The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 909: the first time

Liu Yiyi likes and cherishes it very much.

However, judging from the appearance, color and luster of this diamond, it should not look like an ordinary diamond, so Liu Yiyi couldn't understand it either. But, after all, Xiao Han sent it off, so she liked it very much.

Liu Yiyi raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "You give me such a valuable thing?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Are you not afraid of your girlfriend being angry?" Liu Yiyi asked.

"Aren't you my girlfriend?" Xiao Han grinned.

Liu Yiyi blinked his eyes and said, "Really?"

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Kiss!" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han lowered his head and kissed Liu Yiyi's red lips, and Liu Yiyilian's face suddenly appeared crimson.

She lowered her head, bit her red lip lightly, and then said: "Bad guy, secretly a loved one!"

Xiao Han immediately became happy, it was clear that you let me kiss.

Xiao Han sought Liu Yiyi, just to give her this diamond necklace. Especially when I heard that the Wang family was going to deal with her, Xiao Han gave Liu Yiyi the last remaining diamond in his hand just in case. It can be regarded as a magic weapon for her to have a body protection.

This diamond necklace was something from Xuan Lingzi's life, and now it was cut into pieces by Xiao Han. This thing not only has the effect of nourishing the body, but also has the ability of tempering and protecting the Lord. Once attacked, this necklace can form an airtight defense.

Therefore, this thing must not be underestimated.

However, Liu Yike didn't know this, she just knew that the diamond was very valuable.

The two held hands, and Xiao Han kept sending Liu Yiyi to her villa.

"How about going to my house for dinner?" Liu Yiyi took Xiao Han's hand.

"Okay!" Xiao Han thought for a while, and he will go to Ghost Domain in two days. If you don't hurry up with Liu Yiyi now, there will be no chance in the future.

So, after thinking about it, Xiao Han stepped into the door of Liu's house.

In Liu Yiyi's villa, there are only Liu Yiyi and two maids. The two maids are here to take care of Liu Yiyi.

Entering the villa, it is very magnificent. After all, it was the first villa of the Liu family, and a huge amount of money was spent on renovation.

Liu Yiyi seemed very happy, and also very jubilant.

Seeing that the two had returned, the maid started busy making dinner.

"Xiao Han, look at an oil painting I recently painted." Liu Yiyi took Xiao Han upstairs.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Afterwards, the two went to the studio on the second floor.

In the studio, a huge oil painting is not yet finished. However, most of it has been painted.

This is a landscape painting, the style is very good, and the style is very beautiful. It feels very good. Between the mountains, a bright red sun rose. Shine all things, all things live. It looks very good.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "Yes, when was this painting painted?"

"Two months ago!" Liu Yiyi smiled.

"Hey, let me make up for you!" Xiao Han walked up.

"Okay!" Liu Yiyi nodded hurriedly. She helped Xiao Han make the color, and Liu Yiyi asked, "What kind of color do you want?"

"Tune No. 7 green and No. 27 green!" Xiao Han replied.

"Okay!" Liu Yiyi nodded.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Look at me!"

After speaking, Xiao Han immediately took the paintbrush, and then used the paintbrush to paint on the canvas.

Between the cliffs, a beautiful pine tree leaped on the drawing paper.

"Pretty!" Liu Yiyi said in surprise.

A welcoming pine looks extremely beautiful. There is no sense of violation at all. The most important thing is that these are merged together, as if they are completely natural. It feels very good.

Xiao Han put down his brush with satisfaction, and said, "That's it!"

"Pretty, so beautiful!" Liu Yiyi exclaimed, "It's the finishing touch!"

"It's okay!" Xiao Han smiled and said: "In this landscape painting, the mountain must have the spirit of the mountain, and the water must have the aura of water!"

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "I think what you said is particularly reasonable!"

She looked at Xiao Han with admiration.

"Silly girl." Xiao Han squeezed Liu Yiyi's face.

"I'm not stupid!" Liu Yiyi pursed his lips.

"Of course you are not stupid!" Xiao Han smiled: "You are the most talented girl I have ever seen to learn oil painting."

"Really?" Liu Yiyi blinked.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded.

Liu Yiyi smiled, and then said, "Thank you for the compliment!"

With peach blossoms on her face, Liu Yiyi looked charming and charming. Xiao Han looked optimistic.

How can I be indifferent to such a delicate flower. Besides, the two are also adult men and women, and they have good feelings with each other. And it's something you love me. Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't help lowering his head, and then gently kissed Liu Yiyi's red lips.

This kiss made Liu Yiyi happy.

Liu Yiyi embraced Xiao Han's neck with both hands, and he was almost hung on Xiao Han's neck. Xiao Han was holding Liu Yiyi's waist, and the two seemed to be a natural pair. They have been entangled since ancient times. It seems to be two meteorites permanently stuck together. We have been together since the time of the Big Bang.

The two embraced each other and depended on each other.

After a long time, the two people separated.


Liu Yiyi breathed the fresh air with big mouthfuls, and said, "I almost suffocated me."

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled.

"Or..." Liu Yiyi blinked and said, "Shall we go back to the room?"

"Why are you going to the room?" Xiao Han asked.

"What do you mean?" Liu Yiyi's face flushed.

"Let's go!" Upon seeing this, Xiao Han immediately understood her intentions, and he took Liu Yiyi and quickly walked towards the bedroom.

In the bedroom.

Lonely man and widow.

Liu Yiyi is very beautiful, and she makes people afraid to profanity.

This is Liu Yiyi's first time, so Xiao Han hopes to leave her with tenderness and memories. The reason why Liu Yiyi wants to give her body to Xiao Han is because she thinks Xiao Han is a man worth relying on. From his illness to recovery, what did Xiao Han do for himself? What did you get? All this, Liu Yiyi saw in his eyes and remembered in his heart. If it weren't for Xiao Han, he might not have a second life.

This is beyond doubt.

Therefore, it is very worthy of entrusting one's own body whether it is from a rational or emotional point of view.

At least, from Liu Yiyi's point of view, this is reasonable.

Liu Yiyi took off her white skirt legs, and her figure was really to the extreme.

There is no trace of fat on his body. There is no flaw. Skin is like snow, muscle is like jade. The proportion of the figure is right, the front is arched and the back is warped. A woman has a good frame, and what kind of clothes she wears makes her look comfortable.

That round and straight butt, definitely makes people feel extremely shocked. In this world, there is such a beautiful girl.

However, it can also be seen from her figure that the young girl is indeed the most beautiful time.

Xiao Han almost stared blankly.

"Fool, what are you doing in a daze?" Liu Yiyi stared at Xiao Han.

"I..." Xiao Han was a little shy.

"Come on!" Liu Yiyi had only underwear left.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and took off his clothes. This time, he decided to hesitate.

If such an extreme girl is not his own, Xiao Han will feel that he has failed God's kindness. No woman can surpass Liu Yiyi's appearance and figure. At least Xiao Han believes that whether it is Chen Zihan or Lan Yudie, although the figure is good, it is not as extreme as Liu Yiyi, but I don't know the figure of the island owner Lu Xuan of Penglai Island? Maybe, only her figure can fight Liu Yiyi.

The clothes faded away, leaving only the most primitive sex.

Liu Yiyi's face was flushed, flushing to the neck.

Xiao Han held Liu Yiyi and felt her smooth skin with his body. Both hands gently unzipped her underwear, and in that moment, the pair of proud **** came out. Suddenly, the perfect figure was revealed. It makes people feel exceptionally perfect.

"No..." Although Liu Yiyi was prepared, she was still a little uncomfortable when she was suddenly taken off her clothes. Although Xiao Han was the closest man to her, she couldn't be completely unkind. Wait for it.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Let me come!"

After speaking, he gently moved Liu Yiyi's hands, and then pinched her full pair with both hands.

It is really tough, this is definitely the toughness that a girl her age has. Xiao Han squeezed hard. Annoyed Liu Yiyi exclaimed again and again.

Xiao Han couldn't bear it anymore. How could he bear it when faced with such a stunning beauty and such a beautiful girl, he couldn't help but rushed forward.

In the room, beautiful rippling.

Not long after, an exclamation came.

On the bed sheet, blood stained the bed sheet red, like a flower that can be seen blooming with the naked eye. More like a rose dyed red.


In the room, the charm is scattered.

The two men lay panting on the bed, Liu Yiyi lying on Xiao Han's body like an octopus. He was covered with delicate sweat.

Xiao Han held Liu Yiyi with both hands.

"Does it hurt?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi's face flushed, and the red tide did not go away.

"Then take a good break," Xiao Han said.

"If you don't quit, how can I rest?" Liu Yiyi's face turned redder.

When Xiao Han heard this, he laughed and said, "Okay, I will come out!"

As soon as Xiao Han came out, Liu Yiyi was so painful that she could not worry about the bed sheet being stained red. She fell on the bedside and rested hard. Want to fight for rejuvenation. You know, dinner will be ready soon. If they see you when you get off the building, what should you do?

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"I'm fine!" Liu Yiyi shook his head.

"Ang..." Xiao Han blinked his eyes and said, "Then why are you silent?"

(End of this chapter)

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