The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 920: Dare not refuse

After speaking, Xiao Han took out the Sky Sword, leaped up, and slashed at the devil fiercely.

After seeing the soul orb, the demon had no room to resist. It was cut in half by Xiao Han with a sword, and was included in the soul orb. It was completely integrated by the soul orb, and it was too late for a scream. issue.

Chen Jin on the side was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that the power of the soul orb was so powerful that he could easily subdue the devil?

The strength of the devil is very strong, and several ghost kings are not necessarily the opponents of the devil. Otherwise, why succumb to the name of the devil? Chen Jin was dumbfounded: "You... actually killed the devil?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "Just kill this kind of pretending thing."

"Oh my God!" Chen Jin obviously felt a little weird.

It is also true that it has always existed in the ghost mansion, and it has to accept a stunning performance that the ghosts worship. Just like an old monk in the temple, everyone thought he was super strong, capable of breaking stones with one hand and tearing bulls with both hands. However, suddenly one day, this old monk was killed by an ordinary person, and he was aiming at this point, I am afraid no one can accept it.

It’s no wonder that Chen Jin has an incredible look. If he changes to a master or a tough opponent, it’s fine. However, Xiao Han is not very strong. If he really wants to fight, he may not be his opponent. . Of course, if he excludes his Sky Sword and Soul Orb. I'm afraid he really can't beat himself.

"Kill you kill, what's so strange." Xiao Han said disdainfully.

"But..." Chen Jin frowned and said, "You killed the devil, how do you accept the power of faith?"

"What token do I need to get from the devil?" Xiao Han smiled, and then said, "Can I get the approval of the people?"

"It's a token of the devil." Chen Jin smiled and said, "As long as it has something to do with the devil!"

"That's OK!" Xiao Han nodded.


Suddenly, a demon's head fell. Xiao Han picked it up from the ground with one hand. Smiled: "Is this enough?"

"This..." Chen Jin said awkwardly: "You killed the devil, this..."

"Let's go!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "I don't believe it, who would dare not accept it!"

After speaking, Xiao Han walked out carrying the demon head.

Outside, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses gathered together. Xiao Han and Chen Jin walked up the city wall. He carried the demon head in his hand, and then shouted: "Today, the devil is dead, and I am the master of this Dujiang Mansion. Not only this Dujiang Mansion, but in the future, Weiyang Mansion, Chengjian Mansion... 720 Mansion, Thirty-six counties will all become my territory!"

Under the city wall, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were silent.

At this time, Chen Jin shouted: "Master Ghost King!"

"Master Ghost King!" hundreds of thousands of soldiers cheered in unison.

Since then, Xiao Han has become the master of Dujiang Mansion in this underworld. However, he has ambitions and he wants to challenge to a higher level. Want to be the master of 36 counties. Then you have to challenge Gui Shuai, and then you will challenge Gui Jun. Before they could become the master of these 36 counties, otherwise, no one would be able to convince Xiao Han.

"Xiao Han, you shouldn't say that." Chen Jin smiled.

"How do you say?" Xiao Han asked.

"You want to become the master of the 36th county. If this is spread, it will be unlucky." Chen Jin said helplessly, "I understand your ambition, but after all, this is in the underworld. The hierarchy is strict. You are just the ghost king now, but you want to challenge the ghost commander and the ghost monarch openly. Isn't this looking for death?"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of them."

"You are too bold!" Ghost King smiled bitterly.

In the next few days, rectify the military horses.

There are too many things in the ghost mansion that need to be rectified. However, these things are Chen Jin busy, for Chen Jin, there is no shame in becoming Xiao Han's younger brother. He took a fancy to Xiao Han's potential as well as his abilities. He believed that Xiao Han could lead him to a new world.

The morning of the third day.

"Xiao Han, follow me!" Chen Jin found Xiao Han.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han looked at Chen Jin inexplicably.

"Quick, follow me!" Chen Jin smiled.

Xiao Han followed Chen Jin all the way towards the ghost mansion. Still got to the place in the ancestral hall. Inside, there was a burst of yin. However, this time, on the altar of the devil, there was a golden breath.

"Have you seen it? This is the power of faith." Chen Jin said hurriedly, "You try to absorb it."

"Oh?" Xiao Han was a little surprised.

He hurriedly tried to put this golden power into his body.

As soon as he entered the body, Xiao Han couldn't bear it immediately, his muscles seemed to be stiff. There was a thought in his mind. Could this **** Chen Jin want to kill himself and become the king of ghosts himself?

However, he quickly eliminated this idea.

He found that these golden gases were slowly swimming along his meridians. Then he kept walking towards his Dantian. The original golden dantian, the size of a soybean, had a slight change under the golden gas.


Suddenly, the Dantian collapsed instantly.

"Mom!" Xiao Han was terrified.

Once the dantian is destroyed, his cultivation will be completely abolished.

However, when Xiao Han was so terribly frightened, Dan Tian started to repair it. It was a long process. When the pubic area was restored, a different scene appeared inside. A pea-sized golden bead floats in the pubic area, and beside the golden bead, a small golden bead the size of a soybean is constantly rotating around it. It's kind of like a letter star. Xiao Han was a little surprised.

When he checked his body, he was shocked to find that he was actually promoted.

"Golden Core Stage Peak!" Xiao Han was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, he was only one step away from the Nascent Soul Stage. As long as he broke through this Golden Core Stage and entered the Nascent Soul Stage, he would be regarded as a true monk, or a cultivator. Once you become an immortal cultivator, it will be different. Earth-shaking changes have taken place in strength, and earth-shaking changes have taken place in physique.

"Are you awake?" Chen Jin seemed to hear the movement.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Chen Jin smiled and said, "Breakthrough? Yes, how long has the power of faith allowed you to break through!"

"Great!" Xiao Han said excitedly: "Isn't it a breakthrough in the future?"

"Now because your cultivation level is still very low, the power of the power of faith is obvious." Chen Jin said with a smile: "Once the Nascent Soul Stage has passed, it would be difficult to break through with the power of faith. But. , The power of faith is still very useful. It can make you progress quietly."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han also took a deep breath and said, "It seems that it is time to conquer the ghost handsome."

If you can defeat the ghost commander and go to one more county, it will be equivalent to dozens of ghost cities, and each ghost city has the power of belief of hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers. In this way, it is so handsome.

"So fast?" Chen Jin was a little worried.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han wanted to conquer 36 counties, not to brag, but to really have such ambitions. Especially with the Sky Sword and Soul Orb in his hands, he was more confident. Nowadays, the strength has reached a small level, and the confidence has expanded.

However, Chen Jin is still a little worried, and finally won the Dujiang Mansion. Isn't what he should do now to be the ghost king? Achieve a hegemony. Although Dujiang Mansion is not the largest, it is also considered to be a ghost mansion in the upper middle level among the hells, with countless people. The power of faith alone is already very rich.

In the underworld, the power of faith determines the influence of the ghost house. If the power of faith is great, then the influence of the ghost house in **** is great.

Therefore, Xiao Han must conquer 36 counties and conquer the ghost realm among the five realms. He is also the leader of the ghost world.

"Will it be too urgent?" Chen Jin asked.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "It is ready. When we look back, we will challenge the ghost commander and seize a county. Become a ghost commander in hell, and when that time comes, I will make you the ghost king. When I conquer this Underworld, after challenging the emperor, you will be handsome."

"I'm also waiting for this day!" Chen Jin was full of confidence.

Now that Xiao Han is ready, Chen Jin will naturally follow him.

A month after the Ghost Mansion, Xiao Han was ready to go.

This time, Xiao Han wanted to conquer the ghost county closest to Dujiang Mansion. Located in the southeast, Chengwang County is 3,000 kilometers away from Dujiangfu.

Chengwang County has a jurisdiction of several million square kilometers. The area is large, although it is not the largest in hell, but it is definitely above the middle. And Dujiangfu belongs to Chengwang County's jurisdiction. Therefore, Xiao Han decided to attack Chengwangjun.

A smile was raised at the corner of Xiao Han's mouth. He grinned and said, "Chen Jin, let's go."

"Good!" Chen Jin nodded.

This time, Xiao Han decided to lead a team of one hundred people. Bring them, not to fight, but to be able to serve oneself. A team of 100 people is responsible for transporting food and drinking water. After all, he is still a human being, and has not reached the stage of bigu like the Nascent Soul Stage. Even if he reached the stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, with Xiao Ruyue by his side, he would definitely bring such a team.

A team of one hundred people set off in a mighty force.

No one knows where this team is going. Because of the small number of people, no one would doubt that Xiao Han would attack Chengwang County. After all, how many years of painstaking effort in a battle? Unexpectedly, this guy Xiao Han had only been in Dujiang Mansion for a month, and he would start a battle against Chengwang County again. If anyone knew about it, it would be a little shocking and frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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