The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 919: Vassal clothing

"If you have the ability, please let go!" Xiao Han smiled.

Wang Zitao held the big knife and rushed up. His body shape instantly changed, turning into his original form, like a demon, he didn't look big, but he was extraordinarily hideous and terrifying. No matter how you look at it, I think this is not a good ghost.

"Come on!" Xiao Han shouted.

"Kill!" At this time, Wang Zitao roared.

He picked up the long knife in his hand and chopped it down. Wanzhangxiaguang. It can be seen that this blow is extraordinary.

Xiao Han naturally wouldn't be afraid. The Sky Sword in his hand was ready, and a spirit power was injected into it. At that moment, all the rays of light in front of the Sky Sword were nothing but fireflies. How could it compete with Haoyue?

The sky sword was swung, and a sword beam of several meters slashed out fiercely.


Wherever he went, he was almost split.

Wang Zitao was shocked when he saw this. He hurriedly wanted to avoid, but just jumped up. His legs were immediately split by the sword light and cut into two pieces. As for the hundreds of ghost soldiers behind, they were torn on the spot, turned into dust, and bursts of black blood spilled.

"Ah!" Wang Zitao screamed.

"My lord!" The soldier behind quickly rushed over.

Xiao Han walked over slowly, sneered, and then said: "Let Chen Jin out!"

Wang Zitao screamed, his legs were broken and his humanity was restored. He held the broken legs. Screaming again and again.

Xiao Lengren snorted: "If you don't let go, I will kill you and take your soul!"

"Don't think about it!" Wang Zitao roared: "Just because you are a human being, you also want to take my soul, ridiculous!"

"Don't believe me?" Xiao Lian laughed.

After speaking, he took out the soul orb from his arms. The soul beads are radiant. As soon as the soul orb came out, the surrounding ghost soldiers knelt down one after another. Who would dare to make a mistake? As long as Xiao Han is willing, he can immediately put them into the soul orb, and he will never be able to reincarnate. Moreover, they will become eternal slaves in this soul orb.

Xiao Lengchun laughed and said: "It just so happens that I still have twelve ghosts here that haven't fed my stomach, so I can just give you a tooth sacrifice!"

"You!" How could Wang Zitao not know the soul beads? In this world, there is only one soul orb. Didn't expect to appear here?

"Let Chen Jin out!" Xiao Han snapped.

"Yes!" This time, Wang Zitao did not dare to disagree. He was confused.

Subsequently, Wang Zitao took out the Linglong coffin, and then let Chen Jin out. Although he had only been imprisoned for a few hours, his spirit was much worse than before. Xiao Han put Chen Jin into the soul orb. In the soul orb, there are two worlds, yin and yang. The yin side has a nourishing effect on ghosts with yin attributes, while the yang world has an effect on animals with yang attributes like humans. Of course, the reverse is harmful.

If Wang Zitao and the others were brought into the world of Yang attributes, they would definitely die.

"Grab them all!" Xiao Han ordered.

"Yes!" The ghost soldiers acted immediately.

Without a single pawn, he easily won the Dujiang Mansion. Xiao Han broke into it easily. Bringing the horses, swaggered in.

A smile was raised at the corner of Guibing's mouth. He smiled, and then said: "Unexpectedly, I defeated the other party so easily, great!"

The ghost soldiers are cleaning up the battlefield, with hundreds of ghosts and corpses, it is easy to get the opponent.

Xiao Han walked in towards Dujiang Mansion with ease.

Sure enough, Dujiang Mansion was much larger than Wenchuan Mansion, more than several times larger. No wonder Chen Jin kept saying that this Dujiang Mansion is very big, even bigger than Wenchuan Mansion. Moreover, it is said that Wenchuan Mansion is the smallest Ghost King Mansion. It seems that this is indeed the case.

After entering the ghost mansion of Dujiang Mansion, Xiao Han let Chen Jin out.

It has been nourished in the soul orb for more than an hour, and the spirit has been much better. Chen Jin smiled bitterly: "Xiao Han, thank you, if it weren't for you, I would be dead!"

It is difficult for Chen Jin to escape from the Linglong coffin. Even if he tried his best to run out, I am afraid it would be the end of the battle, waiting to be slaughtered. Now that Xiao Han rescued him, he seemed much more relaxed, and the whole person let out a sigh of relief.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "It's okay, who made us friends."

"Xiao Han, you shot down the Dujiang Palace." Chen Jin smiled and said, "From now on, you will be the master of this Dujiang Palace."

"How can it work?" Xiao Han immediately shook his head when he heard it.

Chen Jin waved his hand immediately, and then said, "Since you shot it down, it belongs to you."

"What about you?" Xiao Han frowned.

"Me?" Chen Jin gave a wry smile, and then said: "I will stay here and manage it for you."

"That won't work!" Xiao Han immediately shook his head, and then said: "Anyway, I don't want to be the owner of this place anyway."

"Wait!" Chen Jin shook his head, and then said: "I tell you, if you become the master of Dujiang Mansion, the power of faith of hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers here will be of great benefit to your practice."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han asked.

Chen Jin hesitated for a while, and then said, "If you inherit this ghost mansion, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation, you don't want it?"

"Doesn't practice depend on your own efforts?" Xiao Han asked.

"The more you practice, the more you need to rely on the power of faith." Chen Jin smiled, and said: "It's simply too difficult to rely on your own efforts. If you want to be the ruler of one party, you will become a person like Xuan Lingzi. . Then you have to break into the universe and become the master of Shifang World, and make Shifang World, the object of the belief of hundreds of millions of believers. In this way, you can become a **** and become a spiritual cultivation body. Understand?"

Xiao Han still didn't understand.

"Let me say, you have a soul orb and a sky sword. It's better to take down all the seven hundred and twenty mansions and thirty-six counties in this underworld." Chen Jin suddenly soared and said: "So, You are the master of this underworld. You can have the faith of billions of ghost soldiers in the underworld. Absorb the power of their faith and become a god. How?"

"Can this be done?" Xiao Han was shocked.

He didn't expect that, in the world of practice, there is still such a practice.

This made him a little surprised.

This big world is really all odd.

Xiao Han thought it was amazing.

"Of course!" The ghost king nodded and said: "So, do you want to be the master of this Dujiang Mansion?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded immediately.

As long as it is helpful to the cultivation base, he has no way to refuse. Xiao Han knew that he needed a strong cultivation base to support himself in the world of cultivation. Without strong strength, it is impossible to gain a foothold in the spiritual world.

Not to mention the world of spiritual practice, even the current major sects are unfair.

Lu Xuan's strength is above her, and those sects now seem to want to deal with herself. If there is not enough strength, how can we defeat them? Let them surrender?

Now that he is not strong enough, he has to compromise with Lu Xuan. If he has enough strength, there is no need to compromise with him at all.

Nowadays, there is a shortcut in front of me, what reason do I not cherish?

"Good!" Chen Jin nodded and said, "Follow me!"

After speaking, Chen Jin led Xiao Han toward the ghost mansion.

Among the ghost mansion, it is much bigger and more beautiful than the ghost mansion of Wenchuan Mansion.

Walking into the ghost mansion, Chen Jin led Xiao Han into the core trend.

"Others are forbidden to enter!" Chen Jin said.

Everyone stopped, including Xiao Ruyue.

"Master, I am waiting for you here!" Xiao Ruyue said.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Afterwards, Chen Jin and Xiao Han walked in. The back room is overwhelming. It's gloomy and thorough. When Xiao Han stepped in, it was as if an ordinary person had entered the glacier. It's no wonder that Chen Jin didn't let anyone in. If Xiao Ruyue came in, she would inevitably freeze into ice and lose her life soon.

Along a black corridor, walked in.

In the innermost part, an ancestral hall, there are some ranked places. I don't know who it is.

This kind of place is so gloomy and creepy to look at.

"Where is this place?" Xiao Han asked.

"Every ghost city has an altar." Chen Jin said, "Use your blood to sacrifice the ancient souls and make them think you are the master. You can dominate this place."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Soon, Chen Jin bowed slightly, and then said, "Drip blood."

Xiao Han hesitated. Finally, he easily cut his finger and sprinkled a few drops of blood on the altar. Soon, a cloud of black air surged out. A demon opened his teeth and danced his claws: "Who awakened me?"

"Master." Chen Jin lowered his head and said, "Dujiang Mansion is about to change servants."

"Damn it, why does this kind of thing bother me?" the demon roared.

Xiao Han frowned, a little curious.

"Yes, I'm sorry to disturb you!" Chen Jin looked embarrassed.

"I want to eat you!" the demon roared.

When Xiao Han heard this, he scolded: "Shut up!"

The devil was stunned for a while, Xiao Han accused: "Let you do things, don't **** grind. Isn't it annoying!"

"Human kid?" The demon was taken aback, and roared: "I'm going to eat you, and your blood, eat your flesh, and devour your soul!"

"Try it!" Xiao Han roared.

Chen Jin was dumbfounded, this demon has boundless strength. Few people dare to talk to the devil like this. You know, if you want to get the devil's token, you must get his consent, otherwise, it is impossible to become the master of this Dujiang Mansion.

"Xiao Han!" Chen Jin said awkwardly.

"I have to teach it today!" Xiao Han was also on fire.

Upon seeing this, the devil spit out black mist. This black fog has a strong corrosive effect. Not to mention human beings, even if a ghost touches it, it will probably be melted away.

Xiao Lengren snorted, took out the soul beads, and absorbed the black mist without hesitation.

"Xuan Lingzi's soul orb?!" The demon was shocked.

"Hey, in this world, are there still things you are afraid of?" Xiao Lianlin hummed, "Today, I have to subdue you!"

(End of this chapter)

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