"Yeah!" Hulu boy didn't refute for the first time.

Afterwards, Wang Mang left. Standing on top of Zi Mang's head, he quickly left the deserted island.

As soon as Wang Mang left, the calabash boy stood on the abrupt boulder. This time, he closed his eyes with intense thoughts in his heart. After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes. A ray of intense light, the light directed towards the sky.

"I get it!" The Calabash boy said lightly, "Supernatural power!"

After speaking, he quickly formed seals, and people slowly floated up.

The whole body, surrounded by rays of light, formed an unbreakable shield.

Before long, a brilliant light fell from the sky. In the sky, the billowing clouds seemed to be torn apart by a brilliant light. Then, a huge gourd fell from the sky.


That huge gourd suddenly hit the ground. Suddenly, the mountain burst and the ground cracked, and the ground that was originally cracked, coupled with this magical attack. At that moment, the sea water poured in, destroying the world.


The calabash boy fell from the sky and fell on the boulder.

If he hadn't put two red charms on his chest in advance for the magical power just now, I'm afraid he would have died just now. At that moment, the spiritual energy in the body was evacuated, and then the two red talisman successively had the effect of aura, and the surrounding aura was emptied. Only then has it reached the point of triggering supernatural powers.

Huh, Huh...

The calabash boy was overjoyed, he said excitedly: "Okay, great!"

As soon as Wang Mang walked away, he felt that strong energy from a distance. He turned his head and looked at that deserted island incredibly. When he saw the magical powers descend from the sky, he realized that he had succeeded!


Wang Mang quickly turned back.

He knew that once the Calabash boy succeeded in his magical powers, then someone would have to deal with him in secret, so, in order to prevent him from being killed, he decisively turned back.

In fact, before he arrived at the scene, someone had already arrived.

Several disciples from Penglai Island have surrounded them.

"This kid has realized magical powers. Brothers, kill him first when he is weak!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Afterwards, a group of people immediately surrounded him, and the others killed the Calabash Boy.

"Damn it!" Gourd boy gritted his teeth. He didn't expect that the people of Penglai Xiandao had always prided themselves on being upright and upright. He didn't expect to do such a thing. He gritted his teeth and said: "Who dares to come, I will kill you today!"

"Shao Xiaoqiang, you will definitely die today!" The leading disciple in white snorted and said, "Go to hell!"

After speaking, several people immediately jumped on.

The calabash boy smiled secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that a trace of spiritual power in his body was gone. How could he be able to challenge? At this time, he was not even as good as an ordinary person, anyhow ordinary people still had the strength to escape, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

When the calabash boy lamented in his heart.


Suddenly, a group of dark shadows flashed.


Then, a group of flames exploded in front of the disciples on Penglai Island.

The flames rose, and the disciples from Penglai Island immediately flew far away.

"Who?" the leading disciple roared.

At this time, a purple mantle slowly fell in the air.

"Wang Mang?" The Calabash boy was shocked and said, "You...didn't you leave?"

"Seeing that you have realized the magical powers, so, I think someone will definitely not let you go!" Wang Mang sneered: "Sure enough, as I expected, the people on Penglai Island will not let you go!"

"Why?" the calabash boy asked.

"Why do you want us to stay and practice because of the people on Penglai Island?" Wang Mang sneered, "They have their own plans and ideas in their hearts."

"You mean?" The Calabash boy frowned.

"Although I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's the top ten." Wang Mang smiled, and then said: "So, you figure it out, I think you'd better leave with me now, otherwise, wait a while. The army is here, you can't leave if you want to go!"

"Good!" The calabash boy nodded.

Wang Mang grabbed his arm and threw him on the back of the snake.

"Wang Mang, you must be presumptuous!" the disciple of Penglai Island roared.

Wang Mang sneered, and then said, "What do you mean by this? Is it possible that you dare to stop me?"

"He must die!" the disciple angered.

"Why?" Wang Mang asked.

"Huh, the teacher is alive, any outer disciple who understands supernatural powers will be killed immediately." The disciple of Penglai Island sneered.

"Haha!" Wang Mang laughed.

But the mood of the calabash boy suddenly fell to the bottom. Unexpectedly, Penglai Island really did not feel good about it, saying that the five best people in the league competition were taking in Penglai Island to practice. Unexpectedly, all of this turned out to be a conspiracy, deliberately leaving the best five people behind, and these five people may be the most powerful people who can understand supernatural powers. Now it’s good. It turns out that they deliberately wanted to kill to understand supernatural powers. People.

A smile was raised at the corner of Wang Mang's mouth, he grinned, and then said: "Boy, now you know their conspiracy?"

"When did you know about it?" the calabash boy asked.

"From the first time I advised you not to comprehend magical powers." Wang Mang smiled.

After speaking, Wang Mang immediately rose up and left the scene quickly. Abandon the few Penglai Island disciples who were hysterical and cursed.

The calabash boy lay on the back of the snake, restoring the lost spiritual power in his body.

It is impossible to recover in a short while.

As for the use of red symbols, if you have to, you will never waste it easily.

Wang Mang brought the Calabash boy out of the site of Penglai Pavilion, and the two parted ways.

"Wang Mang, this time I owe you a life." Calabash boy said.

"Remember, your life is mine!" Wang Mang left triumphantly.

For Wang Mang, saving the opponent is more effective than killing the opponent. After all, making friends with someone who understands magical powers will be more or less useful in the future. Watching Wang Mang leave, the Calabash boy raised his head and sighed.

Unexpectedly, the dignified Penglai Island was such a sloppy place, fortunately I looked up there so much. And he almost died there.

The calabash boy decided to go back to Men Kongtong Mountain first. As for the future, let's talk about it later.



A girl in a green dress was standing on the top of Mount Emei. The girl looked coquettish and frowned.

Last time, in order to save her senior sister, she exchanged her body for a marrow pill from Xiao Han. That washing marrow pill is one of the rewards Xiao Han won in the league tournament leader. Now, Senior Sister has been rescued, and Xisui Dan has successfully forced the poison out of Senior Sister's body. However, Nightingale has been wondering, is her body really going to be given to Xiao Han? Is my chastity really only worth a marrow pill?

"Nightingale!" At this moment, a voice came from behind.

In those mountains and green hills, the business is like a bird screaming.

"Senior sister?" Nightingale turned her head.

Behind him, there was a woman in a white dress, who was 1.68 meters tall, had very long legs, and had a beautiful and delicate face. Slightly better than Nightingale, so beautiful. Two beauties stood on the cliff, as if they were two stunning fairies. She is the sister of Nightingale, named Ye Yu

"What are you doing here?" Ye Yu asked.

"Oh, I am here to relax!" Nightingale replied.

"There was a news from the foot of the mountain just now." Although the toxin in Ye Yu's body was forced out, it did not heal.

"What news?" Nightingale asked in surprise.

"I heard that the head of Qingcheng Mountain is dead!" Ye Yu said.

"Really?" Nightingale was stunned for a moment, and said, "The head of Liu is so powerful, how could he die easily? Is it sitting?"

"No!" Ye Yu shook his head and said: "I was killed by someone else. Moreover, I killed him in his illusion!"

"Who? So powerful?" Nightingale couldn't help but marvel, and said: "How powerful is it to kill Liu Zhangmen from his fantasy realm?"

"You know this person!" Ye Yu looked at her.

"I know?" Nightingale looked at her senior sister in astonishment.

"It's the Xiao Han you've been thinking about!" Ye Yu's mouth raised slightly

Nightingale was startled: "Xiao Han?! He actually killed Liu's head? How could it be possible? Although he is powerful, but Liu's head is already a 130-year-old monster, powerful and even more magical, he ..."

"Now, the whole practice world has received the news!" Ye Yu said: "They are discussing this matter. It seems that Xiao Han has already aroused anger and is likely to be besieged by various sects!"

"Why?" Nightingale was shocked.

Xiao Han is kind to her, she naturally does not want Xiao Han to be bullied. And now, the various big sects are going to unite to deal with Xiao Han. This is... too shocking, right? Therefore, Nightingale couldn't believe it.

Ye Yu smiled and said, "Yes, Master also received news just now. It is said that the major sects are going to Penglai Island for a meeting to discuss this matter.

"Why?" Nightingale asked again.

"First, Xiao Han broke the rules of the spiritual world and killed innocent people indiscriminately." Ye Yu sighed and said: "Secondly, Xiao Han's abilities, supernatural powers and talents have surpassed anyone's cognition. This made the big sects feel an unprecedented threat. Therefore, only by killing Xiao Han can this threat disappear from their hearts!"

"That's too unfair." Nightingale said hurriedly.

"This is the decision of the big sects, it has nothing to do with us!" Ye Yu shook his head.

"Senior Sister, it doesn't matter, if it wasn't for Xiao Han's marrow pill, you wouldn't be able to force the poison out of your body!" Nightingale said.

"Isn't that what you exchanged with your body?" Ye Yu laughed.

"No!" Nightingale shook her head and said, "He didn't want my body, but just said casually. However, I don't know if he will want me in the future. Sister, if one day, he asks for my body, Then... what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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