him and said, "The son of heaven? Then you go to the heaven."


The sword in Xiao Han's hand stabbed into the opponent's chest fiercely.

The old king was tragic at that time, and he vomited blood. At that time, he lay down softly.

Around, a group of guards were dumbfounded.

"From now on, I will be the king of Fengyang Country." Xiao Han shook the long sword in his hand.


The long sword pierced the pillars of the palace and plunged into the wood.

"Under the pen!" Everyone knelt down.

Xiao Han didn't want to be the king, but for a while, he said that he would be the king of Fengyang Kingdom in the future. Doesn't this mean a rebellion? Of course, the king's addiction to Xiao Han passed all night. The next day, Xiao Han made the youngest son of the old king as king. A twelve-year-old child, a very intelligent child, grew up in the cold palace with his mother, studied hard, and has the ability to govern the country.

So, the next day, Xiao Han appointed the youngest child as a king. As for the prince and the others, they were driven away by Xiao Han, all from the palace and exiled to the barbarians.

"Xiao Han, do this, okay?" Yang Jinfeng asked.

Yang Jinfeng was rescued by Xiao Han, and she seemed a little worried about Xiao Han's crazy actions. After all, what kind of power can a twelve-year-old child have to govern the country? If there is no good king, Fengyang country might be in chaos.

Although Fengyang is not a big country, it has millions of people. A little uneasiness will cause people to be displaced and unable to live in peace.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"I..." Yang Jinfeng smiled bitterly and said: "I just think, is this kid too young..."

"Not small!" Xiao Han shook his head, "After all, if someone assists, everything will be fine."

Yang Jinfeng nodded, and then said: "Yeah!"

Duanmuci was rescued from the dungeon. Although he suffered some injuries, he didn't get in the way. So there is basically no problem.

Yang Jinfeng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Xiao Han, thank you this time. If it weren't for you, we would probably..."

"It's okay." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "This is all I should do."

Fengyang State Palace, after a few days of chaos, all settled down.

The new emperor ascends the throne, everything is ready.

Because Xiao Han was kind to him, the little emperor made Xiao Han the national teacher of Fengyang country. A monument was built on Fengyang Mountain, and a statue of Xiao Han himself was cast in pure copper and stood on the top of the mountain. Let the people admire.

In this regard, Xiao Han's goal can be regarded as achieved, of course, this is only his first step. In the next step, Xiao Han intends to make the entire continent a land of good fortune.

Wu Lanzong.

Xiao Han became the head.

Thousands of disciples worshipped, although Xiao Han had never wanted to be the head, he was just talking in the palace at the beginning. Unexpectedly, the whole Fengyang country knew that Xiao Han was the head of Wulanzong. The news spread quickly. Everyone knew that the head of Wulanzong killed the old king and established a new king.

However, the tyranny of the old king, and now that the new emperor is enthroned, all people are naturally happy.

Everyone admired Xiao Han very much, and they seemed very happy. All went to worship Xiao Han's statue on Fengyang Mountain. Suddenly, Fengyang Mountain was overcrowded.

When he was on this continent, Xiao Han felt that this kind of power of faith was of great benefit to his cultivation. As the ghost king Chen Jin said, there are obvious effects in the early stage, but in the later stage, a huge amount of faith is needed to have an effect. So Xiao Han decided to open up a new world.

"What did you say?" Yang Jinfeng looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

"I want to unify the mainland!" Xiao Han smiled.

"What do you want to unify?" Yang Jinfeng asked.

"The little emperor of Fengyang country listens to me now." Xiao Han grinned and said, "I plan to completely make Fengyang country stronger, and now I will start conscription, with a one-month period of forced conscription. Conquest against neighboring countries. "

"You are crazy!" Yang Jinfeng said in surprise.

"No, I'm not crazy." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I will unify this continent within half a year."

"Mad!" Yang Jinfeng couldn't believe it.

"Listen to me, that's right!" Xiao Han smiled and said: "From today, all the disciples of Wulanzong descended from the mountain and rushed to report from the Fengyang ** team. Each team is equipped with a team of monks. When attacking, you can reach the point of no disadvantage."

Yang Jinfeng took a deep breath, his eyes widened, " it really your decision?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "This is the only way to end the chaos of the disputes of all nations!"

Yang Jinfeng couldn't accept it at first, but after Xiao Han said it for a long time, she understood. On this continent, there are wars and disputes, although there is peace in Fengyang. However, this does not mean that the war will not continue to Fengyang State. If you want to end the chaos, you can only use the iron-blood policy.

Soon, the flag was lowered on Wulanzong Mountain.

More than 1,500 disciples of Wulanzong descended one after another.

Feng Yangguo also announced the order of forced conscription. Suddenly, Fengyang complained in groan. Although they are dissatisfied, they have to cooperate.

As the neighboring country of Fengyang country, the country of Belgium.

The national strength is greater than Fengyang, and its area and population are also larger than Fengyang. There has always been a lot of friction with Fengyang Country.

This time, Fengyang country sent one hundred thousand troops to conquer the country of Belgium.

Suddenly, the mainland was everywhere. Although wars have continued over the years, they have been small-scale wars, and very few can really reach 100,000 troops. This time, Feng Yangguo, a small country, even sent one hundred thousand troops to conquer the country of Belgium, and many people were not optimistic about it.

"Why don't you look for a small country instead of Billy country?" Yang Jinfeng and Duanmuci both marched with the army.

"Only in this way can you gain power." Xiao Han smiled.

"Huh?" Yang Jinfeng said embarrassingly, "Being stronger than the country, Fengyang country cannot win."

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Don't worry, I will win!"

Five days later, the large force arrived at the border of the country of Belgium.

The other party had already received the news, and sent a few yuan of Titans with 30,000 soldiers and horses to wait again.

(End of this chapter)

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