The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 910: Enter the ghost market

"I'm resting!" Liu Yiyi turned her back to Xiao Han, and said, "It hurts by you."

"Really?" Xiao Han said hurriedly when he heard it, "Does it matter?"

"It's okay." Liu Yiyi shook his head, then said: "I'll just take a rest."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

After lying on the bed for about half an hour, the maid knocked on the door.

"Miss, it's dinner!" the maid shouted.

"I see!" Liu Yiyi shouted.

The footsteps outside the door can be seen far away.

Liu Yiyi struggled, but felt very painful. She frowned, her legs trembled, and said, "Asshole, why does it hurt so much?"

"Because it is the first time in my life!" Xiao Han said.

"But..." Liu Yiyi frowned, and said: "Others didn't say that it hurts like this. They said it just hurts for a while, it won't keep hurting."

"This..." Xiao Han scratched his head, not knowing what to say for a while. Can you tell her that it is because of her size? This doesn't seem easy to say, right? Xiao Han could only vaguely said: "It may be because of personal physique. You belong to the constitution of fear of pain!"

"Oh!" Liu Yiyi nodded, she almost entered the bathroom with her legs in her arms.

After some washing, it seemed to be a little better. However, it is still a little unnatural when walking.


Coming down from the stairs, the two maids noticed something wrong with Liu Yiyi at a glance, and the two looked at each other with an imperceptible smile. It seems to say that the young lady's 19 years of virginity was taken away like this, but this is what you want, and they naturally can't say anything.

"Miss, the food is ready," the maid said.

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi nodded.

Xiao Han took Liu Yiyi's hand and sent her to the dining table with a slight support.

"You go down first, let's eat it ourselves!" Liu Yiyi waved.

"Yes!" The two nodded.

Liu Yiyi watched the two go down, and said: "It is very uncomfortable to be stared at!"

"That's because you have a ghost in your heart!" Xiao Han joked with a smile.

"You have a ghost in your heart!" Liu Yiyi snorted softly.

The dinner was very hearty, the maid’s craftsmanship was very good, and it tasted very good.

The taste here is very good and it tastes very delicious. Not only the taste is good, but the color is also very beautiful.

After dinner, Xiao Han took Liu Yiyi's hand for a walk in the community, and walked slowly along the artificial lake. On the road, there are many people walking slowly, and everyone is walking in their leisure time. Therefore, walking is relatively slow and comfortable.

"Xiao Han, you..." Liu Yiyi was very clever and said, "Do you have something to tell me!"

Compared to Xiao Han's daily performance, Xiao Han today seems a bit abnormal. On weekdays, Xiao Han would not stay with himself for such a long time. Today, there is something wrong with Xiao Han. So Liu Yiyi felt a little surprised.

"Oh!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "I have taken a long vacation with the school!"

"Long vacation?" Liu Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and said: "How long is the vacation?"

"It's probably going straight to summer vacation!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Why?" Liu Yiyi asked.

"Something happened." Xiao Han glanced at Liu Yiyi and said, "You also know that something happened to the Hanmen Group. Now that the Hanmen Group has gone to the United States, there are some things I need to deal with in the past. So, I hope you can understand!"

"Oh!" Liu Yiyi immediately understood.

Liu Yiyi has always regarded Xiao Han as a role model in his mind. Such a young man has such an achievement. No matter in any aspect, Xiao Han is an absolutely outstanding existence. His business talent, athletic talent, martial arts talent...

He is almost always an extremely good existence.

Liu Yiyi stopped suddenly and said, "Xiao Han, you..."

"The necklace I gave you, you have to wear it anytime and anywhere." Xiao Han warned earnestly.

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi nodded firmly and said, "I will definitely."

"That's good!" Xiao Han nodded seriously.

Liu Yiyi took Xiao Han's hand and said, "Xiao Han, I will wait for you to come back!"

"Fool, of course I will come back!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "I didn't smuggle to the United States, I went to the United States for work. When I have finished dealing with things over there, I will come back naturally!"

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi nodded.


All aspects have basically been explained, and the school has already greeted Chen Aiguo. There is no need to worry about the United States. Yang Lu leads a team that is intensively working on the formation of the Hanmen Group. Everything is proceeding according to the original track.

In a blink of an eye, May 15 is coming.

Xiao Han also greeted several friends in the dormitory and said that he was going to the United States.

Xiao Han found that going to the United States is a good reason to ask for leave and say goodbye. This is simply a very good proposal for them. Moreover, Xiao Han also discovered that no one would object. Because you are starting a business, this is inspirational and positive. So, this is a good thing for them.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

After tidying up, I finally invited a few brothers in the dormitory to have a meal together.

That night, Xiao Han packed up his things and went to Chang'an Cemetery.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the Chang'an Cemetery was all dark.

Today is the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, and the Yin Qi is very strong. Many disciples of the Maoshan School came to the cemetery from the city. Some people simply collected some Yin Qi and refined the talisman, while some people wanted to enter the ghost realm. Into the ghost market Taobao.

At this point, if anyone who appears in the cemetery is not a ghost, it is a person who pretends to be a ghost.

Upon arriving at the Chang'an Cemetery, I could faintly feel a lot of people flickering around. These people are all in the dark, unlike Xiao Han, this guy walked inside swaggeringly. At 11:45, there were not many people, Xiao Han could feel that there were four or five people hiding around, as if waiting for the moment when the ghost door opened.

When the ghost gate opens, a large number of ghosts will inevitably come out of it and search for food in the cemetery.

Xiao Han stood swaggeringly in the middle of the cemetery, with his strength, there was no need to worry about someone threatening his safety. Therefore, Xiao Han was not worried at all.

Soon, the ghost door opened.

Ghost in white, ghost in red...

Around, the hidden people still didn't move. It seems to be waiting for the first wave of ghosts to dissipate.

After all, there were too many ghosts in the first wave.

However, Xiao Han didn't care about this, he walked towards the ghosts head on.

"Fuck, this kid is going to die?"

"Do you really think your life is too big?"

"This kid is probably tired of life!"

The people hiding around frowned, Xiao Han was so arrogant that he dared to walk toward the ghost gate so openly. You know, there are a lot of ghosts in it. Moreover, the ghosts that emerged in the first wave are very powerful.

However, the next scene stunned everyone.


All the ghosts avoided Xiao Han one after another. Seeing him, it was like seeing some dangerous person. Whether it was a ghost in white clothes or a ghost in red, they didn't dare to approach Xiao Han within two meters. Even some green-eyed ghosts saw Xiao Han and stayed away.

"Does this kid have any magical weapons?"


The hidden person nodded repeatedly. Apart from this explanation, they could hardly believe other explanations.

Xiao Han passed through the ghost gate smoothly and entered the ghost zone. In the ghost zone, all kinds of wandering ghosts wander in it. These wandering spirits and wild ghosts hardly dared to approach Xiao Han, they all avoided and avoided them from a distance. It seemed that Xiao Han had an artifact exorcism installed on his body.

After walking for more than half an hour, I finally arrived at the ghost town.

On Xiao Han's shoulder, the ghost king turned white cat crawling.

"Go to the ghost town first," the ghost king said.

"Then what?" Xiao Han asked.

"Then go to the city to find a man named Lao Jin." Ghost King said.

"Why are you looking for him?" Xiao Han asked.

"Let him take you to the Devil's Forest!" The Ghost King smiled, and said: "If you want to enter the ghost domain, you must first go through the devil forest, then over the devil mountain, to the devil sea. Use the sky sword in your hand to split open The Devil Sea, and then through the chaotic time and space, you can reach the real ghost realm!"

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Since you are planning to take a risk, then simply risk it to the end. As the saying goes, good people do what they want and send Buddha to the west.

Enter the ghost town. I can still feel the feeling of yin, yin is compelling. Anyone who can come to a ghost city is an extraordinary person, and they have a way to resist the yin energy into the body. Xiao Han naturally didn't need to feel relieved that this yin energy entered his body.

Entered the city.

Following the instructions of the King of Ghosts, Xiao Han walked to a small black house.

Said it is a small black house, the house is completely black. It seems to be made of black bricks and tiles.


Xiao Han knocked on the door.

"Come in!" An old voice came from inside.

Xiao Han pushed open the door, and a cold yin air blew, and there was a deep chill. Xiao Han couldn't help but shivered all over his body.

"Is Lao Jin there?" Xiao Han didn't dare to enter, so he could only ask tremblingly at the door.

"I am!" the voice came again. However, this time, a shadow appeared in front of Xiao Han.

"You..." Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment.

Without waiting for Xiao Han to speak, the ghost king on the side showed his original shape.

The huge body suddenly blocked the door.

"Is that you?" Lao Jin glanced at the ghost king and smiled: "Are you finally back?"

"Yeah." The ghost king nodded and said, "Yeah, I want to go back and take revenge!"

"Vengeance?" Old Jin smiled and said: "Where is it so easy. Your underworld is occupied by people, and he is already training 100,000 ghost soldiers. How do you fight him?"

"I have my own way!" Ghost King said calmly.

"Moreover, you are injured and have not healed." Old Jin smiled bitterly: "What did you use to fight him?"

Although Xiao Han on the side listened to it, he could roughly understand it. The ghost king was driven away from the underworld, dove occupy the magpie's nest, and then train the army. Power in hand. Now, the ghost king has no soldiers in his hand, and he wants to retake his underworld. how is this possible?

(End of this chapter)

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